Immortal Love

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Immortal Love Page 23

by Victoria Craven

  Darkness came quickly. The tightening of fear in her chest nearly forced her to tears, but she wouldn’t allow Robert McPhearson’s men to reduce her to that.

  One thing was for certain. The real terror hadn’t started yet. Once inside Aurora Castle, she would be at the mercy of Robert McPhearson.

  Chapter Thirty

  Dominick was having difficulty seeing in the quickly fading light. He slowed his horse to a stop. Desperately, he looked toward his friend.

  “Erik,” he said, frustrated that the fading light was keeping him from moving on. You know what to do.”

  Erik threw back his head, he let out a great howl in the velvety night. Then stopped to listen. He raised his voice again.

  Dominick listened in the silence that surrounded them. Then Erik’s call was answered. Eerily, the haunting sound came from deep in the forest. Erik’s eyes glowed with a ghostly light as he called again. He looked more from the underworld than human.

  The howling came closer in a cacophony of sound. The horses whinnied and stamped the ground. Clamping his knees tightly to Aries’ sides, Dominick commanded him to be still.

  “God’s blood,” one man whispered.

  “What devil is at work here?” another man said.

  “Silence!” Dominick ordered. “There is no devilry here. Any man who thinks otherwise will deal with me.”

  The men became silent.

  Erik dismounted and stared into the darkness. Soon, a large gray wolf and his pack stood before him. Erik knelt on one knee, honoring the great wolf. The wolf bowed his head as Erik reached out his hand. To Dominick’s amazement the wolf stepped forward and allow Erik’s mind to connect with him.

  Moments passed before they broke apart. Erik’s eyes still held their strange light as he remounted.

  “Dominick, tell your men to follow in single file directly behind me.”

  Calling to his captain, Dominick conveyed the orders. Torches were passed to every third man, lighting the way.

  He took his place behind Erik. “Ready when you are.”

  Erik let out another spine-chilling howl. The gray wolf disappeared into the forest, Erik right behind him. Dominick followed. The pack of wolves followed in two single file lines on either side of the company, barking if a horse strayed out of line.

  They moved with speed through the forest. Dominick’s thoughts turned toward Eleanor. He knew that even traveling through the night he would not reach her in time to keep her from being taken to Aurora, but he swore when he got there, he would tear it down one stone at a time.

  His mind reached out to Isolde.

  She’s safe for now, she answered.

  Gratefully, Dominick was able to loosen the knot that bound his heart.

  He sent a mental prayer to Eleanor, begging her to be strong until he reached her.

  Liam bent down to hand Eleanor bread and cheese. “Eat. You must keep up your strength. We will only be here a few hours. Just long enough to rest the horses, and then we will move on.” He walked back to the campfire.

  She thought they would be staying the night, giving Randolf time to get there. Hoping it hadn’t been too long before he discovered her absence, she prayed he wasn’t too far away.

  Eleanor, I’m with you.

  Startled, she dropped her meal in her lap.

  “Mother?” she whispered, gazing around the shadows of the forest, seeing nothing.

  Liam sent her a questioning look

  Quickly she bent her head down pretending to be eating her food. When she was sure no one was looking, she continued to scan the forest for any sign of her mother.

  He is coming. Be strong.

  Eleanor looked back at the camp. Apparently no one else had heard the ghostly voice. Relief nearly brought her to tears. Dominick was on his way, but if Liam’s men broke camp in a few hours there was no way he would reach her in time.

  Eleanor didn’t remember falling asleep until she was shaken gently awake. Disoriented, she discovered herself lying near the fire and covered with a blanket. She didn’t remember how she’d come to be there.

  “God’s teeth, you’re a sound sleeper,” came Liam’s voice.

  “H—how did I get here,” she said her voice thick with sleep.

  “I carried you. I have never seen anyone sleep so soundly.” He stood. “Now come, it’s time for us to go.”

  When she woke it was still dark. Her head suddenly swam as she rose from the ground. The ground pitched and Liam caught her before she fell.

  “What is the matter with you, woman?”

  She quickly pushed out of Liam’s arms, but the nausea rolling in her stomach was difficult to settle. “Nothing. I just stood too fast.”

  Liam eyed her suspiciously. “If that is all then we must hurry.”

  The men broke up the camp, by kicking dirt on the fires and bedrolls and supplies being strapped on the horses.

  Eleanor didn’t resist when Liam pulled her to his horse. He mounted first then one of his men handed her up behind him.

  He took her hands and with a soft ribbon he bound them in front of him.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, alarmed.

  “I’m making sure you don’t try to jump off the horse and hurt yourself in attempt to escape.”

  “You need not worry about my escaping.”

  I beg your pardon, my lady, but I can’t take the chance of trusting you.”

  “Struck by indignation, “Trust? I’m being kidnapped and taken as hostage, and you’re telling me about trust?”

  “At least you know why you have been taken. My people have no idea why their land has been taken, except for the greed of a king.

  “The only greed I see here is coming from your narcissistic brother and you.

  “I care not for what my brother wants. I only care about the people who lost their land by borders being crossed.

  “If that’s true then why have you taken me?”

  “As a warming to the king that we will no longer tolerate his invasion on our land.

  “You will only bring more war and suffering to your people.

  Liam chuckled. I will not discuss politics with a pretty maid who obviously doesn’t understand the suffering of people.

  “What!” She pulled back hard on her bound hands forcing a grunt from her captor. “I know more about suffering of people than you can imagine, thanks in part to your brother.”

  “You wear fine clothes. I don’t think you suffered too much.”

  Her hands balled into fists, and she strained against her bonds. “You know nothing of my life. Before Dominick arrived, your brother managed to kill half the men in my village. He tortured and killed my friend’s husband, and now she’s left to raise four children on her own.

  “We were starving all for the sake of your brother’s greed. If not for my husband we would have all perished. Thanks to him, Godwin has been given new life, and its people prosper.”

  Liam’s hands settled gently on her fists. “Be still, my lady. I apologize if I have offended you.

  For hours not another word was spoken. They rode hard through the night. The sky began to pale with the new day. During their flight, Eleanor did not only think of herself being trapped and torment by Robert, she now worried about her people when they were once again plunged into war. She had no doubt that Dominick would retaliate against McPhearson’s for kidnapping her.

  Without him knowing, it Eleanor saw the conflict on Liam’s face. She hoped it was indecision about bringing her to his brother. He had to know that her people suffered by Robert’s hands.

  She knew politics clouded Liam’s judgment when he aligned himself with Robert. His hate for the King was clear upon his face.

  Liam had to know his brother did it for power. But Liam was committed, and for whatever reason, this would be a black eye for the King. If Liam placed her in Robert’s hands, it would most definitely mean her doom. If she were harmed, she was sure there would be no measure of mercy from the Dominick to
those responsible.

  Approaching Aurora she grew more panicked. The thought of her at Robert’s mercy twisted in her gut. Her hands trembled. Liam’s large hand wrapped around them. “It will be all right, lass.”

  “Once inside, it will never be all right. I have encountered your brother before.”

  He squeezed her hands. It will all work out in the end.

  Inside Aurora’s walls it would be the end.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  It was now light enough to see the forest clearly. Erik had broken his connection with the wolf and his pack. “I have asked them to stay close," Erik said, his voice weary from the strain of the long communication with the animal.

  They were at least another day from Aurora. Dominick could not douse his anxiety, but he could not deny everyone’s fatigue. “We will rest here to eat and water our horses.”

  When camp was made and his men settled down to their meal, Dominick paced the perimeter of the encampment, unable to settle his fears. Images of Robert McPhearson with Eleanor drove his anxiety deeper into gut. He called out to Isolde’s spirit, but she did not come. His troubled mind kept her from reaching him.

  He had to force his mind to quiet in case Isolde tried to contact him. Walking deeper into the woods, he found a fallen tree and sat down with his back against the trunk. Closing his eyes he slowed his breathing. Dominick knew he was opening a door he had closed long ago, but contact with Isolde was his only link to Eleanor.

  The door unlocked. He called to Isolde, and she appeared before him.

  She’s in Aurora Castle.

  He had to force himself to breath normally or he would lose contact with her. “Is she all right?”

  For now she’s safe.

  A small edge of relief nudged through his tight anxiety.

  Your brother is close to her. He waits for you on the southern border of Aurora.

  His brother knew he was coming. Randolf’s instincts were sharp. Whenever danger was close, he always knew where Dominick was. All his life Dominick had thought it was because they were siblings, yet now Randolf knew where Eleanor was. Clearly Randolf’s instincts were not limited to Dominick.

  He turned back to Isolde’s apparition. “I need to see her.”

  She reached out and touched his heart. His mind raced toward Aurora Castle. He saw Eleanor standing bravely before Robert McPhearson. He couldn’t hear what was being said, but he could tell that his enemy didn’t like that she didn’t cower.

  “Guard yourself, my love,” he spoke out loud.

  One never knew when a snake like McPhearson was going to strike.

  With her hand still on his heart, Isolde spoke again in his mind. Sleep now, Dominick, for she will have need of her warrior.

  Her nightmare stood before her. She locked her knees to keep them from buckling. Liam’s hand remained on Eleanor’s arm. Drawing up her courage she faced Robert with a façade of indifference. The parasite fed on the fears of others. She would not give him the satisfaction of being one of his victims.

  “McPhearson, you have gone too far. My husband will wage a war against you.”

  Robert screwed his face into an unpleasant smile. “Gone too far? My dear, I haven’t gone far enough.”

  She wasn’t sure what he meant, but kept silent, knowing he would try to taunt her with his plan.

  Robert turned to his brother. “You may leave us now, Liam.”

  Liam stepped slightly in front of her. “Not until I see the lady safely settled in her own chambers.”

  “Chivalry doesn’t become you, Brother.” Robert waved him off. “Why don’t you go back to the animals you play with and leave what needs to be done to me?”

  Liam’s moved his lips into a fine line. He stepped closer, towering over Robert. “It’s a mistake to make an enemy of me, dear brother, for I’m all that stands between you and the executioner’s axe.” Liam placed his hands on his hips. “I will see the lady to her chambers. You have no further need of her now.” He took Eleanor’s hand and led her out of the hall and up to a small room with only a bed and a table. Light from a window stretched across the floor and onto the hearth on the opposite end of the room. The walls were made of unbreachable stone.

  This was to be her prison.

  “You should be safe here,” Liam said.

  She sat down on the bed. “No, I won’t be safe here. Your brother is a predator. I will never be safe while in his home.”

  Liam made no attempt to dispute it. “Rest. You have had a long journey. This will all be over soon.”

  “My husband will not give in to your brother’s demands.”

  “We shall see, my lady.”

  “You overestimate my importance to him. His loyalty to the King is unwavering.” It was a lie. She knew Dominick would put her ahead of all things. His love for her was strong.

  “I don’t believe Dominick would sacrifice you for a piece of land.”

  “How would you know that?”

  “I wouldn’t.” His voice bore conviction. “You didn’t cry or scream when you were taken. You fought. And when I brought you to my brother, you were afraid, but you didn’t whimper or cower. You stood up to him. Admirable traits in anyone, man or woman.”

  He lifted her chin to look directly into her eyes. “Put aside your fear, Eleanor and hold on to your anger. It will keep you safe.” He stepped away. “Rest now.”

  He left, closing the door behind him.

  Stupid fool! Robert McPhearson chuckled to himself, as he sipped his wine in the steaming tub of water. By using Liam’s hatred for King William, Robert had manipulated him into bringing Eleanor to Aurora. Liam thought all he wanted was that piece of land. He didn’t deny that he wanted Godwin. It was within his grasp. But little did Liam know he planned to take Eleanor as well. And now she was in his castle to do with as he pleased.

  He got hard thinking of the delights he would have with her. He imagined her curled up and cowering, begging him not to hurt her. He would be all-powerful over her, and she would bend to his will. A slick smiled curved on his face.

  He thought of Dominick and the sweet revenge he would have on him by taking his wife. He fantasized about capturing The Immortal and making him watch as he violated his wife. Then when he was through, he would slit Dominick’s throat, right in front his beloved bride.

  Humiliated by her resistance to marriage, his resolve to have her settled on him like a sickness. Dominick’s intervention on her behalf made it more severe. Now he would have his revenge on both. With Eleanor as hostage, he would convince Dominick to enter Aurora alone. Once inside he would be at his mercy. “How sweet. How very, very sweet.”

  Eleanor lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. Night drew near, and her anxiety elevated with each passing hour. Soon McPhearson would be there. Her stomach clenched in revulsion. The thought of his hands on her made her skin crawl.

  He was a toad in comparison to his brother. She’d never seen two brothers more different. Dominick and Randolf were similar in size and height. They both had the same insight and the same compassion.

  Liam and Robert were not the same. Along with their obvious physical differences, Robert McPhearson was cruel, whereas Liam possessed compassion. Robert was self-serving. Liam was loyal.

  It was obvious when they had ridden through the castle gates that the people of Aurora admired Liam. He showed a real fondness for them. As Eleanor looked around she had discovered that the villagers were suffering. They lived in destitution and squalor. McPhearson’s cruelty showed even on his people.

  If Aurora’s people were any indication, the evil tyrant would show her no mercy.

  Her hand went to her stomach. “Hold tight in there, little one. Your father will come for us soon.”

  Though unsure what the night would bring, she knew Dominick was coming after her, and she held on to that thought

  Eleanor’s heart lurched when the door opened and a guard stepped in. She let out a loud sigh of relief when a maid entered with a t
ray. “Your food, my lady.”

  The girl’s cheek was swollen with a fresh bruise. Eleanor made the assumption that it must have come from McPhearson. He was an animal. “Thank you, but I’m not hungry.”

  Putting the tray on the table beside her said. “Oh, but you must eat something. You must fortify yourself.”

  The girl looked intently upon Eleanor’s face and then looked down at a napkin she held.

  “You must eat something,” she insisted loudly, placing the napkin on Eleanor’s lap.

  Something hard lay in the folds of the fabric. She was about to unwrap the napkin when the girl stopped her from unfolding it.

  “Eat, my lady. It will make you feel better.” The maid gave Eleanor a knowing look, then turned and left.

  Quickly Eleanor unfolded the napkin and discovered a dagger. The young woman had given her a means to defend herself, or was it an act of revenge? Either way Eleanor was grateful.

  She tucked the dagger underneath her pillow where she’d have easy access to it. Then she waited. Nervously, she paced the bedroom. When darkness fell she lit the candles on the table. They cast eerie shadows on the wall. Her stomach tightened with apprehension. She turned her wedding ring around and around on her finger, praying she would have the strength to get through the night.

  It comforted her to say Dominick’s name over and over, knowing he would come for her soon. Despair washed over her. She knew she would not be rescued in time to keep McPhearson away from her. Aurora was a fortress, nearly impossible to penetrate. How long could McPhearson hold out for a siege? She hoped she could survive it.

  Eleanor studied the darkness out the window for any sign of rescue. She could see none. No campfires, no torches, not any sign of life.

  She pressed her head against the window. A chill crawled up her spine as she heard the door to her room creak open. There he was. Turning around she pulled hard on her courage. When she looked into his evil, smiling face, her body felt drained of blood. Shards of fear pierced her heart.

  He moved closer. Robert reached out to stroke her cheek. “Together at last. You have no idea how long I have waited.”

  “Get your hands off me,” she shouted slapping his hand away.


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