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Dear Santa: A Bad Boy Christmas Romance

Page 51

by Lulu Pratt

And I can see right now that every penny will be hard-fought.

  Cooling down from our brief meeting, I reach for my phone and view the picture serving as my lock screen.

  It’s a classroom full of grinning kindergarteners. They’re beaming brighter than the paint splattered across some of their cheeks and clothes.

  A smile touches my lips as I remember the day vividly. Each student had covered their hands with different colored paint before leaving their handprints on a huge puzzle piece. The project was to show our solidarity with students from all walks of life and all ability levels. While the artwork dried, the kids made a video stating why they believed all their friends deserved equal respect and treatment in the classroom.

  It is a day I will remember forever. Such pure souls united for a cause near and dear to my heart.

  The principal even displayed the artwork at the front of the school during Autism Awareness month. Nothing had been able to wipe away the proud smiles on my students’ faces when they passed it every morning.

  My heart swells as the memory blankets me in the same warm fuzzies I felt at the time.

  This is why I’m here.

  The reminder is necessary and I’ll chant it like a mantra if it gets me through this summer with Edward Knight as my boss.

  Still, I think a drink and some girl chat will do wonders to help me recover from the crazy whirlwind that today has been.

  Swiping upward, I unlock my phone and text my best friend, Charli.

  Crazy day. Up for happy hour and snacks at Banana Boat?

  I know the mere mention of food will sway her in the right direction.

  A few minutes later, I’m clicking through emails when my phone buzzes.

  You know I’m in! What time? NOW?! Can’t wait to see your gorgeous face xo

  Smiling, I send a reply and get back to work. Charli’s company will lift my spirits in a heartbeat and I can’t wait to get her take on my current dilemma.

  With something to look forward to, the rest of my day passes quickly. When five o’clock rolls around, I can’t get out of there fast enough.

  Time to unwind.



  “Please tell me you’re going to call him!” Charli erupts as I finish the long-winded recap of my day.

  The waterfront bar I chose is teeming with people despite it being a Monday night. The summer air is warm, pulling people who would usually stay home out for a night of fun. Loud music is blaring as people dance and chat.

  Charli and I are seated in a far back corner, as secluded as we can possibly get in a place like this.

  She can find no fault in what I told her about Andrew and looks positively thrilled at the prospect of me “climbing him like a tree” as she so eloquently put it.

  I can’t even pretend like that’s not exactly what I want. My stomach is quivering as I recall the way his eyes pierced me with their focused intent. He didn’t have to say a word and still I melted like the ice at the bottom of my glass.

  “Fuck your uptight new boss,” Charli declares loyally, her amber eyes defiant on my behalf. “I say you screw Andrew’s brains out and ask him for the donation instead. It’s not like he can’t afford it.”

  Uncontrollable laughter bubbles out of me at her bold suggestion.

  “Girl, I’m serious,” she deadpans, shoving her overgrown bangs from her face. “Let him eat your cookie at least.”

  My shoulders are shaking by now, my right hand clasped over my chest. This is exactly why I called her up. In six years of friendship, Charli’s never failed to make me laugh by saying exactly what I’m thinking.

  We met during our senior year of college and have been hanging tight ever since. She’s the only reason I’m in this town in the first place. After graduation, she landed me a job interview with the principal who hired her and the rest is history.

  “Hell, one of us should have a fun summer break before we return to Harper’s View Elementary,” she says.

  Sliding her an indolent smile from across the table, I wait for her to continue. Because I just know she’s not done. Charli is never done.

  “You know I’m right.” She twists a lock of her curly ebony hair around her finger. “When school starts, neither one of us will have energy to do anything but drink cheap wine in our yoga pants after work.”

  Ain’t that the truth?

  As convincing as she is, I still know that I can’t go there. My “career” at Castle is too new and way too fragile to add in other complications at the moment. Especially those of the finger-licking sexual variety.

  Besides, nothing will distract me from my goal. I’ll just have to call on my willpower to get me through these next three months.

  Forget the fact that I haven’t been touched in two years. I’m desperately craving a release that isn’t self-induced with the help of my trusty vibrator, Ronaldo.

  Yes, I named my vibrator. The two of us spend quite a lot of time together, so it was only right. Speaking of which, I’ve got a feeling I’ll need to swing by Walgreen’s and stock up on some batteries on my way home.

  “Besides, what woman wouldn’t want to be able to say she screwed one of the richest guys on the east coast? The Knights are loaded.”

  Charli is still prattling on and on about how easy my decision should be when an overly perky waitress appears at our table holding a plate with two cupcakes resting at the center.

  “Enjoy, ladies,” she says, smiling brightly before scurrying off.

  Confused, I raise an eyebrow and wait for my friend to explain.

  Grabbing one of the cupcakes, Charli smiles deviously at me.

  “We never got a chance to celebrate your new job!” she says excitedly.

  Rolling my eyes, I look at her and I know my stare is asking her the question that I haven’t voiced.

  Is she serious right now?

  “It’s not a real job, Charli.” It’s just a stupid hoop I have to jump through to convince one rich man I’m worthy of his investment by convincing rich people to trust me with their wealth.

  When I think of it like that, maybe it is a job…

  Instantly, I have to check myself. I can’t think of this as a burden when it’s laying the groundwork for me to achieve my dreams. I’ve wanted this for years and it’s worth jumping through a million hoops if I can help at least one child.

  “Well, I say it calls for a celebration. So cheers!” she exclaims, holding up her cupcake and waiting for me to return the gesture.

  Fighting a smile, I lift the dessert and barely touch it against hers while I mutter the word, “Cheers.”

  She starts carrying on about something again, but her words are suddenly falling on deaf ears. This cupcake is incredible, considering it was made in a bar that serves lukewarm beer and mediocre appetizers.

  “I didn’t know they served cupcakes,” I remark, greedily licking the icing from the top. It’s sinfully sweet and I swear my eyes roll back while I savor the delectable treat.

  Charli just laughs at me while I continue to devour the miniature confection.

  “Why haven’t we been ordering this all along? Who fucking knew?” I say, peeling down the cupcake holder and sinking my teeth into the side of it.

  Groaning, I close my eyes and chew slowly, not ready for the experience to end.

  “Don’t look now,” Charli says, disrupting my trance, “but there’s a guy near the bar who can’t take his eyes off you.”

  Before I have a chance to take a peek, she gasps and I feel the warmth of someone’s presence near my shoulder.

  “Oh my,” Charli’s eyes widen and I’m at a loss until the figure comes to a stop beside our table.

  Before anything else, forearms covered in thick muscles and tattoos fill my line of vision. Then my gaze trails upward until I’m staring Andrew Knight in the face.

  What the hell is Andrew doing in a bar like this? He doesn’t look out of place by any means, but it still seems beneath him.

eyes regard me as he gives me a mischievous smirk.

  Jesus, the man is scrumptious.

  And he’s looking better now than he did at the office today.

  “Evening, Lilah. Introduce me to your friend,” he commands. His eyes never leave me as I stammer through the introductions.

  Charli then excuses herself for the bathroom, deserting me to deal with this mountain of a man. And I’ll be damned, but I want to climb him, exploring every last inch.

  “I never knew it was possible to be jealous of an inanimate object until tonight, Lilah.”

  “What are you talking about?” My voice has grown raspy and breathless.

  Andrew stuffs one hand in his pocket as the other one rubs his bottom lip, drawing my attention to its fullness.

  Damn him!

  His scent is rich and woodsy. I immediately try to place it. Sandalwood?

  Andrew glares at the plate in front of me which holds the remnants of my cupcake and I suddenly get it. I’d definitely put on one of hell of show. Not that I knew he was watching.

  “Was it as good as you made it look?” He looks all too interested in the answer and a wave of triumph assails me.

  He’s affected by this crazy intense attraction between us, too. Good.

  Teasingly, I scoop up the rest of my dessert and extend it in his direction. Dark blue orbs flicker dangerously. Then he takes it from me and wraps his strong fingers around my wrist. His grip is strong but not forceful. Pulling my hand to his face, he whispers something lowly and despite the ruckus in the bar I can hear him loud and clear.

  “Don’t tempt me, Lilah.”

  Then his hot tongue is licking the icing from my fingertips as I stare, transfixed by what’s happening. I feel like a spectator watching myself experience it all in slow motion. He finishes with a kiss to the center of my palm before turning to leave.



  Lilah Tucker is driving me insane and she doesn’t even know it.

  It’s been three days since I found that damn leaflet in my mail and two since she pulled that little stunt at the bar. I hadn’t intended to lose my cool and touch her, but damn it she was practically begging for it.

  As soon as my lips touched her, those enchanting eyes nearly slid closed, letting me know I had her right where I wanted her. My mind hasn’t stopped racing with thoughts of her since, but I’ve been good and kept my distance.

  That ends tonight.

  Lilah isn’t aware of it yet, but she’s coming to an art show with me tonight. A friend of mine is hosting the event. I’d normally pass on bringing a date for fear of them getting up their hopes. But something about Lilah won’t allow me to keep her at arm’s length.

  Besides, this date will bring me closer to my ultimate goal. There’s no doubt in my mind that we’ll both be satisfied and smiling by the end of the night.

  Before exiting my room, I decide to switch it up and take my Aston Martin for a spin tonight. Snatching the keys, I head for the garage more determined than ever to check Ms. Tucker off my list.


  Finding her place is easy enough based on the information sent to me earlier today.

  Parking, I rest my eyes on the building in front of me and frown. Given her career, the place seems a little rundown. It’s visibly old and my guess is that it’s falling apart inside.

  The interior is just as dated as I expected. There’s no piss in the stairway but the paint is chipped and the reeking smell of cigarette smoke is thick. The walls are as thin as paper. I hear snippets from her neighbors’ conversations as I walk through the halls trying to find the unit number I memorized earlier.

  At her door, loud music seeps into the hallway. It sounds like Carlos Santana. With a lazy smile, I picture her dancing to the Latin beats. My knuckles rap firmly against the door twice. Then I wait.

  Seconds pass before the music lowers and I hear footsteps coming to the door.

  “Who is it?” She calls through the wooden barrier.

  “Andrew,” I say simply.

  Silence greets me on the other side of the door before the sound of locks being turned follows.

  The door is pulled open slowly to reveal my current obsession. Ms. Lilah Tucker in the flesh.

  And fuck, she looks edible. Covered in a thin layer of sweat, she looks good enough to lick.

  Only a sports bra covers her full tits. The thin, gray cotton material is filled to overflowing because the round globes are pushed together so enticingly. It’s only when I finally pull my eyes away from her chest I notice she’s wearing a pair of yoga capris that leave little to the imagination. Womanly hips flare out right after the curve of her tiny waist and my hands are itching to grab a hold of her and devour every inch.

  Clearing the lump in my throat, I speak first, “Hey, Cupcake.”

  She doesn’t react to the nickname but instead fists her hands at her narrow waist.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” she asks, frowning at the way my eyes linger on her scantily covered curves.

  “Have you been working out?” I ask trying to get to the root of her appearance.

  Disregarding my question, she reaches behind her and takes a cup of ice cubes from a nearby table. I watch enviously as a few slide onto her tongue as she tilts the cup to her beautiful mouth.

  My cock stirs awake at the sight.

  For fuck’s sake.

  “How did you manage to get my address?” she asks, jostling the ice as she shakes the cup. “First, you show up at my favorite bar. Now you’re on my doorstep. Are you stalking me, Andrew?”

  Her insinuation does nothing to quench my growing lust.

  Those full lips are calling me, but I stay rooted at the spot. I won’t cross that boundary again until she’s begging me.

  And not a second before.

  “Not that I’m above it, Cupcake, but your info was pretty easy to come by.” There’s no way in hell I’m going to rat out Louisa from the firm as my source for her address. Being at the same bar as her that night was just a happy, very happy, coincidence. I might need Louisa in the future and I don’t want Lilah shutting that down.

  “Don’t call me that,” she bristles, her free hand reaching into the cup and retrieving a frozen cube. Holding it against her neck, she sighs as it melts, liquid running down her cleavage.

  Is she fucking kidding me right now?

  This little seductress is fucking erotic and the tightness against my zipper is becoming uncomfortable.

  She’s the definition of sex. Plain and simple. Fiery and stunning. One hell of a combination.

  “Now’s not a good time,” she tells me. Her eyes find mine and I catch a glimmer of defiance staring back at me.

  “Why?” I want to know.

  When she realizes I’m not budging, Lilah opens the door wider and gives a subtle nod for me to come inside.

  “See for yourself,” she says in that breathy voice I love.

  Stepping into her apartment is like stepping into a sauna. Holy hell. The air conditioner is broken and I swear even the walls are sweating from the humidity.

  “Where the fuck is your superintendent?” I growl, harsher than I intended.

  “Who knows?” she says, moving her shoulders up and down noncommittally. “He tends to get around to things on his own time. This is only the second day. He’ll probably contact me tomorrow.”

  “What’s his name?” I demand, incensed that anyone would be subjected to these living conditions.

  I’m not so privileged that I can’t understand right from dead ass wrong and this is infuriating. Don’t ask me why my protective instincts are fighting to come out. I’m well aware that my main goal should be getting between her legs, but something about Lilah tugs at me in a way I don’t want to examine at the moment.

  She’s crazy if she thinks I’m leaving her alone to roast in here all night.

  “Go get dressed,” I grit out, fuming at her. “We’re going to be late.”

d of that defiant look I’ve come to adore, Lilah’s expression is stunned.

  “Lilah.” My words are a growl as I get her attention. “Go. Take. A. Shower.”

  “You don’t have to fucking yell. I hear you,” she snaps at me, turning on her heels.

  My shoulders don’t relax until I hear the spray of water from down the hall. Closing her front door behind me, I walk deeper into the apartment and take a seat on her worn sofa. Face down on the other cushion is a book that brings a smirk to my face.

  Bossypants by Tina Fey.

  Why the hell am I not surprised?

  This one’s a fucking firecracker. And she’s going to send me straight to the psych ward if I let things get away from me.

  But that won’t be happening. Because by the end of the night, I’ll have those pretty thighs spread wide as she begs me not to stop.



  I’ve never been so turned on in my life.

  On the drive over, Andrew conveniently failed to mention that the art show we were attending was one of the… sensual variety. Men and women in all shapes and sizes are covered only in vibrant paint as their bodies twist and bend into various intricate poses.

  The positions are so intimate that I feel guilty watching, until I remember that’s exactly what I’m here to do.

  In what seems to be typical Andrew fashion, he’s cool as a cucumber while I dissolve into a ball of tightly wound nerve endings. He hasn’t touched me all night, yet I’m burning hotter than I was in my suffocating apartment.

  The man is infuriating, showing up to my apartment and demanding things like he owns the place. A strong pulse has been throbbing at my center since he arrived unannounced.

  We’re walking side by side, not touching but definitely in each other’s space. I hate that it makes me crave him even more. Ever since he licked my fingers the other night, my body has been going through some agonizing withdrawals.

  Where are ice chips when you need them?


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