Cat Star 9 - Wildcat

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Cat Star 9 - Wildcat Page 20

by Cheryl Brooks

  Jerden didn’t figure anyone else on the farm would care one way or the other, but things could get embarrassing if her scent ever got stronger. There was a time when his cock could reach its full size in two seconds flat. He had a feeling that if it ever got started again, it would be hard all the time.

  No, not if. When.

  “I’ll wear something during the day, but when we’re alone together at night…” He left the last word hanging while he washed and rinsed the pan and put it in the rack to dry. Her long silence made him turn to look at her.

  Her eyes—far bolder than he’d ever dreamed they could be—roamed from the tips of his ears all the way to his bare feet.

  “You’ll be naked.” Despite the breathless note in her voice, her expression underwent a subtle change, appearing more certain, as though she’d arrived at a difficult decision. “Good. I enjoy looking at you. You’re like Danuban that way—so perfect, I can’t help but stare.”

  Jerden knew how hard it was for her to admit that. The breath he was holding came out as a soft purr. “You can do a lot more than look, Sara. And I hope you will. Every chance you get.”

  She nodded absently as her gaze continued to caress his body the way he imagined her hands would do. “You enjoy being touched, don’t you?”

  “There’s only one thing I’d love more.”

  “And that would be?”

  “Touching you.”


  It never occurred to Sara that a man could feel that way—about her or any other woman. If a man wanted to get his hands on a woman, it was to get her to reciprocate—or at least cooperate—not that he relished the act itself. However, Jerden’s slow, deliberate blink and tiny grin of pleasurable anticipation were quite convincing.

  She wasn’t sure she wanted to be touched. Somehow, it seemed safer for her to put her hands on him, rather than have to endure being groped—which was the only context she could put it in. In the past, Sara had never been caressed; she’d been grabbed and manhandled. The experience had been painful, rather than pleasant, and the memory carried with it a frisson of fear.

  “Please don’t hurt me.” The whispered words were out before she could stop them, making her feel weak, small, and ashamed.

  “Sara. I’ve already promised not to hurt you. Don’t you remember?”

  Jerden’s deep, gentle voice served as a reminder that he was unlike any man she’d ever known. She nodded slowly. “Yes, I remember. It’s just…”

  Unbelievably, he smiled. “Force of habit?”

  So, he does understand. “I’ve been in that mind-set for so long…” She paused, attempting for a lighter tone. “You know what they say about teaching new tricks to old dogs.”

  “I do, and it’s patently untrue.” His smile transformed into a mischievous grin. “You just have to start slowly, be very patient, and use lots of repetition.” He reached into the sink and picked up a handful of silverware. “My hands are kinda busy right now. Why don’t you take advantage of the situation?”

  He was standing there in her kitchen like a prize stallion, and, unlike the time he’d been unconscious in her bed, she now had his permission. She was dying to get her hands in his hair again. Ulla had said that Lynx loved it when Bonnie combed his hair. She didn’t have a comb handy, but she could use her fingers…

  Her breath caught in her throat as she moved in behind him. This close, she could feel his body heat, its warmth drawing her to him like a moth to a flame.

  Permission. She had it now. He not only wanted her touch, he seemed to crave it. Arching his back as she smoothed her palms over his shoulders, he purred his approval, widening his stance and pushing against her hands like a cat seeking a caress. She smiled to herself as she remembered he was a cat. A wild, savagely sweet pussycat. She glanced at Cria sitting by the doorway. Even she was tame when she should have been a dangerously wild animal. With a slow blink similar to Jerden’s, the big cat let out a purr and stretched out on her side.

  Jerden seemed able to tame anything, from a leopard to a woman who’d sworn she’d never let a man get near enough to hurt her again. Still, she had a hard time imagining what it would be like to stand before Jerden as naked and vulnerable as he was right now. What an amazing display of trust…

  “You feel so good,” she whispered. Closing her eyes, she leaned closer. She’d already kissed him, now she buried her face in his hair, feeling the soft silkiness of it along with the vibrations emanating from his throat. Her arms encircled his waist, allowing her fingers to skim over his chest and downward, feeling the crisp curls that trailed across his stomach. She breathed in his scent, letting it fill her head, and was astonished at the effect it had on her—relaxing, yet stimulating.

  Gliding over his waist, she felt the ridge of his oblique muscles and the hollow dip of his flanks. That fine ass Drania had referred to fit snugly into the space where her thighs met her torso. Again, he moved into the contact, the barely perceptible rotation of his hips sending a rush of heat coursing through her, taking her breath away. Her nipples tingled. Her hips curled under and an ache began between her thighs, growing steadily stronger until she let out a groan that could have been due to agony, ecstasy, or both.

  An ear pressed against his back allowed her to hear the deep intake of his next breath—a breath he held as though savoring a scent so rare and delightful, he refused to exhale. Moments later, a sigh escaped him, accompanied by a low moan. Purring louder than ever, his hand covered hers and pulled it forward and down until it rested on something much harder and hotter than the rest of his body.

  “Way to go, Sara.”

  Chapter 17

  When it finally hit him, Jerden knew he’d never smelled anything sweeter in his life—far sweeter than roses, candy, or any other woman’s scent. It was Sara’s desire, flooding his body, filling him with the most powerful urge to mate he could possibly imagine. That he retained enough control to keep from turning around and plunging into her was nothing short of a miracle. The knowledge that he might never inhale anything so heavenly again kept him still, hardly daring to trust his luck.

  He’d heard that when he found the one destined to be his mate, he would know it beyond a shadow of a doubt. If he hadn’t already decided that Sara was the one, he would certainly realize it now. His cock was unbelievably hard, the starlike points of the coronal ridge already dripping with orgasmic secretions.

  Her soft gasp of surprise was quickly followed by the touch of her exploring fingers as they skimmed the upper surface of his cock from root to crown. Jerden held his breath until she discovered the slick fluid.

  “Taste it, Sara.” With his throat so tight and his purr so strong, it was a wonder the words even made it past his lips. “You won’t believe what it can do to you.”

  One taste. Surely she’d go back for more. Every woman he’d ever been with had done it. The moment her hand left his skin, he tamped down his own sense of loss and turned around. Her lips parted as she raised her hand to her mouth, and he held his breath again—watching, waiting, hoping the sight of his gleaming cock didn’t terrify her.

  She hesitated, and he was about to chastise himself for being too forward when she touched her fingertip to her tongue. Sara was the one woman he’d ever truly wanted; if it didn’t work for her, he’d probably lose his mind—and this time, he’d lose it for good.

  Her astonished eyes met his in the split second before she doubled over, her face brushing his swollen cockhead, leaving a glistening streak on her cheek. Without a second thought, he gathered her up in his arms and cradled her against his chest, kissing the top of her head, her temple, and any part of her his lips could reach. Her arms twined around his neck as she raised her face to his, and when she pulled him down for a kiss of her own, Jerden knew he was lost forever—if he hadn’t been already.

  The taste of her tingled as their tongues met and mated in a dance
he never thought he’d enjoy again. Again, her boldness surprised him, though it shouldn’t have. She was independent, confident, and strong in all other aspects of her life. This was the kind of lover she would’ve always been if fate hadn’t dictated otherwise. He despised the men who’d hurt her, but the fact that in so doing, they’d left her for him to discover was a stroke of luck he’d never thought to deserve.

  Perhaps he didn’t deserve her. Perhaps he’d ruined every chance he’d had at happiness by selling himself. But at that moment, the past didn’t matter. He felt as though his destiny was and always had been to make a lover out of Sara and to give her joy. His only hope was that in becoming his lover, she would also love him.



  A much cockier man would have said I told you so, but all Jerden said was, “More?”

  As he was already halfway to her bedroom, Sara deemed this question unnecessary. However, his expectant expression when he stopped made her realize that he truly was waiting for her reply.

  “Yes, please.”

  He gave her a squeeze. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  “You knew I was going to say that.”

  “Not really.” He continued on down the hall. “Wouldn’t be the first time you surprised me.”

  He’d certainly surprised her. One taste had triggered the orgasm of a lifetime. Inexperienced or not, she had a feeling that other men had to work a lot harder at it. “I’m beginning to understand how you Zetithian boys managed to get into so much trouble.”

  He barked a laugh. “I used to give out those free samples all the time. Never had a single woman who didn’t book an appointment afterward.” He shook his head and sighed with regret. “After our world was blown to bits by one jealous man, you’d think we would’ve figured out that it might be best to keep the whole joy juice thing quiet. But no, we had to advertise. I wonder if any of those women ever enjoyed sex with a human male again—or any other species, for that matter. We’re simply the best fuckers in the galaxy. No ifs, ands, or buts.”

  His grin took all the boasting out of this declaration, but Sara giggled anyway. “And so modest.”

  “Aw, I don’t have to be modest with you, do I? I’m doing my damndest to impress you. You’re a lot like a Zetithian woman that way. I have to try harder.” Entering her room, he lay her down on the bed and then climbed in beside her.


  “Don’t be. You are definitely worth the effort. Do you have any idea how incredible you smell right now?”

  “Well… no, I don’t.” If she’d had to guess, she’d have said she smelled of saddle soap and horses, but there was no accounting for taste.

  “Trust me, you smell good enough to wake up a dick that’s been on hiatus for months. No small feat, that.”

  Sara considered his accomplishment to be even more significant. At the moment, she was in the throes of emotions she’d forgotten existed. And he was the reason. “So… what are you planning to do with that dick?”

  “Anything you want,” he replied promptly. “I like it all.”

  She glanced down at his groin. “Uh, yeah. Right. I’m not precisely a virgin, but that looks like it would hurt.”

  “What do you mean, not precisely a virgin?”

  “I mean I’ve had sex before. Once. But it was a very long time ago.” And it hurt like hell.

  “And it was so bad that you swore off men?”

  Put that way, it sounded a little silly, though she knew there was more to it than physical pain. “Something like that.”

  “Fuckin’ amateur,” he said with a scornful laugh. “I’m a professional. You will not have any cause to complain.”

  For all that her one experience with sex was the most frightening episode of her life, Sara laughed right along with him. “He wasn’t any good at it. Didn’t even try to be.” She bit her lip, trying desperately not to utter the next words, but they refused to remain unsaid. “He did it on a bet. All my life, I’d been teased for being tall, skinny, and homely. More than one classmate led me on, just to see how much I would do for a little male attention—and, stupid me, I let them do it. This guy’s buddies bet him fifty credits he wouldn’t ask me out and do the deed.” She shuddered as she recalled that feeling of complete mortification. “I wasn’t exactly willing, either.”

  Jerden’s pupils dilated to the point that fire seemed to blaze from his eyes. If this was what he looked like when he was angry, Sara made a mental note to never get him riled. “He raped you? I hope the stupid fuckwad rots in jail.”

  “He might, if he were ever arrested. I never told anyone about it.”


  Sara shook her head. “You’re the first.” She paused, frowning. “If I’d gotten pregnant, I suppose I would’ve had to explain it, but I didn’t, so I just kept my mouth shut. It was too… humiliating.”

  Jerden pulled her into his arms. The fire in his eyes had banked down to a slow burn, but she could tell he was still angry. “Thanks for sharing that with me. It explains a lot.”

  It didn’t explain why she’d let it affect her so strongly, though. Now that she’d told Jerden, the burden seemed lighter, blowing away like bitter smoke in a lively breeze until the pain disappeared. Completely. How extraordinary. “Thank you for listening. It… helps.”

  “And for the record, the hottest hunk in the galaxy—at least, according to the Damenk Tribune—thinks you’re beautiful. Not homely, not skinny, and certainly not someone he’d only fuck on a bet. You’re perfect, Sara. Just the way you are. Remember that.”

  “I’m not perfect,” she protested. “You might be, but I’m not. No way.”

  He halved the distance between them, which wasn’t a whole lot to start with. “Are we going to argue, or are we going to make mad, passionate love to one another?”

  “I don’t really care for arguments.”

  “Choice made.” The remaining space between them evaporated as Jerden covered her body with his. Licking her cheek, he kissed his way to her lips, which parted seemingly of their own accord when his tongue sought entry. She had only a moment to wonder whether licking a woman’s cheek prior to kissing her was a Zetithian custom before her core contracted with another mind-blowing orgasm.

  Tricky fellow. Apparently his “joy juice” didn’t have to be all that fresh in order to set off internal fireworks. He knew so much more than she did, he’d have her under his spell in no time—and she wasn’t sure she liked the idea. Having him under her spell seemed much safer. Unfortunately, she didn’t have the first clue as to how to get him there.

  Her eyes fluttered shut as Jerden kissed her again with lips so warm and sensuous, they ought to have been illegal. Nate’s kiss had been nothing like this, which wasn’t surprising. After all, this was a man who women paid a thousand credits a session for. Sara was not only getting his services for free, all she had to do was say the word and she’d have access to his entire fortune.

  And she’d also be getting him—every luscious bit of him. The rumor mill might have likened him to a feral cat, but he was more of an intoxicant. Sara wasn’t even attempting to resist him anymore. Instead, she let her hands roam over his skin, delighting in every contour and marveling at his strength. She remembered what he’d said about what to do if he ever hurt her. He’d told her to slap the shit out of him—or words to that effect. Although he hadn’t done it yet, she still had the most peculiar urge to bite him…

  That would be wrong, especially when he was making her feel as though she were floating. She might have felt like an angel but her thoughts were increasingly wicked. To be allowed the opportunity to explore, without that urgency and fear. Was that what he liked? He’d said he liked it all, but did he have a preference?

  A whispered voice in the back of her mind told her she had all the time in the world to discover those things
—even her own likes and dislikes. Strange that she should consider anything about the sexual act to be enjoyable. Disturbing memories surged back, only to have Jerden kiss them away. He was a far stronger presence than any memory could ever be.

  Threading her fingers through his hair, she explored its silky texture, the shape of his head, and the curved point of his ears. On this last place, he responded first with a moan and then with a chuckle.

  Leaving a trail of kisses across his cheek, she repositioned his head with gentle tugs on his hair until her lips followed the curvature to the tip of his ear. His soft sighs encouraged her to be more adventurous. If kisses could do that to him, what would her tongue do?

  Tracing the outer shell with her tongue made him purr. Sucking on the point made him scream with laughter. Simply knowing this filled her with a sense of power, whereas before, she’d felt completely at his or any other man’s mercy. Now he was at hers.

  Pushing against his shoulder, she rolled him onto his back. She focused on his neck and chest, doing her best to ignore the stiff cock waiting for her below, which was difficult. The damn thing drew her eyes like a beacon. Powerful muscles corded his neck, and though he seemed to enjoy being touched there, his penis was calling to her.

  Forcing herself to be strong, Sara let her lips and fingers move on to his chest. His flat nipples hardened at her touch, and while Jerden groaned and arched his back to press them against her lips, she couldn’t help noticing that his cock wasn’t just calling to her anymore. It was waving at her.

  She ought to have known that with a dick that was more like a stallion’s than a man’s, he might also have the ability to control its direction. As she suckled one nipple and teased the other with feathery touches of her fingertips, his phallus pulsed, sending rivulets of glistening moisture pouring from the serrated points of the coronal ridge to cascade down the shaft. His cock appeared as strong as the rest of him—long, thick, and laced with prominent veins. The blunt head was so engorged, it might have been made of polished granite.


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