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Fragmented Page 2

by Colleen Connally

“Sorry, didn’t think you’d mind. Open seat,” he said. A smile teased at the corner of his mouth. Good Lord, what was he doing? He’d thought she was attractive and sexy as hell, but…then she returned his smile.

  “Do I know you?”

  “If you had given me half a minute, I would have introduced myself a little while ago, but you looked a little bit agitated.”

  She seemed amused. Her manner relaxed. “A friend of Joel’s?”

  “Acquaintance, but my boss invited me tonight. He’s Joel’s friend.” He flashed his most brilliant smile. “Darren Kennedy.”

  “Well, Mr. Kennedy, so you like hockey?”

  Chapter Two

  Cameron Quinn walked up to the Black Rose beside a smooth, sophisticated, powerful lawyer. Oh, Lord, what am I getting myself into? Her first instinct had been to run when he sat beside her. She had known exactly who he was. Not that she had let on that she had, but anyone would have had to live under a rock not to have recognized him. He had been a constant presence on the news the last few weeks.

  Mr. Darren Kennedy, the bulldog ADA, proved to be quite the adversary. He seemed to be as relentless as his reputation had projected…also smart and terribly handsome…oh, quite terribly handsome with those hypnotizing brown eyes.

  Relentless would be the word she used about Darren Kennedy. He didn’t seem to accept no readily, or at all. He countered every excuse she used when he extended his invitation to join him and his friends after the game.

  “I have to work…”

  “I promise to get you to where you need to be on time. Come, Miss Quinn,” he urged in his low and seductive voice. “Is there somewhere else you would rather be?”

  He stared at her with those eyes that seemed to see into her innermost thoughts. Assuming silence meant agreement, he gently guided her through the departing crowd. She was not surprised at all when he paused at a slick black Lexus.

  He opened the door and she slid into the passenger seat. Warmth enveloped her. She wasn’t certain whether it was the heat that came with having an automatic starter, or the heat generated by the man beside her. At the moment, she didn’t care.

  How long had it been since a man made her heart flutter with a look! Three years, if she pinpointed the exact moment. Three years since Matthew deserted her shortly before their wedding day. Three years to erect the wall around her heart, but this had nothing to do with her heart…no, not her heart.

  While he drove out onto the street, she found it impossible to stop staring at the wildly handsome man—tall and lean with a devilish grin. She must be in a bad state. Most nights she would never have allowed herself to be maneuvered in this manner. Not that it had taken much to convince her. He seemed to take enjoyment from baiting her…challenging her. Well, perhaps it was time to enjoy life a little.

  For the last few years, she had worked tirelessly in the transplant unit at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. She loved her job, but her focus lay solely on her financial recovery. Matthew had left her in a financial lurch with a huge lease on their shared apartment, the new furniture, the deposits on the reception hall, caterer, her gown…

  On top of that, she had Zach, her younger brother, to oversee. He had college expenses. His football scholarship helped contain the cost, but it was still close to twenty thousand a year. She had to co-sign his student loans. Her dad wasn’t in any shape to help.

  “Just a word to the wise.” Darren’s voice called her back to reality while he opened the door to the Black Rose. “I haven’t brought many women around my colleagues. Be prepared.”



  Darren didn’t give her a chance to respond. He raised his hand and waved to a small group in the corner of the bar, laughing with drinks in their hands. He wrapped his arm around her waist, leading her through the crowd. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Don’t have to say much. Just smile and you’ll be fine.”

  She wanted to hit him. What? Would she embarrass him? She had her answer the moment he introduced her. She quickly realized she was surrounded by a swarm of lawyers who didn’t accept yes and no answers.

  Darren introduced her first to his second chair, Ethan Gilles, who had come directly from the office, evidenced by his rolled-up shirt sleeves and loosened tie. He flashed Cameron a brilliant smile, one she was certain he had used quite often in court to his advantage. He elbowed his comrade-at-arms.

  Sally Mitchell, an attractive middle-aged divorcée, had come to the district attorney’s office after discovering herself alone in the world after ten years of marriage; she had gone back to school and earned her law degree. A mature woman, she exuded confidence. A slight grin emerged on her face while she greeted Cameron.

  “Thought you’d never show up. But now I know why you’re running late,” Gilles acknowledged. He jumped up and pulled out a chair for Cameron. “Let me get this for you.”

  Darren smirked. He exchanged glances with Cameron.

  “Where is James?” Darren asked, moving his chair closer to Cameron.

  “He had a hot date. Melody, Coben’s secretary. Said you would understand, although I don’t think he cared,” Sally said, taking another sip of her beer. “Gilles, don’t just sit there analyzing Miss Quinn—order another round.”

  Cameron felt her cheeks warm. To her surprise, Darren reached over and squeezed her hand. He didn’t release his hold. Instinctively, she smiled, hoping he didn’t realize how the gesture unnerved her.

  “Cameron, what would you like?” Darren asked.

  “A Cabernet would be fine.”

  A large grin emerged on his face. She hadn’t a clue why, but her answer seemed to please him. He ordered a Sam Adams.

  “So Miss Quinn…”

  “Call me Cameron, please.”

  “Cameron, did you get to see any of the trial? I don’t recall seeing you in the court room,” Sally asked, assuming Cameron had known her escort longer than the previous couple of hours. She didn’t disillusion them, which, from his expression, entertained Darren.

  “Unfortunately, I work a lot of strange hours at the hospital, but I can tell you I do know what it is like to watch a victim fight for his life. It never leaves you,” Cameron said in all seriousness. “I’m sure it wasn’t an easy case, but at least now the family has some kind of closure. As much closure as you can get losing your fifteen-year-old. Such a senseless killing. To shoot someone down in cold blood just because you were denied entrance to a party. The victim was only an innocent bystander. No, I might not have been at the trial, but I can appreciate a job well done.”

  “So, Cameron, you work down at Beth Israel hospital. Makes sense you would have met our fearless leader at his work.” Gilles didn’t give her time to respond. “That’s a shame you didn’t get to see the master in action, though. Not often do you get to see a mother, determined to cover for her son, be demolished on the stand. Darren had her head spinning. She didn’t even know which way was up, not until she gave up Nehila.”

  “Have to realize everyone has their breaking point. On one hand, the mother was motivated by the need to keep her son from jail, but she was boxed into a corner when I implied that I could put the gun in the hand of her youngest. Her confusion…hesitation cost her.” Darren shrugged. “Sometimes you just need to read the witness.”

  “It was wicked awesome, boss. You had her so twisted she thought it had to be either son. Wonder if she realizes now that we couldn’t tie the gun to Nehila until she put it in his hand. Not with the gun being wiped down, and all the people who could have had access to it, until she put it in his hand. It didn’t hurt that she broke down crying. She said Nehila never had a chance in life. In essence, she told the jury she knew he was guilty as sin.” Gilles held up his mug and toasted. “Here’s to justice.”

  Cameron toasted. Then she noticed Darren looking at his phone.

  “I have to take this call. Don’t mind me leaving for a second? Can’t hear in here.”

  She nodde
d, glancing back over her shoulder while he walked out the door.

  “Don’t worry, hon,” Sal said. “My bet it’s Jillian. Got nothing to worry about there. Plays too many games. Kennedy doesn’t like games.”

  “My God, Sal,” Gilles interrupted. “You’ll scare the poor thing off. Kennedy will have your head.”

  “She doesn’t look the sort to be run off. Are you, Cameron?”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “See, Gilles. Got spunk,” Sal said. She drank down her beer. “So, where has ADA Kennedy been hiding you? I don’t think…”

  “Don’t do that to the poor girl. He won’t bring her back,” Gilles interrupted abruptly.

  Cameron shrugged in a casual manner that she hoped conveyed a lightheartedness and didn’t betray how uncomfortable the conversation made her. “I take it Darren doesn’t bring many of his dates out to meet you guys.”

  Sal shook her head. “Try never. Let’s just say he keeps his personal life quiet, extremely quiet.”

  “Didn’t know he had one,” Gilles broke in. “He definitely puts a cramp into mine. Don’t know when he would have the time.”

  “Then how do you know about this Jillian?”

  Sal laughed. “Hon, she’s the commissioner’s niece. A headache if ever I met one. Has a thing for our ADA. Not Kennedy. He hasn’t had a thing for anyone since Sara died.”

  “That’s quite enough, Sal,” Gilles said. He reached over and took the glass from his friend’s hand. “No more for you. Looks like I’ll be driving you home.”

  “You’re no fun, Gilles. It’s early yet. The kids are at Marvin’s.”

  “Didn’t say we were going home. Want to play some pool? Thompson and Gardner said they were going to be at Lucky’s.”

  “Then I guess that means it’s time to make our exit.”

  Feeling a hand touch her shoulders, Cameron turned to find Darren beside her once more. He pulled back her chair.

  “Hope they weren’t too over-the-top for you. They’re harmless, really,” Darren said, reaching for his coat. Tilting his head toward Cameron, his eyes fixed on hers. She felt her whole body tingle. “Are you ready? I didn’t notice the time. Promised I wouldn’t make you too late.”

  “But of course.” Cameron stood. “Very nice to have met the two of you.”

  “Bring her around again, boss. She adds some personality,” Ethan joked.

  “You wish. Good job, guys. I picked up the tab,” Darren added. “See you bright and early Monday morning.”

  No words were spoken as they made it to his car. The temperature had dipped. Cameron clutched her coat tighter about her. Freezing, she slipped into the warm car.

  Darren hopped in the driver’s side, rubbing his hands together. “Brave girl.”

  “You got a kick out of it.”

  “Might have.”

  His eyes lingered on her. His expression was attentive, with his dark brown eyes fixed on her. The overhead light faded, and he drew her close. “I haven’t enjoyed a night this much in a long time.”

  As he spoke, he moved closer. Leaning over to her, his arms surrounded her, bringing her against him. For an endless moment, he stared into her eyes. Then he kissed her. She found herself melting into him, savoring the sensation escalating within her. Her hands pressed against the smooth fabric of his suit. The arms around her tightened.

  He kissed her again. Heat ran through her entire body. He deepened the kiss, his mouth open, and slipped his tongue inside. She parted her lips fully and surrendered to the want this man created inside her.

  He drew back enough just to break the kiss. “I don’t want the night to end.”

  The invitation, delivered in a sensually husky voice, made her melt. She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think. Sex without emotional commitment had never tempted her, but suddenly he set her aquiver, sending her into a state where her body totally disregarded any reservations she had. No, she had never…she couldn’t.

  She stumbled with half-formed sentences. “I can’t...I have to go to work.”

  He ran his hand through her hair. His eyes never left hers. “You don’t really have work. Do you? You don’t strike me as someone who would drink before working with patients. It was an excuse. You don’t need an excuse with me.”

  He kissed her mouth, her cheek, her neck. He nipped her ear, sending a shiver through her. The rational part of her brain, which should have signaled to her she needed to escape from his arms, began to justify the need growing inside her.

  “Just a drink and conversation,” he whispered. “And we’ll see where the night goes.”

  His eyes gleamed mischievously in the dim light. She watched as he leaned back into his seat and put the car in gear.

  * * * *

  Cameron was lost. Lost in desire…in a growing passion. Somewhere her clothes lay scattered along the floor from the kitchen, living room…bedroom. One moment they were in the middle of a conversation and the next she was in his arms. His mouth claimed hers, and any resolve she had dissolved into the night.

  He felt too good. She surrendered to the moment. Their naked bodies pressed together. Somehow, someway, they had made it into his bedroom, his bed. Though, at the moment, she didn’t care where she was, as long as he was there. Need flooded her. Need. Desire. Passion.

  She had only a brief impression of his impressive home, a high-rise condo overlooking Boston Harbor. From the balcony, he had a magnificent view where the Boston skyline lit up in the night sky. Elegantly furnished, a leather sofa sat in front of a huge HD television, which seemed to take up the whole wall. Oriental lamps sat on glass end tables. The room opened into a dining room, where Cameron glimpsed a cherry wood dining room table and hutch.

  Across the room were massive built-in bookshelves covering most of the back wall, curving around into the next room…his bedroom.

  She vaguely remembered their conversation. How he became an ADA. Graduated Harvard Law. His mother a judge, his father a senior partner in Boston’s largest law firm. She remembered asking whether he wanted to become a judge like his mother…

  “The only thing I want is you,” he answered her. Then there was no more talk. He silenced her with a kiss.

  She lay back on his bed—naked, exposed, and vulnerable. Everything had moved so fast. He lay beside her. His tongue danced across one breast. Then he suckled her breast in his mouth, shocking her, arousing her. He doused every thought from her mind except one. All she knew was that she wanted his hands on her, all over her.

  Lost in the delirium, she cried out when he slid his hand lower. She felt his fingers lightly touching her between her legs and she wanted more. His warm fingers slid into her and she arched up toward him. Her hands clutched his shoulders as his thumb brushed against her, sending a rush of pleasure surging through her. She cried out. She heard him chuckle and he lowered his head. His mouth pressed against the soft skin of her legs.

  The warmth of his breath against her sent a cascade of sensations spiraling in her, making her shudder with anticipation. Then his mouth claimed her. Every inch of her body burned. She gasped, unable to breathe at all until she had no choice. Breathlessly, she whispered his name. He brushed his tongue against her, stroking her. She exploded. Wave after wave crashed over her.

  She was semi-conscious when he broke from her. Through a fog, she watched him withdraw a condom from the nightstand. A moment later, he drew her to him and urged her to straddle him. He put two hands on her hips and she covered him. He cupped her breasts and began to gently squeeze her nipples. The next instant, she rode him, faster and faster, until she felt his own control shatter. She cried out as pleasure washed over her, again and again.

  She collapsed on top of him at the end. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him. She fell asleep against his bare chest.

  * * * *

  Darren woke. He hadn’t slept so soundly in weeks. A smile crossed his lips as he remembered the night. Then he looked at his alarm clock in surprise. Three in
the morning. Movement caught his eye. In the dim light, he saw a bare butt leaning down to pick up her clothing.

  Damn! Cameron was bolting. He watched her for a moment in silence. No one had ever left his bed. Not that he had brought many ladies to his home, but he had always been the one to sneak away in the dead of the night. He had done so many times, but this irritated him.

  On an impulse, he had asked her to come along with him after the game. How long had it been since someone intrigued him in this manner? How long had it been since he had felt such a strong attraction for a woman?

  He slipped out of bed and reached for his briefs. Had to be around there somewhere. He heard her in the living room, fumbling in the dark. She could never be a burglar, he laughed to himself. Though he doubted whether Cameron would laugh if she had heard her friend talk about her.

  “I give up! Been trying to bring her out of her funk since that bastard left her. Three years it’s been. She hasn’t even dated, much less…well, I think it’s quite obvious.”

  With the ease of years of cross-examining witnesses, Darren quickly ascertained Cameron’s life through a brief conversation with Meghan Warren. A nurse at Beth Israel in the transplant unit, a broken engagement to some idiot doctor, she lived in an apartment she shared with two others, and she didn’t date—ever, according to her friend.

  Walking out into the living room, he saw her arms filled with her clothing. He moved silently toward her. For whatever reason, he didn’t want her to leave. Not yet. He should.

  He had already assessed Cameron wasn’t one of those sophisticated women who juggled sexual relationships like they handled their hair appointments. No, she would be complicated…

  He should have wooed her, dined her, plied her with gifts, but the moment he held her in his arms, he had only one thought in his head. The same thought that surged through him watching her maneuver through his home in only her panties. He clicked the light on. Startled, she dropped her belongings out of her arms.

  Oh, good Lord! He couldn’t take his eyes off her. No, she wouldn’t be going anywhere except back to his bed.


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