Claimed By Chaos

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Claimed By Chaos Page 3

by Abigail Graves

  “Something’s happened.” Elise said as she reached for Gilles. He sighed as he settled over her. His emotions were still turbulent but when he stared down and Elise in the soft light, he felt everything within him calm.

  “I hardly know how to make sense of what Alastair told me, let alone explain it all.” He rested his forehead against hers and breathed her in. “The person that I lost in France… It was a young lady and somehow, she survived and she's here, in London.”

  “Oh, my God!” Elise understood better than anyone how the loss had effected him. “No wonder you seem so… anxious.”

  “I don't know how she survived. I have so many questions and so much that I want to say to her. She wouldn't have come to London if it wasn't important. Whatever it is, I have to help her. I can’t count how many times she's saved my life and I promised that I’d protect her.” Gilles let his hands glide along her silken flesh, molding her to him, savoring the feel of her body beneath his. He’d already planned to be away for a week. Now, he wasn't sure how long they would be apart.

  “If she saved your life, she has my gratitude. We’ll help her in any way we can.” Elise’s hands caressed his shoulders and back, soothing him. Gilles grimaced as he considered his next revelation. Spencer Place was about to turn into a circus, he was worried that it would be uncomfortable for her. But he knew she was strong and would cope well. “What’s wrong?”

  “It's complicated. She’s at Grillon's, she can't stay there. And we have to get her out of London until we sort everything out.” Gilles gathered a handful of her hair, lifted it to his face and inhaled. He was going to miss her so much.

  “More complicated than her being shot and disappearing for almost two years? I don't sense that there was anything intimate or romantic between the two of you.” She said as she brushed her fingers through his hair. Gilles moaned in delight as he shook his head.

  “I love her like a sister, her father was my mentor and it almost destroyed me when I thought I'd lost her.” He rose on his elbows and looked down at Elise. “It's complicated because both of her parents were Capetians, her names is Lady Giselle St. Claire. The ton is going to be in a frenzy when it gets out that she's in London. I'm sending Alastair in the morning to tell her to move her belongings here. I was confident that you would understand. After, the two of them are going to follow me to Winthorpe. I don't know how long we’ll be gone but I'm hoping we’ll return in a week.” He brushed his lips against her cheek and was sliding towards hers when she dodged him.

  “The Double Capet is going to stay at Spencer Place?” She was incredulous. Gilles couldn't help but laugh.

  “How is it that you know about her but Alastair didn’t?”

  “You can't be serious!” She gasped.

  “Very. She handed him her card and he assumed she was just a lovely, highborn lady.”

  “Lovely? We may have to go to Fortress Spencer to keep the suitors out.” She teased.

  “Actually, Alastair described her as exquisite.” Gilles laughed at Elise’s expression. Stunned was inadequate.

  “Do you think he fancies her?” She whispered excitedly.

  “He says he wants to marry her.” He barely finished the statement before Elise pushed him off of her and sat up.

  “Stop! Why didn't you say that in the beginning?” She swatted at him. “I can't wait to meet her! She must be extraordinary to have brought him to scratch in one evening.”

  “That is going to be very complicated as well. I don't think it would be a good match and unless her opinions have changed, she is determined not to marry.” Gilles sat next to Elise and set his lips to her shoulder. He didn’t want to talk about his brother and Giselle any more, he wanted to enjoy his wife’s body before he had to do without her for a week.

  “But this is Alastair! If he's finally succumbed to love, we have to make sure he's successful. I'm sure he wouldn't have chosen her if she wasn't the right woman for him.” She was becoming excited. Gilles swept her hair back and set his lips to her neck. He was starting to worry about his ability to seduce his wife.

  “Alastair doesn't have all the facts yet, there’s a lot he isn't aware of. He may change his mind.” He ran his tongue from Elise’s collar bone to the hollow beneath her ear. She shivered and he smiled. Gilles pushed her back onto the pillows and rose above her. “If you recall, it only took me a matter of minutes to come up to scratch.” He rested on an elbow as his hand slid down her stomach. She gasped and arched beneath him.

  “If you recall, I was quite opposed to marriage and changed my mind.” Elise moaned as Gilles parted her folds and began caressing her tender flesh. He smiled and lowered his head.

  “I'm so glad you did.” He murmured as he took her nipple between his lips. She tasted sweet from nursing. He groaned as his cock became harder. He entered her with his fingers and began stroking. Elise spread her thighs wider and bucked against his hand.

  “You talked to Maman, what did she say?” Her hand twisted in his hair. Gilles smiled as his lips moved lower.

  “Maman was surprised and I’m confidant that she is already planning the wedding. I’m worried she’ll be disappointed.”

  “You have to talk to Lady St. Claire. You can be very convincing.” She panted as his lips traveled down her stomach. Gilles’ head snapped up.

  “Woman, I'm trying to make love to you! I don't want to talk about my family anymore. I'm not going to see you for at least a week.” He bit the side of her stomach and she laughed.

  “Then I suggest you get on with it, if we’re to fit a week into a night.” She purred as her foot slid up the back of his thigh.

  Chapter 5

  “Will you be needing anything else, my lady?” The maid asked as she finished tidying the vanity.

  “No, thank you.” Giselle pulled her robe closed and tied the sash as the maid bobbed a curtsy and left the room. She went to the window and looked down on the city. It was still hard for her to believe she was in London. So far, she wasn't impressed. England had been the place of her youth and her father, she loved England. London, she loathed. London was the ton; a grasping, overbearing, shallow monster that would try to use her and force her to bend to it’s whims. Giselle wanted none of it. Unfortunately, London and the ton were necessary evils. She would have to play their game until she got what she wanted. Then, she would leave and never return.

  She was overjoyed that she would see Gilles soon. Giselle had relations in England but they were distant and she didn't know any of them. Gilles was the closest thing to family she had left, in her mind. Having to part ways with him in France had been difficult and the most terrifying thing she had ever done. It was worse than the bullet that had ripped through her body. Giselle had spent the last two years slowly and carefully making her way back, seeing him again would be one more piece of herself that she would reclaim.

  He was married and had a son. She smiled as her happiness for him warmed her. And a title. He had the life he deserved. Giselle was determined not to put him or his family in danger. Her mind turned to another member of his family. Alastair had been a surprise. She had been so carried away with her joy at finally meeting him that it wasn't until she was in his arms that she realized that he was not the awkward man her mind had created.

  Giselle shivered and goosebumps spilled down her arms as she recalled how she felt in Alastair's arms. He was so tall and strong, he held her as if she weighed nothing. He felt lean and taut against her, heat poured from him. When she leaned back and looked into his eyes, she had been mesmerized. His eyes had been so like Gilles’ in color but somehow harder, more piercing. His coloring was different, his hair was a pale blonde and his skin fair. The features they shared were sharper, more rigid in Alastair's face. Giselle had come across a wolf while riding through the woods once. Instead of being afraid, she had been spellbound by it's prowling grace and it’s lethal power. She knew that if it chose to strike, it would be swift and fierce. Sitting with Alastair had been like sitting wi
th a wolf.

  Beneath his very precise and polished exterior, Giselle felt harnessed energy and strength There was a hunger and a sensuality that he kept leashed that she felt drawn to. She was almost overwhelmed by the urge to taunt and tempt him until the chains snapped. Imagining Alastair, unleashed and ravenous aroused Giselle in a way that nothing had before. Just the idea of his hands exploring her body made her heavy and aching between her thighs.

  She had never truly desired a man. She had certainly never pursued one. In the past, she had exploited her effect on men and was an expert at pretending to return their affections and attraction. Giselle had never experienced weakness and actual lust. Her body had never reacted to a man’s hands and lips as it did when Alastair held her. She had never felt compelled to open herself to anyone as she had with him. The urge to bare herself to him in every way had been so potent, it was both thrilling and frightening.

  Could she have an affair with Alastair? Giselle was certain he desired her, it seemed likely that he would agree. The only reason she might hesitate was Gilles. She would never do anything that might hurt him or his family. Coming to London and seeking Gilles’ assistance was unavoidable but she was determined to bear the brunt of the risk. If becoming involved with Alastair would put him in danger, she would leave him alone. If she found that she could explore and enjoy the passion that flared between them without putting him in harm’s way, she'd be a fool not to.

  She turned to the bed and removed her robe as she crossed the room. Sleep and eat whenever you can. It was a rule she lived by. It had saved her life many times. As she settled beneath the covers and let her head sink into the pillow she sighed and allowed herself to enjoy the luxury of a comfortable bed. Living as she had, she learned to appreciate the nights she spent in an actual bed, especially if it was as clean and cozy as the one she was currently enjoying. Thoughts of Alastair tried to distract her, to keep her awake and restless but she cleared her mind, letting it become blank and still, another skill that had always served her well.

  Chapter 6

  Despite the relative safety of the early hour, Alastair was careful to keep his voice low as he handed his card to the attendant at the desk and asked that it be delivered to Lady St. Claire’s room. None of his peers were likely to be about but he was still wary. He took a seat and opened a news sheet, using it to obscure his presence as he watched the stairs.

  Approximately ten minutes later, Giselle appeared at the top of the stairs. Alastair watched her glide down toward the lobby. Once again, he felt his body tighten and his heart began to beat faster. He folded the paper and rose. He waited for her to see him and became lightheaded when she smiled in greeting. This has to stop. He thought to himself.

  Alastair offered his arm and tensed as she took it. He expected the usual recoiling and anxiety but felt only warmth when her hand rested on his arm. Odd, that. There were so few people that he could bear to be this close to. Knowing it was better that they keep their visit short and witnessed by as few as possible, he guided them into an alcove and pulled Gilles’ note from his coat.

  “We have to hurry. Gilles wants you to send all of your belongings to Spencer Place with the exception of what you'll need while you're away.” His voice was low and he spoke fast. He kept his breaths shallow and tried not to breathe through his nose. Her scent was wreaking havoc on his concentration. “A coach will be waiting for you out back in one hour. Can you get to it without being seen by too many people?” He saw a smile tug at her lips as she nodded. “Good. That note will explain everything. I’ll see you in an hour.” He took her hand and kissed her knuckles before he rounded the column and walked out of Grillon's. As he reached the coach, he examined the street and windows around him. He noticed nothing of concern.

  Once he was seated within the coach he turned his mind to the day ahead. How was he going to endure a day closed in a small space with Giselle without giving in to his urges? Gilles seemed certain that there was something about her or her past that Alastair needed to know about before he committed to Giselle. Compromising her in a coach seemed imprudent.

  Chapter 7

  An hour later, Alastair had his answer.

  “Mademoiselle.” He greeted Giselle as he extended his hand to help her in. As soon as the door was closed, they were off. She settled on the bench opposite and flicked the hood of her cloak back. Once again, her smile stunned him.

  “How long will it be before we are at Winthorpe? I can't tell you how excited I am!” She was bubbling with joy, he couldn't help but smile.

  “You were able to read the letter?” He was impressed. It was in Ancient Greek and the sentences were a collection of nonsense. Giselle laughed.

  “Of course! ‘Follow the boy beneath the stars.’ meant that I should go with you. ‘To the place of four childhoods’ is Winthorpe. ‘To meet a girl in trees and a boy on horses.’ is Mirabelle and Lucien.” She removed her cloak, rolled it and placed it against the corner of the seat.

  “Remarkable. We should be at Winthorpe by mid afternoon.” Alastair replied as he let his eyes drift over her. She was relaxed and content. “Aren't you curious as to why Gilles is sending you to Winthorpe? Do you have any questions?” In his experience women rarely went anywhere without asking at least a dozen questions. She was obviously very independent, he expected that she wouldn't appreciate being told to pack up her things and jump in a coach with no warning or explanation. Giselle shrugged and lowered herself to her cloak pillow and made herself small as she settled onto the bench.

  “I trust that he has his reasons and they will be made known to me when I get there.” She sighed and tucked her hands under her cheek and to Alastair's astonishment was asleep within a few minutes.

  Apparently, he wouldn't have to worry about controlling himself.

  Chapter 8

  Hugin flew past Lucien so fast his legs were a blur. He leaned against the fence and cursed, Mirabelle’s gloating would be unbearable. The horse was definitely faster with her on his back. She came around the track again, this time slower, letting the horse cool down. She leaned forward, crooning in his ear. Lucien felt his body tighten as her breeches pulled tight around her backside. He looked around the track and noticed a few hands and jockeys prudently looking away.

  Voices called from the stable and he turned to see Gilles ride up on Lucifer. He jumped off the stallion and patted his neck as he waited for McInnery to take the reins. Once he was certain Lucifer was in good hands, he headed in Lucien’s direction, dusting himself off as he crossed the yard. Mirabelle called to him and he waved. Lucien turned and he felt winded as he watched her running toward the fence. Her hair had come loose and her breasts bounced beneath her blouse. She was exhilarated from her ride and the colors of her face; her eyes, lips and cheeks were brighter, more vivid. Her beauty made him ache. Mirabelle set her foot to the bottom rail and swung her leg over the fence. Lucien grabbed her waist and helped her down, pulling her against him for a moment. She looked into his eyes and smiled. His groin tightened as she rose on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his.

  “Later!” She promised as she turned and ran to Gilles. He opened his arms wide and spun her as he caught her. Lucien shook his head and laughed as he waited. Gilles put an arm around Mirabelle's shoulder and was teasing her as they approached the track.

  “You made excellent time, Hal!” Lucien pulled him into an embrace. “We weren't expecting you until much later.”

  “I wanted to get here early to give you both fair warning. Alastair is on his way and he isn't alone. I’m hoping you won't mind an extra houseguest, as a favor to me.” Both Lucien's and Mirabelle's brows rose.

  “Of course. Who is it?” Lucien didn't hesitate, he would walk through the fires of Hell for Gilles. A houseguest was fairly easy.

  “Lady Giselle St. Claire.” Gilles smiled as Mirabelle’s jaw fell and Lucien felt his eyes grow wide. “Believe it or not, that isn’t the most interesting piece of news I have to share.” He grinned as he
leaned against the fence and crossed his ankles.

  “Well… isn't that just… this is just…” Lucien and Gilles exchanged glances and laughed as they watched Mirabelle attempt to cope with all the information Gilles had heaped upon them. “Alastair is in love… with Lady Giselle St. Claire.” She blinked rapidly. Lucien laughed and put his arm around her as he directed everyone toward the house.

  “And he truly didn't know?” He asked. It was amazing, Alastair knew everything, as long as it wasn't to do with society. “He's in for it. He should have courted Princess Charlotte if he wanted less attention.” Mirabelle clapped her hand over her mouth and doubled over with laughter.

  “Oh, dear! He’ll have two kings in his family, he'll be in such demand!” She gasped.

  “Don't get carried away. I told you, she's probably opposed to marrying. As soon as anyone mentions marriage, she'll dig in her heels and it will only make things harder for Alastair.” Gilles’ gaze was directed at Mirabelle. She rolled her eyes.

  “Right. Be subtle. I can be subtle.” She grumbled. Again, Lucien and Gilles exchanged glances and grinned at each other.

  “Sweetheart, you are many things but subtle isn't one of them.” Lucien teased as he led them into the hall. She scowled.

  “Why are you so sure she won't suit Alastair, Gilles?” Mirabelle asked. He sighed as they entered the dining room for lunch.

  “I love Giselle but she is the last woman I would pair Alastair with. They're only a few hours behind me. Let me talk with her and hopefully, I'll be able to tell you everything.”


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