Sabotage at Somerset: A charmingly fun paranormal cozy mystery (Oxford Key Mysteries Book 4)

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Sabotage at Somerset: A charmingly fun paranormal cozy mystery (Oxford Key Mysteries Book 4) Page 24

by Lynn Morrison

  I can't stop my mouth from turning up in a smile. By putting our heads together, Trevor and I solved the mystery of who was trying to sabotage the production. Yesterday was a hard day, for all of us, but today's joy makes it all worthwhile.

  I keep an eye on the door, turning my head everytime I hear it open, thinking it might be H arriving. The first few times it is one crew member or another. Then Donald, the security guard, cracks the door open and pokes his head inside. He watches silently, motioning for someone in the corridor to wait. I spot a familiar scaly little beast slide through the opening and I wave for H to come and join me.

  "Yer not goin' ta believe who is outside, Nat!" H whispers after he lands beside me.

  "Who?" I ask, but H refuses to answer. My curiosity grows as I wait for the cast to finish filming their scene. When Uncle Harold yells cut, my eyes go straight to the door.

  Donald pushes it open wide and then steps aside. An older woman enters, pushing a younger woman in a wheelchair. The younger woman is thin and pale, but her face is recognisable.

  "Vivian!" One of the crew members squeals, rushing over to greet the actress. Within seconds, I lose sight of Vivian. She is mobbed by well-wishers and friends, excited to welcome her back to the group. H and I sit tucked away on the far side of the room, marvelling at the change in the mood on set. We can almost feel the elation, as the final worry disappears.

  I'm lost in thought when H prods me with a talon, recalling my attention in time to hear my uncle calling my name.

  "Nat? Can you come here for a second?" He motions for the team to clear space for me to get through. "Here she is, Vivian," he says when I reach his side.

  Vivian offers me her hand, which I take without thinking about it. She clasps my hand tight, and pulls me close for a hug.

  "Thank you so much, Nat. I hear I have you to thank for figuring out who was behind my near-death experience."

  "It was as much DCI Robinson as it was me," I demure as I stand back upright. Vivian keeps hold of my hand, not yet ready to let me go.

  "I've thanked him as well," she assures me. "He told me what Joyce said, that she didn't have anything against me, she only wanted my role. But when you're lying in the hospital, wondering if you will see another day, it is hard not to take things personally."

  "I, um," I stammer, with no clue what to say.

  "I've spoken with your uncle and accepted his offer to extend my role on one condition."

  I raise an eyebrow, glancing between Vivian and Harold.

  "I've made him promise that he will create an opportunity for at least two unknown actors - one male and one female - to join the cast as well. I don't agree at all with Joyce's methods, but her message was an important one. Those of us in power need to find ways to lift up the people below us."

  I squeeze Vivian's hand and then let go, overwhelmed by my own emotions. Now it is Harold's turn to throw an arm around my waist.

  "I take it the doctors expect you to make a full recovery?" I ask, once I can speak again.

  "Yes," Vivian assures me. "Although I've been instructed to take it easy. I had to strong arm my mum to bring me here this morning. I wasn't sure if you were planning to attend the wrap party, since I heard you had also been ill. I wanted to make sure I gave you my thanks."

  "And on that note, we need get you home to rest if you want to come back later," Vivian's mum says, her tone firm.

  "And we'd better get back to work," Harold adds, calling the cast and crew back to their spaces. "Enough goofing off for you lot," he says with a smirk. "We've got three scenes left to get in the can before we lose the light. Places, everyone!"

  I return to my seat on top of the desk, but not before grabbing a packet of biscuits off the snack table to share with my best friend, H.


  When filming finally wraps late in the day, Ilaria shouts my name across the courtyard. H and I stop in our tracks, waiting for the costume designer to catch up.

  She steps close, air kissing my cheeks. "Ciao, bella. I've been looking for you. Are you done for the day?"

  "Yes, I was about to head home to meet Edward and get ready for the party."

  "Text that handsome boyfriend of yours and tell him to meet you here instead. We've arranged a pampering session as a surprise for you. A small thank you, for solving our crime." She holds up a hand forestalling any further questions.

  I take a quick glance at H, to see what he thinks. He gives me a toothy smile and a thumbs up while saying, "Go on, Nat. I'll let Edward know where ya are." Then he flaps his wings and flies off. As always, the magic steps in and Ilaria doesn't notice my cat flying away.

  I begin to feel a tingle of excitement, wondering what Ilaria could have in store for me. "Okay, I'm in. Where to now? Your trailer?"

  "First, a shower. You can use Vivian's trailer. It's empty and she left the key for you. Take your time, Joe will be waiting for you in hair and make-up an hour from now." Ilaria passes me a key and sends me on my way.

  It feels strange to be back in Vivian's trailer. I make sure to lock and latch the door behind me once I go inside. Hopefully Caleb has somewhere else to shower today, because he is not getting in here. A glass of cold juice and a plate of cucumber sandwiches sit waiting on the table, next to a little card with my name on it.

  I carry the snack into the small living room, relaxing on the sofa while I enjoy the thoughtful food and drink. On the night of a big event, I'd normally be running left and right, hopping from one fire to the next to make sure the event went off without a hitch. It feels absolutely luxurious to be sitting alone, in a peaceful space without a care in the world. I let my head fall back against the sofa, close my eyes, and soak it all in.

  Soon enough, it is time for me to get moving. In the bedroom, I find a fluffy robe, fresh towel, and tiny bottles of fancy toiletries. Once I'm clean and dry, I wrap up in the robe and make my way a few doors down to hair and make-up.

  As promised, Joe is waiting inside. He is a man of few words. He bids me to take a seat in his chair and steps back to assess. "I'm thinking… glowing, fresh, natural with a tiny hint of glamour. Does that work for you?"

  "Perfect!" I reply with a broad smile. Joe leaps into action, first applying flawless make-up in subtle shades. Next, he moves onto my hair, blowing it straight and then curling it into bouncy ringlets. I'd never have the patience to go through all of the steps he does. I usually rely on my natural curls to cover-up my hurried morning preparations.

  When he spins me around to look at the end result, I am stunned. He has worked his own version of magic, accentuating my best features and tidying my normal riot of curls into perfect order. I gush my thanks but he waves me on to Ilaria for the final step in the process.

  "Now, cara, let's see about a dress for you." Ilaria leads me through the maze of tightly packed clothing racks until we emerge at her changing rooms. Hanging on one of the doors is the most gorgeous dress I've ever seen. I reach out to touch it, but remember to stop myself and ask permission first.

  "The dress is yours, cara. It is tailored to your measurements, custom-made by my best seamstress."

  I sigh blissfully as I stroke the sheer, pale gold sleeves. "It's too much, Ilaria. You've already tailored one of my dresses. I love it, but I can't accept it for free."

  "Nonsense!" she remarks, scowling at me. "You've been here on set, nearly every day, answering questions and offering advice on how to make the sets and scenes as authentic as possible. If that isn't enough, you also stepped in front of the camera, and refuse to take any credit for it. Plus, you worked tirelessly to figure out Joyce was behind the efforts to sabotage the production. A dress, even one of my bespoke designs, is the least we can do for you."

  I am overwhelmed by her generosity, tears threatening to come to my eyes. She quickly fans my face, warning me against messing up my make-up.

  "None of that now. Take the dress into the changing room and put it on."

  I step out, feeling like Cinderella. The cha
mpagne dress makes my face glow, perfectly complimenting my blonde curls. The ruffled neck mini dress hits a few centimetres above my knee. The sheer silk fabric glitters in the light, while the ruffles at my wrists hide my narrow bandages. The cream-coloured bustier and skirt underneath the silk hug my curves.

  Ilaria adds a pair of cream-coloured wedge sandals to the mix and my look is complete. I thank her again and again, only stopping when we hear a knock on the door.

  "Nat?" Edward calls out from the door near the hair and make-up area. "Are you in here?"

  "Coming!" I shout in return. I give Ilaria a final hug of thanks before she shoos me out of her domain, reminding me she and Marcello still need to get ready.

  Edward is staring out at the busy scene in the courtyard when I exit the trailer. Workers scurry around, unfolding chairs and setting tables out onto the temporary floor. The band is warming up and doing sound checks. Right in the middle of it all are Will and Jill, looking remarkably cool-headed in the face of such chaos. Jill must feel my gaze, as she looks around until she spots me. Her mouth drops open and she pretends to fan herself, before giving my makeover a big thumbs up.

  I clear my throat, causing Edward to spin around. He's wearing his garden party attire of trousers and a pale blue button-down shirt. The colour of his shirt brings out the blue in his eyes as they smile out at me. His wavy hair, as always, is winning the battle against all his attempts to gel it in place. All the better for me to run my fingers through it. A shiver of attraction runs down my spine.

  "You are worth the wait," Edward murmurs as he holds his hand out to me.

  "Am I late?" I ask, confused.

  "Tonight? No. But I've been waiting my whole life to have a woman like you on my arm." His eyes glow with love, making my heart skip a beat.

  I flounder around for a reply, unprepared to hear such romantic words coming from Edward. He doesn't give me a moment to find my feet, however. He tucks my arm into his and suggests we take a short walk around while they finish the party preparations.

  "Have you seen Somerset's Fellows Garden?" he asks, once we're away from the noise.

  "Fellows Garden? No, I didn't have a chance to get over to it, what with everything else going on."

  "Then let's walk over there, shall we?" He asks about my day, making all the right noises when I tell him about Vivian's visit and her new contract demand to create opportunities for new talent. He keeps me talking as we meander past Molly's vegetable patch. The Fellows Garden sits behind it, blocked off by large stone walls. Much like St Margaret, the entrance is a large wooden gate. Edward produces a key from his pocket and slides it into the lock.

  "Where did you get the key?" I ask, once again thrown off balance. He doesn't answer me, smiling as he holds the gate open, ushering me inside.

  The paving stone pathway is lined with twinkling white lights. I walk forward, unsteady. We wind between trees and shrubs, the flowers in full bloom, perfuming the air. After a couple of twists, we emerge into a small courtyard, with a gazebo sitting in the middle of it.

  More white lights outline the openings in the gazebo, glittering against the shadows made by the low evening sun. Inside the gazebo is a small table, with a bucket of champagne on ice and two champagne glasses.

  My heart seizes up as the realisation hits me. This isn't a casual walk to kill time. Edward has plotted every minute of this, perhaps even the impromptu make-over. After a beat, my heart starts racing, my palms sweating.

  Edward leads me into the gazebo and turns, positioning us so we are facing one another. He looks deep into my eyes, radiating so much love and affection that I can't help but blush.

  "One year ago, I thought I had everything I'd ever wanted out of life — tenure at Oxford, a comfortable home, a few friends. Then you showed up at St Margaret. You didn't let anyone stand in your way… least of all me. As I told you before, you upended my quiet existence. What I didn't say is how thankful I am that you did. I cannot imagine my life without you."

  Edward lets go of my hands and reaches into his pocket, pulling something out. He drops to one knee and raises his hand, revealing an open ring box. An oval-shaped diamond ring sparkles inside.

  His voice is low and deep, full of emotion. He looks intently at me, his mouth turned up in a hopeful grin. "Natalie Payne, will you marry me?"

  Chapter Eighteen

  When I was a child, I often imagined my future marriage proposal. There would be a handsome man, whom I adored. He would get down on one knee, his voice trembling with nerves, and he would ask me to spend the rest of my life with him. I would be so overcome with emotion, I would burst into tears. He would grow more tense, wondering what my tears might mean. Eventually I'd choke out a yes and we would kiss.

  Sure, my daydreams reflected what I saw in movies and on television, but there was another reason they were fraught with emotion. As a child, I couldn't fathom committing to stay with someone for the rest of my life. As exciting as the notion might seem, it was also terrifying. Of course, my future spouse would sweat nervously. Obviously, I would sob, overcome with emotion. I couldn't imagine any other way it could possibly happen.

  Here is what I didn't know when I imagined this moment: when the right man asks you to marry him, the only emotion you feel is pure joy.

  When Edward holds out the ring box and says those four magical words, I say yes. I practically shout it, I am so excited. He leaps up, pulling me into an embrace, and kisses me so fully my toes curl.

  Then he pulls back, looking at me carefully. "Are you sure? I've been planning this for a while now, but I don't want to rush you. If you need more time…"

  I kiss him again to shut him up. "I don't need more time, Edward. I love you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

  "Maybe you'd like to have the ring, then," he says, winking at me. He unwraps his arm from around my back to reveal the ring box still in his hand. He holds it out to me, waiting for me to take it.

  "It's beautiful, Edward," I say with awe, gazing at the platinum setting and bright jewels. "I've never seen anything like it, and yet, it is perfect."

  "More perfect than you know, Nat," he quips back. "The oval diamond in the centre was my grandmother's. The smaller diamonds encircling it come from your grandmother's wedding band. It is designed to represent the union of our two families."

  Edward takes the ring from the box and slips it onto my finger, giving my hand a gentle squeeze before letting go. It is the exact right size. I can hardly take my eyes off it as I shift my hand to the left and right, watching the diamonds glitter and glow. Edward opens the champagne with a soft pop and pours two glasses.

  After we toast, I take a moment to look around again. "I can't believe you came up with all of this, Edward. The fairy lights and champagne, the bespoke ring… are you also responsible for my surprise pampering and new dress?"

  Edward rubs his hand on his neck and looks up at me, sheepish. "I had some help… well, a lot of help, if I'm being honest. You nearly caught me a couple of times."

  I cock my head to the side and rummage through my memories. I didn't have a clue what Edward was organising, so how could I have come close to catching him in the act? Edward so rarely acts secretively; you'd think those moments would have stood out.

  "Wait a minute, were you and H working on this at the dining room table, the night you two took on the neighbourhood cats? Now that I think about it, you were very quick to gather up the papers on the table."

  Edward nods, grinning with pride. "We were working on our battle plan, but before you arrived, we'd been looking at ideas for your ring. H spends so much time with you, I thought he might have some insights into what you like."

  I hold up my hand again and point to the ring. "H came up with this?"

  "Oh no, he was as lost as I was," Edward admits with a chuckle. "You have Dominic to thank for the end result. I remembered his offer to help pick your gifts and I gave him a buzz. He contacted a jewellery designer he knows, and they
whipped up the design and put it through as a rush order."

  I sigh with delight as I admire the ring. It is gorgeous and I am not at all surprised to find out Dominic had a hand in its design.

  "Okay, that covers the ring. Let me guess, Will and Jill helped you arrange all of this?" I motion to the lights and champagne. "Is that what you three were discussing on the day you came to take me out to lunch?"

  "Jill came up with the idea for stringing up the fairy lights. Will and I met here earlier today and hung them all up. But the table, champagne and glasses were all me." Edward points at his chest, clearly proud of himself. He is so boyishly cute in the moment that I have to reward him with a kiss.

  "What about Mathilde and Kate? Harry? Oh, my goodness, does Harry know you were planning to propose?"

  Edward shakes his head, beaming down at me. "I told as few people as possible, because I knew you'd want to be with me when we share the news. H, Dominic, your assistants, and Harold are the only people who knew the full plan. I swore your dad and my mum to secrecy when I got the family rings, and I didn't tell them I was going to propose so soon."

  He pauses to check his watch. "On that note, shall we take this bottle of champagne to go and join the rest of the party? I imagine there might be a few people there who would be thrilled to see your ring."

  We share one more spine-tingling kiss before we leave the privacy of the Fellows Garden.

  No surprise, Harold, Dominic, Will, Jill and H are the first people we see. The group are staking out on the edge of the party closest to the Fellows Garden, casting glances over their shoulders as they keep an eye out for us. Our broad smiles and champagne glasses are all the proof they need to know what my answer was.

  H spots us walking over, flies ahead, and gives me a big hug, taking care not to jostle the hand holding the champagne. "Were ya surprised, Nat? Did it look amazing? It was my job today ta keep ya from goin' anywhere near tha Fellers Garden."


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