Collecting Rayne

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Collecting Rayne Page 2

by Havok, Rayne

  With what strength I can muster, I say, “What now?” I can’t think of anything I want more than to be done with this, and even though I’m rushing to get to the most awful part, my thinking is that, once we start, we can be closer to the end.

  I see Everett’s brows raise, impressed with my words. “Derek here is going first.”

  I see a flash of surprise from Derek; I can only assume they’d not talked about everything before they subsequently attacked.

  “Which one you want, D?” Everett asks, tucking me under his arm, possibly to show I had already been taken from his selection. I try to mentally prepare for when my devil has his turn. My lungs barely contain the deep breath I need to take.

  “I mean if you’re really asking, I’d like dibs on blondie over there.” Rose stiffens and squeals when Ian’s grip tightens. Shay tucks her head in her hands.

  “Nononono,” She pleads as Ian talks her down into a sitting position.

  “Ok, ladies we are going to need your help if you want this to go as seamless as possible,” Everett says. “Girl, what’s your name?” he says to me.

  “Bri,” I answer.

  “Well, Bri, you seem to be the smartest around here, why don’t you go help your friend get undressed the rest of the way?”

  I glare at him.

  “Please,” he says, mockingly.

  I go, but not a single cell in my body not fighting with me right now. I physically have to pull myself toward her while my body screams at me to run, to flee, to get the fuck out of here before my world is changed into a fucking nightmare that will have its claws in every second of the rest of my life.

  “Babe, let me. Ok?” My voice shakes and I wipe frustrating tears away from my eyes so I can see her.

  She sits back, not helping me, but doesn’t stop me either, as I tug her jeans down her thighs and over her feet. I watch the cool night chill her body.

  “Perfect.” Everett takes hold of Lacy and shoves Derek toward a little to get him going. “You’re up.”

  Derek turns pale and hesitates long enough for Ian to say, “Bro, let’s go, she is not gonna fuck herself…” he laughs. “Unless, that’s what you want?”

  “I don’t know…” Derek starts to turn toward Everett, who stops him midsentence.

  “We are doing this. Here, is the place and now, is the time. Get your dick out.” He leaves no room for further conversation in the finality of his tone.

  Derek takes a breath and walks forward. It’s surreal to see someone mentally preparing to rape someone. “I need her spread more, I don’t want to get kicked.” My stomach churns.

  “Oh, for fuck sake,” Everett rolls his eyes in frustration. “Girl,” he yanks Shay up, practically flinging her at her sister, “Take her leg. You,” he says to me, “take her other leg, make sure Derek doesn’t get hurt. Keep her spread like she’s having a baby.”

  I do as I’m told, for the sake of my friends. “It’s ok, Shay,” I sooth. Although nothing about this is ok.

  I pull her leg open and look Derek dead in his eyes as he approaches Rose. But he doesn’t look at me, he shares glances with the other two guys and the spot between her legs.

  She fights and struggles more the closer he gets to her, but nothing prepares me for the sharp twist her body makes when he yanks his pants down and a big cock jumps out- the reality of our fates with it.

  Everett jumps into action, puts her back in her place and hits her hard in the mouth. “I told you to play nice. Now. Play. Nice.” Angry spittle hits her in the face.

  She doesn’t move anymore, not even when the blood from her nose runs down over her lips does she even flinch. She just closes her eyes to the nightmare.

  Derek gets on his knees then tugs her body the rest of the way to him and pushes all the way into her without another word.

  She cries hard, her body shaking in sobs but the boy continues, egged on by the other’s cheers of encouragement.

  I’m holding Rose’s hand now, not her leg, Derek has taken that job over as he thrusts harder into her. His sudden aggressive grunts I can only assume are him finishing.

  Rose scurries away when released, the raw skin on her back from the rocky ground now a bleeding rash down her spine.

  I try to go to her but I’m tugged back hard into the arms of Everett who is whispering those same threats again. I glare at him, but he just laughs.

  I stay back, watching Rose ball up and lie there in the fetal position, Shay next to her. I’m not sure if she is going to be able to calm Rose or if Rose is going to need to calm her. They’re both a mess of sobs.

  “Ian, you’re up. You get that one.” He points to Lacy, and in a flash, I see all the happy times we’ve shared together, all the times in my life she’s been my rock and my best friend. The moments I needed her and she was there, standing strong and tall against anything in my way. I need to be that for her now.

  I shake off Everett and go to her, wrapping her in my arms, I hug her so tightly I can feel her bones fight against me. “I’ll be ok, Bri,” and with that she is out of my reach.

  I feel like I owe it to her to be a part of her horror so I watch. Ian takes her clothes off, it’s so fucking foreign to me to watch a man undress a woman and if I didn’t know what was actually happening I might think that this is consensual. Except for the sternness in her chin, I see no signs that she is in trouble.

  Everett, beside me, runs his fingers across my chest. “We’re up next.” He pushes his crotch into the side of my leg and my spine stiffens.

  I think about all the times I’ve heard people talk about their skin crawl and I thought I knew what they meant, but I was not prepared for the real feeling. It feels like all the pores along my skin collectively vomit.



  Ian is so much more aggressive than Derek was. And that’s saying something when there is an oozing road-rash on Rose’s back that will likely scar.

  “Come here.” I almost don’t think Ian is talking to me, but when I don’t respond quickly enough he actually stops what he’s doing and swiftly pulls me along with him. He stands, completely naked, dick jutting out like some phallic monster. “Put your finger in her.”

  Everett whistles, “Oh yea, don’t pretend like you haven’t before, all those sleepovers weren’t just full of pillow fights.” He leans in close to watch, careful not to shadow the moon, which has been the only source of light.

  “Just fucking do it, Bri.” Lacy is barely holding herself together.

  “See, she’s fucking begging for it. I told you, bitches are all the same. Fucking cunts.” Everett’s anger is a full mask on his face.

  I cannot watch myself do what they tell me, I gently slip my finger inside, but before I can pull it out Ian takes control of my arm and thrusts into her with me. I fight hard against him, but I’m not able to win and it seems the more I fight the more pain it’s causing Lacy, so I just surrender myself and let him do it.

  I can imagine how painful it is for Lacy to have my knuckles hit her this hard, practically punching her as he tries to force me deeper inside her.

  “Stoooooop!” I don’t realize I’m the one screaming until he does stop and all the noise around me ceases.

  I stumble backward on to my ass and breathe heavily until I can come back to this world. All eyes on me, I catch the subtle movement behind them and before I can stop myself, I feel my eyes go toward it, regretting the second I learn the source.

  I watch as Everett sees my distraction and looks behind the crowd in time to see the sisters getting to their feet and trying to make a getaway. And goddamn me, I am to blame for what happens next.

  I hear the scream before I see what happens-- Rose being yanked back by her blonde ponytail, landing flat onto her back, instantly quiet after the air is huffed out of her lungs. The loud thud her head makes as it bounces on the solid ground shocking everyone silent.

  Derek holds Shay under one of his big restraining arms. She is kicking for a relea
se to get to her sister’s aid when Everett shoves me aside to get to her.

  “I see how I may have been too lenient, that’s my fault, and this whole thing could have used a little more control. And I know what controls women-- pain. Pain will teach a woman quick.” Everett indicates he wants Shay released; Derek does it while still maintaining a hand on her shoulder.

  “Get on your knees, hands behind your back.” He sweeps her leg and I can hear the crunch her knees make when they hit the ground. She squeaks and I understand why she can’t follow the rest of her instructions in this state.

  Her sister is lying eerily still on her back and Lacy sitting, arms wrapped around her naked body. A naked man inches from her face and the threat of her own pain happening right now.

  Ian struts around her and grabs her wrists, tugging them upward hard. It forces her to bend forward and I shit you not, I watch a full conversation happen between Ian and Everett, and I know what they are going to do before it happens. I try to get up and help, I try to do something. Any-fucking-thing. But I’m not fast enough.

  I am, however, in the path of Shay’s blood as it splatters across my face after Everett brought his foot back and smashed it into her chin as if he’s the kicker in a super bowl game. Her neck makes a crunch that I know will never be survivable. My heart rips open for her.

  I can’t breathe, I can’t move, I’m hyperventilating, it’s all too much. It’s absolutely the most gruesome thing I have ever seen, until I watch as Ian releases her and crudely pushes her over with his foot. Her body topples over from the weight of her head, which lands horribly wrong in the dirt.

  Shay, my sweet, beautiful Shay, so young and with so much left to do in this world, is slumped over, unrecognizable, her cute pixy-face a bloody mess rearranged and wrong.

  Derek steps forward, putting his fingers to her throat. The fact that he can come that close to her and not flinch is mind-boggling.

  “Ok…” Derek sounds angry. “This just turned into something else entirely. I never signed up for this.”

  “We never fucking signed up for this!” I hear Lacy shout, she’s getting to her feet. There is blood smeared over her thighs. I look down at my hands and realize it also covers them. I feel the frantic need to flee again.

  “You signed up for this exact thing, Derek,” Everett says. “You notice how you can see my face? You can hear my voice? You can hear your name- your real fucking name, Derek Farnsworth, come out of my fucking mouth? Your real fucking DNA running down the thighs of the pretty dead girl over there? That’s how you fucking signed up for this.” He walks over to him, and in order to get there he steps over Shay’s lifeless body. “You do the crime, although it is laughable to think using one of the come receptacles real quick could be such a thing, it is. You do the time, right? How would you ensure you not do the time?”

  “I don’t know, I don’t fucking know. I just thought…”

  Ian cuts Derek off mid-stutter and answers Everett’s rhetorical question. “You get rid of the evidence,” he says. “And these… are the evidence.” He individually points to each of us. And as his finger reaches me, my heart falls to my feet. I should have fucking known.



  It’s quiet for the briefest of moments. Long enough for me to realize Rose is still alive. Barely. Her throat is making a harsh wheeze and when I look at her, I can see the blood haloed around her head is quickly growing. She may be alive now, but she won’t be much longer.

  The only blessing she got was not seeing her sister’s head watermelon wide open. The sound of that can never be forgotten.

  I’m not the only one to notice her sound, all eyes are on poor Rose now. Ian bursts into laughter. “She sounds like fucking Darth Vader, I’m waiting for her to say she is my father.”

  “Don’t mind him, girls, he won’t be this insensitive when it’s you lying there,” Everett deadpans.

  I try hard to catch Lacy’s eyes, to get her attention somehow, without alerting the boys that I’m trying for that. I need to tell her to run, to fucking get out of here. So we can both go. But she hasn’t even sat up yet.

  Ian tugs his pants back up, but when he doesn’t fasten them I feel the sick crawl inside me, rumbling inside my stomach, threatening its way up.

  Derek has taken a few steps back, assessing the situation in front of him, after realizing the truth of what seems to been sprung on him as abruptly as it was on us. I’m thinking he may be our best bet out of this. If I could somehow use his remorse for a moment, I may be able to make him help us.

  But as soon as my thoughts are headed in that direction, the words that leave his mouth hit me like a train and I know there is nothing more to do but fucking pray.

  “Let’s finish these ones up then.”

  “Good thinking, D.” Everett claps him on the shoulder and wraps his arm around, tugging him in my direction. “And it looks like I’m up.”

  I scurry as fast as I can, knees scraping against the sharp rocks away from the look in his eyes. I make it to Lacy, pulling her arm hard to help her off the ground. Pain from an unknown source erupts in my head and turns into a ringing so loud, it’s deafening.

  “Your turn, Bri,” Everett coos close to my ear, his body pressed tightly against mine.

  He tells the other two to make sure Lacy is a “good girl” while he gets his turn, as he struggles with my shorts. I do nothing to help him; I remain dead weight until he pushes me onto my stomach, flat against the ground, making it too easy to get me naked.

  I feel him against me, hard and breathless, grunting loudly from his exertion.

  The fire inside my virgin hole as he enters me manifests in my throat as a siren scream. He doesn’t even seem to notice he’s the first man inside me, and more than likely my last, if this devil has his way.

  I can feel his anger raging hotly inside me, all his hatred, for not only me, but also the rage that has somehow built inside this young man over time. This isn’t sex for him, this isn’t for his pleasure in the normal sense. This is for his release of all this pent up aggression.

  I was hoping it couldn’t get worse, but when he wraps his hand around my throat, pulling so hard my neck feels as though it will fold or break, I realize he’s just getting started. I’m out of air quickly and the pulse in my ears is pounding, throbbing down my spine. Then he loosens up to let me breathe, but only long enough to feed my lungs a small portion of what they crave before he does it again.

  Over and over until I’m nauseated by the rush of blood fighting inside my head. I throw up. My stomach heaves and as he lets go of my throat the next time the vomit rushes out of my mouth.

  Laughing, he shoves my face into the wet dirt and rubs my nose into it. It smells sour, like fear, and makes me want to throw up again but there’s nothing else.

  He slows down and finally stops, tiny stars flood my field of vision. Realizing he’s just come inside me, disgust boils deep within my chest. If I could think any less of him I would, but he’s the scum of the earth-- the waste from the scum of the earth.

  A monster masked inside a normal looking teenage boy. Society’s shame.

  I think he will get off of me and that I’ll have time to formulate our escape as he unwinds but I don’t get the chance.

  He flips me over, looking me right in the eyes and shows me the folding pocketknife; he shoves the sharp edge against my cheek and slices hard. Pain erupts as the hot liquid rips from my skin.

  The knife is then jabbed into my side and pulled out. My stupid ass thinks only of my 5th grade teacher saying that you should never remove an object that has been stabbed into you. That you might die from blood loss and that it’s better for the medical professionals to do it.

  The second stab reminds me that his goal is to kill me, not hurt me. But I’m not able to fight him. I just lie here, letting him do this. The shock to my body is so overwhelming I’m not able to pin- point a way to help myself, I’m barely able to focus my efforts on breathing
, something so natural when you’re not in the throes of your own murder.

  I reach my hand in the general direction of Lacy, but I don’t make contact. I am able to turn my head and see that the other two boys must have already had a turn with this knife. Blood covers her entirely and they are practically glowing in it from the moon light on their naked bodies.

  I look back up at Everett who has set the knife aside, and foolishly, I’m about to be grateful but then I feel him spread my legs again. His hand feels hot against my skin, which seems drastically colder than a moment ago.

  His nightmarish grin unnerves me as he shoves his fist inside, deeper than he should, the pressure is almost more than I can take. He’s rough about it and I can feel the bile building as he stretches the inside of me.

  I try to say some badass thing that would make women around the world hoot and also so profound that he changes his ways, but I don’t think my garbled, wet coughs are being understood that way.

  I no longer feel him, or me, for that matter. It’s hard to keep alert and I realize that if I no longer fight, I can just go and it would all be over. The thought is warm and very welcoming. I let myself succumb to that warmth, and then the dark follows.



  The first thing I can feel is a subtle ticking in my neck, I focus on that, letting it become stronger and more rhythmic.

  Then my lungs open up and I’m able to take small breaths. If I go too deep though, my chest aches and the pain returns.

  I try to open my eyes but there is only darkness, a musty, dirty, dank darkness.

  Shifting my body is impossible, there is a weight on me I’m sure I would rather not analyze, but now that I know I survived, I must do this.

  My fingers feel around, but every movement has the dirt sifting and rearranging.

  I’m afraid, I don’t know if I should alert them- if they are still around- to the fact that I’m alive. But, I must do something, my lungs are screaming at me for a full breath, one absent of the mush.


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