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Thrill Page 10

by Jackie Collins

  “Are you sure?”

  Now the full seduction voice came into play. “C’mon, baby, you know I will.”

  That taken care of, he headed back to the set.

  • •

  Lara had read through the script of Revenge three times, and although it was an unsettling read due to the realism of both the language and the violence, she’d recognized that it was a powerful piece—and with the right director it could be an amazing film.

  Placing the script in her purse, she left her trailer and headed for the set, literally bumping into Joey Lorenzo on the way.

  “Sorry!” he said, stepping back.

  “No, I’m sorry it’s taking so long to get to our scene,” she said. For some unknown reason she felt her heart fluttering. “You must be going nuts watching us flub lines.”

  Once again, up close and personal, he marveled at her dazzling beauty. “S’okay,” he said, managing to sound casual. “I’m gettin’ used to sittin’ on a bar stool—takes me back to my juvenile delinquent days.”

  “Oh yes?” she said, with a luminous smile, thinking that he was quite incredibly handsome and funny too. “Was that so long ago?”

  “A while.”

  “Shy about your age?” she teased.

  “I’m thirty—how old are you?”

  She was not used to being asked such a direct question. “Actually, I’m thirty-two,” she said, answering him anyway. “My publicist keeps on urging me to say I’m twenty-nine. But since every magazine knows the truth, I keep on telling him it’s somewhat pointless.”

  They both laughed.

  “It can’t be easy being as famous as you,” he said, unable to stop himself from staring.

  “It’s not,” she replied, meeting his gaze. “Although it does have compensations.”

  “Yeah,” he grinned. “I bet.”

  Jane barged between them. “Both of you are needed on the set,” she said officiously.

  “Thank you, Jane,” Lara said, dismissing her in a nice way. She began walking toward the action. Joey fell into step beside her.

  “I hear you’re engaged to a lawyer,” she said. “That must be an interesting profession.”

  “Yeah,” he said. “When the O.J. case was goin’ on, I had my own runnin’ commentary. She should’ve been up there instead of Marcia Clark—she’d’ve done a better job.”

  “Have you been engaged long?”

  “A year,” he lied. “It’s kinda like a commitment without being the final closed door, y’know what I mean?”

  She laughed softly. “I’m sure your fiancée would love to hear that.”

  “Hey—” he said quickly, lest she think less of him. “I didn’t mean it in a bad way. It’s just that—well, y’know, marriage is important to me. When I get married, it’s gonna last forever.” He looked at her intently. “Isn’t that how you feel?”

  “My track record’s somewhat blurred,” she said, thinking that was exactly how she’d felt when she’d married Richard. “I’m divorced.”

  “Didn’t know that.”

  “Hmm . . . I guess you don’t read People magazine,” she said lightly. “My divorce was rather public.”

  “Who was the lucky guy?”

  “Richard Barry, the director,” she replied as they arrived back on the set.

  “How long were you married?”

  “Long enough to realize it was a mistake. The good news is we’re friends now.”

  “That’s nice.”

  “Time to work,” she said crisply. “And if Kyle stops tripping over his lines, maybe we’ll get to your scene this afternoon.”

  “That’d be a surprise.”

  They held a long, steady look. He was making her nervous, the way his eyes seemed to penetrate right through her. “Uh . . . I’m glad we finally got to talk,” she said.

  “Yeah,” he said, still watching her closely.

  “Is your fiancée visiting you this weekend?” she asked. Oh God, Lara, what a stupid question!

  “No, she’s workin’ a case. Why?”

  “Oh,” she said, groping for a reason. “I . . . uh . . . was going to invite the two of you to a party at my house tomorrow night.”


  She couldn’t believe the words coming out of her mouth. Was she insane? She had no party planned. “It’ll be fun,” she continued. “Yoko and Roxy are coming, and most of the crew.”

  His black eyes continued to draw her in. “Okay if I drop by alone?”

  “Of course,” she replied, slightly breathless.

  “Then I’ll be there.”

  “Good. Oh, and if your fiancée should arrive, please bring her.” She made a quick escape, hurrying over to Miles, who waited impatiently. I’m having a party, she thought. Better get Cassie on the case immediately. She 11 be thrilled.

  Joey watched her go. She was certainly something else. Knockout beautiful, incredibly nice and friendly. Not like any woman he’d ever known.

  Lara Ivory was the real thing, and he desperately wanted her.

  Joey Lorenzo had never met the real thing before.



  NIKKI SAT ON THE AMERICAN Airlines plane on her way to New York. She’d told Richard a couple of days ago that she planned to visit Lara.

  “Why?” he’d asked irritably.

  “Because it’s important. I need to get her reaction to the script.”

  “Revenge is not a project for Lara to be involved in,” he had said in his I-know-best voice. “She’s a big movie star, you’re making a small film.”

  “I know. But she is considering it. Think what a coup it would be if I got her!”

  “You can’t go asking favors.”

  “It’ll be entirely her decision.”

  “She won’t do it, Nikki.”

  “Wasn’t it you who said that one of the most important things a producer can do is follow their instincts? Well, that’s what I’m doing.”

  “If you have to—then go.”

  “And you’ll take care of Summer?”

  “She’ll be fine with me.”

  Later, she’d spoken to Summer, telling her that Richard had promised to watch out for her.

  “Excellent!” Summer had said. “Richard’s the greatest.”

  “I’ll be back in two days. You’ll have a nice time together.”

  “I’m having a good time anyway,” Summer had said. “L.A.’s amazing. Wish I could stay here forever.”

  “Do you?” Nikki had said, quite surprised. She could just imagine Sheldon’s face if she told him his daughter wanted to live permanently in California. He’d be furious. Summer was his precious prize. There was no way he’d let her go.

  “We’ll discuss it when I get back,” she’d promised.

  Now she was on her way, ready to talk Lara into the role of her life.

  She slept most of the flight, trying to avoid conversation with the German businessman sitting beside her, whose reading material consisted of Penthouse, Playboy and The Wall Street Journal. He ignored the Journal, and studied the centerfolds of the two magazines at least twenty times, grunting to himself.

  “You need to get laid,” she muttered, as they disembarked.

  The man frowned, small raisin eyes under monstrous bushy eyebrows. “Excuse me?”

  “I said the flight attendant needs to get paid—for the headphones.”

  His frown deepened. American women were very strange.

  Lara had sent a limo to the airport. Nikki got in and settled back, enjoying the ride to the Hamptons.

  By the time she arrived it was past seven, and Lara was home from her day’s work.

  “What a house!” Nikki exclaimed, walking around. “It’s so charming.”

  “I’m considering making an offer on it,” Lara said.

  “You’re not contemplating moving?”

  “No. I’d use it as a retreat, somewhere nobody could find me.”

  “That’s right—become even mor
e reclusive!”

  “I’m not reclusive.”

  “Says you.”

  Later they had dinner on the back deck.

  “Well?” Nikki asked, unable to wait any longer. “What’s your opinion of the script?”

  “Truth?” Lara said, teasing her.

  “Of course the truth.”

  Lara smiled. “I love it!”

  Nikki sat up straight. “You do?”

  “It’s everything I wanted it to be.”

  “Am I pleased to hear that!” A beat. “Now the really important question—will you do it?”

  “Well . . .”

  Nikki leaned across the table, her excitement palpable.

  “Yes!” Lara said. “I will!”

  “Thank you, God,” Nikki said fervently, clasping her hands in front of her. “I promise I’ll be good for the rest of the year!”

  • •

  With Nikki safely out of the way, Summer planned on having an even better time. She called Richard in the editing rooms and begged off dinner, saying she had to attend a friend’s birthday party.

  Richard was quite agreeable. “Don’t be home too late,” he said. “And for God’s sake don’t tell your mother I didn’t take you to dinner.”

  “Is it okay if I invite a few friends over on Sunday?” she asked, figuring she’d strike while he was in an amiable mood.

  “Fine,” he said. “I’m working all weekend.”

  Good-bye Richard, she thought gleefully. Much as she liked him, she preferred total freedom.

  Jumping out of bed, she tried to decide what to do today. If only she could drive. Well, the truth was she could drive, but if she got busted behind the wheel of either Richard’s or Nikki’s car, she’d be in deep shit; she didn’t think that either of them would appreciate a visit to the police station to bail her out. Cabs were eating up all her cash, even though she was getting money from Richard, Nikki and her father. She’d made a frantic call to Daddy Dearest, informing him that Nikki hardly gave her anything, and he’d deposited five hundred dollars in her checking account without so much as questioning what she needed it for.

  She’d already made up her mind that the best thing would be to stay in L.A., have Daddy Dearest send her money and eventually move into a place of her own. After all, she’d be sixteen in a couple of months. Then she’d be able to drive legally. How radical would that be!

  Of course, she thought sourly, Sheldon wouldn’t appreciate her staying in California, he’d hate having her so far away. But if he put up a fight, she could always blackmail him. She had stuff on Mr. Big Shot Famous Psychiatrist that he wouldn’t want anyone knowing—not even his precious Rachel, who in spite of being nice, was a bit dense.

  Oh, yes, if she wanted, she could blow his happy little deal in a second. And blow everyone’s mind in the process. Especially Nikki’s.

  Hmm . . . if Daddy Dearest didn’t cooperate, maybe she’d do just that.

  She called Jed, who offered to pick her up and take her on a club spree. Jed had turned out to be the perfect contact: he seemed to know everybody, and he introduced her around as Richard Barry’s daughter, which got her plenty of attention. She’d already been out with him a couple of times—met all kinds of people, including Tina, an amazing-looking girl of eighteen, who, she’d decided, would be her new best friend. At school she always hung out with the older girls. Fifteen-year-olds were too immature to bother with.

  Jed tried to make out with her the second night she was in town, but she’d shoved him away, having already made her decision. If she was going to do it with anyone, it had to be a movie star. Still . . . Jed was a useful guy to keep hanging.

  The club scene was way different from Chicago. There were all sorts of temptations—booze, coke, a variety of pills. Summer didn’t go for any of it; an occasional joint was her only vice.

  Back home, guys were always trying to get her drunk, but she was too smart for them. Besides, her father watched over her with an unhealthy zeal—always waiting when she came home at night, checking to see if she’d been drinking or drugging; asking questions; grilling her to find out what she did with boys.

  It was a big drag.

  He was a big drag.

  She couldn’t wait to finally cut loose.

  Jed was driving the limo when he arrived at the house. “Got an airport pickup later,” he explained.

  “When?” she said, frowning.

  “One A.M. Which gives us plenty of time,” he said, making a clumsy attempt to grab her.

  She eluded his clammy grasp with a light giggle, shooting out the door to the sleek, elongated limo.

  “You’d better sit in the back,” he said, chasing after her. “That way, if I run into any of the other drivers, they’ll think I’m still on a job.”

  “Okay,” she said cheekily. “I’ll be your rich client giving you orders.”

  “Like hell you will,” he said, leaning into the backseat, trying to grab a quick feel.

  Summer had learned at an early age that all members of the male sex were easy—all she had to do was bat her big baby blues and show a little leg and they were hers. In Chicago the boys came panting after her. It wasn’t so different in Hollywood. Although when she looked around the clubs she realized the girls in L.A. were a lot prettier than the ones back in Chicago—especially Tina, who was so cool and sophisticated, with her long brown curls, vampy lips and sparkling cat’s eyes. Summer realized she could learn a lot from Tina. And the sooner the better.

  “Let’s go, driver,” she said imperiously. “I do not wish to arrive late.”

  “You’re a tease, you know that?” Jed said, looking perplexed.

  When was he going to realize he didn’t have a chance?

  • •

  “Martini?” Richard offered

  “Why not?” Kimberly Trowbridge responded.

  Kimberly was a tall, attractive woman in her late twenties, with bobbed strawberry-blond hair and an understated way of dressing. She was Richard’s temporary assistant, hired to replace his permanent assistant, who’d left to have a baby.

  Kimberly was not only attractive, she anticipated his needs and was extremely efficient. Since she obviously worshiped him, he enjoyed having her around.

  Tonight, when he’d finished editing, he’d asked her if she wanted to grab a bite to eat. A perfectly innocent offer, because since marrying Nikki and practically giving up drinking he had been nothing but faithful. Dinner seemed an innocent way of repaying Kimberly for all her hard work.

  He’d taken her to Trader Vic’s, where the exotic drinks tasted innocuous—and packed a punch capable of felling a mule! In his drinking days, Richard could have downed three Navy Grogs in a row—no problem. Tonight he wasn’t sure if he could manage one.

  Kimberly was impressed by the restaurant. “I’ve never been here before,” she said, gazing around.

  “Then you must have one of these.” And he ordered her a Navy Grog, and a selection of appetizers.

  She downed the exotic mixture as if it were lemonade, nibbled on a couple of spareribs and an egg roll and trotted off to the ladies’ room.

  When she returned, he was already into his second drink, and there was another one waiting for her.

  He noticed she’d undone a couple of buttons on her blouse, touched up her makeup and sprayed herself with a musky scent. Talk about signals!

  “You smell good,” he said.

  “I thought you’d never notice,” she responded. And after that it was only a matter of time before he invited her back to his house.

  • •

  The first club Jed took her to was too crowded.

  “Drag,” Jed said.

  “Major,” Summer agreed.

  They moved on to Pot, an outrageous dance club that operated out of different venues every weekend. Tina was there, and so were some of Jed’s other friends. They all joined up.

  Summer noticed that every time she ran into Tina, she was with a different guy. “I get bo
red easily,”’ Tina confided with a giggle when Summer asked her why. “Jed’s okay, though. You should stick with him for a while—until you get to know your way around.”

  “I will,” Summer agreed.

  “I see you’ve been putting in time on your tan,” Tina said. “Awesome! Maybe I’ll do the same.”

  Summer was flattered Tina wanted to copy her. Tina, who was so cool with her long, dark curly hair and radical outfits.

  “You can come out to my beach house anytime,” Summer said, scrambling to jot down her phone number.

  “Maybe I will,” Tina said.

  Jed informed her that Tina worked as a model for a clothes manufacturer downtown.

  “Wow!” Summer sighed enviously. “I’d give anything to get into that kind of deal.”

  “Ask her,” Jed said. “Maybe there’s an opening. And while you’re at it, tell your stepfather to star me in one of his movies!”

  “As if,” Summer snorted.

  They both laughed, and Jed whirled her onto the crowded dance floor.

  • •

  Richard fixed two martinis before walking Kimberly out onto the deck.

  “This is fantastic!” she breathed, sipping her drink. “A house—right on the beach. It’s always been my dream!”

  Richard put his martini glass down on a ledge. He was mad at Nikki. How dare she desert him and go running after Lara, trying to persuade her to appear in her nothing little movie. Especially after he’d told her not to. Yes, he was mad, and now he was drunk, and it was all Nikki’s fault. Ambition was a dangerous thing.

  He reached for Kimberly and her musky scent. She melted into his arms as if she belonged there.

  He put his hands in her hair, pushing it behind her ears. Then he went for the buttons on her blouse, undoing them one by one.

  “Aren’t you going to kiss me?” she asked.

  Oh, yes, of course I am.

  He put his tongue in her mouth, wondered if he had a condom, hoped that she did, because he had no need of them anymore. Except now. To consummate this act of adultery.

  God! If Nikki finds out she’ll leave me.

  There’s no way she can find out.

  He undressed Kimberly slowly. She had on lacy lingerie straight out of a Victoria’s Secret catalogue—which really turned him on. First he undid her front-fastening bra, revealing nice tits with chewable nipples. Then he peeled off her thong panties, exposing her shaved bush. Finally he unclipped her garter belt and rolled off her stockings.


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