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Page 45

by Jackie Collins

• •

  Once past the accident, Joey made good time. He tried calling the hospital on the car phone. They informed him Cassie hadn’t been admitted yet. Next he phoned her sister, told her what had happened and to get over to the hospital as fast as possible.

  All he could think was thank God Lara hadn’t been in the car.

  The rain was blinding, the condition of the road getting more hazardous by the minute, but he managed to make good time, slowing down when he came to Point Dume Road, searching for the first turn past it, finding it and making a sharp left.

  Now he found himself on nothing more than a dirt road, dark and deserted. The wheels of his car were spinning and sliding in the mud, and as far as he could see there didn’t seem to be anything down here. He slowed the Mercedes. Maggie must have made a mistake and given him the wrong directions.

  He was ready to turn back when he almost ran into a car parked by the side of big, open gates that led to an isolated house.

  Two thoughts crossed his mind. Whose car was it? And why were there no lights on in the house?

  Keeping the Mercedes’ bright lights on, he drove through the gates and drew up outside the house.

  • •

  Lara moved silently through the thick shrubbery, her arms getting scratched and torn by rose thorns and jagged palms. She kept going, sure that there must be something in the shed she could use as a weapon, something she could use to fight back.

  She refused to be a victim. She’d been a victim too many times in her life, and it was not going to happen again. She was Lara Ivory—survivor. She wasn’t an actress playing a part. This was real life, and she was in a situation she was going to have to get out of herself.

  Watching her father shoot himself, she’d had no control of anything. Now she was in control, and nobody was going to destroy her.

  She stumbled up to the shed and was about to open the door, when a huge body leaped on her from behind.

  “Got you!” Alison Sewell yelled, wrestling her to the ground, both of them rolling in the thick mud. “Got you, you pretty little bitch,” Alison crowed triumphantly.

  “What do you want from me?” Lara shouted. “What have I ever done to you?”

  Alison put her hefty arms around her, holding her in a tight bear hug. “All I wanted was to be your friend,” she yelled above the noise of the howling wind. “But you didn’t want a friend like me, did you? I wasn’t good enough for the likes of you. I was too ugly, wasn’t I?”

  “What are you talking about?” Lara shouted, desperately struggling to escape.

  “As if you don’t know,” Alison yelled, straddling her, pinning her to the ground with her weight.

  She raised the knife.

  Lightning lit up the sky. Lara looked up, saw the knife and let out a long anguished scream.

  “Now we’ll see who’s the famous one,” Alison yelled, cackling wildly. “Now we’ll really see!”



  SUMMER TOOK A SHOWER, WASHED her hair and freshened her makeup. Tina was more than solicitous. She made her a hot cup of celery soup, apologized repeatedly, then told her that she’d spoken to Norman, and he’d insisted they come back that night, because he was leaving on location the next day. “We gotta close the deal,” Tina said excitedly. “If you play it right, maybe he’ll invite you to visit the location. How cool would that be?”

  Summer was tempted. The soup and the shower had made her feel better, and to tempt her further, Tina lent her a very hot Dolce & Gabbana pants suit.

  It was past one in the morning, and she decided that maybe Tina was right—she’d be wise to close the deal while she had the opportunity. Although deep down she wished she could just go to sleep.

  “Okay,” she said at last. “If you think so, we’ll go.”

  “Excellent!” Tina exclaimed, and they set off.

  • •

  “For God’s sake,” Sheldon said. “You’re losing them.”

  “No I’m not,” Nikki retorted. “I can see the car ahead of me.”

  “They only have to make one green light, and you’re fucked.”

  “Oh, Sheldon,” she mocked. “Using four-letter words. What happened to you?”

  “I don’t like you, Nikki,” he said, staring straight ahead.

  “You liked me when I was young.”

  “Well, I certainly don’t like the woman you’ve grown into.”

  “Then shut up and leave me alone,” she snapped. “The only reason we’re together is to find our daughter.”

  • •

  As they drew closer to the hotel, Tina said, “Listen, there’s something I forgot to tell you.”

  “What?” Summer asked.

  “Cluny might still be there,” Tina said. “But that’s cool, ’cause she’s so famous.”

  “Why might she still be there?” Summer asked suspiciously.

  “I think he kind of like, you know, hangs out with her. Nothing romantic, but um . . . she’s sort of like, his friend.”

  “I don’t get it,” Summer said.

  “Look,” Tina said reassuringly. “I’m sure it’ll be you and him alone together. If she’s there, I’ll keep her busy in the other room.”

  Summer shook her head. Somehow she felt as if she was being sucked into something she didn’t want to do. And yet . . . Norman Barton and his puppy-dog smile. If she could be Mrs. Norman Barton, nobody could touch her. And now that her father was in L.A., she had to find someone to protect her.

  “Okay,” she said with a little sigh. “I guess if you keep Cluny in the other room, it’ll be all right.”

  “And,” Tina said, lowering her voice, “Norman has primo grass. I told him that’s what you’re into.”

  “You did?” Summer said, thinking that the last thing she felt like doing right now was smoking a joint.

  “Hey—we’re here,” Tina said. “You want me to report that scuzzbucket who tried to rape you?”

  “No, no,” Summer said quickly. “Absolutely not. It was my own fault. I shouldn’t have gone to his house. It was a dumb move.”

  “You can say that again,” Tina said. “C’mon, let’s go.”

  She jumped out of the car, gave the keys to the parking valet and they entered the hotel.

  • •

  “Make the turn,” Sheldon ordered.

  “I can’t, there’s traffic,” Nikki replied.

  “Do it!” he commanded, pissing her off.

  “Don’t panic, Sheldon,” she said coolly. “They went into the hotel. We’re five minutes away from being with her.”

  The traffic eased up, and she crossed into the hotel driveway.

  “Are you a guest?” the parking valet asked as he opened her door.

  “No, we’ll be out shortly,” she said. “Please keep my car somewhere close.”

  They entered the lobby. No sign of Tina or Summer.

  Nikki went up to the desk, closely followed by Sheldon. “Excuse me,” she said. “Two young girls just came in here. Can you tell me where they went?”

  The woman behind the desk said, “I’m sorry, we cannot divulge that kind of information.”

  Sheldon hammered his fist on the desk. “One of those girls is my daughter,” he said. “She is fifteen years old. I suggest you tell me where they went, otherwise I’ll summon the police, and you can tell them.”

  “Just a moment, sir,” the woman said, startled. “I’ll get the manager.”

  “Do what you want, but I’m not leaving this lobby until I have my daughter back.”

  • •

  “Hey.” It was Norman Barton himself.

  Summer gazed into his puppy-dog eyes and thought, No, I haven’t made a mistake. It’s really him. And he’s really cute.

  “What happened to you?” he said, grinning. “Saw you for a second, then you were gone.”

  “It seemed to me you were pretty busy,” she said.

  “Never too busy for a honey rabbit like you,” he said, taking her hand
and drawing her into the suite.

  Cluny was stretched out on the couch, looking quite out of it. She waved vaguely in their direction. Summer noticed that there was still a small mound of white powder on the glass-topped table, and her stomach dropped.

  “Want a snort?” Norman said, indicating the supply.

  “I don’t do coke,” she replied disapprovingly. “Nor does Tina,” she added, shooting Tina a warning look.

  “But if you’ve got any grass . . .” Tina said quickly. “Then we’re talking!”

  “Hey, chicklet,” Norman said, pulling Summer into the bedroom. “Let’s go see what I got for you.”

  “Just me?” she said, staring straight at him.

  “Just you,” he replied, bright white teeth flashing in her direction.

  • •

  The manager of the hotel was Beverly Hills perfect, with crimped silver hair and a nut-brown suntan. “What seems to be the problem?” he said, ignoring Nikki and giving Sheldon an all-guys-together look.

  “There’s no problem at the moment,” Sheldon replied stiffly, taking charge. “I’m Doctor Sheldon Weston. My underage daughter is in this hotel, and I would like to know where she is.”

  The manager didn’t want any trouble. He glanced at the desk clerk. “Do you know where this gentleman’s daughter might be?”

  “Uh . . . yes, Mr. Bell. She and another young lady went up to Mr. Barton’s suite.”

  “That would be the penthouse suite,” the manager said. “I can escort you up, and we’ll see if your daughter is there. I usually wouldn’t dream of disturbing my guests at this late hour, but since you seem so certain . . .”

  “Oh, I’m certain,” Sheldon said ominously.

  “Yes, he’s certain,” Nikki added. “And she’s my daughter, too, so let’s go.”

  • •

  Norman handed Summer a joint and told her to sit on the bed. “I’m watching this great Mel Gibson movie,” he said. “But you know what? You’re so cute and pretty, I thought it’d be nice to have you hang with me.”

  It was exactly what she wanted to hear. Hang with him. Become Mrs. Norman Barton. Escape from Chicago forever.

  “I . . . I thought about you a lot while I was at home,” she ventured shyly.

  “Where’s home?” he asked, jumping on the bed beside her.


  “Yeah? Did a promo tour there once. Kind of a happening city.”

  “Maybe if you take me with you next time,” she said boldly, “I could show you around.”

  “Honey, all they do is move me from limo to limo. I never get a chance to see the sights.”

  “That’s a shame.”

  “They pay me good.”

  “Sometimes,” she said wisely, “money isn’t everything.”

  He looked at her like he couldn’t quite believe she was so naive. “You really don’t know what this is all about, do you?” he said.

  She summoned all the sophistication she could muster. “I’ve been around.”

  “Hey,” he said, his attention suddenly taken by the action on the screen. “Take a look at Mel Gibson with that insane long hair. He’s really a cool dude, huh?”

  “I love Mel Gibson,” she said.

  “Yeah.” Norman grinned. “He make you cream your panties?”

  “Excuse me?”

  He laughed. “Jeez! They sure make them innocent in Chicago.”

  • •

  The manager knocked on the door of Norman Barton’s suite. Cluny strolled over to answer it. Everybody recognized her.

  “Hi, guys,” she said, totally sanguine. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m so sorry to disturb you,” the manager said, trying not to stare at her smooth brown breasts, which were almost escaping from a skimpy little wrap dress. “I was told two young ladies were visiting Mr. Barton’s suite. One of them has to go home with her father; he’s here to collect her.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Cluny said, hands on narrow hips.

  “I want my daughter,” Sheldon thundered, pushing forward. “And I want her now.”

  “Hold it,” Cluny said, shutting the door on them.

  Tina was in the john. Cluny called out her name. “Some old dude who says he’s your father is here.”

  “What?” Tina said, emerging.

  “He’s outside with the manager. We’d better get the coke off the table in case they start barging in.”

  “I . . . I don’t have a father,” Tina said. “My old man’s long gone.”

  “Then it must be the other kid’s.”

  Sheldon began hammering on the door.

  “Shit!” Tina said. “You’re right. It must be Summer’s dad. What’re we gonna do?”

  “Quick, get rid of the coke, then we’ll tell ’em nobody’s here,” Cluny said, quickly sweeping the coke into a plastic bag and shoving it in her purse. When that was done she went back to the door and opened it.

  “Where’s my daughter?” Sheldon demanded.

  “Um . . . Tina’s the only person here,” Cluny said.

  “Tina?” Nikki questioned. “Where is she?”

  “I don’t think Mr. Barton would appreciate you coming up here to disturb us in the middle of the night,” Cluny said, suddenly getting very haughty in her best super-model way.

  The manager was embarrassed. He began to apologize, but he hadn’t reckoned on Nikki, who suddenly shoved past him into the suite.

  Tina stared at her, startled.

  “Are you Tina?” Nikki asked.

  “Uh . . . yes. Why?”

  “Where’s Summer?”

  “Uh . . . she’s not here,” Tina started to say.

  “Bullshit!” Nikki replied. “I saw her come in with you.” And before anyone could stop her, she marched over to the bedroom door and flung it open.

  Summer dropped her joint and jumped off the bed. “Ohmigod! What are you doing here, Mom?”

  “Mom?” Norman Barton said.

  “We’re going home, Summer,” Nikki said, attempting to remain calm, although she was completely unthrilled to discover her daughter sitting on a bed in a hotel room with some half-assed actor. “And we’re going now.”

  Reluctantly, Summer slouched to the door. She could see that her mother wasn’t in the mood to argue. “I . . . I . . . dunno what to say . . .” she mumbled.

  “I’m sure you’ll find something,” Nikki said. “Your father’s here, too.”

  Summer stopped in her tracks. “Oh no!” she shrieked. “I’m not going anywhere with him. It’s over, Mom, over. I’m never going back to him.”

  “Why not?”

  “Make him go away or I’m staying here.”

  Nikki frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  “Please, Mom,” Summer said frantically. “I can’t tell you now. Not in front of all these people.”

  Sheldon appeared behind her at the door. “Summer,” he said sternly. “What do you call this behavior?”

  “What the fuck is going on?” Norman Barton exploded. “Cluny,” he yelled. “Get rid of all these people.”

  The manager swept in and ushered them all out into the corridor, Tina too. By this time Summer was sobbing uncontrollably.

  “What’s the matter with her?” Sheldon said. “Is she on drugs?”

  Tina turned on him. “No, she’s not on drugs, you filthy old perv. She’s freaked at seeing you.”

  Sheldon went very pale. “I suggest you hold your tongue, young lady.”

  “And I suggest you keep your pants zipped up,” Tina retorted.

  “Will someone explain to me what exactly is going on?” Nikki interrupted.

  “I guess Summer hasn’t told you,” Tina said, heatedly. “And if she hasn’t—it’s about time somebody did.”

  “Told me what?”

  “Your ex-old man has been creeping into Summer’s room ever since she was ten, doing all kinds of dirty things to her. Why do you think she’s so screwed up? And how come you didn’t
do anything about it?”

  Nikki felt the bottom drop out of her world. She looked at Sheldon. He stared at the ground, white faced. “Is it true, Sheldon?” she asked, her voice rising.

  “This . . . this crazy girl doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” he blustered.

  Nikki turned to Summer. “IS IT?”

  Summer nodded, her cheeks streaked with tears. “I . . . I wanted to tell you, Mom, but I couldn’t. You were never there, and I didn’t want to upset you, and . . . please, Mom, let me come home with you. Please! I never want to see him again.”

  Nikki held open her arms. “And you never have to. That’s a promise.”



  RICHARD REACHED SUNSET JUST AS they were closing the road. Police barricades were already in place.

  He leaned out of his window. “What’s going on?” he asked a cop.

  “Sorry, we’re closing the highway. There’s flooding and a mud slide threatening.”

  “I have to get through,” Richard said.

  “It’s for your own safety,” the cop said.

  “It might be for my own safety, but what about my pregnant wife alone in the house?”

  “I don’t know about that.”

  “Look, I can’t leave her there, she’s already panicked.”

  “I have my orders.”

  “And I have my wife. I’m Richard Barry, the film director. My wife is Lara Ivory.”

  The cop was immediately interested. “I didn’t know Miss Ivory was pregnant,” he said. “I’m a big fan.”

  “She is, and she’s alone. So if you’ll lift the barricade, I’ 11 take my chances.”

  “Well,” the cop looked around. “As long as you’re careful out there.”

  “Of course,” Richard said, and waited while the man summoned another cop to help him move the barricade.

  • •

  Lara couldn’t breathe, she knew if she didn’t do something quickly, she’d suffocate.

  Alison was sitting astride her, grinding handfuls of mud into her face. The mud was in her mouth, her eyes, her nose.

  While she was doing it, Alison kept taunting her. “Bitch!” she yelled. “Pretty . . . little . . . bitch! Where shall I cut you first? Where would you like it, Miz Ivory?” Then she’d grind another handful of mud onto Lara’s face.


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