Hearts on Fire 1: Serefina (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Hearts on Fire 1: Serefina (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 14

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I miss you. I don’t want you to hate me. But I think I’m in love. Is that fair, Matt? I don’t want to lose Ice, Bull or Ace. I don’t want this same monster to take them from me like he took you from me. Oh, God Matt.” She traced her finger along his picture. His striking eyes, his composed expression, were all things she had been attracted to about him. He was heading places in the fire department. He had dreams, aspirations, and goals.

  For a moment she thought about Ice, Ace, and Bull, and about their amazing night together. She felt conflicted. It was like she knew she loved them, yet she still loved Matt even though he wasn’t here anymore. How could she give herself to these three men if she didn’t have complete closure? Matt still held a part of her heart that she wasn’t ready to give up. It just didn’t seem fair. Then again, the fire at the club wasn’t fair to many people.

  Closing her eyes, she remembered the crowds of people, the laughing, the conversations, and of course the loud music. But mostly she remembered how she felt. She was in love, she was high on Matt, and no one else existed that night and in those moments, but him, them, their love.

  She remembered Matt taking her by the hand and suggesting they go up another floor to see if it were less crowded. From there they headed up again, and she shook her head wishing that they hadn’t. In her mind she even paused on the staircase, looked over the railing and saw all the people and wondered if it were safe to be there. She felt the bump to her shoulder. Remembering that night so clearly. Some guy was walking down the stairs. He stared at her. She caught his eye, and being that she was so in love with Matt, she ignored the way the guy looked her body over and smiled oddly at her. She squeezed her eyes tighter. He said something. What the heck did he say to me?

  Her gut clenched at the memory. And then she felt the hand on her shoulder as someone said her name. “Serefina?” She yelped and turned quickly pulling back her arm instantly ready to defend herself.

  “Whoa,” Ace stated, grabbing her wrists before she struck him.

  She lowered her eyes and threw herself against his chest.

  “It’s okay, baby. You’re okay,” he told her as he caressed her back, her waist. She felt the skin-to-skin contact and remembered she hadn’t even put on the tank top yet. She was standing there in only a bra and so lost in the memory, she hadn’t even heard him enter the apartment.

  He caressed her cheeks, held them between his palms when she tried to pull back.

  “You’re shaking. You were so lost in thought you didn’t even hear me come in. What’s wrong? What were you thinking about?”

  “Matt,” she whispered and saw the flash of jealousy in his blue eyes. It was so quick, but she saw it. How could she tell him about what she remembered? Why should she tell him? Was it significant? But how could it be? It was just some guy who bumped into her and wanted to flirt even though she was holding Matt’s hand. But he said something to her. What the hell did he say? Why can’t I remember?

  “Baby, you’re scaring me.”

  She pulled from his arms, placed the picture she held onto the dresser and reached for the tank top on the table where Matt’s other pictures were on display. Like a makeshift memorial of items she held dear to never forget him, or forget what had happened, what they shared. She held on to the table.

  Ace placed his arm around her waist and then pulled her back against his front. With his arms wrapped around her, she felt safe, loved. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back as he whispered against her ear.

  “I know this is hard. I’m sure everything we all just heard from Trent and Buddy is bringing back memories from the fire.”

  She nodded her head.

  “It’s okay to miss him. To think of Matt, and the love you shared.”

  She was shocked. She turned in his arms and stared up into his big blue eyes. “Is it fair? I don’t want you to be jealous, or to think that my feelings for you, for Bull and Ice, are not as strong or important.”

  “Baby, why would we think that? This relationship we have, we’ve started, is so damn special. But as new as it is, I think it’s pretty damn strong.”

  “Strong enough to fight some asshole who needs to be put away or put six feet under.” They turned to see Ice and Bull standing in the doorway.

  She held their gazes as Ace caressed her back.

  “What’s going on in here?” Bull asked, walking closer. Ace gave her a little space but still held her around her waist. Bull took her hand and brought it up and against his chest. He looked concerned.

  “I was remembering the fire, and how I was feeling.”

  Bull looked at Ace and Ice came closer, ran his finger along her cheek, and smiled.

  “That’s expected. We’ve been thinking a lot about Marco.”

  “I feel like there is more I can do than just sit here and be a target. My gut is telling me, urging me to do something,” she admitted. She stepped out of their hold, and moved back toward the table.

  “It’s just the fight in you and the desire to not allow this guy to break you down. We’re all going to keep you safe,” Bull said.

  She shook her head as she picked up the picture of Matt in his firefighter uniform.

  “No, it’s different. It’s more than that, Bull. It’s right there,” she whispered, staring at Matt’s picture.

  She heard Ace’s sigh of what sounded like annoyance.

  She looked at him. “You said that this arsonist harassed Marco. He left him stuff or what?” she asked.

  Ice ran his fingers through his hair and Ace took a seat on the edge of the bed.

  “Why are you asking?” Bull asked.

  “Just tell me. Did this guy show his face?”

  “What? No, I don’t think so. If he had, then Marco would have known who he was,” Bull added.

  “We don’t know if he did or didn’t, Bull. Remember that Marco hadn’t even told us that this guy left him the note, and then the items at the other two fires,” Ice stated.

  “A note? Items at fires?” she asked.

  “Yes, there was a note,” Ace stated in annoyance at the memory and probably at the fact that Marco hadn’t confided in him, the oldest of the brothers and obvious protector.

  She didn’t know why, but she found herself asking what the note said.

  “I don’t remember. It was a few words. Nothing that made sense. Trent has a copy in the file with evidence and stuff,” Ice told her.

  Ace ran his hands over his face then his hair and to the back of his neck. She stared at him.

  “Ace?” she whispered.

  He looked up and locked gazes with her. “The words were ‘you’ve been chosen by him.’”

  Serefina heard the words and it clicked in her head. She closed her eyes and gasped, covering her mouth and nearly losing her balance she was so shocked.

  Those were the words the man on the staircase said to her.

  “Serefina?” Ice grabbed her around the waist and steadied her as Ace and Bull gathered around her.

  “What is it?”

  The tears rolled down her cheeks, and then the anger hit her gut at the realization of those words.

  “I saw the killer, the arsonist. I know what he looks like.”

  Chapter 13

  Trent was typing away on the laptop as Serefina and his cousins gathered around the kitchen table. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He couldn’t comprehend that the arsonist had risked revealing his identity to Serefina. He must have thought that she would die there, too. But she didn’t. And the fact that her name had such significance, and that she was burned and survived, had to be making this guy insane. This could be the opportunity they were looking for. This could be the means to an end of putting Matt, Marco, and all those other innocent victims to rest. Their families could finally find closure, if they could just confirm this guy’s name and identity.

  Serefina was a nervous wreck. She was trying to be strong, and his cousins were very supportive, but they were scared, too. Understandably so
. This arsonist was a monster, and they all wanted him captured and put away for life.

  Trent put his arm around her shoulders as he turned the computer screen toward her.

  “Here are a bunch of pictures of guys who have been arrested before for arson. Small offenses, but they’re in the system. If we don’t come up with a definite match, then I did put a call in to one of my friends in the bureau.”

  “Why? Those guys wanted to wait and allow him to come after Serefina and the other last survivor. Why would you trust them, Trent?” Ace asked.

  “Ace, they have the technology and abilities to take a minimal description like what Serefina remembers and put it through a database of every person in every state, never mind the world. I don’t have that type of technology in our small department. If it can help us identify this shithead and find him, I think we should keep all our options opened.”

  Serefina squeezed Ace’s hand as he sat next to her by the computer.

  “I sent my friend a full description as you recalled, as well as the words left on the note and the ones he said to you. Something has to give. I also called the detectives from the other victim’s case to see if that comment makes sense to them or in any evidence they found.” Just then Trent’s cell phone rang. He stood up and left the room.

  Ace looked at Serefina.

  * * * *

  “Just take your time and if you can’t be sure, don’t worry. We’ll figure out another way to identify this guy. I just want you safe,” Ace said.

  Serefina nodded her head and then looked around the room at her family as well as Ice and Bull. They all looked so worried, and she hated that.

  As she looked through the photos, thinking how all these men had committed arson and were out there, she felt sick, but determined. Then Trent returned to the room.

  “I have some news. The detectives working the case of the couple who died in their home said that the arson investigator there found some evidence left behind. They weren’t sure what it meant. There were remnants of a poster, one advertising the nightclub that burned down, and this sign. Does this picture, this symbol, mean anything to you? Have you maybe seen it before?” Trent asked as he passed along his cell phone, showing Serefina the picture.

  She looked at it with Ace, Ice, and Bull looking at it as well.

  “I don’t know what it is. I’ve never seen it before.”

  She handed the phone back to Trent.

  “The detectives and arson investigator don’t know either. They’re trying to see if they can link it to other arson fires across the United States.”

  “Across the United States? They think this guy is a serial arsonist? Someone whose been doing this for a long time?” the chief asked.

  “It appears that way, Chief. Maybe you guys were right about this guy being an arsonist for hire. I think that’s the next avenue I’m going to pursue and a call with the Feds to get them moving on finding this guy.”

  “You would think that they would want to stop him from hurting or killing other people. What would make them hold back?” Serefina asked. Her father placed his arm over her shoulder and pulled her by his side.

  “I’d hate to think that this has something to do with politics or money, but what else could be going on?”

  “That’s our job, and we’ll handle it. You all keep Serefina safe and watch over her at all times. We’ll be in touch,” Trent stated. Then they all shook hands before Trent and Buddy left their house to continue the investigation.

  Chapter 14

  Denis was looking at the computer. He wanted to see his fire angel. He was yearning to see how resilient she really was to the power of the master and to fire. He thought of numerous ways to challenge her power. He even thought about tying her up and leaving her in the basement of the condominium fire as it exploded. But then his heart ached with the loss. He never felt remorse for killing or burning people alive. He never even cared. He wasn’t a complete psycho though. He realized soon enough that the right people paid for his talents. They paid good money. His brother Duggy introduced him to many big shot political figures and businessmen who were unscrupulous and heartless in their attempts to become more powerful. They were stupid, and so insignificant to the big picture.

  But he wasn’t. Denis knew exactly what was to come. The fire of all fires. The one that no one would live to tell about because they would all be dead. But he wouldn’t be. Denis understood and respected his master and his guidance. Lately he had been speaking to Denis more often, and to him that meant that the master trusted him. The power the master gave him was great. So wouldn’t it be the perfect show of respect and gratitude to the Master to bring the fire of angel to him, and offer her as a gift to his power?

  He smiled as he thought about making a plan. Maybe there should be a ceremony?

  “Hey, how is that plan coming along? Kent Fredrickson is getting antsy. He wants to move on it. It’s been nearly two weeks,” Duggy said, interrupting his thoughts.

  “A few more days. This has to be perfect so we can leave with our prize.”

  And please my master with the angel of fire.

  “Fine. Just a few more days. By the end of the week we need to move. There’s been some chatter about the other fires and those damn people you killed. I don’t know why you couldn’t just leave them alone. Who cares that they lived?”

  “I care. The master cares. They die, and the woman is next.”

  “About that woman, do you think it’s worth it to risk everything we’ve been working on to take her along with us? You know she is going to try to escape. We’re going to have to make it clear from the start that we’re in charge.”

  “I’m in charge of her. She’s mine, not yours. Remember that.”

  Duggy raised his hands in the air.

  “Okay, little brother. I’ve got it. Let’s get this over with and get the hell out of this town.”

  Denis watched his brother leave and he heard the voice in his head.

  Your brother doesn’t believe in me and my power. Do you believe him? Are you going to let him take your woman from you? He wants her, and he’s bossed you around for years. He’ll take her from you.

  Denise covered his ears as he stared at the picture of the angel of fire.

  “She is mine. He can’t have her. I believe in you, Master, and will do whatever you ask of me to prove that I believe.”

  Your brother stands in the way. He is weak and he cannot be trusted. You know what to do.

  Denis squinted his eyes and looked out toward the doorway. He could hear the television blaring. He looked around the room, stood up, and packed his bags. He had the entire apartment wired. He could make it look like an electrical fire while his brother burned to death. He pulled out the small brown wooden box and the three syringes he had left. His brother wouldn’t be able to move, and he wouldn’t feel a thing as he died. That was the least he could offer him while still serving the master.

  He looked back at the screen.

  “Tomorrow, I come for you. Tonight, I finish this job and take what is mine. Angel of fire, prepare to meet your destiny.”

  * * * *

  Serefina walked into the bathroom to find Bull under the spray of water in the shower. He looked so tired, his head was down as the water flowed over him. His tattoos looked so fierce. There was the skeleton dressed in full Marine gear and the one matching Ice’s and Ace’s. There was one with four firefighter helmets lined up with their names and the word “brothers” linking them.

  Bull was the quietest of the three brothers.

  It had been over a week since Trent showed up at her parents’ house. A week of not seeing Tasha and her friends out of fear that some guy lurked in the dark shadows of the night watching her. A week of nightmares, waking up in a cold sweat screaming Matt’s name or even Ice’s, Ace’s, and Bull’s. She knew they were affected, too. Thoughts of Marco and fears of losing her ruled their thoughts.

  She was on edge even now, this late at night, as Bull r
eturned from his shift. The men altered their shifts and their buddies at the department took on extra hours so that they could be with Serefina. That was what firefighters did. That was the brotherhood they shared and the strength of the connection.

  She slowly removed the robe, her body naked after sharing hours making love with Ice and then Ace earlier. She wanted Bull. She needed him and his strong embrace, his wide shoulders and his silent yet healing personality. It was crazy, but in the last week and a half she had grown to love them so much. She knew she would die without them, and the real possibility that it could happen had her grasping every opportunity to enjoy them. It wasn’t that she was giving up or accepting that this arsonist would win, because he’d won before. No, it was a way to hold on to happiness and perfection for as long as she could, while in her mind she made a plan to end this mystery and bring justice to all, even if it meant doing it herself.

  Bull slowly turned his head to let the water ease over his scalp on that side. That was when he spotted her. She stepped right in, under the spray of water and under his arms where his hands were pressed against the tile walls.

  Running her hands up over his chest aroused her pussy, lubricating it instantly. She had told them she was on the pill, so protection wasn’t needed and now they could be as close as possible while making love. No barriers, no layers separating their bodies as they joined. Just pure emotion and sensation.

  “I missed you,” she whispered as she kissed his lips, and gently plunged her tongue between his teeth. He reached for her hips, lifted her up so fast she gasped, but then spread her thighs wide and straddled him best she could.

  “I missed you, too,” he said, nipping her lower lip with his teeth and gently tugging on her flesh.

  She rubbed her breasts against his chest and then caressed him from shoulders to pecks pinching his nipples, making him close his eyes as he thrust his hard cock against her belly.


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