Kuiper Station

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Kuiper Station Page 4

by D. W. Patterson

  Jonah sent Jacob to call the station men to a meeting on the lower deck of the aeroponic's area. The men came into the area looking behind them. They acknowledged Jonah but did not speak. When all were present Jonah spoke.

  “Thank you all for coming. I have been asked by Captain Ellis to serve as a liaison between you men and the Captain. He is interested in knowing your grievances and hopes that he can address them. Mr. Loring would you begin, will you tell me what happened between you and the Lt. Commander please.”

  “Mr. Jackson the Lt. Commander acted belligerently and aggressively towards me. He was the instigator of the confrontation, I was the target.”

  “I understand Jack but if you don't mind may I ask why you think he was so aggressive. I mean is there any background to the problem?”

  “Jonah, the Lt. Commander has been riding our backs since we came aboard Pluto Station. You know from your work in aeroponics that they have incompetently handled the station since its establishment. But they absolutely refused to admit to any problems they may have beeen responsible for and instead blamed the men trying to do a job under the worse of conditions. Speaking for myself and the rest of the men we should have revolted long ago, it is a measure of our dedication to our tasks that we have allowed this to go on for so long.”

  Almost in unison the rest of the men were yelling that Loring was telling the truth. Jonah signaled for calm.

  “Thank you,” said Jonah as the men became silent. “So this breakdown has been building for some time, I see. Then it's not likely that this incident can be papered over with some concessions from both sides. We are going to have to make a more fundamental change in the relationship. Thank you for coming I will let you know as soon as possible my proposal for a resolution.”

  As the men drifted away Jonah said to Jacob, “Let's go see the Lt. Commander and get his side of the story.”

  They found the Lt. Commander in his quarters, he seemed composed although the bruise on the side of his face was readily apparent.

  After being seated Jonah began, “Lt. Commander we are here to get your side of the incident with Jack Loring.”

  “I don't understand. Hasn't that man been arrested yet?” demanded Blyton.

  “Lt. Commander you are aware that the Captain does not have the resources to facilitate such an arrest,” said Jacob.

  “I thought perhaps he had enlisted you two.”

  “Well, he has enlisted us in a way but not in the way you apparently expected. He has asked us to look into the matter and hopefully find a resolution between the parties that does not require a criminal inquiry.”

  Blyton was about to interrupt but Jonah continued. “We hope that justice may be done on all sides. That is why we need your side of the incident if you would indulge us.”

  “That man Loring is the biggest goof off on the station. He is constantly late for his assignments, leaves early if I don't watch him and worse of all affects the morale of each and every man he works with. I have been patient with him for two years. I have discussed the matter with him, I have had him talk with the station psychologist, I have offered him incentives to work, I have reprimanded him, I have done everything in my power and I think in a measured way to try to instill in him a work ethic. This mission is critical to the Terran Federation and I am not going to see it fail because of one man, Mr. Loring.”

  “So there is a long history between you and this Loring. I've no doubt what you say Lt. Commander, Jacob observed the same behavior when he was helping him in aeroponics. And I understand how one man can negatively influence the rest.”

  “Good, so you two can testify to what you've seen at the court-martial.”

  “Lt. Commander,” said Jonah. “You don't seem to understand. The government on this ship, Captain Ellis, does not see fit to take this incident to court. He wants it settled and as soon as possible.”

  “Jonah, I will call the station and talk to the Commander, he will I'm sure insist that the man be placed under arrest until we can try him.”

  “Lt. Commander you do realize that we are still a long time from returning you and the other men to the station. The Captain is adamant that he will not be responsible for a prisoner that long. More than that, he needs every man performing his duties to the best of his ability. You of all people should know that on a space station or spaceship there is simply no room for this kind of drama. We must get beyond this and we must get beyond this now or this mission is in jeopardy.”

  Blyton looked down for a moment and then said, “You are right Jonah, what do you suggest?”

  Just then an all ship alert came blaring through the corridors. “Attention all Starfisher personnel, attention all Starfisher personnel, assemble on Command deck for further instructions immediately. This is an emergency.”

  “What could that be about?” asked Jacob.

  “I don't know but let's follow the Lt. Commander and find out,” said his father.

  The Lt. Commander was already out the door.


  By the time Jonah and Jacob had chased the Lt. Commander to the Command deck, all the other Starfisher personnel were there except for the Chief Engineer.

  “Jonah and Jacob I did not call for you but you are welcome,” began Captain Ellis. “It seems that we have a mutiny underway.” The men tensed. “The station personnel have blockaded aeroponics and seem to have taken the chief engineer as hostage. The Chief has called me and let me know the demands. It seems the station personnel want us to take them immediately back to Neptune and from there the Starfisher is to be refitted and carry them to Mars. They have embargoed our food supply. We, the Starfisher personnel and colonists, have enough food for three days. At that time we will need replenishment from the stores or aeroponics. I've called this meeting for an open discussion as to what our course of action should be.”

  “We should take them out,” said the Lt. Commander. “This is mutiny and should not be allowed to stand!”

  “Okay Lt. Commander,” said the Captain. “We have your vote. Anyone else?”

  “Let me talk to them,” said Jonah. “Maybe I can reason with them. Get them to release the Chief and open up aeroponics.”

  “Anyone else?” asked the Captain.

  After a moment he said, “Lt. Commander I think I will have to go with Jonah's suggestion.”

  “But Captain,” began the Lt. Commander.

  “Please Lieutenant Commander,” said Captain Ellis holding up his hand.

  “Jonah use your Annie to stay in touch and try to keep me updated on the hour. Thank you, that is all.”

  Jonah, Jacob and the bot Ahab, by order of the Captain, were on their way to aeroponics when Jonah felt the lurch. It wasn't severe but it was noticeable.

  Ahab spoke, “Your attention, please, I believe we have a malfunction with the ship. Perhaps we should turn back.”

  In the zero-gravity of the ship's spine, Jonah found himself constantly pushing away from the corridor wall. Something was changing the heading of the Starfisher, there wasn't any doubt.

  “Don't worry Ahab, I'm sure it is safe to continue,” said Jonah.

  They continued down to aeroponics stopping at the hatch, now sealed from the inside. Jonah used the intercom.

  “Hello aeroponics,” he said. “This is Jonah and Jacob Jackson. We are here to discuss terms with you, Captain Ellis has sent us.”

  There was quiet for a few minutes. Jonah was just about to call again when he heard the hatch opening. One of the station men, with a weapon in his hand, motioned them inside and closed the hatch immediately.

  “What's up with the bot?” he said.

  “The Captain asked us to bring him as his personal representative,” said Jacob.

  “Huh, this way.”

  Aeroponics was not completely without gravity. It was found that the plants did better when there was a gravitational orientation and the water to the plants was much easier to manage. But the gravity generated by the slowly spinning segment was
very small and even here Jonah thought he could feel the inertial force of the turning ship.

  “Do you feel something odd about the ship's orientation?” he asked the station man. The man did not answer but motioned him to follow.

  Aeroponics was in a way Jonah's favorite part of the ship. Though deep in the bowels of the spinning wheel the brightly lit green plants were very welcoming. His mood always lifted when he saw the plants growing. But now he saw a section bereft of green and was immediately put on guard.

  “What happened here?” The station man looked but didn't answer.

  Finally, they arrived at aeroponic control where the rest of the men along with the Chief Engineer were assembled.

  “Welcome Jonah,” said Jack Loring. “You too Jacob. I guess you've come to discuss the situation? But why did you bring him?” Loring was pointing towards Ahab.

  “Ahab is here at the request of the Captain and yes Jack we are here to discuss the situation,” said Jonah. “I've been sent by the Captain to see if we can't work something out. Get the Starfisher back on track.”

  “Well it doesn't matter,” said Loring gesturing towards Ahab. “We will soon be in control of even him.”

  Turning to Jonah he said, “Jonah I would love to accommodate you, more than any man I know, but you are a little too late. We have already decided the future of the Starfisher and I'm afraid your expedition to Tharsis. We've decided that the Starfisher needs to return to Pluto Station. And once there we are determined to settle with the station leadership.”

  “But you told the Captain you wanted to be taken back to Neptune and what do you mean 'settle'?”

  “A little bit of misdirection Jonah to keep the Captain off guard. And as far as settle, the Terran Federation owes us Jonah, they owe us a lot. We plan on collecting. Control of the station will do for now. If it is not turned over to us we will use the Starfisher to take it.”

  “How will the Starfisher take the station? The ship has no weapons but is basically a transport.”

  “Jonah weapons are in the eye of the beholder. The Starfisher has some fine weapons that can be used against a target such as Pluto Station with good effect. When a man needs a weapon he starts with his hands and we have more than enough of them.”

  “But the Starfisher, Captain Ellis will not allow this.”

  “The Captain will have no choice. Perhaps you noticed the slight difficulty in maintaining your forward motion as you made your way to aeroponics?”

  Jonah nodded.

  “That was an after effect of our gaining control of guidance. We are turning the ship slowly and placing it on a heading back to the station. Of course the bridge is doing all they can to block our efforts but we are getting better at it all the time. We already control all communications off ship.”

  “But what do you hope to accomplish by attacking the station? Why go back there, you could be back at Neptune and finished with the Federation.”

  “We, me and the other men here, have unfinished business at the station. If we go back home the Commander of the station gets a pass. The Federation will blame it all on the Lt. Commander here on board the Starfisher for failing to keep us under control. That is how Commander Bogdonich has avoided the blame so far. We intend to show the Terran Federation that he and he alone is to blame for the failure of this mission as well as their precious station.”

  “While seeking revenge dig two graves,” said Ahab as the men turned to look at him. “So someone said,” the bot added.

  “Ahab's right,” said Jonah. “Revenge is a tricky thing to get right. It rarely ends up the way you expect. I would urge you to reconsider Jack. I can assure you that if you will trust me you will have justice. If I fail then you can take your revenge. Let me contact the Captain, he requested that I call in on the hour and it's almost twice that since Jacob and I started down here.”

  “Jonah you are asking a lot,” said Loring.

  There was a shout from the hatch area. Then silence.


  The station men started running towards the sound. Jonah noticed they had drawn weapons from their work clothes, he wasn't sure where they could have gotten them. Loring motioned for Jonah and Jacob to sit next to the Chief Engineer.

  “Well Jonah looks like the Captain has made a decision. Your services are no longer needed, if they ever were,” said Loring.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean the Captain used you as a decoy to distract us while he set up his little surprise party. I don't blame you Jonah although I wouldn't have believed you were that gullible.”

  Jonah said nothing as more shouts were heard. A modern fight with handguns was nothing like in the past. The guns were almost silent. The projectiles were intelligent enough to guide themselves once a target was marked. They were also intelligent enough not to breach the hull of ships but only human targets unless programmed otherwise. So the only way that Jonah could judge the disposition of the battle was when someone shouted.

  Out of the dark came a projectile unseen and unheard. The Captain's recorder bot Ahab rocked backward as metal shredded and flew. Jacob upon reaching the bot declared he was off-line, probably permanently.

  Jonah knew that one of the station men had to have programmed his weapon to take out the bot.

  Another of the station men returned to inform Loring that they were under attack by the ship's crew. A station man had been injured but the others were able to hold off the attackers.

  Loring said, “Okay Sam, what I want you to do is get Glassen and work on the power shutdown scenario we've discussed, the rest of the men can hold out until the Captain realizes his mistake and calls off this idiot attack.”

  The man ran toward the others to get Glassen.

  Loring turned to Jonah, “Jonah what has happened is that the Captain is a hundred years behind in his thinking. Maybe you can use sidearms if you have overwhelming control of your environment but if you don't, maybe you shouldn't force your enemies hand.”

  “What are you going to do Jack?”

  “We are going to wrest control of the Starfisher from the Captain from down here. Command will be superfluous once we are finished and the Captain will either surrender or die.”

  The Starfisher groaned, there was a definite turning motion, now more noticeable. The men returned from the hatch area.

  “We left Sid and Darby at the door,” said one of the men. “We have placed the station bots in front of the hatch as obstacles, the Captain and his men will have to deal with the bots as we are shooting at them. Joe has been wounded.”

  The wounded man looked pale, two station men were laying him on the deck.

  Jacob said, “Get me the medic kit and let me treat him.”

  “Yes Jack,” said Jonah. “Jacob has training.”

  While Jacob was treating the injured man Jonah and Loring talked.

  “It won't be long,” said Loring. “Power and life support are being turned off to all decks but aeroponics. Jonah I need you to go out the other hatch and get your people and bring them here. Captain Ellis hasn't enough men to cover both hatches. Once you and the other colonists are here Captain Ellis and his crew will either surrender and seek shelter here or die.”

  Jonah didn't answer he was on his way to the other colonists.

  “Quick,” said Jonah upon seeing his wife. “Grab our emergency kit and help me round up the rest of the colonists.”

  “What's wrong Jonah?”

  “You hear that?”

  “No, I don't hear anything.”

  “That's the problem, life support has stopped. You don't hear anything because the fans are dead. Power to lights and other systems will be next. We need to be on our way to aeroponics by then. I'll explain the rest later.”

  Jonah rushed away to tell the others, his wife sought out their emergency kit and met him in the hall where the rest of the colonists had gathered. They started the trek to aeroponics.

  Jonah and the colonists had been in aeroponics f
or several hours. They were making themselves comfortable and gathering a meal when shouts came from the hatch area.

  Shortly the Captain and the rest of his crew walked in. They had their spacesuits on with helmets under their arms.

  The Captain addressed Loring, “Loring what you have done is equivalent to mutiny. You know that don't you? And I see,” as he pointed toward Ahab, “you have also destroyed Solar Federation property.”

  “Whatever you say Captain,” said Loring. “But a man has to recognize authority before he can mutiny against it doesn't he? And me and the rest of the station men do not recognize such authority. However, we welcome you as our guests provided you have turned over all your arms.”

  “We have surrendered to your men all our arms I assure you of that Loring.”

  “Very well make yourselves comfortable. I believe the colonists are preparing a meal. I'm sure they wouldn't mind sharing with you and your men,” said Loring as he turned away to talk to the man that had unarmed the Captain and crew.

  “Jonah,” said Captain Ellis as they were eating their meal together, “Do you know his end game?”

  “Loring and the rest of the men expect to take over Pluto Station.”

  “You're joking. And how do they expect to do that with the few weapons they have?”

  “It's true they only have a few sidearms but they have something else as you found out yourself. They know how the technology works. I expect they plan to take over the station the same way they took over the Starfisher.”

  "I don't believe it."

  "That's as may be Captain but that is their plan. Now if I may ask you a question?"


  "Everything that has happened so far on this mission points to collusion between the Terran Federation and one or more of you men. You care to tell me which ones?"

  The Captain looked at Jonah a moment, he was just about to protest but thought better of it.

  "All of us Jonah."


  Station Commander Bogdonich called the meeting to order. He called on Lieutenant Vasilikov to present his results.


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