School of Broken Dreams: Academy of Souls Book 3

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School of Broken Dreams: Academy of Souls Book 3 Page 4

by C. R. Jane

  Alexander pulls a chair closer to him, and I sit down, my cheeks flushing. They shouldn’t be, but I experience this sensation like I’m naked and everyone is staring. They see everything and know that I’m hiding a secret.

  “Hey, baby,” he says and leans in, stealing a quick kiss from my lips that shocks me. He hasn’t done something like that before in the cafeteria. “How are you feeling?” His hand is on my thigh, and I glance up into those eyes, blue as the brightest oceans.

  My body naturally sways closer to him as if an invisible cord around my chest draws me to him. He always has this effect on me, and my attention fall on his full lips, the color of deep rubies like he’s flushed from a jog. He’s so beautiful, and in his presence, I always lose myself.

  I swallow hard and smile. “A lot better after a long sleep.” And sex. My gosh, the sex awakened something inside me, and my whole body is still tingling.

  “You okay?” he asks. “You seem different today. Are you still feeling weak from the attack?”

  “Different?” I choke out a half laugh, half gasp, then try to remember to breathe.

  “Yeah, what’s going on Adi?” Finn pipes in from across the table, his feet stretching out to tangle with mine, his grin soft and so dangerously enticing.

  “I’m fine. Just had the shock of my life when I found Dixon trying to kill my friend,” I answer. “That would freak out anyone.” Heat slinks up my back, and I am burning up. Has someone turned up the heat?

  “Let me grab you some food. That will help.” Finn is on his feet, and I adore how caring they all are, and that makes the guilt inside me worsen. I shouldn’t feel guilty because my insides will shatter into a million shards if I lost any of the five guys in my life, but Braxton doesn’t exactly get along with Alexander and the others. So, it complicates everything. And what if word got out we slept together. Can Braxton lose his job?

  Once Finn strolls toward the food counter, Alexander swivels in his seat to face me, and turns my seat toward him, my legs cradled between his thighs. His hands are on mine, and every touch he delivers comes with heat and intoxicating desire. Keeping my head straight in his presence has always been a problem for me, and it’s a hundred times harder today.

  “Braxton told me,” he began, and my stomach drops through me and all the way to the other side of the planet.

  I forget how to breathe, and an icy chill whips through my veins. “He told you?” I squeak, and my cheeks are blushing so incredibly hot, I might pass out. Why would Braxton tell Alexander that we had sex? Was it to gloat or let him know he took my virginity? Right at that moment, I want the world to open up and swallow me, and I can barely hold Alexander’s gaze.

  I swallow and stare out into the cafeteria, at the mass of people at tables, a few of them looking our way. Did they know too? Who else did Braxton tell?

  This has to be a mistake; he wouldn’t do that to me. My stomach hurts and I’m going to be sick.

  Just then Finn arrives and places a tray filled with a variety of foods. Burger. Fries. Salad. Chicken nuggets. Banana. Two juices, and a small packet of cookies.

  “Wasn’t sure what you preferred, so I got you a bit of everything,” he says, sounding rather proud of himself as he sits down.

  But looking at the food makes me want to gag.

  The tips of Alexander’s finger slip under my chin and he turns my head to him. “Hey, it’s going to be okay.”

  “S-so.” I clear my throat, trying to find my voice. “You’re okay with it? Not freaking out?”

  “It was a little hard to comprehend when I first heard about it, but it’s all going to be okay,” he answers in a soft voice, a smile spreading over his lips.

  “We all feel that way,” Finn added.

  I turn to him. “You know too?” My arms are trembling, and I want nothing more than to bolt out of there, run and never look anyone in the face. My first time is special, it's a moment I’ll cherish forever, not something to be shared on the gossip vine. All I am thinking is bursting to Braxton’s office and yelling at him. Or I am misunderstanding?

  “We’ve suspected it for a while,” Alexander murmurs.

  “You did?” I gasp, getting confused since it just happened recently.

  “Well after your attack, and you were in your room for so long with Braxton, I figured it out.”

  “Figured it out?” I narrow my eyes at him. “You were outside my room, spying?”

  His brow furrows into a dozen lines, then exchanges a strange look with Finn before looking back at me. “Did something happen in your room?” It’s almost as if he’s daring me to say it out loud.

  “Did it?” the words slip free, and my glance is flicking between the two men, my heart racing at a million miles an hour.

  Finn makes a funny humming sound. “Sounds like something did happen. She’s all nervous and twitchy.”

  “Am not,” I insist.

  “Is there something you want to tell me?” Alexander asks.

  But I can’t take this anymore, not knowing exactly what we’re talking about, and I can’t exactly blurt out, did you hear me having sex with my teacher? I’m starting to suspect I might have misunderstood his earlier statement.

  Sweat drips down my back, and I’m rubbing my palms down my thighs. “What do you think about what Braxton told you?”

  “Not surprised your acting strange in all honesty. It’s not easy news to receive.”

  News to receive. And my mind races right to the precise moment when Braxton explained my blood test and the results of having angel blood in my veins.

  I exhale loudly and reach for the pack of cookies before I tear them open. I mean between discussing if I am an angel and if I slept with a teacher to my, I-think-is-my-boyfriend, I’ll take angel talk any day of the week.

  “Yeah he told me he let you know about the blood tests and apparently being an angel.”

  I stuffed a small cookie into my mouth whole and chew it slowly as I let my brain catch up to the relief I feel that we weren’t talking about sex.

  “You seem to be taking it all right,” Finn says.

  “Well not really sure if I completely buy it, but I’m trying to understand it better. Like if I was an angel, why am I living here and not in heaven? How did I end up with my family? Shouldn’t I have wings? And aren’t angels assigned to protect and care for someone or something?” I shrug my shoulders. “It’s still a bit blurry in my head.”

  You have angel blood in your veins.

  Braxton’s words whirl on my mind. He isn’t the kind to make up such a lie, but it just can’t be true. What would that even mean for me if it was?

  Alexander takes my hands in his again, his thumbs gently stroking the back of my hands. “We’ll help you through this, explain as much as we can and do research about what we don’t know...which is a lot. But you need to understand that no one can find out about this. You’ll be in a lot of danger Adi if anyone besides the five of us finds out.”

  I roll my eyes on reflex. “Right, because someone is going to believe me if I say, hey I’m an angel.” Laughter refuses to come, and instead the sound that croaks past my throat is some kind wheezing noise. I gain myself a raised brow from Finn.

  “I have so many questions,” I admit. “Are there other angels at this school?”

  “No,” he answers fast. “There hasn’t been an angel as far as anyone knows for centuries. Which means that you’re going to be wanted by many who’d harm you. Which is why you need to let us protect you. One of us will always be with you from now on.”

  I shiver. “Who’d want an angel and what for?”

  Something raw lashes over Alexander’s gaze, and my question surprises him.

  But he doesn’t need to answer. I picture Mercy in my head, Dixon on top of her, draining energy out of her. “Dixon isn’t human, is he?” I ask, narrowing my eyes at Alexander then Finn.

  They both shake their heads. “So what is he? A demon? And what about Mercy… is she something too, is
this whole school for non-humans? I mean how else would you guys and Braxton even know I was an angel and act so casually about it.” My words are rolling out fast, and my brain is buzzing with so many unknowns. And if someone dangerous is after me, I have to know everything.

  “She’s human,” Finn explains.

  But someone catches my attention from across the cafeteria. Connor is staring at me, his brow pinched together with disapproval. His words about not trusting anyone or the teachers plays on my thoughts. Does he know something about angels? I’ve known him for years at my old school and he’s never said anything like that to me before. I hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary about him then to lead me to believe he was something beyond human either.

  “I know this is overwhelming,” Finn murmurs. “But it might be easier to first accept you’re an angel and then we can slowly answer more questions. How does that sound?”

  My response about it not being easier for me is swallowed by the bell ringing. I glance up. “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “Movie night. You want to join us?” Alexander asks. “Might be a good distraction.”

  But I shake my head without asking what movie they’re showing. I’m not in the right head space to concentrate on anything. So much has happened today that it’s hurting my head. “I think I’ll have an early night.”

  “Okay, I’ll wait until you finish your dinner and I’ll walk you back to your room,” Alexander says while staring at Finn, and a silent conversation is going on between their stares.

  “I’m going to meet up with Nyx and Dante, and we’ll see you tomorrow.” Finn stands and walks over to my side. He leans in closer and kisses me ever so lightly, his fingers grazing over my arm, eliciting a wave of heat traveling over my skin. “You have no idea how glad I am that you’re alright, pretty girl,” he whispers in my ear. Everything about these guys has my body reacting from their sweet words to their perfect looks. I take a deep breath, forcing my body to relax as he walks away, and I try to eat something to fill my empty stomach. After half a burger and a few fries, I grab the fruit off my tray, and I walk with Alexander back to my room.

  Outside my door, I turn to face Alexander. One hand pressed to the doorframe, he reaches over and pushes back caught at the corner of my mouth. “Everything will be alright. Nothing will harm you. We’ll do anything to keep you safe.”

  I believe him, having no reason not to, but I need to figure some of this out for my sanity and safety. I’ve learned the hard way in life not to be wholly dependent on people.

  Everything is so complicated. I’m exhausted, and I’m having trouble absorbing everything that’s happened today, so I’m hoping sleep will recharge my brain.

  “Do you want me to stay with you?” he asks, his hand cupping my cheek. I lean into his touch, drawn to him more than ever.

  I consider his question, heat surging over my body at the idea of having him in my room, staying the night. I almost roll my eyes at myself. I’ve finally had sex for the first time and here I am contemplating having a second guy in my bed in the same week. Okay, maybe I am jumping to conclusions that he would want that, but I’m not thinking straight right now.

  My lips part. “I’d love that more than you know,” I whisper, keeping the conversation between us low and hidden from anyone walking past the hall, glancing our way.

  “I feel a but coming,” he says, and his wonky, cute smile makes me laugh.

  I should have said good night and walked into my room, but instead I reach out and run my fingertips through his thick, black hair. He presses closer, his body flush with mine and his forehead rests against mine. My breaths are racing, and I forget myself when I’m this close to Alexander.

  “You’re so beautiful, so special to me, Adi. More than you’ll ever know.” His mouth lowers to mine and kisses me, his affection caressing my heart. He parts my lips and takes my tongue into his mouth, and my stomach is bursting with butterflies beating their wings in excitement. In those few moments when I’m lost to him, I kiss him back with everything I have. With passion. With desire, With love.

  “Good night, Adi,” he finally says against my mouth as he pulls away, leaving me utterly breathless.

  His devious smirk tells me he knows exactly what he’s doing, teasing me because I didn’t invite him into my room. He’s playing a game.

  So, I tilt my head back, run my tongue over my lower lip slowly, drawing his attention, and I turn to open my door.

  When I glance back over my shoulder, I see the hunger in Alexander’s eyes, the way he stares at me like he’s fighting himself to hold back from taking what he wants…from taking me.

  “Good night,” I say.

  “Be careful.” His words stay with me as I shut the door and lock it. I press my back to the door, buzzing all over from that incredible kiss. Closing my eyes, I force myself to slow my breaths.

  Be careful.

  My mind is overthinking everything, and I can’t work out if he’s talking about danger or what he may do to me if I keep teasing him. Slipping my lip between my teeth, I gnaw on the flesh and I pray with everything in me he’s referring to the latter.

  Chapter 4

  The next morning, the sun is out from behind the heavy clouds that always stain the skies over the Academy. I take that as a good omen for today because after the recent discovery of Mercy and Dixon, things can’t get worse. With the exception of the sex yesterday that is...that wasn’t the worse.

  The whole night I stirred in and out of broken sleep. My mind refusing to stop racing. But now that my head is clear, I have every intention of finding out what is going on. I pull out my journal and start jotting down everything I’ve been thinking.

  The things I know for certain are:

  I’m apparently an angel. Okay, I am still a bit sketchy on the details but curious if this is some cruel joke, making me look like a fool. Please don’t let it be that as it’ll break me into so many pieces after my day with Braxton yesterday. Braxton and Alexander both seem to agree on the whole angel thing, which scares me because what if it’s true? I can’t even fathom what that means. Yep, I’m completely messed up whichever direction this goes.

  Dixon isn’t human. So what is he? He was feeding on Mercy, that much I can tell. But what was he feeding on? What was the white mist?

  Who the heck are my real parents if I am an angel? (See first note.)

  Connor knows something and I intend to find out more from him. He owes me.

  Yesterday I lost my virginity. I feel I need to add this on the list because I had sex with a teacher and I want to tell someone how the moment is forever imprinted on my brain, has me panting for air, and feels like my body is catching alight everything I think about it. Every touch from Braxton still tingles over my skin, every kiss was filled with adoration that makes it seems like he really does love me.

  Alexander and the others don’t know I had sex with Braxton, and after the kiss with Alexander last night, I don’t want to lose any of them if they find out about my sexy times and feel betrayed. So, this last point is to not bring up the topic ever if possible. Also, does this make me the worst person ever that I want all of them?

  Already, I’m hyperventilating so I push those thoughts to the farthest recesses of my mind, closing my notebook and stuffing it in my drawer before I go mad.

  I need to see Mercy.

  And with that thought, a strange peace settles over me. I push my legs out of bed and hurry to get ready for the day.

  The hallway is silent today, my footfalls hitting on the stone floor as I hurry toward Mercy’s room.

  Three knocks and finally the door opens.

  My heart is banging loudly against my ribcage.

  Mercy greets me with a crooked smile, her eyes puffy like she’s been crying.

  “Mercy.” I move to hug her and drag her into my arms as she cries softly against my shoulder, and it breaks my heart to see her in so much agony. I can’t help but think this has everything to do w
ith Dixon’s attack.

  My gaze drifts over her shoulder and into the room, half expecting to find someone in the room with her, except she’s alone. The window I’d seen shattered is now completely fixed without a sign that her ex had hurled himself through the glass.

  “I’m okay,” she admits while sniffling and sounding defeated before turning and walking deeper into her dorm.

  My stomach twists.

  On her heels, I enter the room, only to find two suitcases on the bed filled with clothes and books and shoes and her laptop. Only then do I look around the room.

  Looking around, I see that it’s barren of all her belongings. I turn back to look at her frantically. “What are you doing, Mercy?”

  She slouches on the edge of the bed, hands on her lap, and a pained look across her face. “I’m leaving Raven Academy. I was going to come and see you before I left.”

  Shock knives cleanly through me that I’ll lose the only true friend I have in this academy...maybe the only true friend I’ve ever had. She’s the person who has stood up for me when everyone targeted me, she’s made me laugh...she’s made me feel like I belong. Now, I can barely breathe as my fears are realized. The fear that I’ll be all alone.

  Trying desperately to draw in my disappointment, I cross the room in two steps and sit next to her so close our legs and arms are touching. I offer her a shaky smile.

  “Because of the attack?” I ask.

  Clenching her fists, she sighs heavily and pushes off the bed. “I can only recall bits and pieces of what happened, but I remember seeing Dixon attacking you. And I know that my ex was in the room too.”

  I shiver remembering Dixon lunging at me, and the hairs on my nape lift.

  “It’s one thing for me to be a target, but he attacked you because of me. I should have let you tell someone about him. I just can’t stay here anymore,” she chokes the words out and wipes at the tears threading down her cheeks.

  I take her hand in mine. “This isn’t your fault, Mercy.”

  She swings toward me, taking her hand back. “I saw what he did, I saw him dragging your limp body into the room before he…” she gasps and looks away, her shoulders shaking from the cries wracking her body.


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