The Veiled Monarch

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The Veiled Monarch Page 5

by Shae Bryant

  "Back to square one." Catherine sighed.

  Isaac patted Catherine on the shoulder, "Sorry to spoil your dinner."

  She looked over at the displays, "If I could see the FLH again, it would help."

  Isaac motioned towards the bikes, "We can arrange that."


  Another Body

  The TV above the bar in The Veiled Monarch was the only noise in the vacant club. A lone bartender stood behind the bar, listening to the news report with Vince. Both of them gave the TV a sullen stare when they saw the reporter standing in front of the club.

  "Janelle, I’m standing here in front of the Veiled Monarch nightclub where a gruesome murder took place last month. Police have no leads to which Werewolf committed the illegal hunt. Tomorrow night is another full moon. Many businesses here in South Beach are closing at sundown until they have reassurance from the Police that this issue is under control. Even though the attack happened just outside The Veiled Monarch nightclub, a spokesperson told us that the club will remain open tonight.”

  Vince grabbed the remote and smashed the mute button with a frown. "A second full moon and I don’t know if anyone will want to come in tonight. This scare of the illegal hunting has hurt business across South Beach. And the Police have nothing!"

  "Sorry Vince.” The bartender shrugged, “I wish I knew what to say.”

  "I suppose you're more concerned about tips tonight." Vince said.

  "What? No." He tried to act like he was concerned for business in general, but Vince had called his bluff. "Tips aren't great right now, but it will pick up."

  Vince reached for his wallet, "Here is two hundred dollars."

  He handed the money to a rather surprised bartender, "I didn't mean for you to give me money."

  "I'm centuries old and a good businessman. I know when to keep employees happy. Take it." He flapped the money in the bartender’s face.

  "I appreciate it." He slowly took the cash and put it in his pocket.

  Just then, Leo stormed inside the front door. He looked like someone who had seen a ghost. "Jesus! I almost killed someone!"

  "What?" Vince immediately stood up, lifting Leo’s arm to inspect him and make sure he wasn’t hurt, "What happened?"

  "I don't know! Vince!” Leo frowned at him, pushing Vince’s hand away, “This guy just walked right in front of me when I was pulling in. I almost hit him. He just stared at me and walked on. Dude was strung out on something."

  "Maybe you should call the Police?"

  "You can't report every person who is high." Leo plopped on a bar stool, "I'll make myself scarce before you open. Don't worry."

  "I own this establishment. You being here doesn't bother me. I don't care if it bothers anyone else."

  Leo laughed, "Yeah, but the law cares. I'm under twenty-one."

  "Then stay in the office." Vince winked at him, "Are you sure you are all right? You look very shaken up."

  Leo waved the question away, "Yeah. It's just...that guy. The look on his face. It's sticking with me."

  "You probably scared him."

  "No it wasn't that. He looked so weird. Like he wasn’t all here. Not like someone who was just high. I don’t know."

  Now, Vince took more than a passing interest in the man who walked in front of Leo’s car. "Was he Human?"

  "I don't know, Vince."

  The way Leo was talking about this man bothered Vince. Humans said so much with their eyes. Even when they could not or would not talk, their eyes spoke volumes. If the look on this man’s face bothered Leo that much, then something was wrong. He just couldn’t quite grasp what...yet.

  The following morning marked the next full moon. Catherine and I were working overtime to try to seek out any possible suspect in last month’s illegal hunt. For now, the case had gone completely cold. South Florida was spooked at the prospect of a prowling Werewolf. Many neighborhoods had unofficial curfews, and businesses were closing early.

  Calls poured in to the department asking the same questions over and over. Did we have a suspect? What were we doing to prevent another attack? Departments all over the county were bringing in extra staff for the night. Especially in congested areas. That was all we could do.

  Both of us sat at our desks. Catherine leaned back into her chair and closed her eyes. I stared at my untidy desk, trying to find answers in a coffee stain.

  Darius walked into our office, breaking the frustrated silence, "Bad news Detectives."

  "I can't handle anymore bad news today." Catherine groaned.

  "What happened?"

  "My bike broke down."

  I tried not to laugh at Catherine’s misery, "Why not take it to Isaac?"

  "Oh. Yeah. I should." She cheered up a little at the suggestion, considering Isaac would likely give her a discount.

  "As 'sorry' as I am about your bike, I have some actual bad news." Darius rolled his eyes, " It’s a full moon and still no suspect. I got a call from Iron Oath’s Orlando offices this morning. They are suggesting they come in to help.”

  The moment I heard the words ‘Iron Oath’, I went from listless to fuming, “Hell no!”

  "I can't tell them no, Raina." Darius opened his hands towards me, showing me he was helpless in a situation like this.

  "I can. I won't work with Iron Oath!"

  "Why not?" Catherine asked, "They always help when things like this happen."

  "No they don't. Trust me." I swallowed down the stream of obscenities that threatened to come out of my mouth, "You're both fully Human. You don't get it.”

  Darius opened his mouth, ready to start an argument with me. Catherine motioned for him to stop, jerking her head towards me. The last thing she wanted to see was him and I shouting at each other again.

  "Let's just focus on this investigation. Maybe we can keep them away."

  "This is a cold case." I complained.

  Darius gave me a strange look, "Which is why the Iron Oath wants to come in. They’ve solved a lot of cold cases involving non Humans. Get me something on this case and I’ll keep the Iron Oath away. We had better hope every Werewolf in South Florida is at the Sanctuary tonight."

  "I'll give Isaac a call and make sure everyone is double-checked." My cop senses were tingling. He was trying to tell me something. I could not figure out what it was. Yet.


  Isaac promised me they would double check everyone at rally. The following morning, I got a sunrise text telling me they had done exactly that. Good. No lone wolves attacking while I slept.

  Until I saw five notifications of texts and phone calls from Catherine. When I read the text, I had to make sure I wasn’t still asleep. The words were on my screen in black and white, “Another body.”

  Those words snapped me out of bed better than the strongest cup of coffee could. My dog Brutus snorted himself awake. He narrowed his eyes at me and grumbled to himself, curling back up on his pillow. I threw on a robe and ran into the living room. Where was my remote? I pushed aside a takeout container to find the remote hiding behind it. The news should be on by now.

  There was Carlos de la Rosa; wide awake and smiling at the camera. He touched his earpiece and his face changed to a solemn stare.

  "Early this morning, a jogger discovered a second body in South Beach. First responders on the scene confirmed that this too looks like another illegal hunt. The body was discovered a mile from where the first victim was found last month. Police were able to identify the victim thanks to a tattoo and a piece of jewelry. He’s been identified as Shane Lynch of Kendall.”

  The same news report that caused me to fall over on my sofa with an irate scream caused a very different reaction at a mansion in Miami Beach. Leo was getting his morning coffee while Vince watched the news before he went to bed. When the picture of the victim showed up on the screen, Leo dropped his mug into the sink and frantically pointed at the TV. .

  "Vince. Wait. Turn it up! That's the guy! Right there!"

e was confused, "What?"

  "The guy I almost hit yesterday! He is on the TV!"

  Vince paused the TV, slowly turning to Leo, "Didn't you say he was on drugs?"

  "I think so. Yeah."

  So his hunch was right. Something was going on with that man. Vince stroked the side of his jaw in thought. Perhaps some outside help was needed for this.

  "Leonardo. Bring us dinner to the club tonight. Dinner for four."


  "I'll see you this evening. I need to rest." Vince walked up the stairs, leaving Leo to wonder what that was all about.

  Back at my house, I laid on the sofa, staring at my ceiling. Brutus nudged my hand with a quiet whine, trying to convince me to wake up. Grumbling, I rolled over and patted Brutus on the head. Then, I grabbed my phone, shooting a text to Isaac.

  "Now what? I O is threatening to come in. Help me."

  Isaac was typing. Moments later came the reply. "All Werewolves counted twice. What do we do?"

  "I have no idea. Meeting?" I responded.

  He took a moment to type, "Talk later. Catherine is here."

  Catherine looked around the empty dealership and called out, "Hello!?"

  Isaac greeted Catherine from the office, "Hey. Detective Kleyman, Que tal?"


  He laughed, "You’d better learn some Spanish if you’re living in Miami, Detective. Now, you’re here because of the hunt. I’m telling you that…"

  Catherine interrupted him, "I'm off duty, Isaac. My Sportster won’t start. I had it trailered in."

  "Oh shit. Alright." Isaac jumped into work mode, walking towards the service department, "Let's get this fixed. Is it under warranty?"


  "We'll take a look at it as soon as James comes in. Feel free to hang out in the lounge."


  Isaac hesitated for a moment. Catherine wasn’t working right now, but he had to bring it up, " Hey. I’m sorry to talk about this when you’re off duty, but the second body is all over the news."

  "Yeah. I know."

  "Is it still something you’re investigating?"


  "Detective. I’m telling you. Everyone was accounted for last night. We rallied twice to make sure. If a Werewolf is your suspect, then we don’t know them."

  Catherine stirred her coffee, "You still don’t think a Werewolf did this?"

  "No. I know every one of us in South Florida." For once, Isaac wasn't trying to flirt or impress her.

  "What about new Werewolves?" Catherine asked.

  "They come to me first."

  "And what if someone doesn’t come to you?"

  "That almost never happens."


  Isaac snickered, "You ask a lot of questions, Detective."

  "That's my job." Catherine was annoyed with Isaac’s amusement at her expense. Everyone thought she was too young or stupid to understand how life worked in South Florida. She was getting tired of being treated this way.

  "Look Isaac, I know about non Humans from reading and TV. I haven’t had a lot of first-hand experience with any of you. I don’t know how you all operate. But if no one helps me, I'll never learn. I wish you and Raina would stop laughing at me and help me out instead."

  It took Isaac a moment for Catherine’s words to sink in. She was genuinely searching for some sort of help. This wasn’t just part of her job anymore, he and I had become friends with Catherine. She cared about us and our well-being. She cared about our communities. All she wanted was some help in understanding how we lived.

  He nodded, "That's fair and honest. Alright. I'll explain this to you. Werewolves stay in a tight community. We keep each other safe, fed and cared for. Everyone succeeds or no one does. That’s how this works. We’re a big family. When we turn, there is an instinct we have that tells us we have to seek out our own. We have a drive that we can’t shake off. Not until we find our pack. A lone wolf doesn’t often happen because they develop mental and emotional problems after a while.”

  Catherine smiled at his description of their community, "You’re describing the small town like the one I’m from. I like that.”

  "Not a bad deal, is it?" He chuckled.

  Catherine's annoyance started to subside. She looked around the dealership, eyeing the Route 66 signs and branded commercials that encouraged visitors to buy a bike and experience adventure. "How did you all take over bikes anyway?"

  "I dunno." He shrugged. "A lot of us enjoy the heck out of riding. There is a freedom in it. I think that’s why. The ability to be mobile and travel but stay with the pack. Kind of like how we were in the Old West."

  "Isaac, I know I'm off duty but I need to ask this." She sipped her coffee,"Is it possible that someone might have turned a Werewolf illegally?"

  Isaac nodded, "They happen all the time. Yeah, it’s possible. But like I said, a new one should be seeking us out right away."

  Before the late 1960s, it was very common to see people turned regularly. In 1959, the Vampiric community started a movement called “The Bloodborne Movement.” This caused the Iron Oath to lobby for laws that regulated how and when a person was turned. The Iron Oath's arguments were so convincing that even some Non Humans supported the law.

  In modern day, no one can turn unless approved. The entire process now goes through the courts. Some compare it to an adoption. The leaders of the respective communities have to swear before a Judge that the person is welcomed in their community and should be turned. Then, the courts look at the reasons for turning and approve or disapprove of it. If the turning is approved, then the person can be turned legally.

  An illegal turning is when the turning was not approved by the courts. People are turned illegally all the time. Laws and procedures on how to handle illegal turnings are invoked constantly to deal with these “victims”. Most of the time, there is no actual victim. Someone wanted to go around the courts and turn without paperwork involved.

  Catherine knew all about the laws. The practice was foreign to her. She didn’t deal with many illegal turnings in South Carolina, "It was just a thought. I’m trying to figure something out. The Iron Oath wants to come in from Orlando and Raina is upset over it."

  Isaac feigned surprise, "What? They’re coming here? Shit. I’m upset too!"

  "You don't like them either?"

  "Hell no. I don’t want them here."

  Catherine sighed, “I didn’t realize how much you all hated them."

  "Yeah well...we do!" The thought of the Iron Oath being in South Florida made Isaac angry. He started to stomp off towards the service department, "I’m going to go see what they found out about your Sportster."

  Catherine gave him a weak wave, "Sure...thanks Isaac."

  It didn't take long to diagnose the problem with Catherine’s bike. A few hours later, Isaac had new parts ordered and offered Catherine a nice discount. During her stay at the dealership, she and I were texting back and forth, trying to figure out what to do.

  Around dinner time, I got a text from an unknown number. "Hello this is Vince Moretti. Please, both of you come to The Veiled Monarch tonight."

  The Veiled Monarch was closed tonight. So why did Vince want us there? And who gave him my private number? Vampires. They could find almost anything. I read the text again and forwarded it to Catherine. I assumed he meant her and not Brutus.

  Vince’s invitation wasn’t a request. He may have typed the word, ‘please’, but that was nothing more than a courtesy. Old Vampires were used to getting their way. When they told someone to jump, they expected to be asked how high. Right now I needed Vince on my side. If he had me running all over Florida, I’d probably do it.

  I walked into the front door of The Veiled Monarch. Vince was waiting for us. "Ah! Thank you for coming, Detectives. I see you got my message."

  "Yeah. How did you get my private number?"

  Vince winked at me, "We have our ways, and we’ll never reveal with that is."

  I just sigh
ed, "I'd tell you to lose it, but that won't happen."

  "You are right. It will not." He ushered us past the bare tables towards a locked door, "Leo saw something last night that I think might interest you."

  "About the case?" Catherine asked.

  Vince nodded, "He should be here shortly. Let’s go into my office and relax for a bit."

  I was a little suspicious of things now. This wasn’t simply helping us with the case. That isn’t how a Vampire operated. If they give you something, then they expect something in return. Sometimes, they’ll wait ages to call in the favor. Most of the time, this was directed towards Humans which meant I was likely exempt from this. Catherine wouldn’t be.

  He punched in a code on the door, then waited a moment before a buzzer sounded. The doors opened automatically to reveal a bustling office space that was hidden from the public behind a number of security measures. It became clear to me this was not office space for a nightclub. Rows of cubicles lead to a small line of luxury offices in the back. A number of employees were inside either working at their offices or gathered around a central conference table.

  I glanced at the table when I passed by and immediately recognized the scene of organized chaos, complete with coffee stained papers, photos and marked maps. This was no nightclub office. It was a private security firm.

  The real Non Human law enforcement wasn’t the Iron Oath. It was private firms that worked together to ensure that Non Humans were kept safe. These firms worked above and below the law depending on what the case was. Sometimes, we had our own laws to abide by. Private security firms made sure that happened.

  Vince escorted us to the back row of offices where a young woman sat at a desk with a pile of papers next to her. She was likely in her late twenties. Judging from her flawless porcelain complexion framed perfectly by dark, curly hair I’d say that she has been in her late twenties for a long time.

  Vince gave the woman a friendly nod, “Good evening, Sophie.”

  "Hello Vince." Sophie returned the smile, answering him with a pleasant French accent, "Your messages are in your email and there are three appointments rescheduled. Please check your calendar from now on."


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