The Veiled Monarch

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The Veiled Monarch Page 10

by Shae Bryant

  "What? Your parents are here?" Leo's mouth opened wide, "Oh man. Vince would never go anywhere like this."

  Chloe shrugged, "Hey, if Vince is your Dad, how did you get in with Isaac anyway? I figured you'd be following in his footsteps. This isn't exactly the class of people Vampires hang around."

  Leo smirked at her. "I'm getting ready to go to Vet school. As much as Vince wants me to manage his stuff, I don't think it's for me. I wanted the bike and a friend told me to go see Isaac. Vince was pretty pissed, but Isaac convinced him to let me have it."

  Cupcake reappeared, elbowing his way through the throng of people. Three pints of beer were being balanced in his hands. He offered one to Chloe and then to Leo, "One beer. Two beer. My beer." he chuckled, "Let's drink to Leo and his new bike!"

  They all three raised their mugs in a cheerful toast to Leo.

  The remainder of Leo's evening consisted of being dragged all over Desperado's Taproom. He met so many people that he couldn't begin to remember all the names.

  Leo rode home that night with what felt like fresh air coursing through his lungs. This had been amazing. It was perfect. Why did it take him so long to find this?

  Prior to this, Vince had dragged him all over Virginia and South Florida. Leo had been tossed at various girls since he was fifteen years old in hopes that he would find a good match. Vince had the best of intentions when he did this sort of thing, but Leo didn't want a girl who came from wealth. He didn't want friends like that either.

  These people cared far too much about their money, and much less about others. He got so much enjoyment out of meeting and talking to folks who cared about being with each other and nothing else. It was so much nicer than being around Vince and his friends.

  Vince was waiting at the door when Leo walked in. He had stayed home for the night to make sure Leo got home alright. He would never admit it, but he was terrified about Leo riding so far away. If it were up to Vince, he wouldn't leave the driveway.

  "Ah! Leo! How was your evening out?" Vince scrunched up his nose and sniffed, "You reek! What is that smell? Ugh. Werewolves, motorcycle exhaust and alcohol."

  Leo grinned, "It's great, isn't it?"

  "Hm." Vince studied his son's face for a moment, "You have a funny look. Wait a moment. I know what this is. Oh, Leo, you've met a woman! This is wonderful! Tell me all about her." Vince put up a hand before Leo could respond,"No. Stop. This must be done the right way. We'll have a drink and you can talk about her beauty like proper gentlemen should."

  "Vince. No one does that anymore." Leo hit his forehead with his hand when Vince disappeared into the kitchen.

  Leo groaned when Vince opened the cabinets. Glasses clinked together while Vince hummed a tune to himself. He reappeared in the hallway with two glasses in his hand and a bottle of amber liquid. Both of them retired to the living room where Vince began to pour Leo a glass of liquor.

  "What? You wouldn't discuss your intentions over a glass of cognac?" Vince stared at the bottle in disappointment, "I was saving it for this very day. These cigars have aged so well in the humidor. I have a bottle saved for your first child too."

  "Child?!" Leo groaned, "Vince, I'm only eighteen."

  "Hrmph. You have never experienced something as delectable and expensive as this. Trust me, when your first child is born you will thank me for it."

  Leo held out his glass with a look of resignation, "I am so confused right now."

  "Tell me about her!" Vince urged him.

  "Her name is Chloe. She's my age, and she's..." Leo's thoughts were interrupted by the burning sensation of the cognac going down his throat.

  Vince scooted to the edge of his seat, "The absolute picture of beauty! As if she had walked off of a fashion plate with her lovely curls all in place and perfectly rouged cheeks?"

  "What year are you living in?"

  "I don't know. Is it still 2016? It's hard to keep count sometimes."

  "No. You really need to get around Humans more." Leo laughed, "Anyway... I'm going to ask her out."

  "Of course you are!" Vince nodded, "And who could say 'no' to you? Now then, on your first date, you are to use my car. No. No. You will use the town car. Yes. A chauffeured experience is preferable. Hmm, let's see. Dinner will cost you at least three hundred and then there is somewhere nice to go. Perhaps a quiet beach spot. Ah! Felix has a private beach! He could let you use it!"

  Leo sat on the couch with his chin propped up in one hand. He was letting Vince talk and talk about the first date that he was planning. Vince could say whatever he wanted, but Leo had plenty of ideas that had little to do with a town car or a private beach.

  He laughed at his Dad, putting up a hand, "I was thinking something more along the lines of meeting for dinner and maybe a good ride somewhere."

  "If you insist on that sort of thing, fine. It's your date. I am so excited for you! My young gentleman is growing up so fast." Vince grabbed Leo and pulled him off of the couch. He held his son out at arms length, inspecting him with a proud smile.

  Leo stared back at his Dad, "You are so weird."

  "I'm old enough to be fine with that."

  Sometimes, Vince seemed completely in touch with the modern world. Other times, he was so backwards that it was difficult to tell if he had actually figured out what year he was living in. His old-fashioned ideas on romance had always been a problem for him. Maybe one day, he'd understand the modern world of dating.

  Leo couldn't stop thinking about Chloe. The thought of their first date distracted him throughout the entire day. The other pervasive thoughts reminded Leo how far apart their worlds were. She was a Werewolf and Leo was the son of a prominent Vampire. He was also Human. That would make things difficult.

  Isaac would be able to shed some light on the situation. He knew what Werewolves were like. Isaac can tell him how Werewolf women operate. The moment he got out of classes, Leo rode towards Isaac's dealership, feeling excited about the prospect of asking Chloe out.

  Isaac greeted Leo when he walked into the store, "Hey Leo. Something wrong with your bike?"

  "No." Leo shook his head,"I wanted to ask you something."

  "Sure." Isaac sat down on a stool near the desk, giving Leo his full attention.

  Leo hesitated,"So... If someone who's Human wants to ask out one of your people, how do you do that? Do you just ask her out or what?"

  Isaac laughed,"Are you asking Chloe out!?"

  "Yeah. I think so."

  "Good luck to you." Isaac stood up.

  At first, Isaac was concerned this was a problem Leo felt he couldn't talk to Vince about. He laughed inwardly when he realized this was nothing more than a young man who had a big crush on a young woman. He was reminded of his son Emilio and their talks about his young love life.

  Leo coming to him about this was endearing to Isaac. He gave Leo an amused smile, keeping himself from patting Leo on the head.

  "She's not interested?" Leo looked disappointed.

  "I don't know." Isaac shrugged his shoulders,"I do know I've never seen Chloe date outside of our own. I'm not saying she won't. I'm saying I haven't seen it. It's common for us to stay with the pack, but there are always exceptions."

  Leo shuffled around the sales floor, looking completely deflated. "...OK. Thanks. I'll see you later, Isaac."

  "I never said don't try, Leo!" Isaac called after him.

  "I know!" Leo acknowledged him before his disappeared out the door.

  When Leo left, he got on his bike and sped off towards the highway. He wasn't going home right away. He needed to ride and set his head straight. What was he thinking?! Chloe wouldn't be interested in him. The girls interested in him were children of Vince's friends. They cared about his money. No, his Dad's money. The second someone finds out he's Vince Moretti's son, they automatically make assumptions about who he is and what is in his bank account.

  Chloe? She was different. Sure, she asked about how much money he had, but when he made it clear he didn't want to dis
cuss those things, she stopped. Then, they got to know each other, and had a great time together. Chloe was attractive, independent, fun, and...she is a Werewolf. Leo was a Human, stuck in the middle of all this.

  Their worlds were so far apart. Chloe had been raised in the Werewolf community where everyone knew each other and stayed so tight-knit. Leo had been raised in the lap of luxury. As much as he hated to admit it, everything had been handed to him. Except, he wanted to change that. He didn't want Chloe to throw herself at him or say 'yes' just because of his money. He wanted her to say 'yes' because she liked him too.

  But, Isaac had said they stick with their own. Most Werewolves do. Once in a while, they might marry or date a Human, but they usually stay within their own community. While Leo rode towards his house, he had come to a decision. This was one of those hasty decisions that any eighteen year old would make. Later on, he learned that his decision came with a world of consequences. For right now, he was certain that this was the right choice. Chloe might agree to go out with him, he would no longer have to be in his Dad's shadow, and he might be able to live his own life.

  Leo ate dinner in silence, thinking over his decision. All he had to do now was tell Vince. That was the hard part.

  Vince seemed to pay no attention to Leo's attitude. Instead, he talked about a news report from earlier in the evening. "Anika's new boutique had a line out the door. I'm so glad she's doing well. Aren't you?" Vince frowned when Leo poked his fork around a full plate, "Are you alright Leo? You haven't eaten anything."

  "Vince..." Leo took a deep breath, "If I tell you something, will you promise not to be mad?"

  "I'm listening." He put the paper down on the table, raising his eyebrows at Leo.

  "Now don't get mad, OK? I'm serious."

  Vince leaned forward, "You didn't get someone pregnant, did you?"

  Leo's jaw dropped, "No!"

  "Well, we were talking about your first child yesterday. I wanted to make sure."

  Leo waved his hands around, "No! It's nothing like that."

  "Do you need to transfer schools?"

  "No!" Leo buried his face in his hands, "Vince! Listen! It's important, OK?" Leo suddenly found himself unable to speak. Finally, he took a deep breath and blurted out, "I want to talk to Isaac and start the paperwork to be turned!"

  Vince went from neutral to enraged in seconds, "You what!?"

  "You said you won't be mad!" Leo shied away from him, "Stop letting your blood boil like that!"

  "Oh no. I am not mad, Leonardo." Vince stood up with such a force that the chair clattered on the floor. "I am livid! No son of mine is going to be turned into a dirt crawling Werewolf! Who put this in your head? Isaac Carillo!?"

  "Vince! No! I want to do this!" Leo's resolve was weakening with each step Vince took towards the door. "What are you doing!?"

  "I said no!" Vince barked at him.

  "You can't tell me no!"

  "Stay here. I mean it. Do not leave this house!" Vince stormed off to his car after slamming the front door.

  "Where are you going?" Leo yelled after him. Vince was able to hear him through the closed door.

  Vince's heavy footsteps grew louder. He shouted at the windows, "To that mongrel Carillo!"

  "He doesn't know!"

  Leo was yelling at nothing. Vince could still hear him, but he was ignoring his son's pleas. The engine of Vince's restored Oldsmobile Rocket roared to life, and the wheels screeched down the driveway. Leo stared out the window as Vince drove away.

  He ran a hand through his hair, trying to figure out what he should do. Calling Isaac would only make him prepare for a fight with Vince. That would be very bad for everyone. He grabbed the keys to his own car and rushed out the door.

  A half an hour later, Vince barged inside of the dealership. "Where is Isaac Carillo?!" He bellowed.

  The entire store stopped what they were doing. All eyes turned to the fuming Vampire who was scanning the room. Isaac rolled his eyes, stepping out from behind the cashier desk.

  "I'm right here. Jesus. Don't scream."

  "You!" Vince thumped his finger on Isaac's chest, "You put these ridiculous ideas into my son's head!"

  "What? The bike? I thought you were fine with it." Isaac put his hands up in a shrug.

  "My son wants to be turned! Into one of you!" Vince's face was red, and the veins in his forehead were beginning to bulge.

  Isaac's eyes widened. He stepped back a few inches, shaking his hands back and forth. "He what? There's been a mistake. I never said a word about that earlier!"

  "Earlier?" The whites of Vince's eyes began to turn red around the edges, "You both spoke about this!? Without me present!? You will fix this, Carillo! I mean it. I will not have my son turning into some mongrel that rolls in the dirt once a month!"

  Most of the customers and employees glared at Vince. The entire place was filled with Werewolves, and Vince insulted every one of them. He had meant to make Isaac angry, but he was about to have a very large problem on his hands — the temper of about twenty Werewolves.

  Isaac's eyes flashed, and he set his jaw, "Watch it."

  "Now is not the time to trifle with me, Isaac."

  Isaac ignored the blood pooling in Vince's eyes, "Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

  All eyes were on Vince Moretti and Isaac Carillo. Vince was a good four inches shorter than Isaac, and he wasn't near as muscular. But, Vince did not care about that right now. His anger clouded his better judgement as he stretched himself to his full height, tilting his chin up to make direct eye contact with Isaac.

  The Werewolf wasn't going to back down from a Vampire, even if their blood was beginning to boil. Vince not only insulted him, but his own. And he came inside accusing him of trying to turn Leo. That was enough to start a brawl.

  Both of them stared each other down when Leo's car squealed into an empty parking space. He could see the standoff through the front windows. His heart raced when he realized he might be too late to stop them from fighting.

  "Stop! Vince! I told you he doesn't know!" Leo dashed inside of the dealership, pushing himself between his Dad and Isaac.

  Isaac turned his gaze towards Leo, "What the hell is going on, man?"

  "Leo! I told you to stay home!" Vince glared at his son. His blood was boiling, and did not want Leo to witness it.

  "I won't let you two fight over this!" Leo pressed on their chests, trying to force them to separate.

  "Too late." Isaac said, crossing his arms.

  Vince had a different idea than Isaac. Now was the time to show Leo how uncivilized Werewolves could be. A Vampire could hold their anger at bay for a very long time. Werewolves had a much shorter temper.

  He smirked at Isaac, waving a dismissive hand, "Fine. Unlike the Werewolf, I have self control. Since you are so concerned about this that you disobeyed me, I'm willing to have a civilized discussion. If Isaac can handle it."

  Isaac's cheeks burned red with anger, "I'm getting really tired of your mouth, Vince. I'm about to rip it off."

  There. That was what Vince had planned for. Isaac's temper was beginning to flare. He would be the aggressor and Vince would respond in kind. He'd tear Isaac apart, but everyone present would be witness to the fact Isaac was the aggressor.

  "Oh do try." Vince let his fangs down, leaning close to whisper to Isaac.

  "Stop!" Leo shouted, "STOP! I didn't do this so you guys could start a war. Just...please...listen to me!"

  "Fine. Leo, why in the hell are you starting a war?" Isaac sighed.

  "I'm not trying to!" Leo protested, "It's... I... I got a taste of what you all have. That freedom. The family. The friends. That bike night and how you all were so close. While I was there Chloe was telling me about..."

  Vince interrupted him, rubbing his temples, "Oh, for God’s sake! Leo!"

  Isaac rolled his eyes, "Now I get it."

  The blood pooling in Vince's eyes subsided. His anger towards Isaac drained away, being replaced by an extreme annoyance wi
th Leo. Isaac calmed himself as well. This was not worth a fight between Werewolf and Vampire. It was a problem that belonged to a young man and his Dad.

  Leo's eyes darted between them, "What?"

  "This is because of Chloe." Vince looked at the ceiling, shaking his head.

  "No it isn't!" Leo shook his head, "There's a lot more than that! Maybe if I turned, then I won't just be 'Vince Moretti's son' anymore. Do you know how tired I am of hearing that I'm just your kid? That's all I am to anyone! If I did this, maybe people would see me in a different light. For once!"

  Everyone had been staring at the exchange since Vince rolled in the dealership. Now, they all looked away from Father and son. A few people cleared their throat, busying themselves with something nearby, whether that was a postcard on a rack or a speck of dust on a display bike. Even Isaac cleared his throat, staring at the ceiling lights above him.

  Vince looked hurt, "Leonardo...?"

  Leo clenched his fists, "Maybe once...just once...! Forget it!"

  He whirled around on the floor, stomping out of the dealership. An uncomfortable silence fell over the patrons. Vince opened and closed his mouth, trying to find the words to say. He gazed down at the floor, shuffling his feet on the tile.

  Isaac broke the silence, "I'll talk to him if you want?'s not worth a fight, man."

  Vince nodded, "You're right. I'll talk to him. He is my son, after all."

  Isaac forced a smile, "If it's any consolation, I've got a kid who is twenty-one. He did stuff like this at Leo's age. They make crazy decisions thinking it's the right one. We have to guide them the right way. This'll work itself out."

  "Of course." Vince extended his hand in a peace offering. "I apologize for storming in like that."

  Isaac shook his hand, "Hey, it's OK. You're protecting your own. I get it."

  "I should go find Leo."

  "Give him some time to cool down." Isaac said, "He'll come home soon."

  Vince drove home in complete silence. On a normal day, he loved to turn on the music in his car, but tonight was different. He needed to think about what Leo had said to him. This was the first time that Vince could think of that his son had truly hurt him. Perhaps he was being too protective. There was so much to protect him from!


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