Married to the Alien Admiral: Renascence Alliance Series Book 1

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Married to the Alien Admiral: Renascence Alliance Series Book 1 Page 5

by Alma Nilsson

  The mirror greeted her, which she also disliked, “Good evening, Kara. You are lacking nutrition and are dehydrated. I recommend some food and water.”

  “I know,” she answered the mirror back, “Tell me something useful, mirror.”

  “You have Admiral Tir’s semen inside of you,” said the mirror in a matter of fact tone.

  “How do you know that?” She could not believe she was talking with the mirror, but she was too curious to walk away now.

  “Your urine,” answered the mirror.

  “Stop talking to me,” Kara half-whispered as she turned on the tap and splashed her face with some ice-cold water.

  “Would you like the water temperature warmer, Kara? It is set for Admiral Tir now.”

  “No, stop. Turn off. I don’t want to talk to you mirror.”

  Tir heard Kara’s conversation with the mirror and thought, Humans really are the most adorable creatures in the galaxy.

  When Kara came out of the bathroom, she looked at Tir naked on the bed. He looked so good, long, healthy, and muscular. His ridged penis was resting, but she knew she could get it to come alive again. Her mind raced to all the things she could do now, but then a hunger pang struck. “I’ve hardly eaten all week. I would love some food.”

  “It’s still an hour before breakfast,” admitted Tir.

  “I’m human. I’m hungry,” Kara realized by his stoic facial expression that these lines were getting her nowhere. She tried again, “I cannot get pregnant if my body thinks I’m starving. My crew and I have been on low-rations for weeks. I guarantee you, my body thinks I’m starving.”

  He looked her over and thought that was probably not true as his doctor would have seen to that, but since it was only an hour and she had waited throughout the night, he would allow her some food now. “ Just this once, Kara. What would you like to eat?”

  “Vegetables, bread. Humans don’t eat meat,” she could not hold back a smile at the thought of food and feeling a bit happy she could push him into this. But she didn’t congratulate herself too much as it was only an hour away from breakfast anyway.

  “You must have meat,” he said as he contacted squire on his communicator next to the bed.

  “It’ll make me ill, so I’ll not eat it.”

  Tir looked at her and remembered his doctor’s words, ‘Make her as comfortable as possible.’ So, he consented to her request with a nod, “For now, I’ll not force you.”

  When the young man arrived, Tir left the bedroom naked to speak to him in the sitting room. Kara smiled to herself at this behavior, Well, I guess you can be naked and do what you need to do onboard an Alliance starship.

  When Tir returned, he found Kara under the covers in his bed. “Are you that cold?”

  “How about we turn up the heat to 23C and I ask you if you’re warm?”

  He liked her sass, “Get up and put on your dress. It’s been specially made to keep you warm. Your food will be here shortly.”

  Kara jumped out of bed and tried to put on the plain, black Alliance dress, again and again, she struggled to get the clasps to close. She knew how to open them from taking off his clothing, but his squire as he had called him had closed her clasps before when she had put on this dress the first time without explaining how it was done. She was frustrated. I can install sophisticated machinery on a starship under pressure, but I can’t figure out some clasps on a dress? Pathetic Rainer, she thought to herself.

  Tir watched her struggle for a minute and then moved beside her to show her how to close the clasps. Their fingers touched. Kara looked up at him as he finished, and she could not help herself as she ran her fingers through his hair to bring him closer for a kiss. Even though this was a forced marriage, she inexplicitly still found him irresistible. She whispered in his ear, “I’m so drawn to you. I can’t explain it,” and then sucked on his earlobe.

  Tir made a pleasurable sound and began taking off the dress he just finished putting on her, “It’s because we are destiny. The gods’ will it.” His hands were on her firm breasts, licking and pinching her nipples. “I’ve never seen such perfect breasts,” he said as he could not resist gently kneading them and watching them go taunt under his touch. Then he began making his way down her body, slowly kissing her, and licking her, “And your skin is so soft and warm,” his hands were on her hips now pulling the dress down to take it all the way off. “And I love this hair,” he said, looking up at her while he softly rubbed her vulva. He breathed her scent in then, “The exotic smell of you. Gods, I want to make you come from the touch of my tongue again.”

  “I’m all yours, Admiral,” she said with her head back, not realizing her mistake until he stopped touching her.

  Tir could not believe she had just called him by his title. It was a massive insult as they were married now. He looked up at her and soothed his anger by telling himself that she was enjoying herself so much; that is why she forgot. However, he still took his right hand and smacked her hard across the bottom for the indiscretion though.

  “Oww,” she said and looked down at him questioningly even though she had liked the tingling sensations on her skin where he had smacked her.

  “Who am I to you?”

  “Tir,” she said.

  He frowned and smacked her again.

  “Husband,” she corrected herself, but then could not help but add the word, “Admiral,” afterward.

  Tir gave her a small smile and then smacked her rear again.

  “Who am I to you?” he was on his knees, so close to her that his lips were only millimeters away from touching her nether hair.

  Kara knelt, to be on the same level as he was and kissed him passionately again. She was thrusting her hot tongue into his mouth, and her hands were in his hair, pulling him towards her and holding him as steady as she could. In between kisses, she murmured the forbidden word, “Husband.” She kissed his neck, “Husband,” licked around his ear, “Husband,” and sucked on his right nipple, “Husband.” Her hand was on his ridged erect penis now, and she was stroking it back and forth. “I want this inside of me again.”

  He pushed her on her back on the cold floor and moved down her body with more kisses. Everywhere he left a kiss was followed by her skin feeling the cold, and it was making her even more aroused. By the time he was stroking her vulva and the top of her thighs, she was begging for him to make her come, “Please.”

  Tir looked up at her, his green eyes filled with amusement and desire, “Please what?”

  “Please make me come, Husband. I love the way you lick me.” Tir then began licking her clitoris in earnest.

  Kara was frozen; it felt so good. She did not want to move in case she broke the trance. After a couple of minutes, a massive wave of pleasure overtook her.

  Tir was tightly holding her thighs so that she would not move away when the orgasm began to hit her. He had never been with a woman who was so responsive to his touch, and he thought again, It is because we are destined to be together. But just because they were destined, he was under no illusion that it would always be so easy. The gods, of course, would make it this easy, to begin with, but then make things more complicated. It was blasphemy to think they did it for the gods’ pleasure, but sometimes he believed that they did.

  After she had recovered herself, she tried to go down on him, but again he would not allow her. “Why not? Don’t people in the Alliance do this to pleasure each other?”

  “Of course, we do, but it is forbidden unless you are with child,” he left off explaining the other part, ‘or another man or slave artist.’ He knew, no one in the galaxy liked to talk about Alliance slaves of any kind.

  “Not even if you don’t come?”

  “There’s always some before so, no,” he said casually as he flipped her onto her stomach then and pulled her up towards him. “But, I’ve no doubt you will become pregnant soon as we are so enamored with one another, so I’m sure I’ll have the pleasure of your mouth on me soon enough.” Tir positioned h
er with his hands on her hips, and then he entered her so vigorously and quickly from behind he heard her moan with pleasure and a little surprise, he thought.

  Kara felt as if his large, erect penis with its ridges were hitting all the right spots inside of her and she loved it. She gasped with pleasure and forgot to comment that she was on birth control, so she was probably not going to get pregnant anytime soon. As he was pounding into her, she vaguely thought it was probably a good thing to keep that information to herself until she could gauge the whole situation. However, it did cross her mind that he would probably trust her more if she were pregnant.

  Tir’s hands were on the curve of her hips as he powerfully thrust in and out of her. He loved the feel of her tight, wet vagina, taking the entire length of his penis like this. She was making the sexiest little pleasurable sounds. The only thing he did not like with this position was that he could not see her breasts moving in a delayed rhythm with their movements, so he tried to urge her onto her back.

  “No. This feels too good. I want you to take me like this, faster. Faster.” She loved the feel of him, and she thought, For the first time in my life, a man might make me orgasm while having sex. She was urging him on and then it happened. She came again without any more clitoral stimulation, and she thought, We will have sex every day before I try to escape.

  He came then shortly after. Tir was unaware of how good she found their lovemaking. For him, of course, he was enjoying himself, being with such a responsive and exotic human woman, it was something he had never done before, but making a woman orgasm many times during sex was normal for him. Alliance women expected it, and the men performed accordingly.

  Both Kara and Tir were motionless for a half a minute, then he stood up and put his hands on her hips to help her up too.

  She looked up at him and said thoughtfully, “Thank you for helping me with the clasps on my dress.”

  “The food is here. I heard my squire come in while we were busy,” Tir picked up the discarded black dress and began to dress her again.

  Copious amounts of semen and her natural lubricant were running down her thighs and into the stockings she was wearing, but Kara didn’t care. She was starving. She figured everything she had on, including her body would need to be washed anyway. She walked, wetness and all, into the dining room where one plate of food was waiting. Alliance food was famous for being bland and terrible, so she did not expect much. Kara sat down quickly in front of the food and began eating with the three-pronged fork that was left next to the plate. She thought to herself, I love eating with a trident.

  Tir came in and sat across from her at the silver table, “The gods be blessed; it is the breakfast hour now.”

  Kara was eating and only paused long enough to ask casually, “So Tir, how religious would you say you are?” She was thinking to herself, No fellatio, because it goes against the gods, no eating outside mealtimes because no doubt this angered the gods too…

  “As religious as most Alliance citizens. Are you spiritual at all?”

  “No,” she answered evenly. Then she concentrated on eating the blandest food she had ever had in her life.

  “Privately, your spiritual life is your own, but publically as my wife, you must abide by Alliance religious traditions. Do you understand?”

  “Or else you will punish me?” she looked into his eyes with both desire and a little humor.

  “Yes,” he said calmly. “I mean it, Kara. I hold a high rank in Alliance society, and religion is an essential facet of Alliance culture. You must be seen as a believer.”

  “I’m a terrible liar,” she said.

  “Don’t play with me,” he replied harshly, but already his mind was rushing to all the ways he could punish her for a minor transgression. Finally, his mind rested on one particular punishment he would subject her to when she was done eating.

  Kara, oblivious to his devious thoughts, took the wine jug and poured herself some wine to help combat the blandness of the food, “What happens now?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We’re married, and then what? Will I live here with you?”

  “For the time being, I ‘ll keep you here with me, yes. As long as the war is going on, I can justify your presence by saying that you are providing useful information against the Jahay. Which, by the way, I expect you to do, not that I think they would share too much with a human, but you must know something useful.”

  She dismissed his prejudiced comment, “Great,” she said sarcastically, “I’ve always dreamed about being a traitor to my people and allies. Thanks for the opportunity.”

  He frowned at her, “Being my wife is a gift, Kara. You’re an Alliance citizen now. Your loyalty is to the Empire now. The alternative is death. I hope I won’t have to remind you of this every hour of every day that we are together. It makes you look ungrateful.”

  Kara wanted to tell him to stop reminding her that he saved them, but before she could do that, she reminded herself, Keep him happy so he trusts me and then I can run away with technology, credits, weapons and possibly even a ship. “I’ll admit you did save my crew’s lives and my own and I do owe you some gratitude for that. And, of course, it goes without saying that the sex between us is amazing, but otherwise, you’re still the enemy, and I’m still human. I don’t feel like an Alliance citizen. I’m you’re prisoner. When will you be prepared to treat me as an equal? Only then will I feel some loyalty to the Empire. As I see it, I’d rather donate my eggs to you and be off back to Earth. Why can’t we do that? Why all the charade?”

  “It goes against the gods to tamper with fertility,” Tir said evenly annoyed by her questions. “You’re my wife. Once you have proven your loyalty to the Alliance and me, I’ll give you a ship in my fleet,” he said gravely. “Earth will become a vassal to the Alliance, and we’ll need to protect you with a human fleet. And it’d be a waste if you didn’t get a command again, you’re too good of a strategist to do anything else.”

  Kara tried not to be charmed by his compliments, but she could not help it. He was an Admiral in the Alliance, they were the most powerful and feared species in the galaxy, and she doubted he got to this position by his good looks alone. “You mean you need a fleet to protect human women in our little corner of the galaxy before anyone notices that we are yours now and sees an opportunity to hit you where it hurts the most?”

  “More or less. Don’t look at me as if this is the worst thing that could ever have happened to you. The alternative is that you could be dead, or humans could be our slaves or slaves to the Jahay. None of those things will happen now.”

  “Why didn’t the Alliance just ask humans to consider helping you with this demographics issue before this war started with the Jahay?” Kara knew enough about the Alliance that they never acted rashly. She suspected this invitation to human women had been brewing for quite some time before they acted on it.

  “We didn’t want to waste our time if you said ‘no’ and to be honest, I don’t think the pride of the High Council could have taken it if humans, the most technologically unevolved civilization in the galaxy, had denied us.”

  “Charming,” she said sarcastically.

  “I’ll not mince words with you, Kara. And you can’t tell me that you are unaware of your species’ status in the galaxy.”

  Kara wanted to change the subject back to her getting a ship, “When I’ve proven my loyalty to you, which won’t take long, will I really get my own ship again? Will you give me the Dakota or an Alliance ship? An Alpha ship?”

  He laughed then, “Kara, once you prove yourself and your loyalty, I’ll give you a Beta ship in my fleet, to begin with, and if you’re perfect, I might even let you bring some of your crew along. As for the Dakota it belongs in a museum. By the way, tomorrow morning you will see your crew off, and if you want to retrieve anything from your ship, you should take it then. I’ll, of course, be sending your male crew back in the Dakota. Don’t get any ideas, though, and you’ll be guarded
the entire time. You aren’t going anywhere.”

  Kara was still going to try and escape whenever an opportunity presented itself and she was under no illusion that he thought his words would change her mind about that, “I still need shoes, your young man or squire or whatever you call him, said he didn’t have time when he gave me the dress, and I have no idea where my other shoes are. I refuse to walk around barefoot and be your wife.”

  “We are still in the middle of a war. My squire had other things to attend to. I promise you’ll have some shoes by tomorrow.” Tir was amused by his squire’s attention to detail. Of course, it had been a gamble, no one knew if a human woman would walk around without shoes.

  “I guess I don’t need pajamas either?” she questioned.

  His translator translated this as ‘clothing for the night’ followed by a beep to let him know this was not a direct translation as it did not exist in the Alliance language, “We don’t wear such things as they are considered unhealthy and go against the gods’ wishes, especially if you are sleeping with your husband. Skin to skin contact is best for peaceful sleep and good health. I wonder what other kinds of human habits I’ll have to break you from?” Tir looked at Kara imagining all kinds of wild things he had heard about other species in the galaxy and wondered if any of those things could be applied to his wife.

  “I’m going to miss pajamas in my new life,” she said, resentfully more to herself than him. Then she decided she would defiantly bring hers from her quarters on the Dakota. He would have to deal with it. It was too cold in his quarters not to have pajamas.

  Kara finished eating, drained all the wine in her cup, and then looked at him questioningly, “What should we do now? Are you very busy since, as you keep reminding me, we are in the middle of a war? Or do you want to do some more sleeping with the enemy? Or not sleeping, as it were?”

  “Kara, you’re no longer the enemy, you’re my wife and an Alliance citizen now. I’ll repeat this until you believe it. Although, I’ll admit still my prisoner as well until you recognize and start acting accordingly. As for my professional responsibilities, my first officer will contact me if there is an emergency. Otherwise, I’ve another day to spend with you, and I believe your words before were something along the lines of, ‘Feed me and then punish me for asking husband.’ Now that I’ve fed you, we can move onto the punishment.”


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