Oh, Keep Your Shirt On: A Sweet Romantic Comedy (Shaped By Love Book 2)

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Oh, Keep Your Shirt On: A Sweet Romantic Comedy (Shaped By Love Book 2) Page 14

by Michelle Pennington

  Damien growled softly but didn’t release me. “Who is that?”

  “How should I know? I can’t see through the door either.” I grabbed both his forearms and pushed them down. He finally released me, but he looked grumpier than I’d ever been able to manage. “Oh, wait,” I said, unable to resist teasing him as I went to the door. “Maybe it’s my new boyfriend.”

  “Don’t mess with me, Krista.” But despite the fact that he knew I was making it up to annoy him, he still followed me to the door, turning on the hall light for me.

  I literally had no clue who it could be, so when I opened the door and saw both my mother and Victoria standing outside, all I could do was stare at them uncomprehendingly.

  Then I saw the two suitcases behind them. “What the—”

  “Krista, you’re home,” my mom said, stepping inside so fast I stumbled trying to get out of her way.

  “Where else would I be?”

  “Well, we didn’t see many lights on except up in your bedroom.”

  “Because I was about to go to bed.” But since I was too busy eyeing Victoria and her suitcases to pay much attention to what I was saying, it took me a minute to remember that having a shirtless Damien standing a few feet away put a whole different spin on my words.

  My mom stared hard at Damien, who just smiled at her before putting his shirt back on.

  I couldn’t believe this was happening. But even after I closed my eyes and opened them again, they were still there.

  “Aren’t you going to invite us in?” my mom asked, her voice sweet but sharp with underlying authority.

  “I wasn’t planning to,” I said.

  She glared at me but turned back to Victoria. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t raise her to be this rude.” Then she grabbed the handle of one of the suitcases and used it as a battering-ram to force her way further inside.

  I had no choice but to step backward or get run over. “Why are you guys here?”

  Victoria smiled like a pleased cat as she came in. “I need somewhere to stay for a few days, and since your place is so close to the hospital where I’m working, your mom suggested I stay here. Wasn’t that a good idea?”


  She blinked, momentarily shaken out of her nice-girl act. After one annoyed glare, she resumed it easily enough. “Oh, come on. We’ve never gotten to know each other. I know our parents would be so happy if we became friends.”

  “Why bother?” I asked. “It’s just a matter of time before they break up.”

  My mom did not like that. “Stop being nasty. Victoria’s between apartments, and you’re going to let her stay here. Heaven knows you’ve done little enough to promote good relations in our family.”

  I folded my arms across my chest. “I’m finally an adult and living my own life so that I don’t have to be affected by what you do with yours. That includes helping out your stepdaughter, who by the way, has ulterior motives. Did she tell you?”

  “I don’t have all the details, but I’m sure she has a good reason.”

  “Well, since you’re bursting into my living room at almost ten o’clock at night, I’m pretty sure we should discuss this now.”

  Victoria had been staring up at my painting, her arms crossed over her chest and her head tilted consideringly, as if she was an art critic, but she turned around then. “I don’t mind discussing it. Whether or not you and Damien are really together, I know it won’t last long. I’m here to remind Damien what he really wants.”

  “And you know all about that, of course,” Damien said, a subtle sneer in his voice.

  He stood closer behind me than I’d realized. It strengthened me to know I wasn’t facing this alone. “Why on earth would I let you stay here to try and steal my boyfriend away?”

  Victoria strode over to the futon and sat down like an elegant beauty queen, settling in like she was making herself at home. “Because you want to know the truth. If he really loves you, it won’t matter, and then you’ll know for sure. And if I can tempt him away, well, I’ll be saving you a lot of heartache down the road.”

  “See?” my mom asked. “Doesn’t that make perfect sense? I swear, she should have been a lawyer instead of a doctor.”

  I clenched my teeth. “Wow. Something I can agree with you about.” After years of sitting through my mom’s divorce proceedings, my opinion on lawyers wasn’t high. “But I still don’t want her here.”

  My mom’s eyes flashed. “Krista. Don’t be rude.”

  Victoria waved a soothing hand toward her. “It’s okay. Why would she want me here? Especially knowing that I’m the one who broke up with Damien and that he tried to get me back for weeks.”

  Something within me froze.

  Her sharp eyes didn’t miss my reaction. “Ah, you didn’t know that, did you?”

  “I don’t know why it matters.” But the sick feeling in my stomach told me it did. And it didn’t make me feel better to tell myself that this whole thing was fake because we’d moved beyond that now—not into a real relationship, because I’d been smart enough to avoid that—but my feelings for him were real enough.

  “Because I was wrong to break up with him,” Victoria answered, her voice tragic and her eyes focused on Damien over my shoulder. “I thought I didn’t have time for a relationship, but I know now that you have to make time. Damien, I know you’re still angry, but I swear I won’t hurt you again. Just give me a chance.”

  All at once, Damien stepped up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me back against him. “I’m not angry. It took me a few weeks to figure it out, but our breakup was the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m sorry you haven’t moved on, but you’re wasting your time here.” His arms tightened around me in a sheltering hug. “I’m in love with Krista.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  It was all part of the act.

  Or was it?

  The impact of his words shot through my body like an exploding star.

  All at once it felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff, overlooking a deadly drop into a wild sea. The impulse to step forward, to fall, to drown in it no matter the pain, flooded me. I stared down into that abyss, fascinated and terrified and tempted.

  Damien and Victoria were still talking, but I could only hear the reality of my own inner thoughts. How had I allowed myself to come here, to this point I’d been so determined to avoid? And now that I’d strayed so near to disaster, the path away from it would inevitably bring more pain than relief—the pain of turning away from something you want so desperately that you’re tempted to risk reason and peace for it.

  I pulled away from Damien’s embrace, from the arms that both warmed and betrayed me.

  “Krista, where are you going?” he asked, his hand catching mine.

  “To my room.” I looked straight into his eyes, mine blurred with tears and apology, and pulled away from him.

  My mom came toward me, catching my arm. “What about Victoria?”

  I looked away from Damien, trying to make sense of her words. Victoria? “Oh. I don’t care.” I tried to pull away, but her fingers dug like claws into my arm. “Let go. Stay away from me. All of you.”

  I was on the point of panic when Damien pulled her hand free. He didn’t say a word, just nodded for me to go.

  For a moment longer, I stared at him with regret. Why couldn’t he make this easier for me by arguing or getting angry or asking what was wrong? But, no. He knew. He understood. And that was why I had to run away.

  Needing someone led to desperation and grief and breaking. And constantly searching for something else to make you whole again.

  I thought I would be safe once I made it to my room and shut the door.

  I wasn’t.

  Being alone just proved that I wasn’t the same anymore. I didn’t relax or feel safer shut away. I just felt an incredible tugging to be near him again.

  The tears that had been blinding me finally broke free, coursing down my cheeks,
searing me with their heat.

  I loved him. It was too late. He’d become so entwined with my own soul that I’d never be okay without him again.

  But how could I let him be with someone like me? Someone who didn’t even know how to love?

  And after walking away from him this time, maybe he wouldn’t even want to be.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The next morning, I came downstairs ready for work and stopped by the kitchen to make a cup of tea to settle my stomach. My chamomile tea was still waiting for me there on the counter, cold and bitter.

  Even better, Victoria was passed out on my futon.

  I left them both to deal with later.

  When I got to the office, I settled in at my desk and got started with my daily task of sorting through Tessa’s emails, clearing out all the spam and tagging the ones that looked important. Really, I was super proud of myself.

  Even after a long bout of silent, choked crying and restless sleep, I was coping amazingly well with disaster, even if I felt like an empty tomb inside.

  Tessa came up to my desk, a friendly smile on her face. “Well, today’s the day, right?”

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  She leaned closer over the counter to whisper. “Damien’s coming in for our little breakup scene, right?”

  My eyes widened. Devastation rolled through me. After running away from him the night before, there was no way he’d still be willing to help me. I deserved that, and truly, I wasn’t ready to face him again. I was too vulnerable from all my self-realizations.

  But Tessa didn’t deserve that.

  Somehow, I had to make this happen.

  I crossed my fingers under the desk where Tessa wouldn’t see and said, “He’ll be here. We talked about it last night. Don’t worry.”

  “Can you send him a text just in case? Logan wants me to come out to Chicago to cheer him on in a marathon he’s running and meet someone he thinks will be a perfect as our new marketing director. I’m flying out tomorrow and won’t be back until Wednesday.”

  “That’s a long time just to interview one person.”

  She winked. “Yeah, well, hopefully it will take a while to convince him to take the job.” She laughed and walked back to her new office, which was now set up just the way she wanted it, if a little bit messy still.

  When she was gone, I stared at my phone with a sinking sensation in my gut. I didn’t know if I was more worried about being deservedly rejected or about the blow to my pride in asking for help after the way I’d reacted last night.

  I didn’t need his help. Tessa did. I was just the messenger. I could do this.

  With a deep, steadying breath, I sent the text.

  Can you still come help Tessa today?

  It took a while for his answer to come back. Long enough that I thought I might pass out from nervousness. And then it came, and his words crushed me for a completely different reason.

  Of course. Whatever you need, Krista.

  Could he just stop for once? Why did he have to be so unfailingly kind? Didn’t he understand the way it made hope flare up inside me?

  Luckily, even though Melinda hadn’t shown up at the office yet, I had a ton to do. The rest of the morning passed quickly, since I was able to focus on something besides my Damien crisis. Until I heard my desk phone ring from Tessa’s office.

  “That might be Damien,” I told her, holding onto my calm with an iron hand. “I’ll go check.”

  I hurried over to my desk and answered the phone. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Krista. Tessa’s boyfriend is down here at reception.”

  My stomach fluttered. There was nothing to do but go down and meet him. “I’ll let her know.”

  I hung up and took a deep, steadying breath. You can do this, Krista.

  Stopping at Tessa’s door on my way to way to the elevator, I said. “He’s here.”

  She nodded. “Great. Tell you what. I’ll go down to Angela’s office and you can bring him to talk to me there. Then she, and probably Janelle, will both get a great show.”

  “Good plan.”

  But since I was the one who had to go get him and would have to take him out again, it didn’t feel like a good plan.

  My heart was against me. I knew it as soon as it began hammering at the mere sight of him.

  He stood near the reception desk, reading the flyers on a bulletin board there, one hand shoved casually into the pocket of his jeans and the other loosely gripping a bouquet of sunflowers. His dark-gray polo shirt stretched across his broad shoulders and chest but hung loosely around his slim waist. And if I was only attracted to him physically, I could have handled it fine.

  But this wasn’t just visual pleasure, like admiring a painting. My whole body seemed to stretch out toward him, longing to be closer. It was an almost spiritual recognition of him as my person—the one I knew best and who best knew me.

  As if he could sense me, he turned, his eyes landing on mine with the same force as a tidal wave. For the first time ever, he didn’t smile at me, but his expression wasn’t unfriendly, just intense.

  “Right this way,” I said, not bothering to greet him because I had no idea how to do it under these circumstances.

  I was so aware of him walking behind me to the elevator that it was almost a relief to hit the up arrow and step to the side. “She’s going to be in someone else’s office. Hopefully, that won’t be a problem for you.”

  “I’m not exactly shy.”

  No, he wasn’t that.

  The elevator opened, and he held out his hand for me to precede him. I stepped in and hit the button for the second floor.

  “You have an elevator for a two-story building?” he asked.

  The small talk helped me relax, so I was grateful for it. “They move racks of clothes back and forth, so it’s necessary for that, plus the only staircase is on the opposite side of the building.”

  “Ah.” He was silent as the elevator rose. Then he surprised me by saying, “You look really pretty today.”

  I looked down, not even remembering what I was wearing. Since it was Friday, and I’d not been in a great mood, I’d worn skinny jeans and one of the same white blouses I’d been alternating since working here. It didn’t exactly make me feel proud of myself. “I need new clothes. At least I get paid today.”

  “I didn’t even notice what you were wearing,” he said.

  The elevator stopped and the door slowly opened, so I didn’t have to answer as we both stepped out. I didn’t want him to know how much his compliment had affected me.

  When we got to Angela’s office at the end of the hall, I peeked in through the open doorway.

  “Hey, there’s Krista,” Angela said. “Just the person we need. Tessa and I were just talking about including the bralettes in the fall line. What’s your final verdict on them?”

  This was not what I was expecting, but already I’d learned that Angela was so laser focused that she had a hard time connecting with what was going on around her. “I like them.” Hopefully, that would be enough. It wasn’t like I wanted to talk about my underwear with Damien standing behind me in the hall. Couldn’t Angela see him?

  “Okay, let me be specific. You know how we girls with small boobs have trouble with cups gaping at the top? For me, the bralettes don’t have that problem unless they have a molded cup. But at the same time, they don’t provide much lift or shaping—which let’s face it, even if we don’t have a lot going on up here, we still need a little help making the girls look their best, right?”

  My eyes widened. “Uh. Sure.” Then desperate to end this, I said, “But they are comfortable and pretty. Before we go on, Tessa, Damien is here.” Then I stepped quickly out of the way so they could get on with it.

  Tessa was having a hard time looking distressed at her guest since she was trying not to laugh. She turned her back to Angela and faced Damien. “What are you doing here? I can’t believe you came to my office.”

  “How else was I
supposed to talk to you since you won’t answer my calls?”

  “You should have gotten the message that I didn’t want to talk to you. Since you’re here, though, you’d better come to my office where we can be private.” She turned briefly to Angela. “I’m sorry. Let’s finish this discussion later.”

  “No problem,” she said, both shocked and fascinated by what was happening in front of her.

  On her way out, Tessa snatched the sunflowers from Damien’s hand and thrust them into mine. “Here, Krista. You can have these. I don’t want them.”

  I stared down at the flowers as Tessa led Damien back to her office. Was it weird that I was glad to have them just because he’d brought them?

  “Wow,” Angela said. “I wonder what he did to make her mad.”

  “I don’t know.” I said. The less I added the better. I didn’t want any mix ups on Tessa’s story and mine. “But I knew she was mad about something.”

  “He doesn’t have a chance. I’ve known Tessa a long time, and she’s never gotten back with anyone she’s broken up with. Besides, I could have sworn she had a thing for Logan, and she wouldn’t have if she had strong feelings for this guy, right?”

  “I wouldn’t think so.”

  “It’s just weird that Tessa hasn’t been talking to me about all this. Well, I’m going to make her talk now, just you wait. She might be my boss now, but if she thinks she can get away without spilling all the whole juicy story, she’s crazy.”

  At least this whole part of it wasn’t any of my business. “I need to get back to my desk.”

  “Hold on there,” Angela said. “I have more questions for you.”

  I looked down the hall toward Tessa’s office. “Later.”

  Angela knew I wasn’t someone to be pushed around, even though we’d been getting along great since Logan no longer worked in the office, so she didn’t argue. It was a relief because I didn’t want to go full-scale mean-Krista on her. Surely Tessa and Damien would be done soon. There was no need for them to carry it on for long.

  The weird thing was, though, they ended up talking for forever. Or so it seemed. I sat at my desk, unsettled and curious, waiting for them to be done. When the door finally opened, Damien burst out like he couldn’t stand another moment in the place. He opened the door so hard that it slammed against the wall with a loud bang that brought Janelle and Angela out to the hallway. If I hadn’t known it was all just an act, I would have thought he was very, very angry.


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