Riding Her Dragons [Dragon Love 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Riding Her Dragons [Dragon Love 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Jane Jamison

  Another gasp came and went as something that was definitely not a hand pressed against her butt. Her panties provided no protection against teeth that nibbled at her flesh, even as the other hands swept upward and pushed under her bra.

  She let her arms lift outward from her side. Her hair floated around her as she raised her gaze to the colorful ceiling. Her breaths came in quick succession, pausing now and then when she had to gasp yet again.

  Fingers slipped between her pussy folds. Was that breaking their promise? Yet, she couldn’t help but want them to break it. If she’d thought they could hear her, she would’ve told them to break the hell out of their promise.

  Oh, hell yeah. Forget the damn promise.

  The sensation of bubbles bursting around her, against her skin, along with the feeling of having three pairs of hands studying her body, working in and out of her crevices and valleys, was an intoxication she’d never felt before. The men had taken control of her as surely as if they’d wrapped sexual chains around her. She wanted them to do more but wouldn’t help them by undoing her bra and sliding her panties down. To have them rip them from her would be so much better.

  Go on. Take them off me.

  She moaned and spread her legs apart. The fingers—were they Clint’s or Vince’s? Maybe Trey’s?—rubbed against her clit, setting up a fire that would have rivaled the warmth of the surrounding water. Nibbles sent quick stabs of pain along her legs and stomach.

  Instead of taking off her panties and bra, they were simply pushing them aside. She reached under the surface and closed her fingers in wet hair. Whose hair it was didn’t matter. Clutching the hair, she jerked him to her breast, urging him to take her nipple.

  If she didn’t know better, she would’ve sworn she heard an underwater groan.

  Her bra was shoved off her breasts and rode up her chest. A mouth surrounded one nipple while a hand took charge of the other one. Whether or not they belonged to the same man wasn’t clear, but together they tortured her tits, pinching, sucking, licking, biting them.

  How could they stay under so long? Obviously they didn’t wear masks or a breathing tube. She would’ve felt the masks against her skin while a breathing tube wouldn’t have given them the freedom to use their mouths on her.

  Hands pressing against her urged her to lie backward on top of the water. Water rippled as the men broke the surface. Their broad shoulders glistened with drops of water. Their hair was pushed back so that it framed their handsome faces. Their gazes skimmed her body, red highlights dancing in the silver and green.

  Clint attacked her breast, his arm supporting her head as he bent low and drew her nipple into his mouth. His tongue swept over her, drinking up the water cascading off her skin. She moaned and gripped the back of his hair, holding him to her.

  Vince eased between her legs, and with a wickedly sinful gleam in his silver-red eyes, he pushed her panties aside and her legs apart then crushed his mouth to her pussy. She cried out as his tongue, strong and powerful, lashed out at her clit and pussy. In and out, over and around, his mouth surrounded her as his strange gaze locked with hers. Tiny flickers of flames frolicked along her skin, yet she wasn’t afraid. They couldn’t be real, after all, no matter how hot her flesh felt. Her imagination was running wild.

  Trey took her by the chin, gave her a look as old as time, telling her she was his. “I’m sorry, baby, but we’re going to have to break our promise.” Her bra was taken from her then and tossed toward the cave floor. Instead of taking her tit in his mouth, he cupped the back of her neck and slammed his mouth to hers.

  Air was lost in surprise as his tongue whipped around her mouth. He drank from her, taking her juices, and just as she was sure she’d pass out if she didn’t take another breath, he released her mouth to bite along her bottom lip. When he released her, he pulled back and turned her face toward his, forcing her full attention on him.

  “Don’t question. Just accept.”

  She stared at him, unable to ask what he meant. Then, slowly, he began to rise from out of the water. She stared, unable to believe what she saw. Had they drugged her? Yet, she hadn’t had anything to eat or drink. Were they somehow hypnotizing her? Their incredible sexuality combined with the mystery and the beauty of the cave had already taken a magical hold on her, but that couldn’t explain what she saw.

  As surely as though he were standing on a platform, Trey rose higher until, at last, his cock was level with her head. But how? Even as amazed as she was, her curiosity, her wonder was no match for his friends’ tongues and fingers. An orgasm ripped through her, fast and furious.

  Her cry ended a moment before Trey’s cock met her lips. Instinctively, her body answering his call, she pulled his cock inside her mouth. He tasted extraordinary, a mixture of pure testosterone with a wildness she’d never tasted before. Words would fail pitifully if she’d tried to describe the taste. Instead, she reveled in it, loving the sweetness of his pre-cum.

  She was on fire. From the inside and out, they were putting her flesh under scorching flame. Tiny flames once again frolicked along her skin. Hollowing her cheeks, she sucked on his long, hard length and closed her eyes so she could center her senses on what was happening.

  Vince sucked on her pussy again, bringing forth another cry that flowed around Trey’s cock. When Vince’s mouth left her, she almost cried out again. But the second cry came when she felt him move his torso between her legs, hold on to them, and then shove his cock inside her pussy.

  Her eyelids flew open. Trey’s face was tense, his jaw clenched. The red had almost entirely taken over the green of his eyes.

  “Sugar-babe, I need to be inside you. Behind you.”

  She paused in sucking Trey’s dick long enough to see Clint slowly slip beneath the water. “Yes,” she whispered. Had he heard her? She’d just wondered where he’d gone when she felt his chest settle against her back.

  Again the question of how it could happen came and went.

  Clint’s cock worked its way in between her butt cheeks. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her tightly against him. His cock eased into her asshole.

  The pain was barely there. At first it hit her, and then it was gone, replaced with a friction that set her heart pounding. What pain there was had quickly morphed into pleasure.

  She let herself go, ridding herself of questions as well as any answers. To experience them taking her, their cocks inside her overwhelmed all her senses, driving away everything else.

  They filled her as their hands possessed her. She was floating in the water and floating in an entirely different way as their lovemaking took hold of her body and soul.

  Waved sloshed over her body, yet surprisingly, water never splashed into her mouth or her ears. She held on to Trey’s cock, desperate to taste the full extent of his flavors.

  They moved like separate boards fashioned together to make the best boat. The warmth that had surrounded them grew until she was certain it would boil away the water. And still they slammed into her, using their hands and their mouths as weapons of desire.

  Her body spun out of control, taking her mind along with it. Their moans of pleasure, accented by sexy growls, sent her climax surging through her. She whimpered as Clint’s cock rammed into her harder and Vince’s cock struck so far inside her that she was sure he’d reached the very end of her being.

  Her body bucked as her orgasm took her, forcing the waves to lash out higher and higher. The men held on to her, never letting her dip too far below the surface. As she screamed out her release, she heard them do the same. Swallowing as fast as she could, she still couldn’t take all of Trey’s cum. In a primal move, one that betrayed all the logic she’d ever possessed, she tightened her pussy walls around Vince’s cock, hoping to hold his seed in. She did the same with her ass, wanting to keep Clint’s cock inside her for as long as possible.

  The world, a mix of water and fire, spun around her in a dizzying way. She clung to Trey and reached out for Vince. Clint broke
through the water, his grin showing his delight.

  Slowly, almost reverently, they carried her to the shore and stretched her out on the cave’s floor. Her chest rose and fell with her breathing as it gradually slowed down.

  Unashamed, and yet stunned at what she’d done, she smiled at the men sitting next to her. “How are we ever going to get dry?”

  “Don’t worry. You’ll dry off fast enough.” Trey bent over her as did Vince and Clint.

  The air around her felt different, thicker, warmer as a breeze wafted over her body. Yet how could that be when their bodies would’ve blocked any breeze? Still, in less than a minute, her body, as well as her panties, were dry.

  Trey shook his hair then ran his hand through the dry strands. “Do you need to answer that?”

  “Answer what?”

  Vince jerked his head toward her jeans. “Your phone’s ringing.”

  “Oh. Um, can you please hand my jeans to me?”

  Clint grabbed her clothes. “If you’ll get closer to the entrance, you’ll get better reception. Take your time.” He and the other two men stood and retrieved their clothes.

  Putting her back to them, she started tugging on her jeans and pulled out her cell phone while hurrying toward the front of the cave. A glance at the caller ID had her grimacing. “Hi.”

  “Where the hell are you?” demanded Bruce.

  Chapter Seven

  “Hi, Bruce.” Her voice echoed in the cavern. “What’s up?”

  “Where are you?” He’d calmed down, his tone leveling out.

  “The guys took me sightseeing on their land. You were sleeping so soundly that we, uh, didn’t want to wake you.”

  The silence told her that he didn’t believe her. What else could she say? She couldn’t tell him the truth, couldn’t tell him that she’d wanted time alone with them.

  “I’m sorry. We didn’t expect to be gone so long.” Putting the phone on speaker, she set it on the ground and quickly put on her bra and shirt.

  “Yeah, well, that’s okay. Are you coming back soon?”

  Sometimes Bruce could be too clingy. Almost as though they were a couple and he was suspicious of her cheating on him. She glanced at the now-dressed men, but they remained passive, apparently letting her make the decision. Sadly, she did. “Yes. Soon.”

  “Then we’re leaving, right?”

  Should she tell him about the drawings? Wouldn’t knowing about them help him understand how urgent it was for her to stay? Surely, he’d agree. She was so close to finding answers.

  Although she’d started to, his tone kept her from confiding in him. Sadly, their friendship seemed to be slipping away. Yet it wasn’t the trip or the men that had caused a slow shift in their relationship. Bruce’s infatuation with her was the problem, and that had started long before meeting the men. Since meeting them, however, it had grown worse.

  She punched the speaker off. “I don’t know. I kind of want to stay.”

  Would the men be glad that she wanted to spend another night with them? Or would they avert their gazes, telling her in not-so-many words that they’d just as soon she leave? She didn’t like to think that they were the type of men who would dump a girl as soon as they’d gotten what they wanted.

  No. They’re not that type.

  “Aw, come on, Mon. We’ve tried searching for those stupid shimmers. You’ve got to give it up.”

  Irritation quickly changed to anger. “I know what I saw. Like I said before, if you want to leave, then please go ahead and go on back home.”

  “Don’t be that way. You know I’m not going to leave you alone with three strange men.”

  I wish you would.

  “Okay.” She drew in a steadying breath. “I’ll see you in a little while.” Before Bruce could answer, she ended the call.

  “Is he all right?”

  Not that Trey sounded as though he actually cared, but she answered anyway. “He thinks you’re out to seduce me and take advantage of me.” She laughed. “Too late for that, huh?”

  Clint strode over to her and offered her his hand. “Seduce you, yeah. I won’t deny we broke our promise, but it was an impossible promise to keep. Still, we’d never take advantage of you. I hope that’s not how you see it.”

  She stood and took in his interesting yet oh-so-sexy scent. “No one took advantage of me. I wanted to do what we did.” She frowned, the earlier questions coming back. “But how did you stay underwater so long? And how did Trey rise above the surface like that?”

  Clint cupped her cheek. “I guess we used our superpowers.”

  She started to laugh then held back. His expression didn’t hold an ounce of mirth. Until, that is, a huge grin split his face.

  “How about we show you the rest of our land?”

  She was left, her mouth parted, ready for either a kiss or to get answers to her questions. “Wait. What about my questions?”

  The men, however, were already halfway toward the cave’s entrance, talking amongst themselves. Trey turned back to her, the sunlight backlighting him and throwing his shadow across the ground. “Are you coming, baby?”

  They weren’t going to answer her questions. But why not? What were they hiding? If she thought pushing at them would any good, she’d try. Yet she doubted she’d get anywhere. “Yeah. I’m coming.”

  * * * *

  Monica felt both excited and guilty. Excited because she’d decided to go back to the cave alone. Guilty because a part of her wanted to tell the men and even Bruce. But after what she’d seen earlier in the evening, she didn’t want anyone to keep her from her mission.

  She’d stayed close to Bruce in the late afternoon after returning from riding the ranch with the men. In the early evening, and after an awkward, tension-filled dinner, Vince had told her that they had an errand to run. Somehow, she got the impression that he wasn’t being honest with her. Had Bruce made them feel unwelcome in their own home? Or were they simply being nice and giving her time alone with her friend? Not that she could do anything about it except stand on the porch with Bruce and watch them leave. At the time, she’d wished she could’ve gone along with them. Now she was glad she hadn’t.

  Once the men were gone, she and Bruce had taken a walk. He’d rattled on, talking about anything and everything yet nothing that really interested her. Not much interested her now except finding the dragon and getting to know the men better.

  Then it had happened.

  As Bruce talked on about when they’d return home, she’d glanced over his shoulder, and she’d seen them. If she hadn’t known what to look for, she might not have noticed. Yet there they were. The shimmers.

  Her first impulse had been to grab Bruce, turn him around, and point out the phenomenon. Fortunately, she didn’t follow through with her first impulse. He would’ve explained them away as heat in the air or who knows what. She no longer trusted that he really wanted to find out what they were. He didn’t believe that the shimmers were somehow linked with a dragon. Instead, she’d pretended to pay close attention to whatever he was talking about, all while darting her gaze back and forth to the shimmers.

  She should’ve won an Oscar for her performance of a bored yet polite friend. Hadn’t he heard her heart pounding? Hadn’t he seen her glancing away every few seconds? Watching while trying to feign interest in Bruce had been tough, but she’d done it. She’d bitten back her excitement as the shimmers hovered in the air several yards away and then zipped toward the mountainside.

  Toward the cave.

  If she had any conscience left, she would’ve felt awful about what she’d done to Bruce. But it wasn’t as though she’d forced him to drink. He knew how wine affected him. Nonetheless, he’d happily downed several glasses of Chardonnay, complaining for the hundredth time about not sleeping well the night before. He was asleep and snoring peacefully on his bed a half hour later.

  She repositioned her backpack on her shoulder, paused at the back door, and listened before slipping outside. Traveling alone
in the woods at night was a foolish move, but what choice did she have? She’d seen the shimmers go toward the cave, and her gut told her that the cave was the perfect place for dragons. If she was wrong, she’d come home, and doing as Bruce wanted, she’d pack up and leave in the morning.

  Earlier, she’d seen the perfect solution for her transportation needs. Hurrying to the large shed behind the barn that housed the horses, she pulled open the door and flicked on the overhead light.

  Four new ATVs sat waiting for her to make her choice. Why were there four? Was the extra one for a guest? Maybe even a girlfriend? The idea that they might have brought another woman to their home dulled her excitement.

  She had no right to act possessively toward them. After all, one little swim—and more—in the underground lake didn’t mean she could claim them as her own.

  Thankfully, she didn’t have to search for the keys. Keys for each vehicle hung on a pegboard on the wall.

  “I’ll take the silver one with green stripes.” Silver and green, the colors of the men’s eyes, had become her new favorite colors. Snagging the key marked “silver ATV,” she hopped into the seat and started the motor. As the engine roared to life, she cringed then waited, ready to hear Bruce calling for her. When she didn’t hear him, she breathed a sigh of relief, flipped on the headlights, and slowly drove the vehicle out of the shed. With the night breeze blowing through her hair, she headed the ATV up the hill.

  * * * *

  We should’ve told her the truth, Trey said telepathically. He swung his tail around, feeling better now that they’d gone for a good flight.

  Vince shot a burst of fire at Trey then whipped his tail around, narrowly missing Trey. He’d been disgruntled ever since leaving Monica.

  Clint rubbed his neck against the cave’s wall, scratching an itch. “Knock it off, Vince. We have things to discuss. Trey’s right. We should’ve told her.”

  Trey growled, letting his dragon have its say. It was bad enough that they’d had to stand by while Monica mollified an irritated Bruce, spending time with him when she should’ve been spending time with them, but whenever he thought about what they’d done in the cave, he ended up with a piece of wood as his cock and anger at her so-called friend. A friend who wanted to be a whole lot more than just a friend.


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