Miss Kathleen's Scandalous Baron (Honorable Rogue Book 2)

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Miss Kathleen's Scandalous Baron (Honorable Rogue Book 2) Page 18

by Vikki Vaught

  Once they were in his big bed, Andrew introduced her to a myriad of marvelous sensations, showing her a depth of sensuality she had never imagined. It stormed throughout the night. Great torrents of rain beat against the windows, thunder rolled, and lightning flashed. They were so enraptured in their lovemaking they never heard or saw any of it.

  When Kathleen awoke the following morning, reality intruded. It was time to handle the issue with Mrs. Elwood. After hurrying through her morning ablutions and breakfast, she joined her husband so they could confront the housekeeper together.

  When the woman entered Andrew’s study, she curtsied. “You wanted to see me, your lordship?”

  Andrew waved his hand toward the chair across from his desk. “Yes, my wife and I both want to talk to you. It’s regarding her meeting with you, yesterday morning. Am I correct, Mrs. Elwood, that you do not read French?”

  “Y-yes, uh, no sir,” she stammered, “I don’t know that language.”

  Andrew drilled her with his eyes. “Then why would Chef Marcel prepare the menus in French?”

  Kathleen watched as Mrs. Elwood squirmed in her chair before she answered. “I…I d-don’t know, my lord. Perhaps he thought Lady Billingsley was fluent in French.”

  “Come now, Mrs. Elwood,” Andrew replied, “why would my American wife speak French? It’s certainly not her native language. Have you perhaps communicated with my mother?”

  Mrs. Elwood paled under his scrutiny and crumpled. “Oh my lord, I’m s-so sorry. Your m-mother did send me a note telling me Lady Billingsley l-loved to speak French and suggested I ask Chef Marcel to communicate with her in that language. I thought it was odd when I read her note, but wanting to please my new mistress, I complied.”

  Kathleen decided to enter the discussion. After all, it did concern her. She needed to establish good rapport with the housekeeper. “I appreciate you wanting to please me. While I do know a few French phrases, I don’t love the language. Going forward, I would like the menus written in English.”

  Andrew intervened. “Madame, if you receive any other suggestions from my mother, I recommend you bring them to me immediately. I expect complete loyalty from my staff. This time, my wife and I will assume you were trying to be helpful. However, if there are any more problems of this nature, I will have to let you go. Do you understand?”

  Mrs. Elwood broke into tears. “C-certainly. You’re an excellent employer and a pleasure to work for. I w-would never do anything to jeopardize my position. I p-promise you will have no more problems from me. If I receive any more messages, I will bring them straight to you, my lord.”

  “Very good, Mrs. Elwood,” Andrew stated. “I’m pleased we could resolve this. Talk to Chef Marcel regarding the menus and present the English ones to my wife in an hour. You may go.” The housekeeper curtsied and hurried from the room with an expression of relief on her face.

  “I don’t think we’ll have any more problems from our housekeeper. I suppose my talk with my mother didn’t have the desired impact. I shall go see her this afternoon and reiterate again she is not to interfere in any way.”

  This bothered Kathleen. She didn’t want to give the baroness something else to dislike. “Please, don’t anger your mother. It could make the situation worse. Would it not be better to let her think her plan didn’t cause a problem?”

  Andrew came around the desk and took her hand. “You have a kind heart, Kathleen. You don’t know my mother. She’ll try something else if she thinks this didn’t work. She needs to know I’m serious when I told her I would cut off her allowance if she doesn’t leave us alone.”

  Kathleen gasped. “Oh, dear, that sounds terribly severe. What would she live on without the allowance?”

  Andrew assured her, “No need to worry concerning her welfare. She would still have her widow’s jointure. It just would not enable her to live the type of lifestyle she’s grown accustomed to. I promise. She shan’t starve.”

  While she still thought cutting his mother off from her allowance would only anger her further, she replied, “That at least makes me feel better. I suppose you know what is best. Since I know you’re meeting Alex, I shall leave you. Will I see you at luncheon?”

  “I shan’t be here. I’m meeting my friends this afternoon at Angelo’s, and then after our fencing match we’re going to Tattersall’s with Blythe. There’s a matched pair of bays he’s thinking of purchasing. Never fear, I will be here for dinner with your brother, John. I look forward to getting to know him.” Raising her hand to his lips, he kissed it. “Try not to worry over much. I’m sure your other brother has had a chance to think over the situation and talk it over with his wife. Enjoy your day. I shall see you at dinner.”

  Kathleen prayed Anissa had helped her brother see reason. As Andrew pointed out, being in line to inherit a baronetcy would be good for his family. She refused to dwell on the situation. She would let her brother work it out.

  Kathleen met with Mrs. Elwood in the sitting room. She presented the week’s menus in English this time, and she made a few changes based on her personal preferences. The housekeeper told her about an issue with one of the maids. Evidently, the upstairs housemaid had sneaked out the previous night. “Did you find out why Kate left?”

  Mrs. Elwood looked affronted. “I didn’t feel it was important to know why. She broke the rules and needs to be reprimanded. I believe it is imperative to set high standards for all the maids.”

  Not willing to back down, she told her, “I would like to speak to Kate, Mrs. Elwood. Please find her and bring you here.”

  “Of course, my lady. I will return in a few minutes.”

  When the housekeeper returned, she had a plump young girl with her. The maid looked around fifteen years old. Her curiosity piqued, Kathleen wanted to know why she’d broken the rules. She looked too shy to be meeting a man, which is what Mrs. Elwood must be thinking.

  She gave the young girl a reassuring smile. “Good morning, Kate. I understand you left last night without permission. Why did you disobey the rules?”

  “Oh, milady, me m-mum is sick,” the maid replied, her voice shaking, “and m-me little brother, Tommy, is t-too little to take care o’ ’er. I ’ad to m-make sure they was all right. I asked fer permission, but Mrs. Elwood r-refused to allow me t’ leave.”

  Kathleen looked over at her housekeeper. “Did you know her mother was ill?”

  Looking uncomfortable at her question, Mrs. Elwood answered, “No, I didn’t ask. Rules are to be obeyed. The staff know that no one is to leave for any reason after dark.”

  “Under the circumstances, I think we can make an exception.” Kathleen looked at Kate and asked, “How is your mother now?”

  “She be better, milady. ’er fever broke. I gave me brother somethin’ t’ eat and came back ’ere early this mornin’.”

  Worried over the young child, she asked, “How old is Tommy?”

  “He be three.”

  Oh, goodness. That child was a mere babe. “Who’s watching your brother today?”

  “I told ’im t’ stay wit’ me mum. Tain’t nobody t’ watch ’im. Me Da died last year.”

  The poor child. He didn’t need to be alone with a sick mother. “Kate, I’m giving you the next two days off to care for your mother and watch Tommy. If your mother isn’t back on her feet by then, let me know, and I’ll arrange a few more days if need be.”

  “Thank ye, milady, but can’t be missin’ me wages. Me money is what’s keepin’ a roof over me family’s ’ead. If it be all right, I’d like to go check on ’em t’night.”

  Kathleen’s heart went out to this young girl. She was too young to be the only support for her family. “You may take the time off without losing any of your wages.”

  The maid burst into tears. “Oh, milady, ye be too kind. I promise t’ work extra ’ard when I return.”

  “I’m counting on that, Kate. Now go take care of your family.”

  The young maid curtsied and ran from the room.
r />   Mrs. Elwood said, “I hope you realize you have set a dangerous precedent. Now all the maids will want time off, and with pay to take care of their families. I don’t know what his lordship will say.”

  Understanding the importance of making sure the housekeeper knew Kathleen was in charge, she told her, “I’m sure Lord Billingsley will support me on this. I dare say you meant well. Next time, find out why someone needs off before you deny their request. While I understand the rules are important, we still need to show compassion. I’m sure if you were in Kate’s situation, you would want to be with your family. I think you will discover she’ll be a better employee when she returns.”

  She could see by the expression on Mrs. Elwood’s face she didn’t agree with the way she had handled the situation. The woman concurred, “Yes, your ladyship. It will be as you wish. Excuse me. I will return to my duties.”

  After the housekeeper left, she wished Andrew were still around so she could tell him what she’d done. Surely, he would agree with her. She would talk it over with him the next time they were alone. Things were so different here. If one of her mother’s servants had taken sick, she would have gone to their home and helped care for the mother and the small child. Mrs. Elwood would be appalled if she’d suggested it.

  After luncheon, Kathleen took her maid with her and set out for Chilton House. It was only a few blocks away and a little rain never hurt anyone. Even though it was a dreary day, the rain had slowed to a drizzle. If she never went anywhere when it rained, she would rarely be able to leave the house. Once she arrived at the duke’s residence, she spent a lovely afternoon with the children, and when she returned to the townhouse, she took a nice long bath. After she dressed for dinner, she went downstairs.

  When she didn’t find Andrew in the drawing room, she found him in his study. After she took a seat, she anxiously asked, “How did everything go with my brother this morning? Has he begun to accept the situation at all?”

  The smile he gave her reassured her. “It went much better than expected. Evidently, Anissa convinced him this is a wonderful opportunity for their son. He was most interested when Mr. Holmes showed him the chart of his family tree. He expressed amazement when he learned how the first Baronet received the baronetcy. While I don’t believe he’ll ever be completely comfortable, he is willing to meet Sir Malcom Hawks when they return in the fall.”

  It astonished Kathleen that her brother had capitulated so easily. Anissa must truly be a miracle worker. “While I’m pleased, I’m surprised. Did he say when he would tell my mother and John?”

  “He wants to wait until after he meets Sir Malcom Hawks. He asked us to keep this quiet.”

  “When can I meet him?” she asked.

  “Once we hear from the man, we can decide then.”

  “That makes sense.” she sighed. “Although it will be hard, I’ll be patient. I’m quite anxious to meet him.”

  “How did your day go, any more problems with Mrs. Elwood?”

  She hesitated, but then she told him what had transpired with the housekeeper. He agreed with the way she’d handled the situation with Kate. They both now had more reservations regarding Mrs. Elwood.

  Andrew leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers. “If any more differences of opinion arise, I’ll dismiss her. It could come to that, since Mrs. Elwood seems to have her priorities confused.”

  “I understand and agree. If it does come to that, please promise me you’ll generously compensate her and give her a good reference. From what I’ve seen so far, she runs the house efficiently.”

  “Kathleen, you’re too sweet-natured, but I’ll do as you request. Let us hope it doesn’t come to that. I’m sorry, my dear, I still have one more report to read before I can join you in the drawing room. Why don’t you go there and wait for your brother while I finish?”

  Standing, she said, “Certainly. It will be hard to keep quiet about Sir Malcom Hawks, but my lips are sealed. I shall see you in a bit.” Then she left his study.

  Masters showed her brother into the drawing room at seven o’clock. Kathleen gave him a hug. “I’m so pleased you could join us tonight. Andrew should be along in a few minutes. Please, sit. I’m dying to know what you’ve been doing over the last seven years. It was not well done of you to stay gone so long without letting us know you were all right. Why did you do that, John?”

  He sat next to her on the sofa and took her hand. “I make no excuses. I was young, and I’d made a lot of mistakes. I needed to prove I could stand on my own two feet. I never realized how it would affect everyone. I know that staying away was an even bigger mistake. It pains me greatly that I wasn’t around when our father died. I will always deeply regret that. I pray you can forgive me. At least, I’m now able to help our brother.”

  “Of course I forgive you, John,” she replied, then in a firm voice she continued, “but poor Mama worried so. You need to make it up to her. Now that both Alex and I will be living most of the year here, you’ll need to take care of her for us.”

  Looking contrite, he squeezed her hand gently. “You know I’ll do that. Now, tell me how this came about with this baron. Last fall you were supposed to be desperately in love with William Jones. What happened to change your mind?”

  Here is another person I need to convince.

  Will this ever end?

  At least it was becoming easier, now that she was more than half in love with her husband and truly liked him. “What can I say? My feelings for William weren’t as strong as I had believed last fall. Once I spent time with Andrew, he swept me off my feet. It’s been a whirlwind ever since.”

  John gave her a skeptical look. “Although you were still a child when I left, you were obstinate and stubborn even back then. You always knew your own mind. Maybe you weren’t as in love with Jones as you had thought, but I still don’t buy this story that you’re now madly in love with this baron. Admit it, you were caught in that compromising situation, and for some reason you felt it necessary to marry him. Fess up.”

  John was the one person she could probably confide in. After all, he understood all about making mistakes and would not judge her. It would be so good to tell him what really happened. To have someone to talk over her mixed feelings would be a relief.

  “Please promise you’ll never tell Mama or Alex.”

  “I give you my solemn word. Now, tell me.”

  Kathleen told him everything. Why she had initially disliked Andrew, about the debacle in the library, and why she agreed to marry her husband. She even told him she believed she might be falling in love with him. When she finished her tale, she sighed. “It’s been a difficult time over the past few months. Do you think I made the right decision?”

  John looked over at her, meeting her gaze. “I’m not sure it was necessary to marry him. I’m sure Alex and Anissa could have weathered anything the ton sent their way. After having spent some of my free time in London, I’ve learned that while society matrons love scandal, most of the time once the sensation wears off, they move on to the next piece of juicy gossip. At least your feelings for him have changed. I would hate to think you’re stuck in a marriage with someone you detest.”

  “Believe me. I no longer despise Andrew, the exact opposite really. Although he’s young, and he’s been a bit wild to say the least, he is an honorable man. I feel confident we’ll have a good marriage. It may take a while to work through it all, but in the end, everything will come out all right.”

  He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. “For your sake, I hope you’re right. Just know if you ever need me, I’ll be there for you.”


  Andrew joined her and John, and they went in to dinner. Kathleen wasn’t sure why it took him so long to read those reports, but she was glad she’d had a chance to talk to her brother. Although seven years separated them, they’d always been close. It felt good to finally have a family member she could share her troubles with.

  Andrew seemed to like her b
rother immediately. Since they were only a year apart, they both enjoyed many of the same activities. By the end of the evening, they were sharing jokes and calling each other by their given names. They even made plans to meet the next day at Gentleman Jackson’s gym with the rest of Andrew’s friends.

  Between attending to household matters in the morning and seeing her family in the afternoon, the next couple of days went by quickly. The nights with her husband were glorious, filled with tenderness and passion. Every time she thought of their steamy nights, her body flushed with heat, and desire shot to her feminine core. Andrew’s rakish behavior before their marriage must be to her advantage, because he certainly knew where to touch, how to stroke, how to build the sexual tension until she exploded.

  While visiting her mother and Anissa on Thursday afternoon, her brother rushed into the sitting room. “I received word from our steward. A terrible storm hit Overton Park, and it sustained damage. He’s recommending we return immediately.”

  Anissa moaned. “Oh, I hope no one was hurt. What will we do? We’re supposed to leave in the morning.”

  Alex paced back and forth across the room, running his hands through his hair. Kathleen recognized this as a habit of his whenever he grew anxious or frustrated. What a conundrum this would be for them. It had been eight months since they had left their home, and her brother needed to return to Baltimore to check on the shipping company operations. Although his partner, Bridges, could handle anything there, her brother still wanted to be involved with any major decision-making. Plus, he was much better at negotiating with their suppliers than Bridges.

  While Alex continued to pace, he informed them, “I’m sending a message to John letting him know we must return home before we leave for America. I’ll send him on to Plymouth with the ship. We can leave from there. Can you be ready to leave in the morning?”


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