Miss Kathleen's Scandalous Baron (Honorable Rogue Book 2)

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Miss Kathleen's Scandalous Baron (Honorable Rogue Book 2) Page 29

by Vikki Vaught

  She had a difficult time concentrating on their conversation. Although she tried to refrain, she kept tapping her shoe upon the Aubusson carpet, then realizing that might annoy her friend, she started crossing and uncrossing her ankles. Her hands were clasped so tight, her knuckles turned white.

  What would this mean to Andrew? She hoped he would be pleased. After all, while he had grown to love Arianna, he was not enthused over the thought of children. Perhaps he wasn’t ready to have another child yet. They were only now getting used to his daughter. Of course, men in his position needed an heir. Surely he would be accepting of a babe.

  Kathleen looked up when she heard a tap on the door and Jarvis entered. “Your ladyship, Mrs. Barnes has arrived. She stated she came in response to a missive she received asking her to call on you.”

  “Show her up, Jarvis.” He bowed, then hurried from the room. She turned to her friend. “I’m immensely nervous. What if we’re wrong and I’m not with child? I will be greatly disappointed.”

  Sylvia laughed. “Relax. Everything will be fine.”

  When Jarvis returned, he had a small woman with him. Mrs. Barnes couldn’t be five feet tall, and she was as round as a butterball with twinkling brown eyes. After Sylvia performed the introductions, the midwife suggested they retire to the bedchamber so she could examine her. Kathleen led the woman upstairs on wobbly knees. While Mrs. Barnes’ gentle touch caused her no discomfort, nonetheless she found the examination embarrassing.

  After the mid-wife dried her hands, she said, “You’re definitely with child, your ladyship, and from what you’ve shared with me, your babe should arrive by mid-March.”

  Her pulse beat triple time as she absorbed the information. She was going to have a baby. She sent a silent prayer that Andrew would be excited by the news. “Mrs. Barnes, what do I need to do? Is there anything I need to refrain from until the babe comes?”

  Will we still be able to make love?

  Oh, I’m too embarrassed to ask.

  The midwife smiled. “It’s important you get plenty of rest, a full eight hours sleep each night, and a nap in the afternoon as well. If you ride, you should refrain from that. Even the most skilled rider can take a tumble, and a fall could cause a miscarriage. Since you’re having some nausea, try eating a piece of dried bread before rising each morning. That seems to help. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, also, avoid rich sauces. They tend to cause many women problems.”

  Obviously, the midwife wasn’t going to mention sexual congress. Although her cheeks grew hot, she was determined to find out. “Will my husband need to stop his nocturnal visits?” Her hands fisted inside her pockets as she waited impatiently for her answer.

  Mrs. Barnes smiled. “Ah…that shan’t be necessary until shortly before the end of your confinement, unless it starts to cause you discomfort. You’ll know when those visits need to stop.”

  Unable to meet the woman’s gaze, she looked down at her feet. “Thank you, Mrs. Barnes. I shall follow your instructions.”

  Once they discussed the importance of retaining a competent midwife when she returned home, Kathleen showed the woman downstairs, and she departed. She joined Sylvia in the drawing room and after sharing her news regarding her delightful condition, her friend hugged her.

  “I’m happy for you, my dear,” she said. “Billingsley will be thrilled when you share your news.”

  “Oh, do you think so?” she asked. “He took some time to warm up to Arianna. I feared he will think it too soon.”

  Sylvia gave her a reassuring smile. “My dear, every man in Billingsley’s position wants an heir. Rest assured; he will be delighted.”

  “That relieves my mind. Thank you for suggesting I see Mrs. Barnes. She’s very kind. I wish she could oversee my lying in when the time comes. But alas, my husband will want his heir born in his ancestral home.”

  Her friend squeezed her hand. “I’m sure there is an excellent midwife in your area. Now, I have enjoyed our time together, but I do need to take my leave. Please come by for tea before you depart.”

  Once Sylvia left, Kathleen returned to her bedchamber. She spun around, folding her arms around her waist. Joy bubbled in her throat, and she wanted to shout out her happiness, but she clamped her hand over her mouth. She would hold this wonderful news close to her heart until after Andrew had fully recovered.

  Kathleen walked around on a cloud for the next few days. Each day, she fought the desire to share her news with her husband, wanting to wait until the surgeon told him he could resume his normal activities. Once they were home would be the best time to tell him about the babe.

  On Friday, Mr. Sanders removed Andrew’s stitches and gave his approval for him to travel by the first of the week. He insisted he wanted to go for a drive in Hyde Park on Saturday. It was his first foray outside since his attack, and he tolerated it well, although he grew tired by the time they returned to the townhouse. Then they attended church the next day.

  Monday arrived, and they were on the road by eight o’clock. Since Renwick agreed to accompany them, discussion of a personal nature was not possible on their journey. Each night, they were both so exhausted they fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.

  On their last day of travel, Kathleen kept tapping her foot in anticipation. She couldn’t wait to see Arianna and hold her in her arms. It seemed an age since she had held and kissed her sweet child.

  Since they had reached Renwick’s estate first, Andrew told the driver to halt once the pulled under the portico of his friend’s home. Renwick turned to them. “I will take my leave. Glad you’re recovered, old friend. I shall ride over in a few days to make sure you’re well.”

  He grabbed his friends hand and shook it. “I want to thank you again for everything you did for me. I owe my survival to you. If you hadn’t found me when you did, I would have surely bled to death, my friend.”

  “You’re too tough to die. Besides, who would I spar with at Gentleman Jackson’s?” Then he opened the carriage door, climbed out, and waved them on their way.

  Kathleen smiled at Andrew. “We do owe a huge debt of gratitude to him. Oh Andrew, I’m so anxious to return home. I can’t wait to see Arianna. I’ve missed her so.”

  He raised her hand and kissed it. “I know, my sweet. I’ve missed her as well. A few more miles and we shall be reunited with her. Now, do you want to tell me what has you all atwitter? I know something else is, besides returning home.”

  This wasn’t the time to share her news. She needed to distract him some way. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Of course I’m a little overwrought. You nearly died. I assure you, once we’re home and I’ve seen Arianna, I’ll be fine. Please don’t be concerned. I think I shall rest my eyes until we arrive.” And with that said, she closed her eyes and pretended sleep for the last few miles of their journey.


  Obviously Kathleen did not want to tell him anything right now. She was no more asleep than he. No matter what she said, something had her in a dither. Hopefully, after she saw that Arianna was well, she would at last tell him. She didn’t seem anxious. It was more suppressed excitement with a bit of trepidation. He would leave her be for now. This evening, he would demand she tell him what had her twisted in knots.

  Tonight. At last he felt recovered enough to make love to his wife. His side no longer throbbed, and he had most of his agility back. He couldn’t wait to slide into her moist heat, to lose himself in her body, to feel her come apart in his arms.

  Ah, yes. Tonight.

  Glancing out the window, he saw the drive to his estate. As the carriage made the turn and moved through the tall oaks lining the drive, the sight warmed his heart and fed his soul. He had greatly feared he would never see the Hall again. Thank God, he had survived. Bowing his head, he sent a silent prayer to heaven.

  Dear Lord, thank you for sparing my life. I have so much to live for. I am so grateful you put me in the library that night. I’m not proud of
the way I was living my life, or the reason I was there. I promise to live my life as You want me to in the future. While I can’t change the past, I can change the future. Help me be a good father to my daughter. Even though I am ashamed of my conduct with her mother and turning Arlene off the way I did, I love Arianna very much. Thank you for giving her to me. In Your precious name, I pray.

  Peace bathed him as a warm stream in summer would cool his heated skin. He settled against the seat as the carriage continued up the drive.

  A few minutes later, they traversed the bend in the road and Grainger Hall came into view. The stately, ivy-covered walls welcomed him home. After the coach pulled under the portico, the front door opened and Masters, along with two footmen, came down the steps.

  He glanced over at his wife, and her excitement oozed forth. Her eyes were bright with unshed tears, but a smile as brilliant as the sun adorned her beautiful face.

  Bouncing in her seat, she said, “We’re home at last. Please hurry and open the door, I want to see Arianna right away.”

  He squeezed her hand. “You shall, my sweet, you shall.”

  Once the carriage steps were in place, Andrew ascended, then turned and assisted Kathleen out. She ran up the steps and through the door, obviously anxious to hold the child of her heart in her arms. As much as he would have liked her undivided attention, it pleased him she was such an attentive mother. Their future children would be blessed by her love and nurturing ways.

  He let out a sigh of contentment and turned to his butler. “It’s good to be home, Masters. Everything in order?”

  “Everyone in the household is hale and hearty, my lord,” he replied. “All are relieved to hear you have recovered.”

  “Thank you, Masters. I shall go upstairs. Please send word to my steward, asking him to join me in my study in an hour. Tell him to bring the account ledgers with him.”

  He replied, “As you wish, sir.”

  Anxious to join his wife and see his daughter, he started upstairs with his normal vigor. A catch in his side slowed his pace. While his mind might think he was fully recovered, his body still had some catching up to do, resuming his ascent, he made his way to the nursery.

  When he reached the door, Kathleen sat in the rocker, bouncing Arianna on her knee, who was gurgling with laughter. He walked over and smiled at the sight and reached out his hand, then ran it over Arianna’s bright hair.

  “I see she is well?”

  “She’s more than well. Can you not see how much she’s grown? I barely recognized her. I don’t ever want to be away from her this long again. I couldn’t bear it.”

  He met her gaze. “And I will make sure you shan’t. Now, let me hug my child, then we can go to our rooms to freshen up after our journey.”

  Taking his daughter into his arms, he snuggled her against his chest and buried his head in Arianna’s sweet-smelling curls. He may not have planned on attaining fatherhood in such a manner, but when he held his child, he could never regret the outcome of his liaison with her mother. Handing Arianna back to the nursemaid, he placed his hand at the small of Kathleen’s back and escorted her to their rooms.

  At her door, he kissed her cheek. “I need to meet with my steward. I shall see you at dinner. Why don’t you order a nice hot bath? I’m sure you must be anxious to wash away the rigors of travel.”

  “I believe I will. Traveling can be terribly fatiguing and a bath does sound appealing. Please don’t work too hard. After all, you’re still recovering from your injury, and I’m sure you must be in need of a soothing bath as well.”

  “I promise I shall only work for an hour, then I’ll take your suggestion. A bath does sound relaxing.” He hugged her close. “I look forward to spending some time with my wife…alone. You may want to take a nap as well. I have big plans for you tonight.”

  Smiling coyly at him, she replied, “How tempting. I look forward to it, my lord.” Then she blew him a kiss as she closed the door.

  Her parting words sent the blood straight to his loins. It had been far too long since he’d made love to his wife, and he would remedy that after dinner. Retiring to bed early was just what the doctor would order, though sleeping wasn’t what he had in mind. Whistling a merry tune, he proceeded down the hall to his bedchamber to wash his travel dirt away before going to his study to meet with his steward.


  Leaning against the door, Kathleen savored the thrill of having her playful Andrew back. She loved that part of him so well. Let’s face it: She loved every part of him. She couldn’t wait for the evening to come. A fortnight had passed since his surgery. Surely, he should be ready for amorous pursuits. She certainly was. She longed to wrap herself around him, to feel his warm body next to hers and to experience the joy of lying with him again.

  Her nether region grew heated as she thought of making love to her husband. She would take the lead tonight, doing much of the work, to keep him from straining and taxing his newly gained strength. Ah, yes, she would play the seductress, and Andrew would not know what hit him, then when they lay in the afterglow of their pleasure, she would tell him her news.

  Sylvia had assured her; Andrew would be pleased by the news. After all, any man with a title had need of an heir. His tender regard for Arianna earlier had also allayed any fears she held. Now, she looked forward to sharing this great joy with him with a happy heart.

  Kathleen spent the rest of the afternoon pampering herself, allowing her maid to dress her hair in a more elaborate style than she normally wore for a quiet evening at home. Once she donned the seafoam green evening gown, she stood before the pier glass, appraising her appearance. She wanted to look her most alluring. The gown hugged her curves and enhanced her slightly larger breasts to perfection. Being in the family way definitely helped in that area. He would not be able to keep his hands off her when he saw her in the dress. The color had her green eyes sparkling. Of course, she suspected her anticipation of the night to come had something to do with it as well.

  After Louise fastened the pearl necklace around her neck and put the earbobs in her ears, she told her, “I shall not need you again tonight. Take the evening off and relax from our travels. I’ll see you in the morning, but not too early. I will ring for you when I have need of you.”

  “As you wish, my lady.” Curtseying, her maid left the room.

  With a final glance in the mirror, she made her way downstairs to the drawing room, where she found Andrew standing in front of the hearth. Her gaze slowly swept over him from his highly polished dress shoes, to his immaculately attired physique, before meeting his gorgeous blue eyes.

  Adding a husky tone to her voice, hoping it made her sound seductive, she murmured, “Good evening, Husband. Did you do as I suggested?”

  “Did you?” He quirked his eyebrow and gave her one of his devilish grins. “I definitely hope you slept for a while. You shall not be getting much sleep tonight.”

  Although the room still held the summer day’s heat, making it far from cool, her nipples drew tight under her bodice and shivers danced along her spine at his playful banter. She inhaled deeply, trying to calm her rioting heart. It beat so rapidly she wondered if it would break through her chest.

  He took a languid step forward and offered her his arm. “Shall we proceed to the dining room?”

  She slipped her hand through the crook of his elbow. “That would be lovely. I’m quite…famished.” Then she met his smoldering gaze. Suspecting he was as famished as she in an altogether different way, food was the last thing on either of their minds. Her senses so heightened, she was tempted to tell Masters to send trays to their rooms and drag her husband upstairs to have her wicked way with him.

  No, it would be better to build the anticipation. She wanted him panting after her by the time they finished the meal. “Lead the way, my lord.”

  After seating her to his left, Andrew brushed her neck with the lightest of touches, sending fire to her belly. Once he took his seat, he motioned for the footm
an to serve the first course. She had requested oysters for the appetizer. She had heard the maids talking about them being an aphrodisiac, not that she needed anything to heighten her desire, but it did titillate her senses to think of them doing so.

  “Oysters, my sweet?” he asked. “You know they’re one of my favorites, although…I doubt I shall need their added…ah, benefits tonight.”

  Heat rushed to her face, but she didn’t let that stop her from answering with a play on words. “I only want to…please you, my lord.”

  Andrew’s eyes flashed a heated glance her way. “You…my sweet, please me in every way.” Then he raised the half-shell to his lips while never breaking eye contact.

  The burning in her belly threatened to burst into flames, but she would not stop the word play for the world. She picked up her shell, tipped her head back and parted her lips, allowing the salty oyster to slide down her throat, then met his burning gaze.

  Not tearing his gaze away from hers, he beckoned to the footman. “James, tell Cook we have decided to forego the rest of our meal. Ask her to prepare a cold platter of cheeses and meats. We will send for it later.” The footman bowed, and then left the room. Andrew practically jumped from his chair, sending it backwards, almost knocking it over in his rush to get to her, then he held out his hand.

  Kathleen placed her trembling hand in his. Then he pulled her up and clasped her hand as he rushed her from the dining room. Butterflies flitted around her stomach at the thought of what was to come as they made their way to his bedchamber.


  Andrew had never seen his wife acting in such a seductive manner. Her double entendre during the first course nearly sent him over the edge. No way could he have casually continued the meal after that. All he wanted was to get her in his bed as quickly as possible.


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