Promises After Dark (After Dark Series, Book 3)

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Promises After Dark (After Dark Series, Book 3) Page 10

by Kahlen Aymes

  Alex sighed, and his chest expanding was almost painful. “Yeah, maybe.”

  “I’ll move into the house with her and never leave her side the entire time you’re gone.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “It’ll be okay. We’ll get the cops involved to help so I can concentrate on Angel. It’s no different than if you were with her on the estate, Alex.”

  Alex looked at the smooth surface of the bar in front of him, leaning on it with his hip, and shook his head, though his brother couldn’t see it. “Wrong. At night, she’d be in my bed.”

  “Concede that, but it will be fine. I’ll have back-up.”

  “Okay. I’ll plan on leaving Monday and getting back as soon as possible. Are you going to Mom and Dad’s for brunch Sunday?”

  Angel would keep her workout appointment with Becca no doubt, but maybe he’d be able to convince her to come to the house later so he’d be able to put a plan together with Cole in person.

  “I can.” Cole sounded uncertain. “Doesn’t it depend on what Angel is doing?”

  “Yes. Let’s plan on meeting up at Becca’s gym on Sunday, then it will be a natural transition to the folks.”

  “Sounds good. Will you tell Angel what’s going on?”

  Alex sighed again. “Fuck, I don’t know. We agreed no secrets, but I think knowing Bancroft is missing will freak her out. She knows I want her at the house when I’m in Sydney and that you’ll be there.” His mind cranked to work out a feasible solution that would keep Angel out of harm’s way and still accomplish what he needed to be done for work and finding Bancroft and Swanson. “I feel like an asshole leaving when we don’t know where Bancroft is.”

  “What can you do here? Not a damn thing. It’s up to the investigators and our team. You have to trust us. Trust me, Alex. But, honestly, my gut tells me what we find isn’t going to be good.”

  Alex’s chest tightened. Cole only reiterated what he was thinking himself. It wasn’t going to be pretty. Swanson was trying to make a point, and he was more dangerous than they even realized. “You’re right, Cole.” His next words sounded foreign, like someone else was speaking. “I’m afraid Swanson is going to be a problem as long as he’s breathing. If I give him money, he’ll just blackmail me forever. If they lock him up, he’ll get out at some point, and it will all start again.”

  “Alex!” Cole’s voice was harsh. “What the hell are you thinking?”

  “Nothing.” His face burned, and his skin crawled. He wanted to kill Swanson. He’d never hated someone so much in his life. “I’m not going to chase the fucker down, if that’s what you mean, but if he threatens me or Angel and he gets in front of me, that’s another story.”

  “Don’t forget who you are and what you are responsible for, Alex.”

  Alex’s lip curled in snarl. “Exactly.”

  Cole hesitated. Alex’s tone was stone cold, still as death, and Cole understood his brother’s meaning clearly. “Okay, bro. Will you be with Angel all weekend.”

  “Yes, but keep a team on us, from a distance. Get someone to watch Mom, Dad, Josh, and Allison, again too.”

  “I’m on it.”

  “Good. Keep me updated on Bancroft. I’ll text you tomorrow morning about meeting at the gym.”

  “Okay. Later.”


  It was a beautiful Saturday morning, but Alex had spent a sleepless night. After he’d returned to the bed with Angel, she’d immediately snuggled up against him again, but sleep continued to elude him. He should have dropped off the minute he’d crawled back under the covers, but he hadn’t fallen asleep until the early morning hours, and now, he woke with a start.

  It was dark in the room, even though the clock said 11 AM. Angel must have closed the electronic shades he’d installed because of his travel schedule; jet lag required sleep during daylight hours on occasion. The fact she’d done so should have assured him nothing was amiss, but his heart seized at her absence.

  “Shit!” he muttered and scrambled from the bed, frantic at not knowing where she was. In light of the past evening’s events, he was on edge and agitated. He was naked and quickly found the lounge pants by the side of the bed on the floor and pulled them on in a rush.

  He was already calling for her before he hit the bedroom door. “Angel? Angel!”

  He ran through the house, briefly glancing in each of the spare rooms, the bathroom, then sprinted down the hall, jumping down the stairs three at a time. The dark hardwood floor was cool beneath his feet as they slapped on his way past the great room and into the kitchen. He glanced around quickly, but there was no sign of her or Max. His heart started to pound even more erratically, and his hand landed on his bare chest in protest of the pain.

  “Angel!” he shouted again. Nothing. No response, no sound. His hand ran through his hair as he turned around in a circle, searching for what, he didn’t know. “Angel!”

  His feet rushed to the windows near the kitchen table and the door leading to the deck, his eyes scanning out and down the multiple layers. Max’s distant bark drew his gaze down to the lowest level where there were chaise lounges around the large and ornate in-ground pool. Angel was with him, and he was prancing around as she picked up a ball and threw it across the lawn so the dog could chase after it. For the first time, he hated the vastness of his property.

  Alex burst through the back door, and it banged loudly as it slammed against the railing of the top level of the deck. His eyes never left Angel as she turned, startled by the sound. She was dressed only in his midnight blue bathrobe, her hair flowing down her back. He sucked in a breath in relief as he went down the stairs in a rush, yet still panicked. Her eyes were wide as he reached her at the same time Max returned and dropped the ball at her feet. The golden retriever barked and pranced at her feet, begging her to throw the ball again.

  “Max! Enough!” Alex yelled at the dog and he cowered, dropping to lie down at the couple’s feet.

  Angel scowled at Alex then bent to her knees to rub Max’s head and ears with both hands. “It’s okay, Max. It’s okay, baby,” she cooed before glancing over her shoulder and up at Alex. “What’s your problem?” she demanded angrily. “He didn’t do anything to you! We were playing!”

  Alex had the grace to pause, his face heating as it flushed. Alex’s chest was still rising and falling from his frenzied search, and he turned away to scan the edge of the property, lacing both hands together on top of his head. Breathing hard, he realized how vulnerable they both were, out here in the open, even with the security cameras and the privacy fences. Someone could easily take them out with a rifle.

  Angel stood up and moved around him, her posture communicating her irritation with him. “Well?”

  Alex’s eyes met hers, and his jaw tightened, the muscle working back and forth as his teeth clenched. “Get in the house,” he commanded.

  “Why? We were having a nice time until you showed up.”

  His patience was gone. “Angel, get in the house!”

  She was startled and jumped at his loud demand but didn’t have a chance to walk toward the stairs, let alone protest. Alex bent and hoisted her over his shoulder, her hair dangled around her face as he hauled her up the stairs. “I don’t know why you have to make everything so goddamned difficult.” He muttered, then hissed out a whistle for Max to follow. The dog ended up beating them, weaving up many levels of stairs and deck platforms in front of Alex and his unwilling burden. “Can you consider that I have a reason for what I tell you?”

  “Oh, you mean you aren’t just being a Neanderthal prick?” Angel sounded off in disgust; her position pushed on her stomach and made her words more of a squeak.

  Alex ignored her and kicked the back door open, then unloaded her a little too hard. She stumbled and fell back hard on her ass with a painful grunt. Angel glared up at him, her eyes shooting fire and her chin jutting out.

  “Yeah, sure!” He turned and threw the deadbolt then keyed in the combination to arm the alarm
. “Maybe I care about your little ass!” Alex turned and threw his hands up. “Maybe I know something you don’t! Jesus Christ!”

  Max whined and lay on the gleaming marble floor, plastered up against Angel’s leg. Automatically, her hand went to stroke his silky head. She wanted to be pissed at Alex, but her anger cooled as she realized the implications.

  Alex walked around her and went through the motions of making coffee. He was furious, and she could actually feel his fury in the air around her. She sighed. “What is it?” Her voice was quiet now, and Alex’s breathing slowed and the heaving of his chest lessened.

  “As long as Mark Swanson is loose, we can’t act like our situation is normal, Angel. You can’t go outside like that.”

  “But Max had to go out, and I—”

  “I don’t give a fuck if the world is ending! You don’t go outside without me, Cole, or one of the other men. Even that might not be safe! Do I make myself clear?”

  “Don’t talk to me like one of your peons, Alex.”

  Alex threw the scoop, still full of coffee across the counter, his careless movement knocking over the steel canister with a clatter and a scatter of grounds. He turned. “No, I’m talking to you like the woman I’m in love with who I don’t want to get killed! Do you always have to argue with me? Stop being so careless and use your head for Christ’s sake!”

  Angel climbed up off the floor and stomped off toward the stairs. Her eyes burned. Obviously, something had happened. She got Alex’s point, but he was being a dick, and he’d hurt her feelings, talking to her like she was a moron. It was an easy mistake. “Okay! Stop shouting at me like I’m an idiot! It was a mistake. I’m sorry!”

  They’d had a great night, and she was happy when she woke with Alex draped over her. When the dog whined to go out, licking her fingers to wake her up, she’d automatically risen to take care of him. When she’d gotten up, she’d thought about attempting to make breakfast for the two or them. Now she was frustrated, and angry tears threatened to tumble unabashed. She angrily brushed an errant one away as she stormed upstairs to get dressed, willing herself not to burst out crying. She never cried before she’d met Alex. Now, her emotions were close to the surface, and she hated it.

  Alex braced his hands on the edge of the counter and hung his head as Angel fled. Fuck. He sighed heavily. He hadn’t had a chance to tell her the gravity of the situation, and he realized his fear had made him harsher toward her than he should have been.

  He left the mess and walked slowly through the house and up the stairs to his room. He knew he’d find her there. She’d be either getting ready to leave him or maybe breaking something valuable. When he pushed the door open, he was surprised to find her with both elbows at shoulder level, leaning on his big mahogany dresser with something in her hands and pressed to her nose. His eyes roamed over her, searching for shaking shoulders or other clues that she was crying. She inhaled then rested her chin on her hands. If she’d heard him enter, she gave no indication.

  His big hands closed over her shoulders and pulled her gently back against him, her arms dropping to her sides. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I’m sorry,” he said softly as his eyes closed, rubbing his lips and chin across the silk of her hair then kissing her head again. “Something happened.”

  “I figured.”

  He turned her in his arms and pulled her close to his chest, his strong arms wrapping around her and lifting her up so she was more level with him. Angel’s arms slid around his shoulders, and he bent to kiss the line of her neck then nuzzle into the collar of the robe to plant one on the curve where it met her shoulder.

  Angel’s feet were dangling a good foot off the floor, and she buried her face into his neck, resting her forehead on his chin. He walked to the bed and maneuvered so he could lie down with her still in his embrace. He half sat on the bed’s edge, pulling Angel up with him so he could lean on the headboard, his hands stroking down her hair and body over the robe.

  “He showed up at the station last night.”

  Angel gasped, but Alex continued. “When I left the studio for those few minutes, it was because Swanson called me.”

  A chill ran through Angel and she snuggled down further into Alex’s arms.

  “He wants me to give him five million dollars so he can leave the country before the trial.”

  “That won’t make him go away.”

  Alex shook his head. “No. We all know he’d only milk me for more if I acquiesce to his demands. You’d never be safe, and I’d always be at the end of his leash. Besides, the reason we took that cocksucker down still exists. He doesn’t have dick now, so he’s desperate and even more dangerous.”

  “What happens now?”

  Alex closed his eyes, hating he had to say the next words. “We’ll figure it out, but there’s more. Bancroft is missing. His car was found burnt up. He wasn’t inside.”

  Angel pulled away and quickly sat up so she could look in Alex’s eyes. His expression was grim. “Do you think we’ll find him?”

  He responded with a slow nod. “We will. But it’s not certain what his condition will be.” Alex’s thumb moved up to touch her chin, which had begun to tremble, and her dark eyes filled. “So, you see why I freaked when I couldn’t find you. He or his thugs could be anywhere. As big as this estate is, you would have been an easy target for a rifle hit.”

  “Couldn’t you have just said so?”

  “I didn’t have time to argue, and I was freaked out. I wanted you in the house. And while you’re here, I’d try to stay away from the windows.”

  “This is ridiculous, Alex. I can’t stop living.” Her face fell, and she leaned back into him. “I was looking forward to today. I wanted to go to the gym then maybe meet you for lunch and a movie. I suppose the entire day will be spent with me on lockdown, and you and Cole working on this crap.”

  Alex’s fingers threaded through her hair, and she closed her eyes at the sensation. When she was in his arms like this, it was hard for Angel to feel anything but safe and even harder to reconcile the danger they were both in. “Yes, we have to figure it out.”

  Her head was on his chest and her arm around his waist. “At least this means you won’t be going to Australia?” she asked hopefully.

  “I have to go, but maybe you can go with me.”

  “No. I can stay here and work with the police and Kenneth. Besides, Bean’s birthday is next week. I can’t miss it.”

  “Angel,” Alex began, but she interrupted.

  “No, Alex. I’ll leave after the party, but she’s just three, and her heart would be broken.”

  “I knew you’d say that.” Alex’s heart screamed. The last thing he wanted was to disappoint Jillian, but it wasn’t worth risking Angel. The problem was, she’d never agree to leave Chicago before the party. He’d have to figure it out with Cole before he left. He smacked Angel playfully on the curve of her rear end. “As I said, we’ll figure it out. Get in the shower, and let’s go to the gym.”

  “I’ll just have to shower again later—wait, you’re coming too?”

  “Yeah, you’re stuck with me. Becca is waiting, right?”

  Angel nodded and pushed off Alex to rise, and he followed her. For the first time, he saw what was in her hand.

  “Is that my business card? You were sniffing it?” His eyebrow raised and a quizzical look crossed his handsome face.

  “Uh huh.”

  “That’s weird. Why?”

  “No, it isn’t weird. I sprayed some of your cologne on it. Now it smells like you.”

  His lips twitched in diversion. The thought that even when they were fighting she’d do that filled him with delight. “I thought you were pissed at me.”

  She shrugged, not sure what to say. It was a small thing of him she could have with her at all times. “I wanted to be able to smell you, even when you’re not with me. Even when I hate you, I love you.”

  The back of his knuckles traced her cheek. “I know. Me, too.”

  What to Do

  When Angel and Alex arrived at the gym, Cole was waiting in the parking lot for them. He’d been there often, when he’d followed Angel before she knew who he was, and had gotten a membership so he could keep an eye on her without interruption. He’d found it amusing to watch her and her friend Becca workout. It wasn’t the actual work out that was funny, they were both in great shape and gorgeous, and their exercise routine had a practiced flow no matter how they chose to mix it up. It was their discussions about life and the way they brushed off men who dared approach them, which was so amusing.

  In the beginning, he’d had to quell the urge to laugh out loud on more than one occasion so he wouldn’t blow his cover. He’d always hung back, several machines away, close enough to watch, but not so close they’d notice him. Too bad today’s mood was clouded with Bancroft’s disappearance and the rest of the shitstorm surrounding Swanson and his threats. He was definitely preoccupied because he wanted to be helping with the search.

  He was leaning against his dark blue SUV, with arms crossed and sunglasses on, the cap on his head backward, as Alex pulled into the parking lot and stopped three spaces away. Cole nodded at him, giving him the all clear to exit the car, then went to open Angel’s door for her. All three were dressed in exercise gear, and Angel gave Cole a small smile. He was looking more like Alex every day. His muscles were slightly beefier, where Alex’s were long, lean, and defined, except the jaw—sometimes scruffy with two days’ worth of beard growth, and the way he’d taken to having his haircut was shorter and closer to the way Alex styled his.

  “Looking good.” She punched him in the stomach playfully, and the smile he gave her in return was genuine, his white teeth almost blinding in the sun. He truly liked Angel and was appreciative of the changes he’d observed in Alex since he’d met her. His brother seemed happier, at least, when he wasn’t preoccupied and consumed with worry.


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