MILLIONAIRE'S SHOT: Second Chance Romance

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MILLIONAIRE'S SHOT: Second Chance Romance Page 21

by Bev Pettersen

  If they ever left.

  Everything depended on Rachel. Cassie couldn’t imagine a mother giving up parental rights, not for any amount of land or money. But Alex was certain Rachel wanted the estate. Gramps, however, suspected Rachel really desired Alex. One of them was wrong.

  She wiggled a piece of straw, smiling as a gray kitten rolled on its back, grabbing at the stalk with all four paws. It quickly tired, curled in a ball and fell asleep against her knee. She stroked his back with a light finger. They were so little, so helpless, and they were here because Alex feared Rachel might hurt them. That thought was sobering.

  She rose to her feet and eased from the stall. It was important to think positive. Rachel would sign. Gramps would agree to move. And by this time tomorrow, Alex would be able to discuss the situation with Grace. She’d be able to help choose their new home. That would surely smooth the transition.

  Cassie gave her head a shake. Calling it a transition was downplaying its enormity, and the extent of Alex’s sacrifice. For her, for Grace. Her chest warmed and her heart beat double time. Grace might never know the depth of her father’s love but she certainly did.

  And the least she could do was stop daydreaming and help Grace with her new horse. They’d need to find a thick pad for Freckles before any kittens were placed on his back. Even though they were small, their claws were sharp. And where the heck was Grace?

  “Hey, Grace,” she called, stepping outside the barn and glancing around.

  But Grace wasn’t anywhere in sight. In fact, Freckles’ paddock was empty except for a half flake of hay, a bucket of water and his blue halter lying beside a polo mallet.

  Cassie circled the rest of the paddocks. But she couldn’t find Grace or Freckles. They weren’t in the round pen, or behind the barn, or enjoying the sweet grass in front of the verandah.

  Digger stared over the top rail of his paddock, eyeing the path that led to the brook. Had Grace already headed down to the water? That wasn’t the plan. It wasn’t even hot yet and they were planning to go to the field and hit some balls. And Grace shouldn’t ride off alone, no matter how quiet her horse.

  Cassie frowned then turned and strode to the house. “Hey, Gramps,” she called, pushing open the screen door. “Did you see Grace this morning? Did she say where she was going?”

  Her grandfather looked up from a dog-eared horse magazine. “Didn’t see her,” he said. “Did she walk off?”

  “No, she rode off. On Freckles.”

  “What about her lesson?” Gramps asked. “She’s not the type to ride away without permission. Was she upset about something?”

  “No. She was really happy about bringing her cat and kittens, In fact, I was talking to Alex and didn’t even realize she’d tacked up.”

  “Why did she bring her kittens?” her grandfather asked. “Alex knows I never liked it when students brought dogs. I suppose cats are cuter and don’t bark… I see.” He gave a glum sigh. “He must be worried about Rachel. And how she might react. That’s a bad sign.”

  He abruptly slapped the magazine on the table and lurched to his feet. “You need to find that kid. Right now.”

  Cassie had already pulled out her phone, but looked up, startled by the whip in her grandfather’s voice. “She’s probably at the brook, Gramps. No need to worry.”

  She pressed Grace’s number. But Grace didn’t answer her phone or Cassie’s text.

  “She’s not supposed to use her cell when she’s riding,” Cassie said, shoving her phone back in her pocket. “So I’ll take Digger and ride down to the swimming hole. Call me if she shows up, okay?”

  Gramps nodded but she didn’t like the disapproving look in his face. “Find her fast,” he said. “Alex didn’t leave her here so she could go riding off alone, especially under these circumstances. And if Rachel would kill some kittens in order to get back at Alex, she’s not very stable. She already knows the easiest way to hurt him is through Grace.”

  Cassie just stared, the blood draining from her face. Gramps was always so honest, so blunt. And he didn’t even know that Rachel had once stuck a steak knife in Alex’s ribs.

  She wheeled, pushed open the screen door and ran toward Digger’s paddock.


  Digger’s saddle and bridle were in the barn and Cassie didn’t want to waste precious time tacking up. She snapped a lead rope on his halter, then tied the other end to form a makeshift bridle, her grandfather’s words replaying in her head, stoking her worst fears. She’d never forgive herself if Rachel hurt Grace.

  She grabbed a piece of Digger’s mane, hopped twice and swung onto his back. He sidled sideways, surprised by her urgency, but she straightened him out and seconds later they were charging toward the wooded path behind the barn.

  She sat back, trying to slow him to a trot before they hit the trees. But he was too excited now, and simply pushed his nose against the halter. At least he knew the way. She tightened her grip on his mane as he leaped over a fallen tree and pounded down the path, galloping like an enthusiastic steeplechaser. At this speed, they’d probably scare Freckles and Grace when they burst out by the brook, but there was no slowing Digger.

  She ducked in time to miss a low-hanging branch. Jerked backwards as he scrambled over a scatter of rocks. Minutes later, they burst into the clearing by the brook. Digger arched his neck and slowed to a bouncy trot, clearly proud of the swift trip and anticipating the chance to nibble some grass.

  But the clearing was empty.

  She pulled him in a tight circle, staring in dismay. The path ended here. There was no other place a horse could go. And Grace definitely wasn’t around. Hadn’t even been here. The grass was dewy fresh, unmarked by hooves.

  “Dammit,” she muttered, yanking out her phone and checking the screen.

  No calls. No texts. And when she pressed Grace’s number, the girl still didn’t answer. She must have ridden in the opposite direction, to the south field. But that didn’t make sense. Why hadn’t she waited for Cassie? She hadn’t even taken her polo mallet.

  “Come on, boy,” Cassie said, pulling Digger’s head around and urging him back up the path. He seemed disappointed they were leaving the brook without a single bite of grass, but he galloped gamely, his stride slowing as he neared the barn.

  She pushed him past the barn and paddocks, toward the house. Gramps was pacing back and forth on the verandah, his mouth a flat line.

  “Did you see her?” she asked, trying to stop Digger. But his blood was pumping now and she could only wheel him in a circle.

  “No,” Gramps said. “But Santiago called. Didn’t say much. Just that he’s coming to pick up Grace.”

  “No way,” Cassie said. “Alex wants her to stay with us.”

  “That’s what I told him. But he was adamant that it was for the best.”

  “Maybe it’s good that Grace is off riding.” Cassie glanced down the empty driveway. “At least she’s away from the barn. She’s definitely not getting into Santiago’s car.”

  “But Rachel is her mother,” Gramps said. “If she’s with Santiago, Grace will have to leave. Even Alex can’t stop them.”

  Cassie wrapped her hand more tightly around the horse’s mane, trying to steady her breathing. Struggling to think. Obviously Santiago would just deliver Grace to Rachel. And it was horrible to have to worry about Grace’s safety around her mother, the very person who was expected to protect her the most. But it was something Alex had dealt with for nine years. No wonder he’d been ambivalent about Cassie’s return. That type of fear was paralyzing, and overrode every other emotion.

  She blew out a choked sigh. “The main thing is to keep her away from Santiago and Rachel,” she said. “I’ll take Grace into town and wait for Alex at the lawyer’s office. Or maybe it’s best to call Alex and ask him to come back. Then he can reassure her about the…situation.”

  Digger tossed his head and she turned him in another circle. Grace hadn’t been told anything yet. And even thou
gh she liked Cassie, seeing her dad with another woman would be upsetting.

  “Oh, no,” she muttered, slumping so low her face touched Digger’s mane. Now she realized why Grace had ridden away. She must have seen Alex’s kiss. Grace had been playing with the kittens while they lingered outside the barn door. They’d been holding the black kitten. Whispering and kissing and thinking of the future.

  Not thinking of Grace.

  She straightened, her legs tightening around Digger’s sides. “I think she saw Alex kiss me. She’s probably upset and headed home. I’ll try to catch her before she reaches the estate. Phone Alex,” she called, turning Digger toward the field. “Let him know what’s going on.”

  Digger was already cantering toward the field, picking up on her urgency. Or maybe he was just eager for the excuse to gallop on a path that had previously been reserved for sedate warming up and cooling down.

  They careened into the woods. The trail was level and not as rough as the brook path, and Digger knew it well. Trees whipped past in a blur. She only had to duck once and then they broke from the forest and onto the south field where the cool shade changed to a blinding sunlight. She shaded her eyes, glancing left and right, but the big field was empty.

  Her worst fear was confirmed; Grace had headed home.

  She urged Digger across the field, wind whipping her cheeks. She probably should have grabbed a saddle, but she’d galloped this route bareback plenty of times before. On far less dependable horses. However, she’d never felt such an insidious fear before and her hand was wrapped so tightly around Digger’s mane it cut into her skin.

  How long was Grace’s head start? Fifteen, twenty minutes?

  Even at Freckles’ ambulatory speed, Grace might be close to the Sutherland Estate by now.

  She chirped to Digger and his stride lengthened. “Good boy,” she said, but the driving wind blew the words back in her face.

  They crested another rolling field, his hooves pounding over the grass. There was still no sign of an upset little girl trotting home. There was no loose horse either so at least Grace hadn’t fallen off. Although that might be a good thing. A fall would slow her down and keep her from riding into Santiago’s and Rachel’s clutches.

  Digger’s ground-covering gallop was rhythmic and rock steady now, his breathing even. Luckily he was very fit. Her own legs felt rubbery though, her seat not as secure. But pristine white rails glinted in the distance, and it was clear they were almost there.

  The trail from the south side of the estate wove over a wooden horse bridge and then skirted the back of the gallop track. But it was a five-minute walk to the stables so there was still a chance to catch Grace before she rode into the open barn area. And possibly Santiago was still in his car. He definitely wouldn’t pass Grace and Freckles on the horse path.

  Luckily there was no way he and Rachel would be expecting to see Grace on a horse. Unless she’d called them on her cell. Which would be a normal reaction for an upset nine-year-old, even if she’d been warned not to use her phone while riding.

  Cassie leaned further over Digger’s neck, pushing him even faster, driven by fear and her rising guilt.


  Digger’s stride was long and even, the steady drumming of his hooves reassuring. They rounded a stand of willow trees. His impulsion changed as his body coiled and his ears pricked. Cassie almost wept with relief.

  Grace and Freckles trotted along the path, only thirty feet ahead. Grace was sitting tall in the saddle, her shoulders perfectly square. Despite Cassie’s worry, she couldn’t help but feel a burst of pride for the girl’s improved riding skills.

  Digger swept alongside Freckles who cocked a friendly ear but continued his obedient trot. Grace glanced sideways, her eyes widening in surprise. Then she scowled and jerked her head away.

  “How was your ride?” Cassie asked, slowing Digger’s trot to match Freckle’s shorter steps. “You made good time.”

  Grace didn’t speak. She just stared straight ahead, staring over Freckles’ ears as if Cassie didn’t exist.

  “Did you canter in the field?” Cassie asked, talking over the drumming of the horses’ hooves and the nervous pounding of her heart. Ask questions. Try to get her talking. “Did he buck at all?”

  Grace’s mouth remained clamped in a resentful line.

  “Did he spook?” Cassie asked. “I bet he was afraid of the wooden bridge. That’s really scary for horses. Even Digger was afraid. Any horse would be…”

  “Freckles didn’t spook,” Grace said. “Not once. He didn’t buck either.”

  “Even when you cantered?”

  “We didn’t just canter.” Grace spoke grudgingly. “We galloped too. Well, it felt like a gallop.”

  “I think you probably did gallop,” Cassie said. “Because Digger is very fast and we barely caught you. And Freckles is all sweaty, even on his flanks.”

  Grace twisted, checking the white lather on Freckles’ flanks. She immediately pulled him to a walk. “Oh, no. Is he okay? I didn’t want to hurt him. Did I ride him too hard?”

  “He’ll be fine,” Cassie said quickly. “But maybe we should get off now and walk. Let both of the horses cool out a bit.”

  Grace halted Freckles and scrambled from the saddle. “I hope he’s okay,” she said. “I hope I didn’t go too fast.”

  Cassie kept her expression solemn and dismounted beside Grace. Freckles was hot and sweaty, but not in any distress. However, Grace’s concern for her horse was the easiest way to slow her down. And keep her talking.

  “If you hold Digger,” Cassie said, holding out the lead rope, “I’ll check Freckles’ respiration rate for you.”

  Grace automatically took the lead rope, and Cassie’s worry eased another notch. The girl was obviously feeling betrayed, but at least she was no longer bolting for home. Cassie kept her gaze on Freckles’ flank and her wrist watch, ostensibly measuring the horse’s respiration.

  “He’s fine,” she said after a minute. “But it’s best to cool him out slowly. Maybe we should lead them back to Gramps’ place.”

  “No! I’m not going back there.” Grace’s face was already flushed from heat and exertion, but now she whipped her head back and forth, her blotchy cheeks turning an angry red. “Freckles can live here from now on. And I don’t want any more lessons from you.”

  Cassie’s chest wrenched and she wished she and Alex had been more discreet. She placed the back of her hand over Freckles’ chest, stalling for time, struggling to find the best words. However, she wasn’t equipped for this. She was a horse trainer, not a psychologist. And no matter how much she cared for Grace, she wasn’t a parent and it wasn’t her place to tell Grace about her dad’s plans.

  Besides, if Grace resented Cassie so much, would Alex even want to move? He made no secret that his decisions were based on Grace’s best interest. What if Grace insisted on living on the estate? Or worse, if Grace never wanted to see Cassie again?

  “That’s too bad,” Cassie said gently. “Because I like giving you lessons. And I love riding with you. But we should check with your dad before you move Freckles home. It might be a few days before a stall is ready.”

  “No, there’s an empty stall at the office end of the barn where Ginger used to be,” Grace said. “I’ll put Freckles there.”

  “But don’t you need to check with your mom first? Or Santiago?” Cassie asked. “Just in case they need that stall for polo ponies?”

  “Freckles is a polo pony,” Grace said. “Besides, I’ll tell Mom when he’s in the stall. It’s better than asking her first.”

  It sounded like Grace hadn’t talked to Rachel and Santiago yet. They didn’t even know Grace was close by. So there was no way they’d be watching the horse path. And the knowing glint in Grace’s eyes when she spoke about asking permission after the fact reminded Cassie so much of Alex that she couldn’t hold back a smile.

  “That’s a good idea about asking afterwards,” Cassie said. “Once a horse is
in a stall, they tend to keep it. Your dad did that with a few of my horses and your grandfather always let them stay.”

  Grace tilted her head, as if surprised by Cassie’s agreement. She even gave a cautious nod. “Guess I’m a lot like Dad,” she said.

  Then her mutinous expression returned. “I saw you two kissing. But Dad won’t move and leave me alone with Mom. I know he won’t.” But the telltale quaver in her voice showed she wasn’t completely certain.

  “Of course he won’t,” Cassie said, resisting the impulse to reach out and give the confused girl a hug. “Your dad loves you more than anything in this world.”

  “So he won’t leave me with Mom, right…?” Grace’s beseeching eyes almost broke Cassie’s resolve. She tightened her hands around Digger’s lead line. The last thing Grace wanted were hugs from the woman she viewed as a potential home wrecker.

  “I know he won’t ever leave you,” Cassie said. “Why don’t you call and talk to him?”

  “I can’t.” Grace kicked at the ground, her gaze fixed on the toe of her boot. “I called Mom and she was mad and yelling, and I dropped my phone in the field. That’s when she said Dad was going to move away and leave me.”

  “Just a sec,” Cassie said, trying her grandfather’s number.

  Gramps answered on the first ring. “Rachel refused to sign,” he said without preamble. “Apparently she started screaming at her lawyer. Then stormed out in a huff. Did you find Grace?”

  “Yes.” Cassie pressed the phone closer to her ear, hoping Grace wouldn’t hear Gramps’ words. The girl was already terrified of her mother’s moods. “We’re on the horse path near the back of the Sutherland stables, on the side with all the paddocks.”

  “Okay. I’ll tell Alex. He’s busy with his lawyers now. Apparently Rachel and Santiago are still in town.”

  “Good.” Cassie gave a relieved nod. “That makes it easier. But ask Alex to come here as soon as he’s free. Grace needs to speak to him.”


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