Stalking His Claim

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Stalking His Claim Page 5

by Lucy Darling

  When I hear her sniffle I break, rushing into the bathroom. She’s got her head down with her knees pulled to her chest. I can see her whole body shaking. Her cries may be silent but I hear them loud and clear. Her knees are covered in scratches she still hasn't cleaned.

  I unbutton my shirt, pulling it off. Next go my shoes and pants. I leave on my boxer briefs. She lifts her head, finally hearing me. Her pretty blue eyes go wide in shock.

  “What are you doing here?” Her face is red from crying. The burn in my chest grows worse.

  “I’m where I’m supposed to be.” I step into the bathtub. I slide the first aid kit over so I can reach it before I grab her, pulling her into my arms. She doesn't fight me. She rests her head on my shoulder. I sit there for a moment telling myself she’s okay.

  “Does it hurt?” I finally ask.

  “A little,” she says against my neck, reminding me of how very naked she is. Normally it would have been the first thing to grab my attention. But not when she is crying. All I care about is fixing it and providing her the comfort she needs.

  I pop the lid off the first aid kit and get to work on her knee. There are five million things I want to ask her. The first about her being out all day. She even left her last class early. Something she never does. But the main thing I’m concerned about is the fact that she was crying. Had she been crying before she fell? I know this isn't the time for an interrogation.

  “I'll put cream and bandages on when we get out.” She nods. “Let me grab something.” I stand up, leaning over toward the counter. I grab a washcloth and a cup before I sit back down. I do my best to keep my eyes on her face. She has her legs pulled up as she sits, hiding a lot of herself. I hate that she looks so vulnerable. I push the urge down to ask her what happened. She’ll tell me when she’s ready.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Taking care of you.” I kiss her shoulder. She closes her eyes. I kiss her other shoulder next before I start to wash her hair. I take my time before I move on to do the rest of her. She doesn't stop me.

  I’m behind her. She leans back so I can reach around her, wiping her down with the cloth. I hate it for being between my hand and her skin. She lets out a long yawn.

  “All right. Let's get you out of here. I'm finished taking care of your knee.” I stand, stepping out to grab a towel. She looks up, a smile forming on her face for the first time since I came home when she sees I’m still wearing my boxer briefs. She holds her hand out for the towel. I turn to give her privacy as she wraps it around herself. “Use me.” I hold my hand out for her to brace herself on as she steps out. I grab another towel for her hair.


  “Sit on the bed,” I tell her, grabbing the kit. I drop it on the bed as she sits down. I jog over to my closet, stripping myself of my underwear and pulling on some sweatpants. I grab a shirt for her. She’s drying her hair when I walk back out. I drop the shirt down next to her before going to my knees to take care of her cuts.

  “Why are you home?” I look up at her. Her tone is off. I can see an underlying sadness in her eyes. I want to take it away from her, but I need to know what’s wrong first.

  “I told you. This is where I belong.” I put the cream on her knee.

  “You canceled our movie night because you had a work trip.”

  “Didn't go.” I peel off the back of the bandage, sticking it on. “Have you eaten? I’ll make you something and grab something for the pain.” I stand up.

  “Where did you go then? You’re home late too.” She’s got her chin tilted up. She’s pissed. I almost smile. I’ll take her being mad over sad any day.

  “I went to dinner with James.” She lets out a small gasp like I struck her. I furrow my eyebrows, unsure of what the hell is actually going on here.

  “Your knees?”

  She shakes her head no. Her eyes are filling with tears. “You call your girlfriend ‘James’?” she shouts.

  “I went to dinner with James. You know I don’t have a girlfriend.” I have no clue what she’s talking about.

  “Don’t lie to me. I saw you.” I drop back down to my knees so that I’m eye level with her.

  “You’re going to have to break down what you think you saw because I was with James. If you don’t believe me I’ll call the restaurant now and get the security footage.” I have no doubt that place has cameras everywhere. Is this why she was crying? Because she thought I was out with a woman? That thought does something funny to me inside. I know I shouldn’t be happy that she’s jealous because it upset her. But the fact that she doesn’t want anyone else to have me is music to my ears.

  She bites her bottom lip, her eyebrows furrowing together like she’s thinking. “You had fries,” she finally says.

  “No, James ordered. I didn't eat the fries.” She knows that. For some odd reason eating a fry without her felt wrong. It’s become a little game between us. Well, her teasing me. I rather enjoy it.

  “I saw the woman in the pretty suit. She was sitting with you and James was nowhere in sight.”

  “I'll tell you-” I trail off when it hits me.

  “You remember now? Is it hard to recall what you did twenty minutes ago?”

  It takes everything inside of me not to smile. Never in my life have I seen her be a smart ass. Hell, I’ve never even seen her worked up and mad. It’s fucking sexy and adorable all at once. Only she could pull those two things off together.

  “James went to the bathroom.” Tinsley rolls her eyes.

  “While he was gone Kelly Blackburn popped in to drop off some files for him.” Her eyebrows lift high.

  “As in John Blackburn’s wife, Kelly?” she asks. I don’t think she’s ever met Kelly. She has met John a handful of times. The man never fails to mention his wife. So Tinsley knows that he’s madly in love with Kelly.

  Tinsley has even commented on it and how sweet it is. That a woman could only hope to have a man love her the way that John loves Kelly. Now that I think back on it, her eyes would always remain on mine while she was saying it.

  “The one and only.”



  “Oh.” I feel a tiny bit embarrassed at my overreaction. Oops is the only thing that comes to my mind at the realization that I had basically gotten myself all worked up over nothing.

  In saying that, I still have a lot of questions for Reed but decide to let them go for tonight. Wanting the comfort that he is currently providing me right now. I relax, letting the anger fade away. Now that I’m calm, I remember the fact that we took a bath together. How he had washed me. How he had taken care to be gentle with me. I feel my face start to heat.

  “Yeah. Oh.” He taps the end of my nose. “Make yourself comfortable. I’m going to get you something to eat.” He opens the nightstand, pulling out a remote. “Find us something to watch,” he says before he turns, disappearing through the door. This day went from being utter crap back to me being in Reed’s bed.

  I scoot back, putting my feet under the blankets as I flip through the channels to find something to watch. Reed walks back in a few minutes later. He places a soda down and a couple of pills.

  “Take them.”

  “I’m feeling a lot better.” All the pain left my body when he told me he hadn’t been on a date. I am now on a happy high.

  “For me.” He gives me a half smile that has me scooping them up and taking them. “Good girl,” he says before he turns to leave again. I clench my legs together tighter. Those two little words spark something inside me. I don’t want Reed to think of me as a girl anymore, but when he said it like that it felt so different.

  I take another sip of my soda before I find a few scary movies that I wouldn't mind watching. I close my eyes as I wait for Reed. I’m too chicken to start them without him. I love scary movies, but I can never bring myself to watch them alone.

  I open my eyes when I hear him enter the room. He’s carrying a giant tray which he sets on the bed. “Oh my goodness.�
� I laugh. My stomach grumbles as my eyes take in all the goodies.

  “I wasn't sure what you wanted.” He looks a little sheepish about it.

  “You’re going to have to help me eat this.” He’s piled the tray high with an assortment of things. From mac and cheese to pizza bites. All of them are things from the fridge that he could heat up quickly. I don’t think Reed can cook past a bag of popcorn.

  “I can do that.” He goes around to the other side of the bed, getting on. He grabs a pizza bite. I watch him take a tentative taste of it and snort a laugh.

  “It’s good, you dork.”

  He takes a bigger bite. “Not bad.” He snags another. “What are we watching?”

  “House on Haunted Hill.” I pick up the remote, hitting play.

  “I guess it’s good you’re sleeping in here tonight.”

  I look over at him. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep you safe.” I wink before going back to eating my food as the movie starts to play. Fifteen minutes later Reed is moving the tray off the bed so I can stretch my legs out. He sits back down on the bed, leaning up against the headboard with his feet kicked out.

  I’m going to do it. He’s seen me naked. Most of me, at least. I scoot over more, laying my head down on his chest. One hand comes down to rest on my shoulder. We sit in silence watching the movie. It’s hard to pay attention when he’s now playing with my hair. All of this feels natural and comfortable. I roll over so I can face him.

  He picks up the remote and the TV goes quiet. “You okay?” he asks.

  “Yeah.” I smile at him. “I’m always happy when it’s you and me.” He goes back to playing with my hair.

  “About yesterday,” he finally says after a few seconds.

  “You’re changing your mind.” I start to sit up, but he stops me.

  “I didn't say that, dimples.” I smile at him calling me that. He hasn't said it since we were kids. I’m sure they are showing right now. “This could change things.”

  “Why?” I want him but I don’t want things to change. I don’t want to risk losing each other, but I also want more.

  “Sex does that.”

  “Is that what happened with you and Shelly?” He stares at me, looking confused. I smack his hard chest. “Your ex. If we have sex and you forget my name I’ll chop your dick off.” He stares at me shocked. I kind of am too. I can’t believe I said that. He bursts into a deep, rich laughter that has me smiling from ear to ear. “It’s not that funny,” I mumble.

  “Don’t get mad at me,” he starts. My stomach drops. That never leads to anything good. “Shelly isn't real. I think I said it because someone was pushing about my dating life or something. I don’t even remember saying it.” That someone had been me. I was always trying to poke him for information about his dating life.

  “So no Shelly?”

  “No Shelly.” He shakes his head.

  “I don’t think you should see anyone if we’re going to do this.” I sit up, feeling a little more bold. I slide my legs over his, straddling him. My knees burn for a second but it fades quickly. So worth it.

  His hand comes to my hips, holding me in place. I can feel his sweatpants press against my sex. It reminds me that I don’t have panties on.

  “Are you thinking about seeing someone?”

  I shrug. He grips on to my thighs. I feel myself grow wet. I worry it might get on him but I can’t control it. “I’m not thinking of seeing anyone right now but one day I’ll want a husband and kids. Don’t you?”

  “Well, I don’t want a husband but I’d like a wife and kids at some point. With the right person, I suppose.”

  I smack his chest. “You know what I mean.”

  He smiles. That gorgeous, panty-melting smile that does funny things to me. His words of finding the right person resonate with me for a minute. Making me wonder what exactly he’s looking for in someone.

  “You think I should wait. Save this for the man I marry?” He releases his hand on my left hip, bringing it to my mouth. His thumb traces my bottom lip.

  “I told myself I’d always do what was best for you.”

  “What if this is what I want?” I shift, unable to help myself. It’s getting hard to think with my bare sex pressed right up against him. I can feel his erection through his sweats. The urge to rub myself up and down him to stop the ache between my thighs is almost unbearable.

  “I also told you I’d give you anything you wanted.”

  “You did,” I agree. My words come out breathy as I shift myself again. I bite my bottom lip to keep from letting out a moan, but it doesn't work.

  “Babe.” Both his hands grip my hips. I’m scared he’s going to say we should stop. I think I’ll come undone. The slow throb inside of me is getting more intense and I don’t think there is a chance that I can turn back now.

  “Kiss me,” I say before he can say anything else. He moves, sitting up, his mouth taking mine as one of his hands tangles into my hair. He pulls my head back to deepen the kiss, his mouth dominating mine. This kiss is so different from the last one. This one is filled with promises. Ones that say he’ll take care of what I need. That he’ll stay true to his word and give me anything I want.

  “Is this what you wanted?” he asks. I nod my head before taking his mouth, this time kissing him the same way he kissed me. A deep groan comes from him. He rolls us, pinning me to the bed. I lift my hips, wrapping my legs around him, needing him back against me. “Let go,” he orders. I shake my head no. I move from his mouth to kissing him down his neck.

  “Tinsley. I gave you an order.” I suck in a breath, pulling my mouth from his neck as I slowly let my legs fall away. Something in his tone has changed. It is not one I’ve ever heard from him. “That’s my good girl.” His hand tilts my head so he can kiss my neck now. I jerk when he gives me a small bite. “I gave you your kiss. Now you’re going to give me what I want.” I nod my head. I have no idea what he wants, but I do know that whatever it is, he can have it.

  I feel a tug as my shirt is being pulled up. Then Reed grabs it. In one hard pull it is gone. I guess I wasn't moving fast enough. I now lie in the bed under him completely naked. This time there is nothing to hide me. I want him to see all of me.

  “Fuck.” His eyes trail down my body as he gets to his knees between my legs. I bite my lip, unsure of what he thinks. A little bit of shyness tries to creep its way in. I’ve never been naked in front of anyone. “Don’t,” he snaps at me. My hands freeze. I hadn't noticed I’d been moving them to cover me. “Do you want me to stop or can I have what I want?”

  “Take it.” He closes his eyes like he’s in pain. His hand slips into his sweatpants as his eyes slowly open again. It moves slow at first and then quicker. His other hand pushes my thighs farther apart. His eyes remain trained on my legs. My hips start to rise up and down as my nipples grow painfully hard. He moves his hand faster inside his pants.

  His other hand travels down my thigh to my sex. So close to where I need it. My hips keep moving.

  “Please, Reed. Please,” I beg.

  “Anything for my girl.” His thumb pushes down onto my clit firmly in fast motions. It’s all it takes and I’m coming while crying out his name. Warm liquid hits my stomach and tits as Reed keeps jerking himself. He lets out one more groan as more of his warm seed drips down onto my stomach, rolling off onto the bed.

  “Reed.” I breathe his name. His eyes come up to meet mine.

  “Not done” is all he says before his mouth is where his hand was. I lose count of how many times he makes me come for him. But I know it was until I passed out.



  Tinsley clings to me in her sleep, her small body wrapped around mine. I can still taste her on my tongue. How could she have been sweeter than I thought? What if I’ve gone too far? I’ll never be able to let her go now. I hate to think what I’ll do if she tries to leave me.

  To her this is about her testing the waters. It will never be that for me. I don’t need t
o test anything. I already know that she’s meant to be mine. That she is the only one that I’ll ever want. I’m going to have to make her fall in love with me so she’ll never want to leave.

  We’ll still have the obstacle of her parents. I’m not sure how they’ll take to all of this. I know there will be whispers all over town and in our circles. People love to gossip. I don’t give a shit what they say about me. I’m not so sure Tinsley will be the same. It is why she left home. She couldn't take all the staring and hushed whispers about what had happened to her. It was a constant reminder to her that her life had forever changed.

  I try not to think about it because I get enraged. Some fuckers said she was asking for it. Others said she’d been dating Kurt. I know that all of that is bullshit. I’d kept a close eye on Tinsley even when she was thousands of miles from me. She still doesn't know that it was my security team that stopped the attack. I’ve always had eyes on her. It was the only way for me to keep my distance.

  If I knew she was safe then I could fight the temptation from afar. I might be a dick for doing it, but I guaranteed that no other fuckers would get close to her. I’m still not sure what I would have done if she had tried to date someone.

  Her trusting me means the world to me. I only worry that she wouldn’t feel the same if she knew that I had kept an eye on her over the years. Would it make her mad? Would she lose her trust in me? I don’t regret it and I wouldn’t change it. Ultimately it saved her from being hurt. Yet the thought of losing her trust would kill me.

  “Reed.” She mumbles my name in her sleep as she throws a leg over me. I hear her suck in a breath, alerting me that she is awake. How is she going to feel after what we did last night? I lost control. It was supposed to be all about her, but I cracked. The need to mark her rode me hard, and I did it. She sits up a little, her cheeks turning a pretty shade of pink. “Hi.”

  “Morning.” Her hair is messy but it makes her look even more adorable. I tuck a piece of it behind her ear. “Or afternoon.” Her eyes go big.


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