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Severed: A Dark Romance (The Taken Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Dani René

  “I had to meet with Drake. I’m going to be working with them soon,” I tell Harper. She may be young, but she’s not stupid.

  “It’s dangerous,” my sister offers, and I dip my chin in agreement again. It is indeed, but this is something I need. Something I’ve been fighting for all my life since the day I was stolen. I wanted to give up, but what kept me going was the image of my father lying dead in a pool of blood.

  “I know, Harper, but” — I offer her a reassuring squeeze on the leg — “this is something I need to do. And I need you to understand.”

  She watches me rise from the seat, padding my way to the bag on the bed. After the zipper hisses, I pull out the hanger, finding a dress more suited to a fashion model. Floor-length, bright-red silk hangs in soft waves.

  The neckline is cut low in the back, hitting the bottom of my spine. The front would sit just between my breasts. The soft material is gentle to the touch, delicate, and I know he picked this out for a reason.

  “He loves you.” My sister’s voice cuts through my thoughts.


  She shrugs nonchalantly as she drops her gaze back to the book she’s been reading. “He loves you. I can tell.” Harper doesn’t look at me, but her observation makes my skin tingle with awareness. I watch my baby sister focus back on her book, and I know, deep down, she’s not the girl I remember. She’s a broken, shattered young woman I may never get back.



  The dress Drake chose hangs over my slight frame, with slits up to each thigh, hinting at the skin beneath. The neckline offers a view of the ink that now adorns my skin. Since the cut is so revealing, I can’t wear a bra, but he made good on another promise — the panties he chose are exquisite black lace.

  Harper helped me tie my hair into a tight chignon, and my makeup accentuates my cheekbones and the dark shade of my eyes. My lips are stained a cherry red, matching the dress. My shoes offer me height; the four-inch heels are a deep red, and I know Drake chose these for a reason. One I won’t think about right now.

  Stepping from the room, I wander down the hallway. When I near the living room, I hear the gentle giggle of my sister. Upon entering the space, I find her sitting beside Dante at the grand piano positioned in the far corner. They’re tinkling on the keys, playing something random, but the smile on her face seems to light up the entire room.

  “Oh wow,” she gasps when she glances my way. “You look amazing. That dress is made for you.”

  Nodding, I offer a smile. “Thanks, sis. It’s a perfect fit.”

  “My brother has exquisite taste,” Dante offers. Rising from the seat, he stalks closer to me. “I think he forgot to deliver this to your room.” He makes his way to the cabinet, opening a small drawer. He hands me a sleek black box, allowing me to open the top. Inside, lying on the velvet, is a silver necklace. The dainty design shimmers in the light. A pendant is attached to the chain — a bird, a small onyx raven with a tiny diamond as the eye. Ever watchful.

  “This is incredible.”

  “As are you, Caia.” The voice from behind me has me spinning on my heel to meet the blue gaze of Drake Savage. Dressed in a black suit, white button-up, and a cherry-red tie, he looks immaculate. His dark hair is tousled, perfectly messy, but elegantly styled. He hasn’t shaved, and the stubble on his jaw is thicker, making him look more distinguished than ever before.

  He closes the distance between us, plucking the necklace from the velvet and helping me lock the clasp in place around my neck. The raven sits between my small breasts, glinting in the low light.

  “Dante, you’ll stay here with Harper.” It’s not a question. It’s an order.

  “I’ll keep the young princess company.” Dante turns to my sister who’s blushing furiously. I’m not sure she should be involved with Dante Savage. There’s something dangerous about him. But then again, I’m falling for a man who I know could hurt me more than anyone ever has.

  “Let’s go.” Drake turns and struts from the living room. Quickly, I make my way to Harper, giving her a hug before following my date for the evening. I’ve played the arm-candy role so many times over the past few years, but all those times I was forced into it. Now, I’m willingly walking beside a man to be shown off like a piece of art.

  Drake opens the door of the midnight blue Maserati GranCabrio. Taking my hand, he helps me slip into the passenger seat. The material of my dress falls open, the slit offering him a generous view of my thighs.

  “You do look exquisite.” He smiles, shutting the door and rounding the front of the vehicle. As soon as the engine purrs to life, Drake glances my way. “I trust you enjoyed last night?”

  I can’t help blushing at the question. The memory so fresh in my mind. My stomach somersaults at the desire that overtook me with him and River.

  “Perhaps.” I smile, turning my attention to the window instead of meeting his penetrating gaze. It burns me. It digs into my soul and disarms me. Drake can see all the darkness lurking beneath the surface, all those needs I’ve hidden away come to the outside when he is near. We drive off the property onto the dark road before he speaks again.

  “Tonight, you’ll be a toy. My toy. They’ll not touch you; I’ll make sure of it. But whatever I do to you, I’ll need you to allow it.” He doesn’t look my way, instead focusing on the road ahead. “The man we’re meeting is volatile.”

  “I understand.”


  The rest of the drive is silent. We don’t talk about what happened, and all the questions I wanted to voice no longer find their way from my tongue. I reach for the pendant, holding onto it as if it’s going to give me strength for what’s to come. I’ll be his tonight, but my traitorous heart wants more than one night. It wants to belong to him.

  Drake pulls up to large gate moments later. There are four men with guns on either side of the car, and my heart gallops wildly in my chest at the sight of them.

  “Good evening,” Drake greets one of the men confidently. “We’re here for the gala.” He hands a card, which I can only guess is the invite, to the security guard who nods swiftly, and the gates glide open allowing us onto the enormous property.

  Once we’re parked, a young man opens my door, assisting me with an offered hand. I walk beside Drake as if we were a couple. It feels real, and just for a moment, I smile.

  “I think you like role playing,” Drake whispers in my ear, sending heated shivers through me.

  “I think you just like watching me submit to your needs.”

  The large wooden door slides open, and we’re welcomed into a stunning entrance hallway. “I do. But I also revel in seeing my little bird fly,” he finally responds, but I have no time to give him a retort because we’re led deeper into the house where we find more couples mingling as if it were a normal dinner party.

  The room they walk us into is exquisite, just like I thought the house would be. There are a few men I recognize, but none of them pay me any mind. Thankfully, I’m forgettable to them.

  I follow Drake as he weaves his way through the crowd, my gaze flitting over each of the young girls dressed in expensive gowns. Seating myself beside Drake at one of the tables, I watch as he grabs two flutes of bubbly golden alcohol.

  “Drink this,” Drake offers. “So, you see anyone you know?”

  “A couple of the men in the corner at the bar,” I whisper, sipping the champagne slowly. I’ve not eaten much today, and I need to be aware of my surroundings. Setting the glass down, I settle back in the chair, waiting for Drake’s next order.

  One of the men I recognize from my time with Thanos strolls up to the podium, his hands shaking as he holds onto the wooden surface. He looks older, frail almost compared to the last time I’d seen him. A cold shiver trickles down my spine, reminding me of what he did to me.

  My skin burns, but I don’t turn to Drake. I can feel his stare locked on me, and I know he’s trying to grab my attention, but I’m slowly drowning in the darkness of
the night this man took me into the room Thanos had set up for his parties.

  The elegant room is lit with the large crystal chandelier hanging in the middle of the ceiling. The women and men are dressed in their fineries. It’s a party for royalty, only the people here are nothing to be worshipped. They’re creatures with animalistic needs that only violate others.

  “This,” the man by my side whispers, “is your future. You’re only nineteen, but you’ll learn.” He places a kiss on my cheek as if we’re a couple. But revulsion skitters through me, causing my throat to burn with bile.

  His hand on my lower back isn’t gentlemanly; it’s an order, a warning. I need to obey, or I’ll hurt more than what he has in store for me.

  He allows me to walk in front of him, and I’m caught between his hard body and the man who steps in front of me.

  “This is an exquisite little toy,” the man before me utters, lifting his hand to my chin, his thumb and forefinger catching it in his hold.

  “She’s our entertainment for the evening,” Yeoman, that’s his name if I recall correctly, says.

  “Good.” The response is all the man in front of me offers before he pulls me closer. Then, as if it’s merely a flimsy piece of paper, my dress is shredded, and I’m left naked in front of the two men.

  They move closer, hands and fingers exploring me, probing me painfully as they dip into me forcefully. My knees tremble as pain sears me when Yeoman, who’s behind me, shoves two fingers into the tight ring of muscle of my ass.

  “She’s perfectly tight. Practically a virgin,” he tells his friend.

  “Then we’ll happily break her until she’s bleeding.”

  I blank out then. Darkness consumes me, and I’m breathing through the agony that grips me from the front and back.

  Closing my eyes, I pray for death. I will it to steal me. But I’m not that lucky.

  Drake’s hand suddenly finds my thigh, causing me to jolt in surprise. His lips brush along my ear, and he whispers, “I’m right here beside you. They’re not going to touch you.” A reminder. A promise.

  I attempt a nod, but I’m still cold from being thrust back into this world.

  “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.” The man smiles. “Tonight, we have a special treat for you. One of our girls has just turned twenty-one, and we’re going to give a lovely gift.” His words turn my blood to ice, and Drake’s fingers only tighten their hold on me.

  The monster before me smirks before he continues his speech.

  “I know there have been many of you applying to be a part of this evening’s festivities, but sadly we could only choose five.” There’s a murmur around the room, and I have to wonder what that means. This is certainly different from the events I’ve been a part of, but the fear of my memories grips me in their fierce hold.

  Another older man, who looks like he’s in his fifties, saunters up onto the podium and offers a smile at the crowd watching him. “Tonight, we’ll be in the viewing dungeon. Make sure to bring your toys along. They’ll want to see what happens when they disobey.”

  “Stay here.” Drake’s voice is low, urgent, causing me to tremble. With that, a flurry of activity takes hold of the room. Drake rises, sauntering toward the front of the room that’s set up like an award ceremony with security dotted around the perimeter, along with a few other men in expensive suits and graying hair, looking pleased with themselves. He offers a few handshakes, and while I’m alone watching him from a distance, I recall those moments when I bled out all over him, how warm his hands felt. How his promises were whispered over the screams and shouting of that night.

  He told me he’d find me. If only he knew how much I waited for him to come for me, to leave this world and be with him; but now I know why he didn’t. He had to take over from his father. When he offers a goodbye to the men, he finally casts a glance my way. Those eyes lock on mine, and I’m sucked into his orbit.

  I take note of their faces from where I’m seated, locking them to memory, because soon enough, we’ll go after each one of them, and when we do, I’ll enjoy every bloody moment they offer me. Drake returns, offering me his hand, which I accept. He pulls me to my feet, his body flush with mine, and his mouth finds my ear once more.

  “We need to go down to the viewing room. I’m going to make a call to River to let him know to bring the team now. Stay calm. Don’t be alarmed if I do anything out of character. I will not hurt you.”

  My mouth falls open, but no words come out. I jerk my chin down once in silent agreement, attempting to swallow the lump of fear sitting in my throat. I follow the man I’m entrusting my life to as we make our way into the depths of another hell.

  The room we enter is less opulent — a stark contrast to where we just were. There are seats set out as if we’re in a cinema. Drake pulls me toward him; settling himself in one of the luxurious seats, he tugs me onto his lap.

  “I want you close,” he tells me in a hushed tone that skitters over my skin. His arm lazily drapes over my lap, and the other wraps around my middle. The room fills up quickly, and soon enough, the black curtains are opened onto a scene that’s straight from a horror show. On the stage is a girl bound by her wrists. She’s naked except for a pair of panties that hug her slight frame.

  My eyes prick with tears when I take her in, when the memories assault me with a vengeance so fierce I want to throw up. Drake’s gentle touch grips me tight, his fingers holding onto me as if I’m spinning and can’t stop, and he’s the only thing grounding me.

  “Focus,” he whispers. He pulls out his phone, tapping a message I can’t see. Once he’s done, he slides the device into his pocket. The footfalls of men sound from the stage, and I glance up to see five men circling the girl like vultures about to feast on the decaying meat of a carcass.

  “Good evening, gentleman, and a special good evening to the beautiful Ms. Easton, whose birthday it is today,” Yeoman, the man who attended the dinner parties with Thanos says, his gaze lingering on the girl for far too long. Three women dressed all in black enter. They’re all made up with hair and makeup that looks professionally done, joining the men on stage.



  Caia is shaking on my lap. I know fear has a hold of her, but if she can’t get through this, she’ll never be able to kill her father in cold blood. She needs to learn to be stronger, to be tougher. My hands on her body hold her steady, keeping her from toppling from my lap as one of the women on stage walks up to the girl, pulling her underwear from her hips.

  Once she’s completely naked, one of the men kneels, spreading the slim legs of the girl and leans in. Running his nose up and down her inner thighs, we hear the groan that his action elicits as it rumbles through his chest.

  “Perfect purity,” he utters when he rises. My stomach turns with acidic bile, but I can’t stop my cock from throbbing. I’ve been conditioned, and it saddens me that I can’t stop it. Caia glances at me, and I know she can feel my erection against her ass.

  “I’m sorry,” I tell her soundlessly. My lips moving, but my voice is hidden from the assholes we’re surrounded by. I don’t know why I’m apologizing; Caia knows I’m a monster, but I don’t want her to hate me. My anger gets the better of me most times, and I know I’m volatile.

  She leans in and whispers in my ear, “I understand.” There’s a screech from the stage, and all I see is blood trickling down the girl’s thighs, down to her calves. I notice one of the guests chuckling beside Ms. Easton holding onto a long, thick dildo which has spikes protruding from the shaft.

  The crimson liquid stains her porcelain flesh, and my cock shamelessly hardens, pressing against Caia, wanting entrance, needing slick warmth.

  Shutting my eyes, my fingers dig into my little bird’s thigh in an attempt to shove the image from my mind. A soft whimper from her doesn’t help when her lips graze my ear. Her heated breath sending my need skyrocketing. My blood burns for her; it’s at boiling point, and I’m praying, I’m fucking praying
for salvation, because all I want to do is fuck Caia while watching the horrific scene on the stage.

  And the god I didn’t believe in offers me grace, because River and the team slam through the room with guns blazing. I lift Caia from my lap, pulling out my 9mm from the holster hidden by my suit jacket. I hand it to her, wrapping her fingers around the metal.

  “Get in the corner,” I order, guiding her to the safest area. Bodies are dropping fast, and I need to get to River. Casting a glance around, I find him nearing me. He throws another weapon at me, which I catch, and soon I’m right beside him in war. The girls are being ushered out of the room, and the men are being slain with guns and knives.

  Racing through the room, I grip the shirt of the asshole Caia pointed out. His face is right in mine as he rears back, slamming his fist into my jaw, causing me to stumble backward. Tasting the blood on my lip, I smirk at him, raising the gun River handed me.

  “It’s time for you to pay for your sins,” I tell him. That’s when I feel her. The warmth of Caia is right at my back. His eyes dart to her, narrowing as he takes her in.

  “You’re the little bitch I fucked at Thanos’s party,” he chuckles, then lands his dark eyes on me. “You buy this toy from him? You’re killing me for her?”

  Tipping my head to the side, I laugh. A loud, maniacal guffaw. “I’m killing you because you deserve to die.” My words are a violent hiss. Rage billows through me, a storm thundering through every inch of my body. But before I can pull the trigger, Caia steps forward, closing the distance between her and the asshole I want to drop to the ground.

  “You’re the devil,” she tells him, tilting her head upward, meeting his inquisitive gaze. The tiny girl taking on a man double her size. He sneers, slapping her, and my body is propelled forward.


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