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Bound to Be Mated

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “The engagement ends. Charlotte is mine, and no one else will have her.”

  “I’m not leaving. I love Charlotte.” Micah scented the lie in his words.

  “You’re lying. You don’t love Charlotte. What if I were to tell her how you smell of another woman? You reek of her pussy and her perfume.”

  Cade gave him a funny look, and Micah wondered if Cade could smell the scent of another woman on Charlotte’s fiancé.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Stop it, Micah,” Charlotte said, coming into the room. He turned and was pleased to see her dressed. The tight jeans distracted him.

  A tiny waist and full hips. His mouth watered to see her naked. A sweater covered everything, destroying his view of her huge tits.

  He loved his women curvy and full.

  “Charlotte.” Greg gasped.

  “I think it best if you leave.”

  “What he says is a lie. I would never cheat on you. Never.” He sounded so pathetic. Micah almost felt sorry for him.

  “No, it’s not. You know it, and I know it. I’m going back home, Greg. I think it best if you have a clean break.” Charlotte moved over and kissed his cheek.

  Micah went to grab her back, but she came and stood in front of him.

  “You used me, you little slut.”

  Micah watched her tense before him. He sensed the hurt coming off her in waves. He growled, prepared to strike the little fucker down for insulting his mate.

  “Be nice to the little lady, limp dick,” Cade ordered before bodily removing him from the apartment.

  “No wonder he made my skin crawl,” Charlotte said.

  He placed a hand on her shoulder, loving the feeling as she relaxed at his touch.

  “You’re coming home?” he asked.

  She nodded but didn’t turn around.

  “I’m glad.”

  Chapter Eight

  Charlotte stared out of the window on the plane. She thought it would take days to organize a flight, but she’d learned Micah owned his own plane.

  As soon as everything had been handled and she’d packed all of her belongings she wanted to take back, they were driving out to the nearest airport.

  She sat next to Micah as he worked from a laptop. Watching such a large man tapping at the keys of a small mechanical device was quite alarming. Any second she expected it to explode in protest.

  “If you keep staring at me like that, I’m not going to be held responsible for my actions,” he warned her.

  Charlotte turned away, not wanting his attention on her. She couldn’t help but be fascinated by him.

  Cade came and sat in front of her, smiling at her.

  “So do you remember me?” he asked.

  She couldn’t help but smile at his easier attitude.

  “I think I do. You tried to protect me and send me on my way, right?”

  “That’s me. But Brandon was determined to keep you, and Micah here then mated with you. Not that I blame him. You were one pretty girl, but the last years have done wonders for you.”

  Charlotte blushed and stared out of the window.

  “Stop flirting with her,” Micah told him.

  “He’s not flirting,” Charlotte said, defending him.

  She watched as he slammed down the laptop lid, and she flinched, expecting the thing to crack.

  “Numbers crunched, boss?”

  “Business is a pain in the ass, but it guarantees we’ve got some comfort.”

  Cade took the laptop and left them alone. Charlotte gazed up to see him looking at her with interest.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I’m sure you’ve got lots of questions about us. About the pack.”

  Charlotte had tons of questions.

  “I’ll wait until I see Mom and Dad,” she answered. He still unnerved her.

  “You’re not going to see your parents straight away,” he said to her.

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  “I’m your mate, Charlotte. You’ll be living with me, and I’m the best person to tell you about my pack.”

  “What if I don’t want to learn anything from you?” Charlotte knew she sounded like a child. She couldn’t help the way she was responding. He’d been nothing but nice to her, and she was acting like a first-class bitch.

  “You want to know. That’s all right. I can wait until you become desperate to know the answers.” Micah leaned back in his seat, settled his fingers on his lap, and closed his eyes.

  Great move. He’s taking a nap, and now all you want to do is talk.

  “I’m sorry,” she started. “I don’t know what I’m doing. I–I mean my life has just been turned upside down, and now I find out I’m your mate and about werewolves and everything. I’m never usually this nasty.”

  Charlotte was so pleased she’d managed to stay calm for as long as she could. Biting her lips, she gave up when all he did was smile.

  She turned away from his tempting body and looked at the window. There was nothing for her to see other than the clear blue skies and the white fluffiness of the clouds.

  “I understand you’re new to all of this. I’m not thinking any less of you. You’re taking it rather well.”

  Charlotte smiled and continued to stare out of the window. The last part sounded like a compliment.

  “Will you tell me about your pack?” she asked.

  “Sure, but it’s easier if you ask questions and I answer the ones you wish to know first.”

  She nodded and gazed at the view one last time before spinning back and giving him her undivided attention.

  “Do all the people of Rock Wood know who you are?”

  “Most do. We decided we wanted to live peacefully among the human population, so we help them with their businesses and problems. We play the role of the law at some points, and we get the days and nights of the full moon to hunt freely in the surrounding forests. For those people that don’t know about us, we try and get them to understand. Most cases, nothing bad happens. Don’t ask me what happens in other cases.”

  “Okay. Is that why they board up their houses?”

  “Yes. It throws our scent off. If we end up running through town, we don’t want to endanger people’s lives. Sometimes the fear and someone running can send our beasts into a frenzy, and we can’t be held responsible for our actions.”

  “Are there any more wolves besides you guys out there?” Charlotte tried to think of all the questions of importance.

  “Yes. You met Brandon, and there are loads more spread throughout the country and the world.”

  “Are all of them as generous as you?” She’d noticed during the ceremony, even though some of the townspeople showed fear, most showed respect for Micah and his pack.

  “Do you mean do they protect the towns where they live?”

  Charlotte nodded.

  “No. Unfortunately some of us thrive on instilling fear. They pick off the humans one by one until the wolves have no choice but to leave the barren land they’ve created.” He sounded sad and ashamed of his kind.

  “The men in the plane? Do you trust them?” she asked, staring at each of the men.

  “With my life. There is a ranking system through the pack. The strongest of men go from the leader down through the station until you get to civilian pack members.”

  “You’re the alpha? The leader?”

  “Yes, Cade is the next in line. He’s a true and fierce warrior. He’ll need a strong female to keep him in line. Jordan is the next. He looks like the happy-go-lucky type, but he’s deadly in a fight.”

  “The other men?”

  “You’ll get to know in time.”

  Charlotte nodded. She thought she’d have hundreds of questions, but it seemed she could be calmed with the few she’d asked.

  “Is there anything else you want to know?”

  She nodded and wondered how she could pose the question without stuttering and going beet red.
/>   “What about mates? I don’t understand what you mean about us. Kim seemed to think it had really strong significance or something.”

  “Hey,” he said, cupping her cheek. “Never be embarrassed about talking to me. I would never treat you any differently.”

  “O–okay,” she stuttered.

  “When Brandon threatened your safety that night four years ago, he demanded I mark you with my scent. You had no knowledge of who or what we are. You weren’t claimed. Kim put your life in jeopardy by bringing you to my bar. Brandon demanded I mark you and thus protect you by pack law, otherwise he was free to take you.”

  He stopped and took a sip of water.

  “In the process, I managed to claim you as mate. I fed you my blood, and I took yours, and through it, I marked your body as my own.”

  “Marked my body? That doesn’t make sense. I’m not hurt or injured, and I didn’t sustain anything from that night. How is it possible?”

  “Because every single wolf who comes into contact with you will scent my wolf. Not only will they scent my wolf, they’ll scent my pack and the strength within it. You’ll forever be protected, and other wolves should steer clear of you or risk increasing my wrath.”

  Charlotte touched her neck where he’d bitten it earlier. Already the puncture wounds had healed.

  “So, if you’re a werewolf with a pack, does that mean vampires and zombies and stuff like that exist as well?” she teased.

  “Not even close. No documentation or proof has been found as to whether other monsters walk this planet. As far as I know. The wolves are all that exist. Maybe you should get some rest. You’ve got a long day tomorrow when we land.”

  Charlotte nodded and turned to gaze out of the window. She was curious as to why she wasn’t running away or panicking. She didn’t know what her future held, but right now she was happy and content where she was.

  * * * *

  Micah watched her fall asleep. Soon her tiny snores could be heard, and he heard Cade and the others snicker. She sounded so cute.

  He didn’t know how long he sat and listened to her, too happy knowing she was okay and coming back home to care about anything else.

  “She took that rather well,” Jordan called from over the book he was reading.

  “This is the beginning. Let’s see how she adapts to life inside the pack,” Micah said. He leaned over and pulled a strand of hair off her face.

  “Maybe you should take her to a more comfortable spot. Get better acquainted,” Paul suggested from behind him.

  The other men snickered, and Micah chuckled. They were all just being men, and with Charlotte asleep, she couldn’t hear their easy banter.

  “You men will be the death of me. Don’t ever let me catch you treating her with anything but respect,” he told all of the men.

  He lifted her up in his arms, delighting in the shape and size gracing his arms. She moaned and then curled up against him, snuggling down. Micah carried her to the back of the plane where the separate room with a bed lay. He eased her down, removing her shoes. He kissed her lips and neck before pulling away. More than anything, he wanted to join her on the bed.

  Instead, he pulled the blanket over her and left her to rest. She might be taking all of the werewolf talk well at the moment. If it became too much for her, he feared the reaction and stress on her body.

  “How long until we land?” he asked the pilot through an intercom system as he moved to take his seat.

  “Another couple of hours, sir.”

  Opening his laptop, he winced when he saw the cracked screen. Fucking thing. He didn’t know his own strength some days.

  “We need a new one already?”

  “No!” he shouted at Cade.

  Cade simply sniggered and settled back for the plane ride.

  Chapter Nine

  Someone was shaking her to wake up. Charlotte swatted at the hand in the hope the owner would leave her alone.

  “Come on, baby, rise and shine. Time to get ready.”

  She moaned and turned away, grunting for whoever it was to leave her alone.

  “I need to sleep,” she called.

  “Shall I strip naked and join you in bed?”

  Charlotte jerked upright. Micah stood with his hands by his side and an arrogant smile on his face. “Is the invitation still open?”

  “It was never open,” she replied. Charlotte rubbed her eyes and tried to focus on the clock.

  “What time is it?”

  “The time doesn’t matter, but we’ll be landing in half an hour, and then we’ll be going to visit the pack—”

  He stopped what he was saying, and she opened her eyes to see what the problem was. Micah was staring down at her boobs.

  It looked like sometime while she slept she’d pulled her sweater off. The small crop top did nothing to cover the huge things.

  She grabbed at the blanket to try and cover her boobs, but he stopped her.

  “I never knew how big they were,” he moaned. Charlotte had never liked her chest. They always caught some bozo’s attention, and the next thing she knew, she’d be the brunt of all the tit jokes they could come up with.

  “I don’t like them,” she admitted. She used her hands to cover them.

  Micah reached out and took hold of her hands, his eyes so clear, the desire within them startling. “Never hide them from me. You look stunning.”

  She held her breath as he pulled her small crop top up over her head. The large bra was designed to reduce the appearance of large breasts, but it didn’t matter. Hers were always big no matter what she did. Should she push him away? She liked the desire shining in his eyes more than she wanted to cover up.

  “Let me, Charlotte,” he demanded.

  She looked down at his hands reaching out toward her bra. Nodding, she leaned forward for him to undo the clasp and slide down the straps keeping the bra in place. The material gave, and her breasts fell out of their confines.

  “So fucking beautiful,” he said when she sat back.

  Micah didn’t stare at her breasts, but at her.

  “Do you like them?” she asked, unsure of his reaction.

  “I’m as hard as fucking rock. I want you, Charlotte. I shouldn’t, but I do. I want you so fucking bad,” he said.

  Goose bumps broke out on her skin from the possessive sound of his voice.

  “Why shouldn’t you want me?”

  “I don’t age,” he said to her.

  “How is that possible?”

  “When our bodies turn for the first time during puberty, it starts the initial transformation. When maturity hits us, we remain in that age forever.”

  “So you’re telling me most of your werewolves are like eighteen?” she asked.

  “Not even close. You give us the benefit of thinking we mature like humans. No. Our maturity hits when our beast within can be controlled. At least in the most pressing of circumstances. I hit maturity at thirty-three.”

  “That’s not so bad. You’re only eleven years older than me.”

  “And the rest. You know I’m a lot older than you, Charlotte.”

  “We don’t need to count the excess years. I don’t care. You’re not about to shrivel up on me, are you?”

  Micah laughed, and she liked the hearing the sound. He looked less fierce when he laughed.

  Charlotte smiled and touched his hand before reaching out for her bra and shirt. In one fast move, he pulled her clothing away and out of reach.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I want to taste you.”

  Charlotte frowned. “How can you taste me? You want more of my blood?”

  “No.” Micah didn’t explain what he wanted. He showed her. Pushing her to the bed, he climbed over her. She settled with her hands either side of her body.

  He smirked and kissed her on the lips. With each of his kisses, he opened her mouth wider as he plunged his tongue inside, deepening the kiss. Charlotte could taste him on her lips. She moaned, and
her arms circled his neck, holding him close as the kiss deepened.

  Her body came alive under his expert touch. Her pussy was dripping wet, and she wanted him so bad. She wanted to be fucked.

  Micah kissed her lips and moved down to her neck, nibbling until he moved down and tasted her breasts. A cry spilled from her lips as he circled a taut nipple before biting down on the sensitive bud. He flicked the tip and soothed the small burn before he moved onto the next, bringing out the same response. He nibbled the bud until it was painfully hard, biting down and licking her back to earth. His hands cupped her breasts and stroked them as his mouth loved them.

  “So big and ripe,” he said around a mouthful of breast.

  Never before had she considered her boobs so desirable. “Do you like them?”


  “Boss, sorry to interrupt the action, but pilot says we got ten minutes to land,” Cade shouted through the door.

  Charlotte yelped and reached for her bra and shirt.

  Micah turned to the door and growled. “We’re coming.” He then turned back to face her.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I don’t want to stop.”

  Charlotte nodded. What else could she do?

  “When we get home, I want you.” He fisted a hand in her hair and brought her lips to his. “And I intend to have you.”

  Charlotte cried out and gave herself to his command. She doubted he meant his words. Was she ready to give her virginity up to this man?

  She gathered her clothes but couldn’t get the doubts out of her mind. When she was in his arms she couldn’t think of doing anything else. The moment Micah let her go, her mind was filled with doubts.

  Dressed and seated, she watched the runway come into focus. Her life was about to change forever. She didn’t have the first clue on how to stop it, even if she wanted to change it.

  * * * *

  Micah drummed his fingers on the armrest. He was growing impatient to get out of the metal can and onto the ground. His dick was fucking killing him where it was pushing against the zipper of his jeans. He wanted the ground, a warm bed, and privacy so he could finally take his mate. The first full moon was in a few weeks, and he wanted to have sated himself enough inside her body to know he’d not hurt her if he couldn’t find a safe place for her to hide. He was conscious of all the men’s sniggers. They’d be able to scent his impatience and his growing need for the woman at his side.


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