Bound to Be Mated

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Bound to Be Mated Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  She served up some spaghetti dish with a rich meat and tomato sauce. There were so many plates of garlic bread.

  Charlotte came and sat next to him. Titania sat beside his mate, and he witnessed the growing bond between the two women. Cade stared at him in warning, and some of the other men kept glancing at him and then at Charlotte. When everything was done and finished, Charlotte and Titania made to clear everything away. Micah stopped her.

  “I think tonight the men can finish the cleaning,” he told the table. They all knew what he had to do.

  Every single man got up and began to clean away the dishes.

  He didn’t waste any time. He picked her up and carried her up to their room. The men would be waiting with the chains as soon as he was done.

  The door slammed, and he put her down but twisted her so her back was to him.

  “Stop manhandling me. Micah!” she yelled. Her hand slapped out at him. Her struggles were useless against his strength.

  “I want you,” he said.

  Her large breasts pressed against his arm where he held her captive. No matter how many times he tried to warn her, she seemed to relish the chase. He was a wolf, and no matter how much fun he got, the game could get deadly.

  Tonight he had no choice. He had to keep her locked and chained to his bed. His wolf wouldn’t handle her running from him.

  Charlotte was still human, even if she was his mate. Her body would easily break with his strength.

  “Why are you fighting me?” he asked.

  Her struggles stopped for a few seconds. “Because I don’t want this.” She kicked out at him, throwing her leg back. Micah dodged her flaying feet.

  “We both know that’s a lie. You’ve been panting for me since you finished your woman’s problem.”

  “No, I haven’t,” she argued, but her blush confirmed everything he needed. His mate desired him, and as they were together more often, the more the attraction built between them. He knew she wanted to be taken, and he was more than happy to oblige.

  In a bold move he pressed his hand between her thighs, cupping her mound. Charlotte stopped instantly. Micah smelled her cream dripping. She might not realize it, but his mate was turned on and wanted a good hard fucking.

  “What are you doing?” she panted.

  “Showing you how much you want me.” He flicked the buttons open and dragged the jeans down. Micah was surprised when she started to help him undress her. Charlotte kicked them away. She wore a pair of deep-red panties. He moaned. Her full figure looked delightful. Good enough to eat.

  He didn’t want any of his view disrupted, and he took her to his full-length mirror. One of his many kinks was he liked watching his cock sink into a woman’s pussy. He wanted to watch as she took him all and begged for the pounding she deserved. Would Charlotte be begging him by the end of the night?

  Her top half was covered but peeking beneath her shirt was a rounded belly. The sight of her flesh made him want her more. Micah didn’t like women who were mere bones with flesh on. He liked a woman with hips. He could grab onto her without fear of breaking her.

  Placing both hands on her hips, he tested her sturdiness.

  Micah approved. His hands didn’t meet in the middle. She was a pure woman, and he hadn’t gotten her shirt off yet.

  Did you wear a matching bra?

  He licked his lips in anticipation. He placed a hand on either side of the top part of her blouse. He pulled. The buttons popped all over the place. The fabric tore to shreds. Micah let it fall to the floor.

  Charlotte’s large tits heaved over the edge of the lacy trimming keeping them contained. She was easily a double cup.

  The rose red of her nipple was outlined though the lace.

  A blush stained her cheeks.

  After tonight, she’d be his fucking queen.

  A gruff sound escaped his lips. “You look stunning.”

  “I’m fat,” she moaned. Her hands went to cover her stomach.

  Micah snatched her hand away. “I love this. I love everything about you.” Taking her hand, he brought it to rest on his dick. “I’m as hard as rock for you.”

  Kissing her neck and shoulder, he watched her close her eyes and rest her head against his chest.

  He peeled off her bra and snapped the catch open at the front, watching those large mounds pour out. Dusky-red nipples stood proud and firm, begging for his lips. Did her skin taste as good as she smelled?

  The bra lay on the floor in a heap, and he cupped her with his hands. His large hands were filled by the fullness of her breasts. She might be human, but her body matched his ideal woman in every way.

  Tweaking the nipples, Micah watched her open her eyes, staring at their reflection. The buds tightened and swelled beneath his touch.

  “I could fuck these tits.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked on a gasp.

  Micah pressed them together. “Down here. I could fuck you and come all over you. Would you like that?” He saw the embarrassment and knew she wasn’t ready to discuss what her body desired. Even now his ultra-sensitive sense of smell detected the flush of arousal. Her fragrant cream seeped into the lace of her panties.

  His hand traveled down until he cupped her over the red lace.

  The tips of his fingers where they lay near her slit were already drenched with juice.

  “You’re so fucking wet. I bet I could fuck you really easily.”

  She couldn’t hide the tightening of her thighs around his hand.

  Gripping the lace in his fist, he tore it off her body. Micah didn’t want to leave the view of her willing body to remove them.

  “They were my favorite pair,” she cried out.

  “I’ll buy you new ones.”

  A small bush, neatly trimmed, covered her swollen lips from his view. Keeping his eyes firmly on her reflection, he opened the plump lips to show him her tight little clit peeking out.

  “You want me,” he said.

  “Yes.” She panted as he grazed the little bud with the tip of his finger. “Oh God,” she cried out. Her knees buckled from under her. Micah caught her to him and held her as he took her back to the bed.

  He made a mental note to fit his room out with mirrors. He wanted to see his mate in a fit of pleasure from all angles.

  Laying her down, he cupped her hips and brought her to the edge of the corner of the bed. Opening her legs wide, he stared at her exposed pussy. Drips of cream eased out of her tight channel and wet the crease to her anus.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.


  He swiped his tongue, gathering her cream up so he could lick her down. She tasted musky and deeply feminine.

  “Fuck, you taste so good,” he mumbled.

  Hands on her thighs, he opened her wider and tongued her gorgeous clit. Settling her around his body, he removed one hand and circled the entrance to her cunt. With one thick finger, he pressed inside her, feeling her velvety walls clutch at him. He’d fucked her the moment they’d got back and several times since, but she was still as tight as a fist.

  Pulling out and then pushing in, Micah got her accustomed to his finger before he inserted another digit. Her cream dribbled onto his hand. He concentrated on tonguing the swollen bud.

  Charlotte’s fingers were crushing the duvet beneath her. Micah sensed her battle to remain in control and the desire to let go. She didn’t know what she wanted the most.

  He didn’t want her making decisions, just reacting. He coated the thumb on his other hand and pressed it to her anus while fucking her with three fingers.

  She screamed out from the small contact on such a system of delicate nerves. Micah knew she’d fought the battle and lost, and now, it was his time to win the war.

  Sucking the little button between his teeth, he pulled his fingers out of her pussy. Biting down to bring the fine balance between pleasure and pain, he thrust his fingers inside her dripping cunt and worked his thumb inside her ass.

sp; Charlotte orgasmed. Her ass and pussy were clamping down on him, refusing to let go.

  His cock was so hard he had to force down his need to spill his seed, letting his mate enjoy her release.

  When her climax began to subside, only then did he ease up, and when he did, he pulled out and went to the bathroom while she lay with her legs wide open.

  Micah washed himself up and rid himself of his own clothes. He walked into the room to see her still lying in the same position. Her eyes widened as she saw his nakedness.

  Never would he hide anything from her. He took his thick prick in hand and stroked his length.

  He was big. Not conceited. Micah was alpha of his pack and well hung. Even when he took her, he’d have to be careful. Maybe even use more lube to help her.

  “You’re so big,” she said.

  “You’ve taken me before,” he told her, walking further into the room.

  “I know. But you look bigger than before. How is that possible?”

  “Tonight is the full moon. My beast is close to the surface.”

  “You don’t want to complete the claiming now?”

  “You’re not ready. I want to, but only when I’m sure. I want to feel those warm lips wrapped around my dick,” he told her.

  This period of time was about learning. Finding out what she liked and also the limits he could push. The next coming weeks were about to be the most exciting of his life.

  “What?” she whispered. Her gaze travelled from his cock to his face.

  Micah walked towards her so he stood within touching distance from the bed. “I want you to open your mouth and taste me on your tongue like I just did with you.”

  “Isn’t that wrong?” Even though he’d taken her, she still believed some parts of intimacy between them were wrong.

  “Do you want to do it?” he asked, going for a different tack.

  “I don’t know,” she replied, bowing her head.

  Frowning, he tilted her face back to look at him. “Never be ashamed of what you want. Do you understand?” he ordered.

  Charlotte nodded.

  “Have you had sexual fantasies?”

  She stared back at him with a question in her eyes.

  “Do you ever get aroused by imagining something happening to your body?” Micah would have to learn patience. It wouldn’t do for him to lose control. Charlotte didn’t have the years of experience or the vast partner base he had over the years.

  She nodded.

  “Taste me the way I tasted you.” He glanced at the clock. He had two hours to fuck his mate before the moon was at its peak.

  Charlotte moved forward, and she climbed off the bed and went down to the floor. She stared at his shaft. The head leaked pre-cum out of its tiny slit at the tip.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “My pre-cum.”

  Her tongue flicked out, and she licked the head. A small moan released from her lips, and she circled the whole head and took him inside her wet, warm mouth. He held onto one of the posters of his four-poster bed. Her little mouth created a riot of sensation up his dick to his balls. When they had more time, he’d gladly shoot a load down her throat and watch her drink it down. Tonight he didn’t have time.

  Micah pulled out of her mouth. He intended to claim her pussy. He wanted to have her filled to the brim with his essence.

  “Did I do it wrong?” she asked on a breath.

  “You did it so right I thought I was going to lose it in your mouth.” He slammed his lips down on hers and kissed her hard and deep. Micah wanted her to know to whom she belonged. The man and the wolf.

  They tumbled to the bed. Charlotte opened her legs wider to receive him. The head of his cock slid between her creamy lips. He gazed down and saw her cum leaking out of her little hole and all over her clit.

  Groaning, he spread her juice all over his cock and pressed the head inside her body. Charlotte sucked him inside, and he watched his shaft sink in. The wetness engulfed him, the tightness squeezing him in a fist.

  “Look at me,” she begged.

  Micah didn’t know where to look. Seeing his body disappearing inside hers was beautiful to watch, but seeing his mate with her glazed eyes so close to coming was also a beautiful sight.

  His fingers teased her clit, and he raised her legs high on his hips. He tilted her hips and slammed in with such force it knocked the headboard of the bed against the wall. They cried out together, and the banging of the headboard never let up. Micah was straining and kissing her. Charlotte gasped, her nails sinking into the skin of his back. He cried out and flicked her clit. His seed pulsing inside her channel, and seconds later, Charlotte climaxed around his softening shaft.

  The night was still young, and he fucked her senseless until she collapsed into an exhausted and sweaty sleep.

  All he wanted to do was lie down and sleep, but the full moon was nearing the point of no return. He pulled a blanket over her to preserve her modesty.

  Cade and Jordan waited outside.

  They handed him the cuffs, and gently he placed a cuff around her wrist and then to the headboard. He prayed she wouldn’t wake before he got back. Being chained to a bed would cause a lot of explaining his end.

  “Wow, is she still fucking alive?” Cade asked.

  “Show some respect.” Micah shooed the other two out, and he gazed down at the woman of his world and laid a kiss to her lips. “Sleep well.”

  Micah closed the doors and watched the two men start chaining the doors together.

  “Do you think this will keep her in?”

  “I don’t think keeping her in will be a problem. I think the problem will be keeping you out.”

  Micah growled at his friend. He placed a palm against the wood and breathed out a sigh of relief. His body was covered in her scent.

  She would survive. He had originally planned to take her during this full moon, but he didn’t feel she was ready to cope. On the next full moon she would be his, completely.

  On the front lawn, the last of his men began running as they saw their alpha. Micah ran with them into the surrounding forest. He sensed his pack running wild through the greenery.

  The moon reached high in the sky, and Micah closed his eyes, allowing his wolf to release. He was a giant black wolf.

  Cade knocked him over, and the chase was on. He looked back at the house. One light shone brighter than any other. He turned to go back. Cade slammed into him and shook his head. His wolves would keep him occupied.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Charlotte woke up and tried to run a hand over her eyes. Her hand wouldn’t move. Cuffs chained her hand to the bed. The light shining through the windows told her it was morning.

  She rattled the metal and pulled at her wrist. Nothing got her free. She slumped down on the bed. She was pissed off. The blanket had rolled off her and she saw the evidence of their ferocious lovemaking the night before. They hadn’t even showered. The other problem, she needed to pee.

  “Micah!” she screamed. Footsteps outside her bedroom made her take a calming breath. She heard the sounds of chains being moved.

  The next minute Micah stood in the doorway.

  “How pissed off are you?”

  “I’m chained to a bed, and I need to go to the bathroom.”

  Micah unlocked the cuff and told her about the problems of the full moon. Charlotte didn’t attack him. She was touched that he cared so much to keep her safe. Her arms circled round his neck.

  “Thank you.”

  “Don’t mention it.”

  In that moment, locked in his arms, Charlotte knew in her heart she was in love. Micah was such a lovely, wonderful, amazing man. A bit possessive at times, but she loved him with all of her heart.

  She didn’t say anything. They’d only been together a short time, and she didn’t want to spoil it in case he didn’t feel the same way.

  Micah took her to the shower and cared for her. She loved the attention he bestowed on her, and for the next two ni
ghts, she let him lock her in the room. In the morning, he would return and care for her once again. She stared out of the window and wondered what he was doing. If he would be missing her.

  Charlotte made a choice. Come the next full moon, she’d fulfill the pact so she could run with the rest of her pack.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The days progressed, and Charlotte cooked for the pack and helped out at the bar with Micah. She liked being with everyone and surrounded by friendly faces. Micah saw a change in his mate. He kept looking at her belly for signs of a baby. Every time he spilled his cum inside her, he begged for a child. Anything to hold her to him for longer. The more time they spent together, the more desperate he’d become to claim her. Another full moon wasn’t far away, and he feared the beast more than ever. The other men in his pack were getting restless. They viewed her as a queen and the mate of their alpha. However, her scent changed throughout the day. She would always smell of him, but it would weaken with time. The only way to solidify his right would be to take her.

  How would she feel to be taken in front of his pack? He hadn’t told her the entire truth about the claiming. Micah knew he’d have to tell her the complete claiming. He’d not only have to take her in front of his pack but he would have to take her anally. It was the way the claiming had been performed for centuries.

  Micah used their time to press against that sweet little rose, but his cock was much bigger than a finger or a thumb. How he would get past the claiming he didn’t know. Their relationship was going so well, he didn’t want to upset her. He heard her come back into the sitting room. The movie was on a pause.

  “I don’t understand what her problem is. She keeps bumping into me and growling at me when I pass. It’s like I’ve got some horrid disease or something. I don’t, do I?” Charlotte asked, picking up a bowl of cheesy snacks and carrying them over to the couch.


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