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Triumph Page 19

by A L Fogerty

  "Five years? Is that how long we've been gone?" Kayla asked.

  "Much has changed since you left our stronghold,” Mackenzie said.

  "What happened?" Kayla asked.

  "We will explain everything. But now we must close the rift. We've been preparing for this since you left."

  Malik and Gloria joined the witches, who’d formed a circle, holding hands as they began to chant. Kayla and her mates stepped back. The chanting reverberated through their hearts, through the ground, and into the very depths of the earth. It began to shudder and shake as it had done the day the earth was originally ripped open. The ground rumbled beneath them, quaking and breaking apart. Oksana screamed as she clung to Riddick.

  Everyone moved back for fear of being sucked into the rift. But the witches' chanting did not cease, and its tempo increased. The volume grew louder and the pitch higher as they pounded their words into the soil all along the San Andreas Fault.

  The tectonic plates shifted again, returning to their original place, and all at once, the rift was closed. Silence blanketed the land. Everyone stood in shock at what had finally been accomplished.

  "It is so hard to believe that it's all over," Quinn said.

  "It's far from over, I'm afraid. The vampires and witches have increased their attacks on the shifters. The shifters have retaliated, and there is all-out war in many places.”

  "And what of Mist Valley and Smoke Mountain? How fares my cousin Daniel?"

  "The shields that Willa placed around Mist Valley and Smoke Mountain have held," Mackenzie said, "and the shifters who reside there have been safe. Let us return to the compound to rest for the night. You must be fully prepared before you return home.”

  Gloria opened a portal, and everyone stepped through. Back at the compound, the witches made a fuss over the returning party. They were all drawn scented baths and given food and drink. When Kayla emerged from her bath, she found her men waiting at her door, wearing fine new clothing. Oksana was giggling with happiness in Riddick’s arms. Even Bane’s fur gleamed from a fresh washing.

  They all proceeded to the dining room for a feast in celebration of their completed mission in hell. Kayla sat with Quinn on one side and Sid on the other, her heart so full she felt it might burst.

  The food was certainly welcome after weeks of travel rations. She ate until she was near to bursting, feeling deep satisfaction for a job well done. After dinner, she retreated to the library with Jagger, Felix, Malik, and Willa along with a few senior witches at the compound.

  "Fill me in on what is happening at home," she said, drinking an after-dinner cup of tea.

  "Your cousin has done well on Smoke Mountain, and he has tried to oversee Mist Valley in your absence, but I'm afraid the village is poorly run with feuds over leadership and power. When Riddick left, there was no one to lead the people there, and since then, the strongest males in the village have been fighting for dominance. It has contributed to ongoing battles. At one point, Aaron Windspear attempted to intervene and offer guidance, but he was run off by the Mist Valley males. When you return, you will find your village in chaos, with many factions battling for supremacy."

  "What of the crops and the women and children?" Kayla asked.

  "Much of the work you did has withered while factions battled for control."

  "This is a nightmare," Jagger said.

  "We can remedy the problem with our return," Kayla said wearily.

  She'd been so focused on her mission in hell that she'd thought little of what was happening back at home. Five long years had gone by, and while her daughter was returned to her toddler state, her people had been left leaderless. Their world had turned ugly. "We'll return to Mist Valley in the morning, and then we'll deal with the problems as they arise."

  "Mackenzie and I want to return with you," Willa said. "We both regretted not being able to join you on your mission in hell."

  "But it is good that you were here on the surface, waiting for us to return," Kayla said. "Your constancy is the only reason we made it out. We would be happy to have you in Mist Valley again and in whatever battles must be fought."

  "Dark Haven has become quite a nuisance around the region," Willa said. "They have a new benefactor. One you may recognize."

  "What do you mean?" Kayla asked.

  "Veronica has returned home and has taken control as the high magus of the witches' council."

  "How is that possible?" Jagger asked. "She was nothing more than a reanimated corpse.”

  "The people have accepted her power. Even now, she sits at the head of the high council, preparing the witches' armies for war against the shifters."

  "After all of this," Kayla said under her breath, "that witch still lives."

  "Not for long," Willa said. "She does not belong in this world. Though I have no love for my sister, her soul deserves rest, wherever that resting place may be."

  The weariness of the world aboveground threatened to consume her on the way to bed.

  "First things first," Jagger said as they approached her room. "We regain control of Mist Valley and then call the troops."

  "If we move on Dark Haven before they move on us," Felix said, "we will have a strategic advantage."

  "I know," Kayla said. "We will discuss this all in the morning. Now we need to sleep. But I wouldn't mind having you with me.”

  Felix and Jagger followed Kayla into her bedroom, and when she stepped through the door, she found her other three mates waiting.

  "We want to celebrate," Riddick said, holding a bottle of whiskey.

  "I told him you would be tired," Quinn said.

  "Where is Oksana?" she asked, accepting the shot glass from Riddick.

  "She's safely sleeping in the nursery.” Sid cocked his chin toward the door.

  "I suppose I could do with a bit of celebration," she said, giving Riddick a kiss on the cheek.

  Kayla threw back the drink and sat down at the table in her room. Her mates all sat with her, and she realized in that moment that she had never been together with all her mates in the privacy of her chamber. The constant movement and stress of the road had made it impossible to connect with all of them as one. Though she was tired and in dire need of sleep, she wanted this now before they moved on to the next leg of their journey.

  "To us," she said. "We went through hell and returned. Now all we have to do is let everyone else know that we saved the world."

  She took another shot of whiskey, stood, and stepped out of her dress. It fell to the floor, pooling around her feet. Her men gathered, their hands caressing and sliding over her skin.

  Kayla stepped into Jagger's arms, and he enfolded her. It felt like heaven to be surrounded by her men. Riddick showered the back of her neck in long, slow kisses. He murmured, telling her how beautiful she was. She wanted him to know how beautiful he was, too, but she was too lost in the moment to speak.

  They moved over to the bed, where she lay down naked before them. Her mates' eyes were alight with longing, and she beckoned for them to come to her. Quinn crawled in beside her, kissing her neck and lips and chest with his beautiful soft lips. Jagger slid between her legs as Riddick strummed softly on her breasts. All the time they'd spent in hell was washed away as Kayla's men came to her, kissing and caressing, loving her with every ounce of their being. It was just as it was always meant to be, the hexad they had formed to save the world from evil. And now she got to bear the fruit of their love, reaping her reward for all she'd been through and all she'd overcome.

  Jagger's tongue ran down her belly, drawing a long throaty moan from between her lips. They were all around her—her beautiful healer, Quinn, with his connection to the goddess and his constant belief in their mission. Her quick-witted and charming rogue, Riddick. He kissed her breasts and smiled up into her eyes. Her faithful, protective alpha, Jagger, consumed her core like he owned it, and she was so happy to let him. His guidance and support had seen her through the darkest moments. She never would have had the streng
th to lead armies or the pack without him. His ravenous lips were leading her swiftly toward climax.

  Then there was her sensitive and strong warrior, Sid. He'd waited silently to make her his, but once they'd come together, she knew she would never want to part with him again. Sid had been her biggest cheerleader and protector, always there with a strong shoulder to cry on. He caressed her body with his big hands, kissing her lips. And Felix stood back from the rest, silently observing. She depended on his intellect to guide her, and she wanted him with her, not standing at the back of the room, waiting his turn. She opened her arms and beckoned him close. The others gave way for their studious brother as Jagger's tongue pushed her toward climax. Felix came into her arms, kissing her lips with a light sensitivity all his own. The orgasm rocked her to the core as she brought Felix toward her and guided him down onto the bed. She turned over and sat astride him, and he gasped, looking up at her with questioning eyes.

  She slid over his hardness, caressing his soft slim chest covered in freckles. She moved back and forth along his length until all the questions in his eyes were replaced with hunger. They gazed at each other, and she eased him inside her. His jaw dropped as she rocked slowly, bringing them both close to release.

  The others held her, kissed her, and licked her. They fingered her clit as she rode astride Felix. He gripped her body with his deft hands, taking control of the motion. She threw her head back, and her mouth fell open. There were hands and mouths and tongues and lips and cocks all around her. As she leaned forward and kissed Felix deep and hard, they came together in a lightning bolt, and her angelic wings flew out from her back. She was so in love, so alive.

  The light inside her radiated out from every pore, and she was ravenous with desire for her men. They were all around her, lying beside her, kneeling behind her, caressing her, stroking her, and kissing her. She eased off of Felix and turned to Jagger, consuming his mouth with a passionate kiss. She was hungrier than she'd ever been, ready to have her fill of the feast of manhood on display for her.

  She grabbed Jagger's cock and began to stroke. He growled against her mouth, and she growled back. Riddick was behind her, sliding his cock along the cleft of her ass. She was wet with Felix's seed and so alive with desire that she couldn't think or speak. The alpha queen needed her kings—all of them.

  She bent back, and Riddick slipped inside her. Bending forward, she took Jagger in her mouth. Quinn's and Sid's hands were on her body, their cocks in their hands. She sucked deep and hard as Riddick sank into her from behind. Jagger's hands caressed her hair and face as Quinn spoke soft words of love to her.

  The feeling of Jagger's cock in her throat and Riddick's throbbing manhood deep inside her was like heaven on earth. Her inner light glowed like a fire as her wings fluttered on her back. Riddick thrust deeper, harder, faster as she increased her rhythm with Jagger in her mouth. The intensity of her orgasm made light beam from the depths of her being, vibrating all around her. The room glowed like daylight. Jagger gripped her hair and came like a beast deep in her throat. She growled as Riddick thrust his seed into her core, all three of them coming like a lightning bolt striking the earth.

  Kayla's body vibrated with the intensity of their collective orgasm. She panted, ready for more. Her mates' seed dripped down her chin and her legs as her men moved toward her. She sat astride Sid, letting his massive cock ease into her wetness. Quinn moved in behind her. Her ass was soaked with seed and ready to be opened for the first time. Quinn stroked her hesitantly, but she looked at him and nodded, her desire so full-blown that she wanted to feel every nuance of their love and passion. Sid gripped her hips, growling as he kissed her breasts. Quinn softly played with her ass, opening the bud until she yielded and he slipped inside.

  With her men deep inside her, she felt more alive than she ever had. She couldn't believe she'd waited so long for this. But it was the perfect moment. Coming together in triumph, they could finally have the space to explore each other and the depths of their love.

  Quinn slid slowly in and out, carefully holding her as Sid pressed deeper and harder into her. With all sense of time and space gone, she was lost in the moment and did not want to be found. She was rolling in orgasms, full beyond comprehension and surrounded by so much love that she could barely contain herself.

  The intensity of her climax shook her to the core, and she yelled into the night, not caring who heard. She was home, she was alive, and she had succeeded in her mission. She had more love than any woman alive deserved—it was hers, and she was immensely grateful. Quinn and Sid released simultaneously as the heat of her passion shook them all as she radiated a burning white-hot flame so bright it was almost blinding. Kayla had her head thrown back against Quinn's chest and Sid's mouth on her breast. Her other mates watched, entranced by the heat and beauty of their mate's passion.

  She fell away from Quinn and Sid, completely exhausted and satisfied. As she collapsed, breathless, on the bed, her mates all surrounded her, kissing her and showering her with their ever-constant love.

  Chapter 43

  Kayla woke the next morning wrapped in her mates' arms. Memories of the night before danced in her mind, and she sighed with happiness and pleasure. She turned on her side and found Quinn lying next to her.

  His eyes lit up. "Good morning, my queen," he whispered.

  "Good morning, my king," she said.

  The others rose, sharing their happiness at the break of day. It was spring on the mountain, and the wildflowers bloomed in the meadows. Kayla dressed in her leathers and went to find her baby sleeping in her crib. The child woke and smiled at her mother.

  "My sweet girl," Kayla whispered. "It is my great honor to bring you home."

  The babe reached out for her mother, and Kayla knew that at some level, the child understood exactly what she meant. She didn't know what magic had brought her baby back to her, and she didn't really care. All that mattered was that her child had been returned to her whole, safe, and new. All the darkness and evil had been removed. Kayla couldn't have asked for a greater gift. She lifted her baby into her arms.

  Riddick entered the room, smiling when he saw her with their child. He was holding a fresh diaper, ready to change his little girl. "I can see you beat me to it."

  "I was just stealing a moment," she said, handing the child to her father. Riddick gratefully took the baby and went about his fatherly duties. Of the two of them, he had more experience with that. He quickly changed and dressed their daughter for the big day.

  After breakfast, everyone gathered, prepared once again to walk through a portal to their fates. Malik and Gloria had agreed to continue on with the wolves to see the mission to its end, along with Willa and Mackenzie.

  Gloria opened a portal, and Jagger was the first to step through this time. As the hereditary alpha of Mist Valley, he was the most bothered by the fact that his pack had been in turmoil since he'd left, and he was eager to return home. Kayla and Riddick walked through next, carrying Oksana, the pack's next alpha.

  When she stepped out of the portal on the other side, they found themselves in the Blackfangs' house, so different from the warm family home they had left. They were greeted by a stench of mess. Naked people littered the floor, still drunken and sleeping at midday.

  "What is the meaning of this?" Jagger barked, throwing clothing and blankets at the naked women on the ground. The shifters who'd taken up residence in his home slowly came to awareness. Kayla and the Blackfangs looked down at Tom—the husband of their late wet nurse—and a gaggle of naked females.

  "Alpha Blackfang. Alpha Redclaw," Tom said, stumbling hazily to his feet. "We thought you'd never return."

  "Clearly," Jagger said. "But we have, and I would thank you kindly to remove yourself from my home."

  "But I'm the alpha now," Tom said, gaining some misguided courage.

  "I'm afraid not," Kayla said, moving toward him. The light of her angel glowed from within, and her wings ascended from her back.

nbsp; Tom's eyes widened with wonder and fear. "I'm sorry," he said, stammering and stepping backward. "I didn't mean any disrespect."

  "We know you didn't. Now, tell everyone that we have returned and there will be a town meeting in the pack lodge. Can you do that for me?"

  "Yes, Alpha Redclaw. It would be my honor." Tom stumbled out the front door with the females close behind.

  "Of all the men in Mist Valley, he's the last I would have expected to take your place," Riddick said, holding his daughter close.

  "This place is a mess," Quinn said.

  "What is that smell?" Sid wrinkled his nose.

  "First things first—this place is going to need a good cleaning," Kayla said. "We'll find some volunteers at the meeting. Until then, let's check the rooms and make sure there are no other stragglers."

  Kayla and the others went from room to room, clearing out the unwanted houseguests until they knew there was none left. Sid discovered that the smell was rotting meat in the pantry and what must have been a month-old loaf of bread on the kitchen floor. They cleaned up the worst of it and opened all the windows in the house.

  Then Willa and Mackenzie went off to check the shields, and Kayla prepared for the meeting with the pack. By the time the pack met that afternoon, word of their arrival had gotten out, and everyone was there. There was so much commotion and noise that Kayla feared that nothing would get done. But Jagger ordered them to be quiet and brought the meeting to attention.

  "You've been gone for five years. How is it you come back now with Oksana looking like she has not aged a day?"

  "We traveled into hell, where time moves at a different rate. What was only a few weeks for us was five years for you. But we met the king of darkness himself and vanquished him. Light has been restored to the world, and the rift has been closed."

  "How do we know this is all true?" asked a blacksmith.

  "You'll have to take our word for it," Kayla said.

  "How do we know that you aren't one of those demons yourself?"


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