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Triumph Page 21

by A L Fogerty

  "I would be happy to," Kayla said, taking her daughter.

  Riddick left the rocking chair, and Kayla replaced him, holding her little daughter in her arms. The weight of her, the smell of her head, and the feeling of her skin sent Kayla into an almost dreamlike trance. "I'm so glad to have you back, my darling.” Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

  She is safe, my daughter, a faint voice whispered in Kayla's mind. She will grow strong and brave and beautiful like her mother, with the roots of her grandfather deep in her bones.

  Chapter 46

  Sid never got used to the feeling of flying on the carpet. His stomach lurched as they flew upward into the sky.

  "It's good to have you along," Quinn shouted over the rushing wind. "You make a much more intimidating presence than I do."

  "That lance of yours is more powerful than my hammer.”

  "But you look scary," Quinn said.

  Sid snorted with laughter and slapped his brother on the back, an action he immediately knew was a mistake because he nearly lost his grip on the carpet.

  "Hold on," Kelvyn said as they flew over the forest.

  They climbed steadily as they approached Smoke Mountain. Of all the packs in the region, Smoke Mountain was the most likely to greet them with real happiness. At least, that was what Sid hoped.

  The carpet fluttered to the ground outside the shields of Smoke Mountain, and Sid stood up on wobbly legs. Quinn still thought seeing Sid like this was funny, even after the three-hour ride from Mist Valley. Sid had to admit that he was starting to get annoyed with his older brother.

  "Do you think you could stop with the snickering?" Sid asked. "You're starting to get on my nerves."

  "Sorry, Sid," Quinn said, slapping his brother on the back. "I shouldn't have made fun of you. I'm glad you came with us."

  "As am I," Gloria said. "I don't know what I would've done without Sid when I was alone in hell. He saved my ass multiple times."

  "I seem to remember you also saving mine," Sid said to the portal witch.

  They had developed a strong friendship during their time together, and even though she was married to Malik and Sid was eternally bonded to Kayla, the two of them had learned they could depend on each other—which was one of the reasons he had volunteered for this mission.

  "Who goes there?" a voice barked as several guards emerged from behind the trees.

  "Sid and Quinn Blackfang. We are the mates of your alpha's cousin Kayla Redclaw. We have come to speak with Daniel Redclaw. We have important news from Mist Valley.”

  "Kayla Redclaw is dead," the guard said.

  "I assure you, she's not," Quinn said, stepping forward. "You know me, Seamus. I mended your shoulder."

  "Quinn Blackfang, is that really you?" The man moved closer.

  "In the flesh.”

  “Who are these two? They smell like witches."

  "They are witches and our allies," Quinn said. "Now, are you going to leave us standing here in the woods, or are you going to show us to your alpha?"

  "Of course," Seamus said. "Right this way."

  The party followed the guards through the forest and into the streets of Smoke Mountain Village. They approached the pack lodge, and the guard asked them to enter. They stepped into the building, where a young man sat behind a desk, taking requests and complaints from villagers. He looked up, and his eyes met Sid's.

  Daniel Redclaw had grown from a lanky boy into a strong young man. He climbed to his feet and hurried toward the Blackfangs. "Sid, Quinn, is that really you?"

  "It's us, cousin," Sid said, slapping the boy's back. The men embraced, and Daniel asked the villagers to leave the room.

  "What happened? We thought you were dead."

  "We defeated the king of darkness," Quinn said. "But now we must finish this battle. The witches of Dark Haven are amassing an army, and they plan to march. We must meet them in Dark Haven before they have a chance to enslave any more shifters or humans. The rift is closed, and our shift has been restored, but I'm afraid the war is far from won. We have come to ask that you and your fighters join us. We can't do this alone."

  "Of course," Daniel said. "Anything you need. I just can't believe that you're here. How are Kayla… and the child?"

  "Oksana has been returned to us," Quinn said.

  "Good as new," Sid added.

  "That is good news."

  "Did I hear that the Blackfangs were here?" a female voice said.

  Sid turned to find Jenny Blue standing in the doorway. The tiny little preteen had been replaced by a beautiful, strong young woman. Sid could barely believe his eyes.

  She strode across the floor and took Daniel's hand. "It is so good to see you." Then she hugged Quinn and Sid in turn. "How are Kayla and Jagger and your brothers?"

  "Everyone is well. We accomplished our mission."

  "You should be congratulated for such a great accomplishment," Daniel said.

  "You should congratulate us too," Jenny said. "We are to be mated in a month's time."

  "Well done!" Sid said, slapping Daniel on the back.

  "You must all come to our mating ceremony," Jenny said.

  "We wouldn't miss it," said Quinn. "But there are less happy matters we must attend to first."

  "They are amassing an army to march on Dark Haven," Daniel said darkly.

  "Again?" Jenny said, her hand on her throat.

  "I'm sorry to come with such news," Quinn said. "But we must stop the witches. The darkness is leaving the world, but those in power are doing everything they can to retain it."

  "No. We cannot allow them to hurt anyone else," Jenny said, the pain of the loss of her parents to the slaver raid still obvious in her eyes.

  "We will add our soldiers to the roster," Daniel said.

  "Now that I have a fix on this location, I can chart a return at any time through a portal. In one week, I will return and open a portal to Mist Valley. Have your soldiers prepared to march when we return."

  "You can count on us," Daniel said, taking Jenny's hand.

  "We need to get moving," Quinn said.

  "I've heard that Mist Valley has not been faring well. Please take whatever supplies you need for the rest of your journey."

  "Thank you, Daniel," Quinn said.

  They left the lodge and went to the communal kitchen, where Daniel ordered a pack of jerky and oats be prepared for the party. With a sack of provisions, they climbed back on the magic carpet and started off for Tanglewood territory.

  In Tanglewood, the people were as surprised as Daniel had been to see them but no less welcoming. Aaron Windspear pledged his support. They continued on their journey, gathering support from everyone who had marched with them before, until they reached the farthest packs and clans in the region. Much to Quinn's dismay, Franklin Ironhide, the alpha of the Palomino bear clan, had died of a fever. The new alpha, who had no loyalty to the wolves, refused to send his bears into battle. The party had traveled an extra two days, and the loss of an ally hit them hard.

  "At least we can return home now," Quinn said. "They are the only clan who refused to join us. I wish I had been here to help. Franklin helped us when we were in a difficult position and sent his warriors with us to the rift. He was a brave and good man."

  "I will open a portal home," Gloria said, road weary and ready to rest. She'd been moving nonstop since their return and deserved a break more than anyone.

  On the outskirts of the bear village, she opened a portal. Sid and Kelvyn lifted the carpet, and they all stepped through to Mist Valley.

  Chapter 47

  Kayla was relieved to see Sid and the others return. She hugged her mates warmly. "Riddick, would you draw Gloria a bath? And make sure Malik brings her tea and honey cakes.”

  "I'm on it," Riddick said.

  "You're an angel, Kayla," Gloria said, kissing her cheek.

  Both women laughed, and Kayla was glad she could do some small thing to pay the witch back for her continued service. "There is food bein
g prepared for dinner," she said to the men. "We will gather in the dining room to discuss our next steps."

  A large feast was set out on the dining room table, and Kayla and her council gathered around. Gloria came down in a fresh dress with a glass of honey wine in her hand, looking happy and relaxed. She sat next to Malik, and the party began passing around the ribs, venison, jerky, wild berries, fresh-caught bass, and wild greens from the forest.

  "This is just what I needed after being on the road for a week," Sid said.

  "How did things go with our allies?" Kayla asked, wasting no time on small talk.

  "All have agreed to join us except the Palomino clan. Franklin died of a fever last winter," Quinn said, choked up about the idea of losing someone to something as simple as a fever.

  "The others are prepared to step through the portal tomorrow," Gloria said.

  "And how are you holding up, Gloria? Will you be able to cast that many portals tomorrow?"

  "Yes, it shouldn't be a problem," she said, holding a boar rib in her hand. "Especially after a meal like this."

  "Very good," Kayla said. "I suppose all that's left is to rest and prepare. We will march out in three days’ time.”

  "It is just in time," Malik said. "Any longer, and Dark Haven would have already overtaken their closest shifter neighbors."

  "This will come to an end," Kayla whispered.

  They'd never known a world without despair and tragedy. She looked at Oksana sitting in her high chair and vowed to provide a world for her child where she would be safe and free, where love would reign, and where all people—shifters, humans, witches, and vampires—were equal in the light of the sun.

  Chapter 48

  Gloria opened portals to each of the packs and clans she'd visited, informing them that it was time. One by one, they arrived. The troops marched through, filling Mist Valley Village with warriors. Kayla stood with her mates as Jagger arranged the squadrons and Felix took account of the new arrivals.

  Most knew that the shift had returned to their people, but others had not heard the news. Kayla watched as her soldiers attempted the first shifts of their lives. It was not a pleasant scene.

  "With your power," Quinn said, "this is unnecessary."

  "It is necessary," Kayla said. "We need to show the witches and vampires that our powers have returned, that we will not be cowed into submission any longer.”

  "We must prepare our soldiers to fight in shifted form," Riddick said, walking over to Kayla and Quinn, who stood by the fence. He was panting and sweaty. "Even if it's only for show."

  "We leave in two days," Kayla said. "Do what you can to prepare them."

  "I will. You can count on me, my queen," he said, winking and giving her a sly smile. Kayla giggled like a schoolgirl at Riddick's flirtation, and it felt good to be caught up in the simplicity of that moment.

  The next two days were filled with preparations for war. They practiced the shift while holding their weapons. They were stocked with food from the various villages and ready to face what lay ahead. The night before they were scheduled to march out, Kayla lay in bed alone, needing the solitude to clear her thoughts. Sleep did not come easily that night, with all the preparations and needs of her army spinning through her mind, but she finally found rest in the wee hours of morning. She woke to find a steaming cup of tea waiting for her in Quinn's hands. She rose from bed, smiling happily at her thoughtful mate.

  "You must be reading my mind," she said with a wink.

  She sipped her tea gratefully and dressed for the day. Downstairs in the dining room, she found her mates and council already gathered.

  "Are the troops prepared?" she asked Jagger and Riddick as she took a seat.

  "Ninety percent of our soldiers can shift on command," Jagger said. "The other ten percent are skilled enough with swords that they will easily make up for the deficiency. About twenty-five percent of our soldiers can fight adequately in shifted form. Only five percent have any level of mastery."

  "I see," Kayla said with a sigh. "This is the reality we're dealing with. We don't have any more time to practice. Today is the day."

  "The troops are prepared to march," Jagger said.

  "Sid, Felix, what about our supplies? Will we be able to feed the soldiers for the duration of the campaign?" she asked.

  "Most of the packs have brought supplies, which has greatly alleviated the burden on the stores in Mist Valley," Felix said. "Smoke Mountain, in particular, has supplied us with enough food for a lengthy siege."

  "And the portals?" Kayla asked Gloria. "You're sure that we will be able to move from city to city with ease once we begin?"

  "As a portal mage, it was part of my training to visit most of the vampire and witch cities in the world. Not only can I take you to the strongholds in the region, but I can take you across the globe too.”

  "Very good," Kayla said. "Then we are as prepared as we can be. It is time to begin. I know that this has taken everything each of us has. But there is an end in sight—that much I know." She could hear her father's words whispering inside her mind, guiding her, holding her, and filling her with light and confidence.

  Chapter 49

  Kayla stepped through the portal, the same tingling sensation running through her as she joined her troops on the other side. Her legion of shifters stood strong and proud in their animal forms, prepared for battle. She walked her stallion familiar, Lightning, to the head of the line, where the witches were mounted upon their steeds. Riddick and Jagger were there in wolf form with Sid, Quinn, and Felix, in their human forms, astride their mounts. Quinn's strength was in his healing, and Felix's was in his mental abilities. She needed their focus throughout the battle.

  "Veronica knows we're here," Malik informed her.

  "Good," Kayla said.

  "Their troops are panicking," he said. "They fear facing us in shifted form."

  She raised an eyebrow. "They should be." Kayla started forward, keeping her wings tucked inside her. She would save her hybrid form for the most opportune moment.

  They walked no more than a mile before they saw the army of witches emerging from behind their dome. They met on the freeway outside of Dark Haven, the ruins of the old world all around them.

  "She's there," Malik said, looking into his bowl. Kayla lifted her binoculars and looked through them at the flurry of movement outside the Dark Haven dome. She saw Veronica astride an ordinary steed, her demon mounts not having survived the battle at the rift. She was followed by ordinary witches—no legions of demons this time.

  "This should be an easy fight," Kayla said with a smirk. But she knew better than to underestimate her opponents. Veronica Riddle very well might have something hidden up her sleeve.

  "Let's put my sister out of her misery," Willa said.

  The witches from the mountain compound had joined Kayla's army, and Felix was again in charge of coordinating their attacks. Willa and Mackenzie walked beside her, Willa's shield of illusion covering their troops, though Kayla knew that the witches of Dark Haven could easily see through it.

  "Now," Kayla said to Felix.

  They began their assault with a volley of arcane missiles as Gloria opened a second portal. She, a frost mage, and a dozen wolves jumped through it. The frost mage cast his area of effect freezing spell, taking the witch army off guard while the most adept wolf warriors attacked the witches with their lethal bites. Witches could be saved from the bite of a shifter if the antidote was applied in time. But creating the antidote was an expensive and lengthy process, and it was unlikely that Dark Haven had much shifter-bite antidote on hand.

  Amid the chaos, Kayla's people jumped back through the portal, unscathed. Gloria closed it just as several Dark Haven witches jumped through. One of them had his leg cut off as the portal closed around it, and he fell, screaming, to the ground.

  "Attack," Kayla screamed, raising her sword into the air.

  Willa dropped her shield of illusion, and the army of shifters charged down th
e road, barking and snarling behind her, as she rode her warhorse Lightning with her sword held high. Bane was right behind them. Kayla could see Veronica at the back of her legion, her eyes wide and stunned. Veronica wasted no time in a counterattack. Her witches were well trained and powerful, but the shifters outnumbered them. The witches had ranged magical attacks, while the shifters needed to be in range to bite.

  They were only a few hundred yards from the witch army. Quinn threw a massive bubble of protection around the army as they ran, but his strength couldn’t hold it. He was forced to drop it as soon as the armies clashed. Wolves, fire, ice, and arcane magic had blown his shield to shreds by the time they met on the field.

  Witches screamed in desperation as wolves bit through their flimsy robes. As the shifters’ ability to fight in wolf form became impossible to sustain, they shifted into human form. Swords clanged and clashed all around them. Jagger and Riddick were still in their shifted forms when Kayla drew her bow and pulled three arrows from her quiver. The tips were soaked in shifter saliva, making each one as deadly as a wolf bite.

  The bear clans joined them, charging and bashing at the witches, needing less coordination than a wolf did to battle human-sized opponents. They had all been fortified with magical armor that they'd kept since the battle at the rift.

  When members of both sides fell, Mackenzie reanimated them and attacked the witch army. Veronica and four other witches gathered around a cauldron.

  "She's summoning a demon!" Willa yelled, supporting Mackenzie's attacks with her illusion magic.

  "Is it possible?" Kayla asked Malik.

  "The rift has been closed, but hell still exists."

  "We have to stop her." Kayla drew her sword and let her wings emerge from her back. Taking to the sky, she called down the power of the light, filling her body and sword with its power. She could feel her father beside her, giving her the strength and courage to carry on.

  She pointed her sword at the witches and sent out a blast of white-hot light magic, but it was met by a shield. It bounced off the shield and crashed into the ground. She gathered more light into her heart, directing it into the palm of her hand, ready to end this battle in one swift motion. But as she was preparing to strike, darkness emerged from the cauldron, climbing and oozing out like an embodied shadow. It sent a shockwave through the air as it trotted across the land, the reverberation of its giant footsteps pushing Kayla's army back. She sent out her magic, but the darkness retaliated with its own. The forces of darkness and light were evenly matched.


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