Beauty and the Jinx: Magic and Mayhem Universe (Jinxed by Love)

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Beauty and the Jinx: Magic and Mayhem Universe (Jinxed by Love) Page 12

by Cherie Marks

  Her mother smoothed a hand over Ivy’s cheek. “You absorbed our magic. When Grath pulled what he could out of Zayn, it transferred to you. Unfortunately, we’re still not alive. We are only able to come to your dreams, and we have so much to tell you.”

  They talked for a long time, catching up on so many lost moments of Ivy’s life. She told them about her golf career, and they both told her how proud they were of her. She told them about the jinx, and with some hesitancy, revealed exactly who the jinxer was.

  “Would you have been on the news if you’d won the tournament?”

  “Surely. And I would have been in commercials and advertising campaigns. It would have been everything I’d ever worked for.”

  “And, it would have been exactly what Grath needed to find you. She was still trying to protect you.”

  “But she was the one who always pushed me to win.”

  “I don’t think she realized just how good you would become.”

  The reality of what her grandmother had actually been trying to do sunk in. She didn’t hate Ivy. Quite the opposite. Her Gigi loved her enough to prevent her from becoming a target. Relief filled her inside and out.

  Ivy didn’t want this time to end, but she sensed they didn’t have too much longer together. She needed to clear the air about something. “One more thing. Zayn believes he killed you two and that Gigi watched it happen without doing anything to help.”

  Her mother and father looked at each other, and with a deep breath in and out, her father explained, “Zayn didn’t kill us. Grath just wanted him to think he did. Grath was in charge of the machine the whole time.” Her father’s eyebrows pushed into a deep “V” as he said, “Your grandmother was following my orders. She didn’t want to leave us, but I told her that you were the priority. If Grath had gotten his hands on you, there would have been no way to stop him.”

  All too quickly, Ivy felt the dream begin to fade. “We love you, Ivy Rose. We love you!”

  She hugged her parents until they became a whisper of ether and her eyes opened to stare at a clear, starry sky.

  She sat up slowly and glanced around the shadowed garden she last remembered leaving in a blinding, white light. Yet, nothing seemed different. Nothing was disturbed. Everything still bloomed and blossomed as it had before. The mixture of floral scents floated on the air, and the fountain continued its tinkling water melody.

  To her right, Zayn groaned and rubbed his head. He sat up inch-by-inch and looked around just as she had. “Are we back?”

  “I think so. It looks the same.”

  He stood and dusted himself, reaching out a hand to pull her to a standing position. Their bodies met and electricity fired between them, sending the effects of their chemistry skittering down Ivy’s spine. She cleared her throat and stepped back.

  Her first instinct was to check on the status of the rose, but one look at what remained, and she knew it was gone forever. She met Zayn’s sad gaze as she realized he’d come to the same conclusion.

  “What do we do now, Zayn?”

  “I’m not sure. I don’t feel the urgent push of the magic energy, but I think we need to see if everything is as normal as it seems before we get too comfortable.”

  The back door opened, and Ivy was relieved to see Franny step out, seemingly unscathed. She saw the same look of relief on Zayn’s face.

  “Are you two coming inside tonight or what? Ivy needs to get some rest if she’s going to finish out that tournament tomorrow.”

  “Finish the tournament?” Ivy met Zayn’s surprised gaze. “But we’ve been gone for weeks.”

  Zayn shrugged. “I guess time didn’t pass the same wherever we were.”



  “We were in Freenia.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Puth told me.”


  “Puther Breckinridge Nugmeister the third, to be exact. That was the strange little creature that made the cottage livable for us. Once I ate the bark, he could understand what I was saying...or I could understand him, and I was speaking his language. Either way, I learned so much about where we were and the beings who lived there.”

  They began to walk toward the house together. “Well, we owe Puth a huge one. He saved us from Grath, but I wish he hadn’t forced me through the portal.”

  “I’m glad he did, or Grath’s fate would have been yours. Apparently, only Freens can live in Freenia. Grath was dying there, and you would have too.”

  Nothing could ruin the moment as Franny fed them another one of her gourmet meals and gave them knowing glances as they had trouble keeping their hands off each other.

  Zayn and Ivy made their way to his bedroom where they took a shower together. He undressed her slowly and rubbed every inch of her body with nothing but fresh smelling soap and his hands. By the time he was finished, she was writhing against him and begging him to take her. So, he did. He lifted her up and held her against the shower wall, driving into her over and over until they both threw their heads back in a passionate release.

  Before drifting off to sleep in Zayn’s arms, Ivy thought with everything she was feeling in that moment, things were finally falling into place.

  Chapter 23

  ZAYN WAS HAPPY—TRULY happy for the first time in his life. Yet, the pessimist in him said he needed to watch out because he wouldn’t be allowed to stay content for long.

  As the sun rose over his garden on a new day, Zayn wrapped his arms around Franny for a quick hug and reveled in the feeling that, for the first time as far back as he could remember, he didn’t feel burdened with guilt or, surprisingly, with powerful magic he could barely control. Astonishingly, he didn’t have the slightest urge to seek out the flower that had once kept him sane.

  “Well, aren’t you in a good mood? Something you want to tell me?”

  “So much, but it can wait. Right now, I need to ask you something without you freaking out.”

  “No promises on that one, but I’ll do my best. What is it?”

  “What did you do with Grath?”

  Her face went pale, and the happy expression she’d wore faded. “Oh, Zayn. Please tell me he’s not back.”

  “Back? From where? I thought I killed him, but obviously, he was still alive. What happened to him?”

  She wrung her hands in front of her. Zayn didn’t like the worried look on her face.

  “After I got you and the other children to safety, I went back to dispose of what was left of him, but he had disappeared. I cursed myself for not taking care of him when I’d had the chance, but for the moment, you and the others were my priorities.

  “It wasn’t until much later that I realized the threat he still posed. Yes, you had all his magic, but he wouldn’t give up until it was returned to him, which meant he’d always be after you. I couldn’t let that happen.

  “So, I went after him. I set a trap by revealing where we were hiding to someone I knew would give him that information. He came after us, skulking around like the thief he was, but I had been ready for him. The minute he stepped out of the shadows, I opened a portal and blasted him into another dimension.

  “I thought that would be the last I heard of him. Please tell me I was right.”

  So much made sense to Zayn now. It was clear that Franny had laid her life on the line for him more often than he’d ever known. And though they were back where they belonged, he felt it was probably a good idea if he just told her everything he’d been through in the last little bit. Maybe Grath was dying, or hopefully dead, in another dimension, but Franny needed to know everything.

  “Oh, Franny, have I got a story for you.”

  HER GRANDMOTHER WAS here, and she stalked toward Ivy like she was on a mission.

  As Ivy warmed up on the driving range, she braced herself for the coming onslaught of disapproval and judgment that she’d come to expect from a visit with her Gigi. Yet, she was pleasantly surprised when her grandmother, instea
d of berating her for not living up to her potential, hugged her long and hard as Ivy held a nine-iron in one hand.

  She dropped the club and hugged her grandmother in return.

  “Gigi, what’s this all about?”

  With one last squeeze, she stepped back and stared at Ivy with her usual, cool gaze before she waved her hand over her face and a genuine expression of concern appeared like she’d removed a glamour that had been hiding her true emotion all along.

  “I have something to confess to you. Just know that I did it out of love for you. Everything I’ve done is because I love you.”

  “Gigi, you don’t have to say anything. I know about the jinx.”

  She actually looked surprised, and Ivy wanted to touch her face to see if any of her was real. Her grandmother never showed emotion, and it was an unusual look to Ivy. She really didn’t know how to take it.

  “You know? How?”

  “It’s a long story, but I actually met my parents!”

  “What? How?”

  “In a dream, but it felt so real. They explained so much about you and about Grath, who I met again recently...” Her grandmother’s expression grew concerned, and Ivy rushed to reassure her, “It’s okay! He’s in another dimension, where he’s wasted away to hardly anything. He can’t hurt us now.”

  “Oh, Ivy. You’ve dealt with so much pain in your life. I’m sorry I couldn’t be the loving guardian you probably needed all these years. After losing your parents, I just couldn’t allow any emotion, or I would have never been able to function. It hurt you though, and I’m sorry for that.

  “The truth is, I wanted you to find success. I wanted you to be happy, but I feared the consequences of being discovered. I didn’t know what to do.”

  Ivy squeezed her grandmother’s hands in hers as she explained, “You don’t have to explain. I know now that everything you did, you did out of love for me. From this point forward, we can be different. Things will be different.”

  Her grandmother gave her a smile—a genuine smile—as she dropped Ivy’s hands and said a quick chant with a nod of her chin. Suddenly, Ivy felt lighter somehow, like a large weight had been lifted off of her. It was an amazing feeling, and a bubble of laughter broke forth at the pure joy that engulfed her in that moment.

  “The jinx is lifted. Now, get out there and win this tournament...if that’s what you want to do.”

  After one more hug, Ivy watched her grandmother move away into the crowd, and for the first time she could ever remember, Ivy wanted to run after her. In the very near future, she wanted to spend some time with her grandmother when they could finally get to know each other without any secrets between them.

  “I’ve never seen you looking so happy.” The familiar voice came from behind her.

  Ivy turned around and caught sight of her cousin, caddy, and best friend since childhood, back to normal and grinning like a fool. It was the most beautiful sight she’d seen all day.

  “Flint! It’s so good to see you in your human form once again!”

  “Yeah, I know, right? Weirdest thing. I was just sitting over there, large and furry, feeling sorry for myself, when out of nowhere I changed back. I don’t know how it happened, but I’m glad it did. I never want to go through that again.”

  Ivy laughed and did her best to catch him up on all he’d missed in a quick rundown, considering they were about to begin play.

  The round couldn’t have gone better. Every drive, every iron shot, every chip, and every putt seemed to fall exactly into place. Ivy felt in her element, and she had gained four strokes on the front nine easily. With Flint by her side, the jinx lifted, and her grandmother’s approval finally, Ivy felt like this were simply a walk in the park.

  The only thing missing was Zayn. Though he’d mentioned something about being on the course with her today, she hadn’t seen him since this morning, and she had to admit, she was a little disappointed. She thought for sure he’d be here to watch her get her victory.

  By the final hole, it had become clear Ivy was going to win. She’d gained four more strokes on the back nine with four more birdies—one which was a tap in putt and could have been an eagle. Something for next time.

  The ceremony for the golden jacket took place once all the players had finished playing and signed their scorecards. Ivy had played the best she ever had, and she’d loved every minute of it. Her mind had been clear of all doubt, and she’d made up her mind once and for all. She was a golfer, and she wanted to play golf. She would continue to play on the tour, and if she ever did tire of the bustle and competition of it, she’d love to design golf courses in the future.

  As the congratulations continued to pour in, Prunella approached Ivy, not quite cowed completely, but not wearing her usual smug look.

  “Who knew you had it in you?”

  Same old Pru. Ivy fired back, “I did.”

  Pru looked at Ivy as if she didn’t even recognize her. Maybe she didn’t, at least she hadn’t met this more self-assured, more confident Ivy. Ivy felt like she was just meeting this version of herself for the first time, too.

  “Well, enjoy it while it lasts. You won’t always have such a miraculous comeback.”

  Sour grapes must be the worst taste. “See you next time, Prunella.”

  Pru mumbled her congratulations and melted back into the crowd.

  Gigi stood beside Ivy, hugging her tightly as if she didn’t want to let her go. The feeling was mutual.

  Flint rested his hands on top of her jacket-covered shoulders as the cameras rolled and flashed. This was an amazing moment, and Ivy didn’t want it to end. She might even sleep in the jacket tonight and every night from this point on.

  Only one thing could make this moment better—if Zayn were here. She still wasn’t quite sure why he hadn’t shown up, but she continued to smile, even as her anxiety built.

  She had to consider that something had gone wrong. After all they’d been through recently, she couldn’t discount the possibility that the situation with Grath might not be completely resolved.

  As soon as she could, Ivy broke away, hopped into a nearby golf cart, and took off for Zayn’s house. She rolled up to the front door but then ran around to the garden. Before she even touched the handle of the gate, she knew something was wrong. She eased inside but froze at the sight that greeted her.

  A seemingly fully restored Grath stood in the center of the garden, Zayn stretched out at his feet, magically bound. Ivy met the steely gaze of the warlock as he gave her his best evil grin.

  “Took you long enough. We’ve been waiting for you.”

  “You’re looking a lot better than the last time I saw you. What’s the secret to your speedy restoration? And how did you get free?”

  “I might not have absorbed every drop of magic from Zayn, but I gained enough. As soon as you two escaped and that little goblin released me, I stunned it and the rest of them. After too, too many years, more than passed here since time runs differently in that hell of a dimension, I finally saw that little shit creature open a portal. Once I’d seen it, that’s all I needed. I recreated the circle and threw that little creature into the center. The portal opened up, and I thought of the one person’s neck I wanted to wrap my hands around. That’s what brought me here.”

  “What did you do to Zayn? Did you hurt Franny?”

  “I haven’t seen that meddling traitor of a servant. If I had, she’d be dead. And as for Zayn, calm down. He is fine—for now. He’s just getting soft. Didn’t even see me coming. I know I taught him better than that, but it worked out in my favor. I think his mind was most likely on someone else—someone who makes him weak. I’m talking about you.”

  “Yeah, I got that. What do you want, Grath?”

  “I haven’t changed my mind. I want my magic back, and I want to watch you kill Zayn to get it.”

  “And if I refuse?”

  He rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. “Typical. How did I know you were going to ask that?”

  “I’m not killing Zayn. You can’t force me to do it.”

  “Can’t I? Aren’t there other people you care about? People who you’d rather not see die either?”

  Outwardly, Ivy tried not to react, but inwardly, she was freaking out. Grath clearly knew what would get to her. But as long as her grandmother, Flint, or Franny stayed away, Grath couldn’t hurt them.

  Right on cue, Franny stepped out of the back door of the house and the garden gate opened as Gigi and Flint stepped inside behind Ivy.

  “Now, that’s what I call service.”

  Instantly, Grath fired a spell through the air, straight at Franny. It knocked her to the ground, but she crawled to safety behind a large, rounded planter that was the size of a filing cabinet. Ferns spilled over the top.

  Flint shifted mid-air as he leaped toward Grath, but he was knocked back by a spell. He rolled over with a groan and started to get up again before another spell dropped him to the ground, from where he couldn’t seem to budge.

  From behind Ivy, a swooshing noise began to build. As Ivy turned, she watched her grandmother swirling a ball of magic in her hands, clearly preparing to fire it at Grath. Yet, as it flew at the warlock’s head, it hit an invisible wall and dissipated in an instant.

  Ivy turned to her grandmother and said, “We’re doing this all wrong. We can’t come at him one at a time. We need to hit him all at once.”

  Gigi nodded, and Ivy signaled to Franny. They started closing in, throwing up magic shields and firing their own spells toward Grath. Somehow, he dodged them all, firing back at them, forcing them to take cover.

  Ivy laid in the low bushes near the gate, her grandmother beside her.

  At a loss for a next move, Ivy asked, “What do we do now? He’s going to defend everything we throw at him.”

  Gigi said, “I just wish we had a way to put him out of commission long enough to get out of here. We could regroup and come back with a better strategy.”

  That was exactly what they needed—a strategy that would get them past Grath’s defenses. A Trojan Horse kind of strategy like her parents had used.


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