Chloe's Christmas Lesson

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Chloe's Christmas Lesson Page 3

by Carole Archer

  Smiling, he paid for his products minutes before the store closed its doors for Christmas. He quickly made his way towards home, battling through the hordes of people who had obviously had the same idea as him – that last minute shopping was a sensible thing to do on Christmas Eve. He grinned as he wondered how many of them were now returning home to spank their pampered wives.

  As Matthew walked across town towards home, he wondered what Chloe would make of her early Christmas present. Well, she did say she wanted more, he thought, smiling to himself as he reached their house and hid his purchases in the boot of his car.

  Deciding to let her stew for a little longer, he opted to go and see her father Jake. He got into his car and drove the short distance to his home.

  Chapter Four

  Meanwhile, Chloe woke to a sound in her room. “Matthew, is that you?” she asked, sitting up and squinting. She couldn’t believe she had slept so long and it was now dark. “Can I get up now please?” she asked, as she saw a movement by the door. “I’m so sorry I was naughty. I know I deserved my spanking, but I promise I’ll be good now. Please don’t spank me again,” she pleaded. “I’ve learned my lesson, really I have. And I honestly don’t mind if you haven’t got me a hairdryer. I can do without it. I love you. I’m so sorry,” she said sincerely.

  Sitting up and blinking several times, she was stunned to see Father Christmas standing at the foot of her bed. Suddenly she threw her head back and giggled. “Matthew, where on earth did you get that silly costume from?” she asked, as she reached for the bedside lamp and turned it on, flooding the room with light.

  Santa didn’t laugh. He looked very sternly at her and Chloe’s smile immediately disappeared as he quickly moved across the room, pulled her up and sat down on the edge of her bed. He shook his head and frowned at her, and Chloe froze in shock as he whisked down her pajama bottoms and panties and turned her quickly across his knee. He moved so quickly she didn’t even have chance to try and resist him.

  Although Chloe had tried to accept that Matthew probably would spank her this time, she knew in her heart that what he had given her earlier was not really a proper spanking but merely a taste of things to come and nothing she could say would change his mind. Now she realized was totally unprepared for what was happening and her mind was in turmoil. She had at the very least expected Matthew to spank her over clothing, not on her bare flesh. And she had expected them to talk first, not to be whisked across his lap and bared so dramatically.

  As soon as the first spank landed on her pale bottom, Chloe’s train of thought collapsed as she squealed and tried desperately to escape.

  She shrieked and kicked her legs frantically as he continued to crack his palm down hard on her bare bottom. He had a vice-like grip on her and Chloe was distressed to find she could not move one inch as his hand relentlessly smacked down on her quivering bottom cheeks.

  “Please, stop,” she begged, as his gloved hand smacked from cheek to cheek, quickly building up the heat in her behind. “I’m sorry,” she yelped, as he continued to pepper sharp smacks all over her bottom. Chloe whimpered in pain, grateful when his hand finally stilled and he rubbed her bottom gently. Still certain that it was Matthew who was spanking her, she wondered when he was finally going to say something to her. She had expected a scolding at the very least, and his silence was unnerving.

  Glancing over her shoulder, she was horrified to see him unfastening his thick black leather belt from around his vast waist. She stared at his girth and thought how real it looked, and wondered where on earth Matthew had got such realistic padding. He visited the gym regularly and there wasn’t an ounce of fat on his body, but he was carrying the rotund look off very well.

  She thought about getting up, especially as he was no longer holding her down, but for some reason she felt impelled to stay in position and accept whatever he gave to her. Strangely enough, she also felt physically unable to move. Glancing up at his face, hidden beneath the vast beard, she was confused by the way it seemed in proportion with his body. As she tried to focus on his eyes, her attention was instead drawn to his heavy belt, which was now free of the loops in his trousers and was hanging from his hand. She watched in stunned silence as he doubled it up and held the two ends together in his large hand. She frowned, never having noticed that his hands were quite so large.

  Chloe yelped as he once again took a firm hold on her and cracked the belt down on her squirming bottom. “Please Matthew, I’ve had enough,” she whimpered, as the leather striped her bottom once more. Chloe sobbed with frustration, as she was totally unable to move her bottom out of the way of the stinging strap, as it relentlessly striped her bare bottom over and over again. Nothing she could do seemed to prevent the heavy strap from finding its target each and every time, as the pain in her bottom built up to an unbearable level. As the eleventh and twelfth strokes cracked down on her upper thighs, Chloe shrieked loudly and kicked her legs frantically. She then slumped across his lap, utterly exhausted, and started to cry.

  Chloe was quickly beginning to think it might not be Matthew spanking her bottom. She couldn’t believe he could be so harsh with her, but she couldn’t bring herself to believe that it really was Santa. He isn’t real, she kept telling herself, but the spanking he was giving her was definitely real - and it hurt a lot, she thought, as Santa’s gloved hand connected with her stinging bottom as he started to spank her once more.

  He finally stopped once more and dangled something in front of her. Chloe turned her head to see what it was. “What’s that?” she asked, staring at the length of polished wood swinging from a small leather loop suspended from his finger.

  “It’s a Christmas gift, for your long suffering husband,” he told her, confirming her fears that her husband was not the one delivering a spanking to her bare bottom. “It’s a wooden spanking paddle, for him to use on your naughty bottom whenever you misbehave,” he added. Chloe gasped and her eyes widened as she stared at it. The voice was definitely not her husband’s, but she felt a strange trust for this man. His voice sounded vaguely familiar, as if she’d heard it before, but she couldn’t quite place it. She realised that she should have felt frightened, but oddly enough she didn’t. For some unknown reason, she trusted this man who was causing her more pain than she had ever felt in her young life.

  As her Santa continued to scold her and reminded her that her husband was coming home to spank her later, she realised with sudden relief that it must be her father. She was of course utterly humiliated that he had taken her across his lap once more, and even more embarrassed that he had bared her bottom this time, but after her scolding earlier that day on the telephone, and his threat to do exactly this to her, she realised it had to be her father. There was no other explanation.

  His harsh words when she admitted she had bought nothing for Matthew for Christmas echoed in her ears, and she vowed to be a good girl and take what she knew in her heart she deserved. He had clearly decided that she needed to be brought into line, but she wondered why he had come in disguise, and how on earth he was disguising his voice so well.

  As she tried to come to terms with how humiliating it was to be across her father’s lap once more, her next thought was how much a wooden paddle might hurt as he rubbed it gently against her seat. Not wanting to think about her father spanking her, she decided it was easier to imagine that it really was Father Christmas giving her bare bottom a paddling. It somehow felt less daunting.

  She howled as Santa quickly demonstrated the paddle’s effectiveness as he briskly spanked her already stinging bottom cheeks. Chloe suddenly realised that it didn’t matter who her “Santa” was; he was hurting her bottom and her thoughts were suddenly centred on her stinging butt cheeks. Her legs scissored frantically, but once more she realised that her frantic squirming only tired her out and did not move her bottom even one inch out of position. She briefly thought how her father had struggled to hold her still the one time he had spanked her, and she wondered how he cou
ld suddenly hold her so tightly, but her thoughts evaporated as the paddle cracked down once more, drawing a howl of pain from her.

  Chloe kicked her legs and cried out loud, promising to be a good girl, as tears rolled down her cheeks. She was relieved when Santa finally stopped cracking that awful paddle down on her stinging bottom and helped her to her feet. She was embarrassed when he made her stand in front of him, but at least he’d stopped smacking her. Wiping away her tears, she glanced down at him and he smiled kindly. Chloe smiled back, confused as his smile looked a little like her father’s, but his eyes seemed totally different – they were a lot older and bright blue, whereas her father had dark brown eyes.

  “Chloe,” Santa said, startling her and causing her to gaze deeply into his eyes. “Your husband Matthew loves you very much. He does not deserve to be rewarded with such bad behaviour from you. Even now, after your disgraceful tantrum this morning, he is out trying to do everything to make your Christmas perfect when what he should be doing is tanning your backside and sending you to bed to contemplate your childish behaviour. Look at everything he’s already bought you, and still you demand more,” he said sternly.

  Chloe hung her head in shame. She realised that her happiness meant everything to Matthew. She recalled her conversation with her father earlier in the day and realised he had come up with this plan to teach her a harsh lesson. Convinced that her father had been so angry that he had sent someone around to punish her – it was the only logical explanation - Chloe was overcome with guilt and she started to sob. He immediately pulled her into his arms and held her close.

  “Hush now,” he comforted her. “Dry those silly tears and sit on Santa’s knee. We need to have a little chat,” he told her.

  Stunned, Chloe immediately stopped crying and looked at him once more, glancing down at his lap as he patted his knee gently and encouraged her to sit down. “Chloe, it has come to Santa’s attention that you have bought your husband nothing for Christmas,” he said, shaking his head and sighing. “Is that right, young lady?”

  Chloe hung her head in shame and nodded. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  Santa put his fingers under her chin and tilted her face up, forcing her to look at him. “Chloe, although you’ve given your husband your love, which is the greatest gift of all - and monetary things really shouldn’t be important at all - Matthew will be very hurt if he gives you a pile of presents and you give him nothing at all in return. He’ll think you’re selfish and that you don’t really love him,” he said, stroking her cheek tenderly and smiling at her. “You don’t want him to think that, do you?” he asked, continuing to caress her cheek.

  Chloe shook her head, tears rolling down her cheeks once more. She hadn’t meant to be selfish, but she could see now that she had been. She tried to remember a time when she’d done something for someone else, but she couldn’t think of anything. She truly was selfish, she realised with anguish, as her tears continued to flow. Taking a deep breath, she got her emotions under control and dried her eyes.

  “Santa, I promise I’ll take Matthew out on Boxing Day. We’ll have a great day. We can do whatever he wants, and I’ll buy him something really special,” she enthused, her smile disappearing quickly as Santa shook his head disapprovingly. She realised immediately that wouldn’t do at all.

  Chloe tried to imagine how she would feel if there were no gifts under the tree from Matthew, and as an after thought he offered to take her shopping the next day, once Christmas was over. Tears filled her eyes and rolled down her cheeks as she knew she would feel totally unloved if Matthew did that to her. She glanced at her watch and realised it was too late to get him anything now. The shops would be closed. Putting her head in her hands, her sobbing increased.

  “Chloe, look at me,” Santa told her, and she lifted her head, frowning as a pile of items were laid out on the bed in front of her, including a leather wallet, a brown leather briefcase, Matthew’s favourite sweets, his favourite aftershave and some clothes. There was also an executive desk toy that he would love, and she smiled as she imagined him playing with it. She recalled her father having one at home, and she smiled as she thought of the times Matthew had absently took hold of the end ball, pulled it back and let it go, watching in fascination as it hit the other balls and caused a cradle motion.

  Chloe’s train of thought was suddenly broken as she wondered where these items had come from. She knew they definitely weren’t on her bed a minute ago. She also knew that Santa hadn’t moved from her bed as she had been sat on his knee – or over his knee, she thought, blushing as she reached back to caress her stinging bottom - the whole time. Forgetting her concerns she smiled, thinking how much Matthew would love them all. They were absolutely perfect.

  “Chloe, I’ve personally selected these items for Matthew, but there is a price to pay for them,” Santa told her, stroking her hair gently as he smiled kindly at her.

  Chloe nodded and pushed herself to her feet, but Santa gripped her wrist and pulled her back. “I’m just going to get my purse,” Chloe explained, squirming anxiously as Santa held her wrist firmly. She didn’t want to make him angry and earn another spanking. She looked into his eyes and she knew in an instant this man was not her husband, nor was he her father, but once again she felt calm and not at all worried. But if it wasn’t her father and it wasn’t Matthew, who on earth was it. She tried to recall all of her father’s friends and business associates, but he didn’t look familiar at all. Maybe Matthew’s sent him, she thought.

  “Never you mind who I might be,” Santa told her, smiling as Chloe’s mouth dropped open in shock. She wondered if she had spoken her thoughts out loud and she guessed that she must have. There was no other explanation. “You clearly don’t believe in Santa Claus now you’re a big girl,” he said, winking at her and smiling. Chloe stared at him in stunned silence, looking at his deep wrinkles and those eyes that seemed so old yet so full of life. She blinked rapidly, wondering if Santa really could be real. Pinching her arm, she tried to wake herself up, knowing she must be dreaming. She yelped and rubbed her arm, but when she glanced up, Santa was still there, large as life.

  “Chloe,” he said softly, gripping her hand. “These gifts can not be paid for with money. You must pay for these in a very special way, a way that will show me if indeed you do love your husband, or if you really are just a nasty, spoiled little girl. You also really ought to consider your father’s happiness, and that of your stepmother Mary. She’s treated you like a daughter, but you treat her like dirt. Your father has enough love for both of you; he always has had. Don’t you think it hurts him to see you treat the woman he loves so badly?” he asked.

  Tears stung Chloe’s eyes, and she rapidly blinked them away as Santa stopped talking and leaned across the bed to retrieve the discarded paddle.

  “Chloe, I want you to think about your behaviour in general and I also want you to think about how your actions affect others, but for now we’ll return to the matter in hand,” he said, indicated the gifts that lay on the bed beside him. “There are ten gifts here. For each gift that you would like to give to Matthew, you must take ten smacks of this paddle on your bare bottom,” he said, holding the paddle up in front of him. She swallowed anxiously as she reached back and caressed her stinging bottom.

  “You can take as many or as few of the gifts as you want, but each one will cost you ten smacks of the paddle on your already tender bottom,” he told her. “But of course, you can choose to give your husband nothing, if you wish,” he said, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.

  Chloe looked at the paddle and swallowed nervously. Her bottom was already much sorer than it had been when her father had spanked her. At the time she thought nothing could hurt as much as that spanking had, but she was distraught to discover that some spankings were even more painful than that one had been. She looked at the gifts on the bed and thought about Matthew. She tried to imagine the disappointment on his face if she once more had nothing to give him, and her
heart ached as her eyes welled with tears. She glanced back at the paddle and although she couldn’t bear the thought of another spanking, she knew in her heart what she had to do.

  “I’d like to take them all please,” she said, “if that’s OK.” She hoped desperately that Santa wouldn’t think she was being greedy. She simply wanted to give Matthew the best Christmas ever and this was her only option at the moment to be able to prove her love to him. “I’ve been selfish and I want to make it up to Matthew,” she added, hoping that Santa would realise her greed on this occasion wasn’t greed, but a genuine attempt to show her husband that she did care and wouldn’t take him for granted any longer. She desperately wanted to change her selfish ways.

  Santa smiled at her as he helped her to her feet. “You’re not greedy, Chloe,” he assured her, again seeming to have read her thoughts. “In fact you’ve just showed me how incredibly generous you are,” he said kindly, as he guided her across his lap. “You’re willing to take further pain to show your love for your husband.” He patted the paddle against her bottom as he spoke, and Chloe shuffled forward, raising her behind towards the paddle and gripping the ankle of his trousers tightly, willing herself not to reach back. She gritted her teeth and waited.

  As Santa patted the paddle gently against her bottom, Chloe’s fingers rubbed the thick velvet of his trouser leg and she idly wondered how much Santa’s outfit had cost. She had never seen one of the many Santa Clauses in the malls and shopping centres wearing something so plush.

  Chloe took a deep breath and her attention was focused once more on her sore bottom as Santa raised the paddle in the air. She held her breath, awaiting the unpleasant sting, and was pleasantly surprised when he proceeded to give her one hundred of the gentlest smacks ever on her bottom with the paddle. She barely even felt it as it bounced almost playfully off her butt cheeks.


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