Chloe's Christmas Lesson

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Chloe's Christmas Lesson Page 7

by Carole Archer

  A few minutes later Chloe’s father and Matthew returned with a tray of coffee and biscuits. Chloe sat beside Mary and held her hand, chatting excitedly about her plans for a spring wedding. She smiled and wished she’d accepted Mary as her mother years earlier. She’d missed out on so much because of her stubborn temper.

  The four of them enjoyed a really pleasant afternoon and when it was time to go home, Chloe hugged her father and apologised to him.

  Holding her at arm’s length, he smiled as he looked at her. “I knew you were a good girl really,” he said, kissing her on the cheek. “Maybe she really did get a visit from Santa,” he teased, looking at Matthew.

  Chloe was horrified when Matthew smiled and said “I don’t know about Santa visiting, but I took her across my knee last night and gave her a long overdue spanking on her bare bottom. Maybe that’s part of the reason for her change in behaviour,” he smiled, wrapping his arm around Chloe’s waist and kissing her cheek.

  Jake nodded. “I don’t care what the reason is. I’m just pleased she’s finally decided to stop being such a brat,” he said.

  Chloe scowled, annoyed that they were talking about her as if she wasn’t there, and she was mortified when her father reached out and shook Matthew’s hand, giving him a congratulatory slap on the back for spanking her.

  “I don’t care what you all say,” Chloe snapped. “Santa did visit me, even if it was only in my dreams,” she said, knowing in her heart that it had been much more than that. “He made me see the error of my ways.”

  As Mary’s arms wrapped around her, Chloe smiled and hugged her tightly. Santa was right; it was much better to be happy than stamping around in a huff all the time.

  “I love you Mum,” she whispered, smiling as Mary’s body trembled in her arms.

  Chloe smiled as she released her and her father immediately pulled Mary into his arms and kissed her tears away, as a smiling Matthew led Chloe out to the car.

  “I’m so proud of you,” he told her, hugging her tight. “Now let’s go home and open that last present,” Matthew urged her, leading her to the car and driving her home.

  Chloe smiled, hoping that her good behaviour might make Matthew gentler with her if Santa really had left that nasty paddle. But if he deemed that she deserved a sound spanking, she would do her best to take it well, in lieu of her bad behaviour over the years. She was ready to wipe the slate clean, and she needed Matthew’s help to do that.

  Chapter Nine

  “I really was very proud of you today,” Matthew told his young wife as they entered their home. He wrapped his arms around her, smiling his approval. “That took real guts.”

  Chloe sighed deeply. “I’m sorry I’ve been so horrible at times,” she replied, gripping his hand.

  Matthew shook his head and led her to the sofa, where they sat down together and he picked up his remaining gift. Grinning, he lifted the lid and frowned when it took no effort to move it this time. “I must have loosened it earlier,” he said, a puzzled expression on his face as he put the lid to one side.

  Chloe chewed her lip anxiously as she watched him remove the tissue paper from the top of the box. The contents were as much a mystery to her, and she suppressed a grin as this thought struck her.

  “Oh wow,” exclaimed Matthew, as he lifted out a pair of red satin panties with white fur trim, and a matching bra. He looked at her, his eyes sparkling, a huge grin lighting up his face. “Are you going to put them on for me?” he asked, licking his lips in anticipation.

  “In a minute,” she said, peering into the box. “After you’ve got everything out of there,” she added, taking the skimpy underwear from him and smiling. Santa certainly has good taste in underwear, she thought happily.

  Matthew then took out a sealed envelope and opened it, reading the note and smiling at her as he put it to one side. Chloe immediately picked it up and stared open mouthed at the type written message. After scanning over the words, she read it out loud. She wasn’t sure whether this was for Matthew’s benefit, or to help her take in what she had supposedly said to him.

  “Daddy,” she began, blushing as she used that name again to address her husband. “I’m sorry that I behaved like a naughty little girl yesterday when I threw a tantrum. My punishment last night was a good start, but that’s all it was – a start.” Chloe took a deep breath before continuing.

  “I believe that you should strip me naked, take my temperature rectally and give me a sound spanking on my bare bottom, with hand and hairbrush, before administering a proper enema to thoroughly clean all the naughtiness out of me.” Chloe glanced up at Matthew and blushed as he was smiling and rubbing his crotch, where a large bulge was evident.

  Glancing down at the note, she continued to read. “Afterwards, I think you ought to spank me with your new paddle, insert a soap stick into my bottom, followed by the large butt plug, and put me to bed. The sexy underwear is for your pleasure, either after my punishment tonight or maybe tomorrow. I’m truly sorry for my behaviour and desperately want to make amends. Love always, your baby girl, Chloe xxx”

  Chloe’s blush deepened as she glanced up at Matthew, who grinned as he took the paddle out of the box, with a huge bow tied around the handle. She squirmed as she recalled Santa smacking her with it the previous evening and was not too keen on making its acquaintance once more. She gasped as Matthew removed a rectal thermometer, a jar of lubricant, a large enema bag with large nozzle, a packet of soapsuds, a plastic bag containing several short fat soap sticks and a large butt plug from the box. Matthew beamed with delight as he put the items to one side and picked the paddle up. He removed the bright red bow and put it on the arm of the sofa. “Maybe I should use that as a colour guide when I’m smacking your bottom,” he told her, smiling. Chloe gasped and stared at him.

  “Chloe, I’m teasing you,” he said, pulling her close. “Your behaviour has been impeccable today, and I’d feel bad giving you such a harsh punishment.” Chloe smiled. “Unless of course you feel you need it?” he added.

  Chloe closed her eyes and swallowed anxiously. “I need it,” she heard herself respond quietly. “Please, Daddy,” she added, clutching his hand and surprisingly herself with her words as much as she surprised Matthew.

  “OK,” he said, standing up and pulling her to her feet. “Let’s get it over with and then we can have some fun.”

  As he gathered together his ‘gifts’, Matthew turned to face her, frowning slightly. “Chloe, how did you know when you wrapped this gift yesterday that I would punish you in such a way last night?” he asked.

  Shaking her head and smiling, Chloe replied “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you”. Bending forward, she picked up her underwear and headed upstairs. He didn’t believe her that Santa had visited, so there was no way he would believe that Santa had left these gifts. Smiling, she entered her room, walked to the corner and put her hands on her head to wait for her “Daddy”.

  She couldn’t believe how much stress had been relieved the previous evening with her spankings, and how much better she felt. She couldn’t help thinking that Santa had left them the perfect present.

  Chapter Ten

  Chloe clung to Matthew’s hand as he led her into their bedroom, and she lowered her eyes as he slowly undressed her. She was used to being naked in front of him, and she certainly wasn’t shy, but this was under entirely different circumstances and she flushed with embarrassment as he picked up the thermometer and lubricant and walked her across to the bed, where he sat down and guided her across his lap.

  Chloe gasped as he immediately parted her butt cheeks and slipped his finger into her tight hole, lubricating her well before removing his finger and slipping the end of the thermometer into her.

  “Be a good girl and hold still,” he told her, while twisting the thermometer inside her bottom. Chloe squirmed in embarrassment as he continued to play with the thermometer, not letting her forget for one second why she was across his lap.

  After several long
minutes, Chloe was relieved to feel the thermometer slide out of her anus as her bottom cheeks were released.

  “Now then, young lady,” he said, grasping her firmly around the waist. “When I tell you to hold still, I expect you to do as you’re told,” he scolded her, as he smacked his hand down on her bottom. “You’ve earned yourself a spanking, you naughty girl.” He smacked his hand down firmly on her left butt cheek before landing an equally stinging smack to her right.

  Chloe wiggled her bottom, desperately trying to avoid his smacks, but something felt different. Although the smacks were hurting and she tried to move her bottom away from his hard hand, she was in no way as distressed as she was the previous evening. Also, she couldn’t deny her arousal, which seemed to increase along with the heat in her bottom.

  “Have you learned your lesson?” he asked, patting her bottom gently.

  “Oh yes, Daddy,” she grinned, squirming her bottom and giggling.

  “Well I never,” he exclaimed. “You don’t seem to be taking this seriously at all, young lady. Let’s see if a dose of the hairbrush will improve your behaviour,” he playfully scolded, as he picked up the brush and smacked it firmly from cheek to cheek. Chloe squealed and kicked her legs, but although the sting in her bottom increased, so too did her arousal.

  After a couple of minutes of spanking with the hairbrush, Chloe was helped to her feet. “Come with me, young lady,” he said, taking her hand and leading her to the bathroom. Filling a jug with warm water, he added a large amount of soap flakes to it and swirled the water around until the soap was dissolved and the jug was full of milky liquid. Chloe chewed her lip anxiously, wondering how she would hold that much water in her tummy. The disposable enema she had received the previous day held a fraction of that, and she had worried then that she might have had an accident.

  “Hold this,” Matthew said, handing the empty enema bag to her. She watched wide-eyed as he poured the liquid into the bag and hung it on a stand, attaching the butt plug to the tubing that led from it. She watched in stunned silence as he lubricated the plug, before putting it down on the sink and seating himself on the closed toilet.

  “Come here,” he told her, pulling her between his legs and kissing her stomach, as one hand roamed between her legs, his thumb rubbing firmly against her clit. Chloe threw her head back and gasped as two of his fingers slipped inside her. “Good girl,” he encouraged her, as she squatted slightly, her legs trembling as she became more aroused.

  Chloe whimpered as he stopped and guided her across his lap, but was delighted when he continued to masturbate her. As he pumped his fingers in and out of her slick pussy, she felt another finger press against her anus. She thrust against him as his fingers brought her close to orgasm, and as his finger slipped out of her bottomhole and he pressed the plug in its place, she cried out loud, bucking against his lap as he gently pressed the plug into her tight hole as her orgasm rocked her entire body. Chloe gasped as the plug stretched her bottomhole wide, and she was grateful that he allowed her to get used to it inside her for a moment before opening the clamp.

  As her heart rate returned to normal and she slumped across his lap, she heard a click and felt the water start to flow into her bottom. She squirmed slightly, embarrassed that her husband was doing this to her. As the water continued to fill her, her squirming increased as the soap irritated her insides and she felt bloated. “Daddy, please stop,” she cried out, and she was surprised when the clamp was immediately closed.

  Chloe clenched her buttocks as he helped her to her feet and rubbed her tummy gently. “Good girl,” he encouraged her, as he laid a towel on the floor and told her to kneel down. “Rest your head on your hands and push your bottom into the air,” he told her, kneeling beside her and rubbing her back and bottom as she thrust it out. Chloe jumped as she heard a click and the water started to flow into her once more, but she relaxed as he reached under her to caress her stomach. Once more it became too much and Chloe whined, “Please Daddy, it hurts”.

  Once more the flow was immediately stopped and Matthew encouraged Chloe to lie on her side. He knelt beside her, guiding her knees into a bent position as he started the flow once more. As he rubbed her swollen tummy with one hand, Matthew started to smack Chloe’s bottom gently with his other hand. When she asked him once more to stop the flow, he leaned down and kissed her cheek gently.

  “It’s empty,” he told her. “You’re such a good girl,” he praised as he helped her to her feet. “Wait here, Daddy won’t be a minute.” He left her alone in the bathroom and Chloe looked down at her swollen tummy and rubbed it gently. She got another cramp and whimpered as she doubled up in pain, but her Daddy was back and he rubbed her back and tummy until the pain had gone.

  “Chloe, can you be Daddy’s really good girl?” he asked, showing her the paddle.

  Chloe gulped and nodded her head. “I’ll try, Daddy,” she whimpered quietly.

  “Good girl,” he praised her, as he turned her to face the toilet and pushed her forward, bending her over, her hands flat on the seat.

  “Just six smacks, then Daddy will take the plug out and you can go potty,” he told her, pressing his hand down on her back and patting the paddle against her sit spots, just below the plug that poked out of her bottom.

  Chloe held her breath, gasping as the paddle smacked down firmly. “Oooh, Daddy,” she shrieked, yelping as he landed a second smack.

  “I want my little girl to feel this spanking when she sits her naughty bottom on the toilet,” he told her, smacking the paddle down twice more. Chloe whimpered and straightened up, but he pressed firmly on her back.

  “Come on, only two more smacks to go,” he told her, rubbing the paddle against his target. “Good girl,” he whispered as he smacked the paddle down harder. “Hold tight, last one coming up,” he reassured her, cracking the paddle down hard. Chloe yelled and stamped her feet, standing up and clutching her bottom.

  “Daddy, that hurt,” she complained, clutching her tummy, her face contorted in pain as another cramp hit. One hand rubbed her tummy and the other reached back to caress her stinging bottom. She glanced up at Matthew and she smiled weakly as he grinned at her and lifted the toilet seat.

  “Good girl,” he told her once more, as he bent her forward, grasped the base of the plug and pulled it out firmly, turning her back towards the toilet and pushing her down onto the seat. Chloe yelped and tried to stand up as her sit spots were pressed firmly against the seat, but as she rose to her feet another cramp hit and she dropped down onto the toilet seat again, squealing once more.

  Matthew knelt in front of her and gripped her hands, smiling encouragingly as she raised her head and looked at him.

  “Good girl, let’s get all this nasty poison out of your body,” he encouraged her, rubbing her tummy gently. “Be Daddy’s good girl,” he whispered, smiling as she closed her eyes, her breathing ragged as sweat beaded on her brow.

  Chloe whimpered and clutched her Daddy’s hand, her teeth gritted as the enema rushed out of her with urgency. Her cheeks flushed with shame as it took several long minutes to empty her bowels, but when she felt sure she had finished, she opened her eyes and looked at him.

  “Thank you Daddy,” she whispered, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. “I’m finished.” Her heart swelled with pride as he smiled brightly at her. Standing her up, he flushed the toilet, put the lid down, seating himself on the toilet and guided her across his lap, where he took his time wiping her bottom clean. Although Chloe was a little embarrassed, she was once again becoming aroused and she parted her legs for him.

  “Such a dirty little girl,” he said, rubbing her clit firmly as she writhed across his lap. “Let’s see if this cures my naughty girl,” he playfully scolded, as he brought the paddle down on her bottom. Chloe yelped and kicked her legs, but immediately pushed her bottom out to meet the next smack of the paddle. She squirmed on his lap, her bottom raised, her legs parted, and she squealed with delight as the paddle reddened her butt c

  “Oh Daddy,” she squealed. “I’m sorry I’m such a naughty girl. Please smack my bare bottom until I learn to be good,” she begged him, giggling as he pulled her closer and gave her bottom a rapid volley of sharp smacks. Although her bottom was burning, her pussy was also generating heat and she longed to feel his fingers between her legs.

  She jumped as she heard a clattering noise, and glanced across her shoulder to see that he had dropped the paddle to the floor and was now spanking her bottom with his hand. She gasped and pushed her bottom out towards his hand, groaning as his hard smacks stung her butt cheeks and upper thighs. She gasped as he brought his hand up between her legs and smacked her pussy firmly, leaving his hand against her hairless mound and pressing his fingers between her lips. As she approached orgasm, he gave her pussy another sharp smack, before once more rubbing her clit firmly.

  Chloe threw her head back and cried out, her body jerking rapidly as he continued to rub her clit. “Oh Daddy,” she yelled. “Please!”

  Chloe slumped against his lap, her breathing ragged, and she closed her legs as his stimulation of her clit became too much. She smiled as he gently rubbed her bottom and his finger pressed against her anus. Opening her legs, her eyes widened as he pushed something into her bottom.

  “Good girl,” he whispered, patting her bottom gently and pressing a much larger item against her bottomhole. He started to slowly push it in and Chloe gasped. “Daddy, what are you doing?” she squealed, wiggling her bottom in an attempt to stop the large plug going any further.

  “I’ve put a soap stick in my naughty little girl’s bottom,” he told her, “and I’m putting a large butt plug into her bottom to keep it in place while she sleeps,” he told her, as he pressed insistently against the plug, forcing the soap stick deeper into her rectum.


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