Star Wars - X-Wing - Rogue Squadron

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Star Wars - X-Wing - Rogue Squadron Page 16

by Michael A. Stackpole

  reinforcing my shields or keeping the gravjectors operational. I made the former

  choice, recovered five Interceptors, and went to light speed."

  Devlia leaned forward. "They were waiting for the Black Asp. They came out of

  hyperspace right on top of her."

  Kirtan stroked his chin. "I don't see that one thing establishes the other. I

  see no evidence of an ambush."

  Iillor's head came up. "That's what I've been telling the Admiral."

  "You're both blind."

  "I think, sir, with all due respect, you are making unwarranted assumptions."

  Kirtan began to pace around the edge of the table, passing behind the Admiral

  and back again. "Interdictor cruisers are designed to pull ships out of

  hyperspace. Of course, only where the route is known in advance can they be

  positioned in such a way that doing that is possible. In this case, since the

  Black Asp was in the Chorax system specifically to prevent a ship from entering

  hyperspace, you have chosen to discard one of its primary functions."


  Which is precisely the kind of mistake I would have made previously. Kirtan

  allowed himself a slight smile. "Check your thinking. If you chose to ambush an

  Interdictor cruiser, would you do so with a single squadron of X-wings?"

  Devlia's face reddened. "Perhaps / would not, but I have training most Rebel

  officers do not."

  "Granted, sir, yet the Rebels are not without wise leadership." Kirtan left

  allusions to Yavin and Endor unvoiced, but he saw by Devlia's expression the man

  had caught them anyway. "I might ask why the Rebels would waste their time

  attacking an Interdictor cruiser at all? No disrespect intended to you, Captain

  lillor, or your ship, but the action of Interdictors is hardly crippling to the

  Rebellion. Our main battle fleets are garrisoning key worlds, like Corellia and

  Kuat, so even predation on Interdictors is unlikely to draw them out."

  lillor did not smile, but her nod was not as stiff as before. "My assumption was

  that we had suffered the misfortune of pulling a convoy out of hyperspace, but

  the Admiral found such coincidence unlikely."

  Kirtan smiled. "The Admiral, despite this mis-judgment, is formidable enough

  that I should think the Rebels utter fools to operate in his command sector."

  Devlia had opened his mouth to protest the first half of Kirtan's statement. The

  second half, which Kirtan had added as a sop to the man's vanity, killed the

  Admiral's comment and clicked his jaw shut.

  The Intelligence agent again focused on Captain lillor. "How did you identify

  them as Rogue Squadron?"

  "Communication intercepts used 'Rogue' call

  signs. Visual data is not very good, but there is a unique unit crest painted on

  the S-foils. Preliminary searches correlate it with a crest said to be that of

  Rogue Squadron. Also the Pulsar Skate is a ship with Corellian connections, just

  like Wedge Antilles. And the pilots were hotthey took off seven of my

  Interceptors, with the last two falling to an X-wing that was dead."

  Devlia leaned back. "Interesting, but circumstantial, as I am sure Agent Loor

  will agree."

  "Circumstantial, yes, but persuasive." Everything she had said about the

  squadron that attacked the Black Asp did seem to point to Rogue Squadron. Kirtan

  doubted any other unit in the Rebellion would sport Rogue call signs, and the

  crest data would have to be checked. Still and all it was not conclusive. It is,

  however, a start.

  "Captain, did your shuttle stay in-system and monitor the squadron for outbound

  vector and speed?"

  lillor scowled. "No, and Lieutenant Potin has been reprimanded for fleeing when

  not threatened. I do have entry vector and velocity data, and it is

  triangulated with the data from the shuttle."

  "That's something, then."

  "I will make certain you have it in time for your return to Imperial Center,

  Agent Loor." Devlia stood. "Assuming you want nothing else here."

  "I do want to speak to the pilots who flew against the X-wings as well as review

  any data recorded from the Interceptors that were destroyed."

  "I'll see the interviews are arranged right away."

  "Take your time, Admiral. The next two or three days will be soon enough."

  The old man's expression soured. "Staying that long are you?"

  "Longer, I suspect." Kirtan smiled broadly for the Admiral. "If Rogue Squadron

  is operating in this area, and I believe it is, I'll leave only after we've

  found them and destroyed them, and not a moment sooner."


  In only two weeks, while the official request for a new phi-inverted lateral

  stabilizer languished in red-tape limbo, Emtrey found a pair of phi-inverted

  lateral stabilizers that the Pulsar Skate dropped off on its second run to

  Talasea. The Rogues' Verpine tech used the new parts to replace the older,

  damaged parts. In synchronizing them, Zraii managed to smooth things out so

  Corran noticed a five percent increase in power at full throttle, with a three

  percent reduction in fuel consumption.

  Corran throttled back slightly, matching his speed to that of Ooryl. "Three

  Flight to leadwe're all in formation, sir."

  "I copy, Nine. Stand by."

  "As ordered, Lead." Corran smiled broadly in spite of himself. Back when he was

  with CorSec he had hated escort duty, but after two weeks on the ground he would

  have volunteered to go after Death Stars even if they were strung around a

  system like pearls on a necklace. Even during his time on the run from Corellia

  he'd managed to fly at least once

  a week, even though that was well outside the profile of the identity Gil

  Bastra had created for him.

  He turned and looked back at Whistler. "Has Emtrey come up with any information

  based on his analysis of the ID Gil made up for me?"

  A mournful hoot came in reply as the word "No" appeared on his display.

  "Yeah, I don't like the idea of never seeing Gil again, either." He glanced at

  his sensor monitor. "Twelve, trim it up a bit there, you're slipping behind.


  "No difficulty. Compliance."

  "Good. Keep close. This mission should be easy enough that a nerf-herder could

  do it, but the other side will be shooting back, so we have to be careful."

  Despite the light tone in his voice he knew things could get nasty. Alliance

  operatives had been conducting surveys of Core worlds to assess the political

  climate and determine the strength of Imperial forces protecting them. On one

  run back toward their operations baseknown to the pilots only as "Black Curs

  Base," with no location specified for security reasonsthey ran into the Strike

  cruiser Havoc. The Rebels went to ground on a small jungle planet in the Hensara

  system. They sank their ship, a modified Imperial Customs frigate, in a deep

  lake and lacked the equipment needed to repair damage that would allow them to

  move it again.

  The Havoc grounded an Imperial walker and two scouts along with two platoons of

  stormtroopers. While their reported progress in searching out the Rebels had

  been slow, they started relatively close to the lake, so the ship's discovery

  was a matter of time. The Alliance had reconciled i
tself to the loss of the

  ship and had intended a covert extraction of the operatives, then the Havoc left

  the system.

  providing a window for repair and escape of the frigate Battle of Yavin.

  Wedge sent the squadron the coordinates for the trip to the Hensara system. To

  cover the location of their base, the journey would be undertaken in three

  parts. The first jump, a short one, would take them to their first transit

  point, an uninhabited star system not far from the Morobe system. From there

  they would jump back out Rimward to the second transit system and back in to the

  Hensara system.

  While the multiple jumps and changes of direction would add hours to the flight

  time, obscuring their point of origin was vital. The Alliance had learned that

  spreading out its forces meant it was all but impossible for the Empire to land

  a deathblow to the Rebellion. But for the efforts of a courageous few on Hoth,

  the Rebellion's headquarters would have been destroyed and the Rebellion along

  with it. Without taking precautions, they would pinpoint the location of their

  base and invite retaliation.

  They made the first jump on Wedge's mark and came out in the fringes of the

  transit system all in one piece. The X-wings maneuvered around to the exit

  vector quickly, then had to mark time as the Skate and the Corellian corvette

  Eridain came about. Corran nudged his throttle back a notch, shortening the gap

  between him and the Gand.

  The larger ships reported they were ready, so the whole convoy shot into

  hyperspace and came out in the second transit system intact. The course

  adjustment there was not as radical as the one from the first system, so they

  headed out quickly and arrived in the Hensara system just outside the

  gravitational tug of the third planet.

  Corran heard Tycho's voice come through the comm. "Rogue Leader, Captain Afyon

  reports a clean scan of the system. You're clear for your run."


  "Copy, Control. Three Flight, you fly CAP. Two and One, on me."

  Corran let a low snarl resound in his throat. Flying Combat Aerospace Patrol

  meant his flight would remain at the edge of Hensara Ill's atmosphere against

  the possible incursion of any Imperial forces. The other eight fighters in the

  squadron were going to escort the Skate down and strafe the Imperial mudbugs and

  the durasteel dogs they had hunting Dirk Harkness and his compatriots on the

  planet. Strafing runs against ground troopseven stormtrooperswasn't much in

  the action department, but it was better than skipping across atmosphere,

  shooting at nothing.

  He shrugged. "Maybe slagging an AT-AT will sweeten Jace's disposition."

  Whistler gave a stuttered chirp that sounded as close as the droid could manage

  to a laugh.

  Corran matched it with some laughter of his own. "Jace clearly figures that

  because his name rhymes with 'ace' he should be one. He can't understand why

  TIE pilots don't just line up for him to vape them all in one pass."

  Tycho's urgent comm call cut off Whistler's trilled comment. "Control to all

  Rogues. We have a Strike cruiser that just jumped in-system. Profile matches

  Havoc, but two fighter bays have been added. TIEs are launching."

  "Three Flight, lock S-foils in attack position." Corran glanced at his sensor

  display. "Come to a heading of 272 degrees."

  "Control here. I have thirty-six, repeat, three-six TIEs launched. Six

  Interceptors, six bombers, and twenty-four, repeat, two-four starfighters.

  Eridain beginning evasive maneuvers. Wait. Confirm, bombers are heading to


  "We copy, Control." Wedge's voice came

  through strong despite being nibbled upon by static. "Rogues Three and Four, the

  bombers are yours. The rest are ours. Keep them off the Eridain"

  "As ordered, Rogue Leader." Corran shoved his throttle full forward. "Go all

  out, Three Flight. Into the middle, shoot at anything that isn't an X-wing. Call

  if you need help."

  Under normal circumstances Corran knew that flying into the teeth of an enemy

  formation would have been suicidal, but odds of thirty-to-four weren't all that

  conducive to long-term survival anyway. Since running wasn't an option, doing

  what the enemy didn't expect would buy him a second or two of surprise, and that

  would keep him alive just that much longer.

  Hauling back on his stick and canting it ever so slightly to the side, he

  brought the X-wing up into a lopsided corkscrew maneuver. While the jerky

  motion of the ship's nose meant he didn't have a flame's chance on Hoth of

  hitting anything, he was that much harder to hit himself. He pumped more power

  into his shields, then shot through a flurry of laser bolts before he penetrated

  the Imperial formation.

  He hauled back on his stick, killing the weaving flight and arrowing his ship up

  into a flight of TIEs. He lined one starfighter up in his sights and let it have

  a quad blast of lasers. As the eyeball exploded, he cut the stick hard to

  starboard, then rolled out into a level line that continued his original course,

  with a half-kilometer cut to the right thrown in. As the TIE formation collapsed

  in after him, he cruised out the other side of it.

  Inverting his X-wing, he pulled the fighter into a loop that brought him around

  in the TIEs' wake, though slightly below their formation. Keeping the nose up,

  he headed back in again. He picked up on a TIE Interceptor that had broken right

  while its

  wingmate had broken left. Ooryl continued on the tail of the latter squint. The

  other Interceptor tightened its turn into a teardrop loop designed to bring it

  onto the Gand's aft.

  Corran's quad lasers shredded the Interceptor's starboard wing and blew apart

  one of the twin ion engines. The other, operating at full power, sent the squint

  spinning away. Corran winced in sympathy with the pilot, then drove into the

  middle of the TIE formation.

  The X-wings plunging and wheeling through the middle of the TIEs had an

  unanticipated advantage in that they had a very high target-to-comrade ratio to

  shoot at. Moreover, because the X-wings had shields, even a shot taken in haste

  at another Rogue would not likely prove fatal. The same could not be said of the

  TIEsone burst from their lasers could cripple or kill a fellow pilot.

  Corran snapped a shot off at one starfighter and watched it disintegrate. A

  warning warble from Whistler and he mashed his right foot down on the etheric

  rudder pedal. The X-wing's stern slew around to the left, swinging him out of an

  Interceptor's line of fire while pointing his nose right at the ship as it

  sailed past him. He punched the X-wing over ninety degrees, hauled back on the

  stick, then completed the inversion and dove down onto the Interceptor's tail.

  He sent kilojoules of scarlet energy into the ball cockpit and watched the craft


  "Nine, break left."

  Without thinking Corran slammed the stick hard to port and caught the green

  highlights of laser bolts shooting through where he had just been. More red

  laser fire chased back along those same lines and something exploded out there.

  "Thanks, Commander."

No problem, Nine."

  Corran eased his stick forward and dove down to stay clear of the mass of

  starfighters. With the arrival of the rest of the squadron he knew there was no

  way he could track all the ships and sort friend from foe. Even as he came back

  up he saw less laser fire permeating the cloud of fighters than there had been

  when the forces were less evenly matched. "So much twisting and turning going on

  in there, no one can find a target and stick with it long enough to dust it."

  Pulling up to continue his loop around the fringe of the battle he saw one

  X-wing break free with a starfighter on its tail. His sensors told him Gavin was

  at the stick of the Alliance ship. Measuring Gavin's line, Corran rolled his

  craft and looped down at a tangent to it. "Rogue Five, break hard right."

  Gavin's fighter rolled up on its starboard S-foil crisply and pulled away at an

  angle that cast doubt on the existence of inertia. The starfighter following him

  tried to imitate his maneuver, but neither the pilot nor craft were up to it.

  As the TIE rolled, Corran swooped and fired. His quad-lasers burst the

  spherical pod like a bubble, sending the hexagonal wings slicing off through


  Before he could even smile, his X-wing jolted forward. His instruments indicated

  heavy damage to his aft shield. "Whistler, get me a lock on that TIE."

  Corran inverted and dove, then pulled back on the stick to power up through a

  teardrop and onto the TIE's tail. Instead of being where he expected it, the

  lit, an Interceptor, showed up off his port S-foil, going away at a right angle

  to his course. Corran stood on his left rudder, then did a snap-roll that gave

  him a view of the planet above his head and the Interceptor racing away from


  Just as he feared it was going to run far enough

  for Tycho or someone else on the Eridain to blast it, the Interceptor pulled its

  own loop planetward and started back at him. Head to headhe knows what he's

  doing. As Wedge and Tycho had pointed out countless times in training, the

  majority of kills took place in head-to-head engagements. But so do I.

  "Watch our tail, Whistler." Corran kicked his shields full forward and drove in

  straight at the Interceptor. The rangefinder on the targeting monitor scrolled

  numbers off with blurred speed. His crosshairs went green and he fired, but


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