Daddy's Virgin Bride

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Daddy's Virgin Bride Page 28

by Nikki Bella

  “It’s a Boccone Dolce meringue with chocolate cream and berries. It has lavish layers of sweet vanilla meringue dripping in chocolate with a fluffy cloud of whipped cream and fresh berries. The name derives from Italian roots and translates to ‘sweet mouthful’.” Each mouthful had my body screaming with a pleasure I had never been introduced to.

  “I understand what you mean by a sweet mouthful and not being able to see has enhanced the experience.” I swallowed what was in my mouth and then he gave me another which I couldn’t imagine being any better than the first. I was wrong on many different levels. This was an explosion on my tongue and only one thing could make it any better.

  “Samantha, I’ve always wanted to try this and I’ve heard it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.” I had no idea what he was referring to and then I tasted the whipped cream and the chocolate with a bit of berries to add to the mound of delight. I found myself opening my mouth wide and it wasn’t because of just the dessert.

  My mouth was stuffed full of this dessert coating a man sized morsel. It was delicious, completely addictive and the cock it was attached to was making it too hard to put down. I slathered all over the coating, tasting the dripping of his jism and continuing to pursue the delight on the edge of my taste buds. I got to where he had to pull out to cover it from the head down to the balls all over again.

  “I wouldn’t have believed it…but the fantasy is nothing compared to the reality.” I wasn’t waiting or hesitating and I had that fire in my soul which needed to be satiated.

  I gave him my undivided attention, keeping my hands to myself while he fed me a dessert that could stand on its own. He had stepped things up a notch with his cock the main event. He had me crazy and knew what to do with the pent up frustration. I wanted to let him burn out of control and I no longer felt like I was out in the cold looking in from the outside.

  “I see the smile on your face and the way that you are mewing like a little kitten is causing things to happen quickly. I love the way that your mouth keeps me, prisoner. I’m keyed up and I’m not sure how long I’m going to be able to keep this pace. I’m willing to give it the college try.” I could feel the long vein in the back pumping against my eager tongue and I made sure to press against it. It was a shame we couldn’t be honest, but these games had turned out better than I expected.

  He held the back of my head, thrusting his hips which of course drove the mushroom cap in and out of my throat. I showed there were no adverse reactions except for the heavy drool moving steadily down the length of his insistent shaft.

  It was like I was surrounded by everything I enjoyed making it feel like my own personal oasis with the man of my dreams. I found being used for his pleasure intoxicating and I could drink from the well of his desire for as long as he would let me.

  “OK… I think that’s more than enough and I really wasn’t expecting to take it that far. Once you get started, there’s very little that any man can do to stop you from going all the way.” He left me feeling unfulfilled and the one thing missing was his orgasmic cry of defeat. I wanted to burn his libido to the ground.

  “It’s not fair and you give me this meal fit for a queen, but you won’t give in where it matters. I have a good mind a take off this blindfold and throw you on this table.” I wasn’t this kind of woman, but I felt empowered.

  I pulled off the blindfold to see his pillar of strength dripping in my hot saliva and the remnants of the dessert. I got up quickly putting my one finger up to his lips to silence any objection. I reached behind him and made a flourish of casting aside the dishes which fell with fanfare to the sand below.

  I pushed him with both hands against his hard and chisel chest. He looked a little afraid and I was feeding on that to make me reach down deep for the slut which resided in every woman. She was ready to play and didn’t care about the consequences. All thoughts of revenge vanished and in its place was this hungry desire to make him nothing more than a tool for my pleasure. This was our getaway, completely off the grid and anything that we did would be considered a secret between us.

  “I don’t know what has gotten into you, Samantha, but maybe we should talk about this before we do anything we’re going to regret. It might seem hypocritical coming from a man who let you take what you wanted in the hot tub. In the cold light of day, we might look back on this time as something that changed everything between us.” He wasn’t wrong and the time I had spent with him was something I could never forget. My first time with anyone and he had turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

  “It’s cute that you think you have a choice and we both know that all I have to do is give you the look and you will be putty in my hands. If you haven’t guessed it by now this is the look that any man would find irresistible. The pouty lips and the fire in my eyes should indicate how far I’m willing to go to satisfy those cravings. Without you, I feel neglected and underappreciated and thoughts of you in various states of undress keep me tossing and turning all night long in a cold sweat.” I didn’t know, but this had to be what junkies felt when they were going through withdrawals.

  “I knew I was never going to be able to fight and I have two sides to my personality fighting for control. I’ve never wanted a woman this badly in my life and it feels like an itch I can’t scratch on my own.” I looked him up and down treating him like a piece of meat and enjoying the reversal of fortune.

  “I made up my mind from the moment I saw you last night meeting with my father that I wasn’t going to allow anything to stand in my way. I love seeing your body, but I do believe you might be wearing too much.” I wasn’t even thinking with the head on top of my shoulders and everything was being predicated on kitty getting a taste. I ripped open his shirt to receive a charge of heat between my legs.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I wanted to wake her up with breakfast in bed, but keeping her past curfew was only going to have her father sending out the National Guard to find her. I didn’t care and the only thing that I wanted to do was to dance with her. I could only hope this wasn’t her way of getting back at her father for some argument.

  I felt her hands push me until I was sitting on the table with her climbing up and straddling my head with her knees on either side. She was looking down at me and I could feel the sweet nectar of her sex touching my lips.

  “The foreplay was nice and what I’m asking you to do is the icing on the cake. I’m a fallen angel and the devil made me do it. You may not see the horns, but trust me they are there.” I planted my oral flag, seeing her eyes grow wide with surprise and knowing that I was responsible for sending her very explicit messages.

  I’d made good use of my time, devouring the drippings of her delicious sauce and finding it impossible not to go back for seconds or even thirds.

  “My god…it doesn’t matter how many times you do that to me and I will always come back looking for a second helping. I can feel you touching my G-spot with your finger deep inside and I don’t know how you can possibly know what makes me a slave to your body.” I felt like somebody had lit the fuse and it was burning with the inevitability of setting off the charge at the end. She knew how to please a man and she didn’t seem to be phoning it in.

  I was not like most men and oral sex was not a means to an end. To me, it was necessary and pleasurable to feel how a woman’s body reacted and responded to what I was doing to her. Her lips were slick to the touch and she seemed unaware of how much her body could take. I was willing to experiment with a high voltage subject and touching her with the electric wire of my tongue was enough to make her shake to her very core.

  I was perfectly content to continue on the path of her pleasure, but she became possessed by her alter ego. She slid down leaving a trail of her pleasure coating me from my neck down to where she was now hovering over top of me.

  “I don’t know what it is about you, Nicholas, but this fever to have you drives me to do unspeakable things.” I was waiting o
n pins and needles and how she was able to stay in that position with small droplets of her excitement falling from the distance of a few centimeters was amazing. The heated discharge had my cock harder than stone.

  I remembered when I was young like her and I wondered how differently I would’ve turned out had I been given the opportunities to capture lightning in a bottle. I was scared to face my fears, but my father was notorious for sticking my hand to the proverbial fire.

  My breath got caught in my throat as she dropped her weight and let gravity do the rest. I was unprepared for her hungry sex and what she was willing to do to get what she wanted. She landed heavily in my lap and I could hear the legs on the table about to give out. She sat there motionless with her eyes open and pupils dilated to a pinpoint. Her mouth was open and her face lit up like the 4th of July.

  It wasn’t just the way that my cock sank into her body, but it was the feeling that I was getting from her like there was no other place she wanted to be.

  “I feel that I’m not worthy of this kind of affection. I have a confession and I may as well say it while… I still have the nerve.” She plastered her mouth against my lips and forced her tongue into the hot confines.

  She was moving her body like she was used to attacking a man’s pole, but I knew she was only mimicking what she had possibly seen on the Internet. It was also likely that this was her body talking in the language that only she understood.

  “I feel like I have a loaded gun between my legs. Watching you walk away last night left me with a heavy heart. You’re that bottle of liquor that an alcoholic thirst for. I feel you deep inside and you have me spinning in circles.” Actually, she was grinding in a circle in an attempt to break through the wall of her resistance. It crumbled like sand through the hourglass until she began to convulse in place.

  “That’s it…cum for me… Samantha.” I was gritting my teeth at the Herculean effort it took to keep from turning the faucet of my desire. I wanted her to make me the measuring stick as she had already mentioned, but there was a part of me that never wanted her to be with another man again. I wanted us to be exclusive, but how could I voice that feeling without showing weakness?

  She was moaning and she thrust her chest out which was the perfect target for my unusually dry mouth. I pushed her breasts together and sucked both of them at the same time, flicking my tongue across the surface and then grazing my teeth to insinuate a bit of pain with her pleasure.

  “I’m fucking going to cum. Can you feel how hot my juices are dripping down your shaft? I’ve never squirted in my life, but there’s always a first time for…EVERYTHING.” Her scream echoed in my ears and it was the catalyst to what was building up inside.

  “Samantha, this is a roller-coaster and I feel like the whole world is watching us.” My body was no longer my own and it belonged to the pleasures of her quivering flesh. I found something in reserve which I was able to pull out and turn her until she was lying flat with her legs spread in the air.

  “Nicholas, I can’t believe I was nervous to come here with you.” I was a madman with my eyes wild with determination and there was no way that I could move on without finding some closure to this otherwise unforgivable sin against her family.

  “Yes… God damn…you are an animal and I can’t seem to get enough of the kind of man who takes no prisoners.” I was breathing deeply, staring at her beautiful face and feeling how her body was trying to drain me of every drop.

  “I’m almost there…cum with me again and I promise you won’t regret it.” I felt the sensation growing by the second and I reached between us to rub her clit into submission. I was swimming through her veins like a fish in the ocean and I could make some assurances that I would never find another woman like her.

  We both had this moment and then it felt like we were part of some elaborate accident on the side of the highway. We screamed together in unison with everything becoming a blur and the table collapsed underneath our weight. We had nothing left to hide and we lie there laughing like a couple of idiots.

  “I never thought something like this could happen between us and I wonder why it took us so long to express our feelings physically. You’re a man with a lot to offer and the kind of stamina which would make any woman remember your name. I believe in starting over and I want you in a way that scares me. I don’t want to do anything to push you away.” I couldn’t even imagine anything that she said would come close to ruining what we had together.

  We had bits of sand sticking to our sweat soaked bodies and just touching each other to wipe it away was enough to set things ablaze all over again.

  “I’ve been trying to tell you something and there doesn’t seem to be a right time. I need to get this out there and I don’t want you to stop me until I’m done.” I was ready to let the chips fall where they may, but every scenario I came up with had her slapping me with enough force to loosen my molars.

  She leaped into my arms and curled her legs around my waist almost knocking me off balance. She reigned supreme with her hands holding me in place so that she could continue seducing me with more than words.

  “It doesn’t matter and I don’t need to hear it. The past is behind us where it should be and we can start anew right here in the moment. Tell me that is what you want and I will gladly stand with you against father.” I wasn’t sure that she understood what she was asking and I felt bad keeping a secret this huge.

  “I think you already know my answer and I doubt very seriously I’m going to have to paint you a picture.” I could feel her slit sliding up and down the length of my depleted member. It was time to pack things up and get back to the real world. I could have easily convinced her to run away with me and to travel the world, but I couldn’t do that. I had so much I wanted to show her and many different cultures to introduce her to. I would have to wait for a better time to even mention it.

  Chapter Twenty


  “I’ve been trying to get in touch with you for a few days and you’ve been ducking my calls. I thought for sure you would want to talk about it, but maybe you felt too ashamed. You did what you had to and it’s not like you can take it back.” Julia had her red hair pulled back into pigtails giving her that innocent look. Those men who had been with her knew there was nothing innocent about her.

  “I wasn’t sure what I was going to feel after everything was said and done. I thought I would be grateful that it was over, but it went beyond that. It awakened something inside me begging for release. I don’t even know where to begin or even if I want to share this part of my life with you.” I did need somebody to talk to and the only one who wouldn’t judge me was standing right in front of me in the bookstore.

  “I don’t want you to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with and you know anything you say will go in the vault. I don’t speak out of turn and our friendship means more to me than idle gossip around the water cooler. I swear on our friendship that these lips are sealed.” I did breathe a sigh of relief, but I still wondered what her reaction was going to be when I laid out all the cards.

  “I will begin by saying how much our friendship means to me and I know you would do nothing to ruin what we have built on trust. Giving away my innocence for a price should have broken my heart into a million pieces, but I found something quite unexpected.” I wasn’t sure how much to tell her and then I saw his car sitting at the curb waiting for me.

  I had no idea how he could possibly find me and I kept him from making contact for the last couple of days. I wanted to see if I could live without him and not rely on the comfort of a man to make me whole.

  I had no idea how he would interact with my friends, but this was something separate from them. There was no reason to introduce them, but my family was another matter altogether. We had discussed standing in unison facing my father and revealing how our relationship had evolved into more than friendship.

  “You have me at the edge of my seat.” I took a deep breath and gave her the cli
ff notes not including his real name for the sake of anonymity. I felt instantly relieved, completely unburdened and the only thing left was to hear what she had to say on the matter.

  I fingered the volume of books, not really browsing, but making it look good for perception.

  “I’m happy for you and what you did could’ve turned out badly. I wouldn’t be a good friend if I didn’t mention how this could be a simple matter of transference. I know how a man thinks and I want you to be very careful about getting involved in an untenable situation. I would take my cue from the man and secrecy can only go so far. If he’s embarrassed to be seen with you in public then you’re going to have to cut him loose.” I hadn’t discussed going public, but it was the next thing on my agenda when I saw him.

  “It really is nice to bring you into my confidence and I’ve been fighting the urge to come to see you in the middle of the night. I have to go and you probably have questions about his identity.” So as not to be overheard, I whispered into her ear and her eyes practically bugged out of her skull.

  “I want to leave you with one thought and take it in the spirit it is given. He wouldn’t have gone out of his way to be the winning bid unless he felt something. I’m sure in his mind he thought he was saving you from yourself, but I think deep down he has harbored feelings for you. Be careful and he might be fragile which means you’re going to have to treat him with kid gloves.” I listened to her unbiased opinion and I felt that Nicholas and I had a lot to talk about. I wasn’t sure how I was going to bring up the fact I knew it was him.

  “You have given me a lot to think about and you have no idea how much I appreciate your uncensored opinion. I might be reading too much into this, but I won’t know until I find out from the horse’s mouth. As I’ve already mentioned, he has no idea I already know who he is and I thought that I was going to get revenge, but things didn’t go exactly as planned.” I did feel a bit of shame, but that changed when he took me into his arms. He didn’t act overbearing and he didn’t chase me around trying to get his hands on me. If anything, I was the initiator, but I think that he enjoyed being hunted like prey.


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