Tamed by the Prince (Elven Lover)

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Tamed by the Prince (Elven Lover) Page 14

by Cathy McAllister

  “I was … when the king declared the judgement I fainted,” she sobbed. “I woke up in Awate the healer’s room. I wasn’t allowed to leave. They examined me from top to toe. It took hours for me to finally make them understand that I had to come to you. I … I threatened to kill myself if they didn’t let me. I didn’t want to lose still more of our precious time … of our wedding night …” Sobbing, she threw herself onto Merlon.

  “Shhh! It’s OK. You’re here now and we don’t want to spend our brief time together crying. Come into bed with me so that I can make love to you one last time. Please!”

  Cherry tried her best to calm down. She pulled herself from Merlon’s embrace and began to undress. Merlon watched her, full of love and desire. Once she was standing, naked, next to the bed, he reached out to her and she got into bed with him. He rolled on top of her and kissed her. Her tears made the kiss taste salty. They both tried desperately to put all of their emotions into this one union, knowing that they only had a few hours left. It was already late into the night and in the morning Merlon would be fetched so that he could take his last meal, then he would speak with the priest and undergo a purifying ceremony. Afterwards they would ride to the mountain of fire where the Golden Dragon’s cave was. There she would see her beloved for the last time before the judgement was executed.

  “Cherry,” murmured Merlon. “I can’t be tender now. I need you!”

  Cherry pushed against him fervently.

  “Don’t be tender. I need you, too,” she sobbed.

  He made love to her hard and fast. She clung onto him, tearing his back with her nails. Their cries echoed around the room. When the orgasm flooded over Cherry she again blacked out for a moment. Trembling, she came round again in his arms.

  “Was I too rough? Are you OK?” asked Merlon, worried.

  “It was beautiful. It’s just … I … I don’t want to lose you. Merlon.”

  She cried, unrestrained. Merlon rolled onto his back and held her tightly in his arms.

  “We have to do something. I’m not ready to give you up so easily. There are only two guards at the door – we’ll easily deal with them. Or better still, you can simply teleport us out of here. We’ll go to my world. I don’t care where we live. I don’t want to be queen. Somewhere we can have a simple …”

  “Cherry. Please stop. There’s … there’s no point. I’m a man of honour. I sullied my honour enough when I brought you into my world against your will. Don’t demand of me that I just throw away the last traces of decency and pride that I still have to do something despicable again. I wouldn’t be the same man any more. Do you want to live with a broken man? Could you be happy with that? And besides, we wouldn’t be safe anywhere. We’d have to be on the move constantly so that they didn’t find us. No, Cherry. Don’t demand that of me. Please!”

  “So was that it? That night? And after this it’s all over?” she sobbed helplessly.

  She could simply not take it in.

  “We had something wonderful. True love. Only few people find that. I’m grateful for every moment that I could spend with you. I’m proud to have been able to call you my wife. You’ve made me the happiest of elves. No one can be happier than I am. Isn’t a short time with love and happiness better that a long life without having ever experienced this precious feeling?”

  “Of course I wouldn’t want to have missed the time that we’ve had. It’s just so damned unfair. I haven’t experienced love for the whole of my life. Only pain and humiliation. Until you came along. You showed me that love exists and now that’s all going to be taken from me again? I love you so much that I don’t know how I am to live without you.”

  “You have my family. They love you and will take good care of you. After a little time has passed, that you consider appropriate, look for another man. I don’t want you to be alone for the rest of your life.”

  “Never!” she cried. “I could never love another man. I could never dirty your memory. How can you say such a thing?”

  “I just want you to be happy. Please consider it when some time has passed. Of course it seems impossible to you now. You may not find great love again but at least a partner who’s there for you and who can help you to reign over Amarantus.”

  “I don’t want to reign. You have a brother. He can reign.”

  “You’re my wife. You’ll be the next in line to the throne. I’m certain that you’ll have had enough of a gap after a few years to think differently about things. Now let’s not talk about it any more. Tomorrow I want to think about my beautiful, brave wife when I go to my death. Help me to have happy memories of you when the time comes. Make love to me as if there were no tomorrow.”


  But the next day did arrive. There was a knock at the door and Cherry stretched as she awoke. Contrary to her expectations she had fallen asleep at dawn. Panic ran through her and she looked into Merlon’s eyes. He seemed calm, but sad. Her heart pounded painfully.

  “No,” she croaked. “It can’t be the morning already. It can’t …”

  “Shhh! It’s time, my love. I have to go,” said Merlon calmly.

  “No! There … there must be something that we can do. It can’t just end like this. Please!” she sobbed.

  “Cherry, please calm down. You promised me that you wouldn’t be emotional. I want to imagine your face smiling when I die. I want to enter death strong and proud. Please help me do that. I need you more than ever now.”

  “Please make love to me once more. Please!” she pleaded desperately.

  Groaning, Merlon pushed his way between her legs and entered her. He kissed her wildly whilst thrusting inside her like a man possessed. They both climaxed quickly and powerfully. Cherry’s lip bled because of the brutal kiss but she did not care. Sobbing, she curled up as Merlon got out of bed and dressed.

  “Give me a smile!” he murmured hoarsely when he was ready. “Please!”

  Cherry sat up and put her arms around his waist. Her face drenched in tears, she looked up at him and smiled. It was a smile that made her soul cry out and her heart tear, but she still smiled. For him. For the only man that she had loved and that she would ever love. Tenderly, he took her face in his hands and lowered his lips to hers, gently kissing them.

  There was another knock. Slowly Merlon moved away from her and looked at her again, full of love.

  “I’ll see you at midday,” he said quietly and went towards the door. Half way there, he turned to her again. “Will you smile for me?”

  Cherry swallowed down her tears and nodded.

  “Wait!” she called when he had nearly reached the door. Hastily she jumped from the bed and ran after him.

  He stood still and turned to her.

  “I … I need to tell you something. They said I shouldn’t, but I must.”

  “Perhaps it’s best if you don’t say it,” he whispered and turned away.

  “I’m pregnant!” she cried in desperation. “That’s why I fainted. I’m expecting a child.”

  He froze, his hand already on the door handle. She saw him take a deep breath and slowly turn. A single tear ran down his cheek.

  “If it’s a son name it after its father,” he whispered hoarsely. “If it’s a girl call it Malijara. That means ‘my darling’ in my language.”

  She nodded. He reached out to her and stroked a tear from her cheek. At that moment the door opened and Mawrek appeared on the threshold.

  “Brother. Are you ready?”

  Merlon nodded. His eyes fell upon Cherry once more.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she whispered weakly, then the door had closed behind him.


  The ride to Fire Mountain was hell for Cherry. She knew that Merlon had been taken there an hour earlier. She would see him there for the last time but she was not allowed to speak with him or go near him. She was condemned to simply sit there and watch as the judgement was executed. Even though she was not going to see his death, it was h
ard enough. From the moment that he would be lowered into the cave his fate was sealed. In thousands of years there had never been a case of anyone leaving the cave of the Golden Dragon alive.

  “Where’s Mawrek? Is he with Merlon?” she asked her mother-in-law.

  Molwina shook her head.

  “At the eleventh hour he’s trying to find proof that Lord Aveleen was behind the arson attack on you. If that were the case, it could save Merlon’s life. The accusation of a murderer is invalid. Should Lord Aveleen be a murderer his accusation, including his evidence, would be null and void. Therefore Merlon would have to be freed. But don’t raise your hopes. The judgement will be executed at the appointed hour and I can hardly believe that Mawrek can sort things out that quickly.”

  “But can’t the execution be postponed? At least for a few hours?”

  “Unfortunately not. Believe me, my child. It’s as hard for the king as it is for you. Perhaps even harder because it was he who had to declare the death penalty for his own son. It’s a duty that no father should have to carry out. I don’t know whether Assgard will ever recover from this heavy blow.”

  “It’s all my fault,” sobbed Cherry in despair.

  The queen guided her horse closer to her and took her gently by the arm.

  “It is not your fault. Merlon knew what he was doing. He did it out of love.”

  “That’s just it. I ran away from his love because I was too much of a coward. That’s why he abducted me in the first place. If I hadn’t run away from him …”

  “You weren’t to know that such a thing would happen. No one is blaming you and you shouldn’t either. Come on, dry your tears. You must be strong now so that your husband has the strength to do what he must do. We’re nearly there. The entrance is behind the next bend.”

  They dismounted at the huge entrance and entered a small cave. A staircase carved from the stone led upwards. It was a hard climb. In some places the steps were very steep and the path twisted like a spiral staircase. Twice they reached a different cave, from which another staircase led upwards. Then they came to a large cave lit with torches. She could see Merlon, the king, Lord Aveleen and several other noblemen.

  Merlon looked at her and smiled. She pulled herself together and smiled back. Merlon’s mother took her with her to a platform on which they were to take seats as witnesses. Cherry looked round nervously. If only Mawrek would hurry up and get here. He was her last hope.

  “How much time do we have?” she asked her mother-in-law.

  “About half an hour,” answered Molwina.

  She seemed composed but her big eyes could not hide her worry and Cherry noticed that the queen had almost cut her lip from biting it. The king also looked pressured and tired despite his powerful build and his splendid clothing. She did not miss the look that father and son exchanged. The only person present who almost displayed cheerful satisfaction was Lord Aveleen. How she hated him! Never before had she despised a person as much as the man who was about to take away from her the dearest thing to her.

  “He will be punished sooner or later,” said Molwina quietly, having seen Cherry’s look. “No one causes such suffering without paying for it at some point.”

  Cherry could hear the satisfaction in Molwina’s voice.

  “I hope so,” she whispered back. She felt Merlon’s gaze and looked up. Their eyes met and her heart began to flutter. It was unbearable not being able to go to him nor speak with him. And added to this was the awful tension as to whether Mawrek would make it in time. She could simply not believe that fate could be so cruel as to first of all give her the love of her life and then take it away in such a horrible way. That was barbaric, inhumane – unbearable!

  King Assgard was now speaking to his son. Cherry would so liked to have known what the two of them were saying. She saw Merlon nod. The king grasped Merlon’s arm and hand in a brief, firm handshake. Then the king turned away to speak with some of the noblemen. Again Merlon’s eyes fell upon Cherry and she forced herself to smile. His lips formed the words that he could no longer say to her: ‘I l o v e y o u!’

  Cherry briefly closed her eyes to force back the tears and nodded. When she opened her eyes again the king had stepped before the assembled witnesses, his expression sombre. Cherry’s heart ached painfully. Panic-stricken her eyes looked at the entrance to the cave, but there was no sign of Mawrek.


  Molwina grasped her hand and it was only now that Cherry realised that she had actually said out loud what her heart had cried.

  Merlon’s eyes looked for her and he nodded to her. ‘Be strong,’ his look seemed to say. ‘Smile for me.’

  She smiled whilst tears flowed incessantly down her cheeks.

  “Prince Merlon,” sounded the voice of the king. “Do you acknowledge the judgement?”

  “Yes, I do,” answered Merlon calmly.

  “Will you take on your punishment like a man of honour?”

  “I will.”

  “What would happen if he were not to acknowledge the punishment?”

  asked Cherry in a whisper.

  “It wouldn’t stop the punishment being executed. It’s just a question of whether he dies honourably or whether one must execute the punishment with force.”

  “What happens now?” Like everyone present Cherry had risen from her seat.

  “The judgement is executed,” said Molwina, her voice hoarse.

  Cherry glanced at her mother-in-law. The queen stood proud and upright, her face motionless. But she could not deny the tears that slowly ran down her face. Just as Cherry could not. They grasped one another’s hands and looked to the front where the king was taking Merlon to a hole in the ground. A rope hung into the hole from the rock ceiling. Lord Balcic passed Merlon his sword, then Merlon took hold of the rope and looked in her direction. With his eyes he said farewell and lowered himself into the hole. Cherry closed her eyes and trembled. She felt as if part of her had gone into the hole with him. With a violent cry she pulled away from Molwina and ran down the steps of the platform to the hole around which the king, all the noblemen and finally Lord Aveleen had assembled. She forced her way between the men to stare down into the hole.

  “Merlon!” she screamed in panic. “Oh, no! Please! Merlon!”

  She felt a push, then she tipped forwards over the edge and fell into the hole. The last thing she saw was the grinning face of Lord Aveleen, then she was in a dark tunnel leading downwards. She slipped as if on a slide until she landed painfully on her back at the bottom of the cave. The cave down here was lit with strange crystals hanging from the ceiling. She looked around frantically. Where was Merlon? He could only have gone out by the exit to her left. She hoped there was not a labyrinth down here. With great difficulty she picked herself up and brushed the dust from her clothing. She had to find Merlon.


  Merlon must have come along here. She could make out footprints in the dust. So she had chosen the right path. First she had wanted to take another one, but had then thought differently. She hurried on. The corridor widened and she entered a larger cave. Merlon was standing in the middle, looking at the ceiling. There was an opening high above, through which daylight shone.

  “Merlon!” she called with relief.

  Merlon froze. Slowly, swearing quietly in his own language, he turned to her. He stared at her, his eyes wide with horror.

  “Cherry? What … what are you doing here? Have you gone completely mad? Come on, quickly, I have to get you back before it’s too late. How could you have done this? How could you risk the life of our child? Damn it! Cherry!”

  “I … I fell. I didn’t want …,” she sobbed. “Lord Aveleen …”

  Merlon had rushed to her and he pulled her into his arms.

  “Shhh. It’s OK. But I have to get you into safety quickly before the Golden Dragon comes.”

  “I … I’m afraid that’s now too … too late,” stammered Cherry, looking over Merlon’s shoulder, straight into the shin
ing eyes of the enormous dragon.

  Merlon turned round as quick as lightning, his sword at the ready.

  “Hide behind the rock there,” he called over his shoulder.

  Cherry did not have to be told twice. She ran behind the protective rock and closed her eyes in horror as the Golden Dragon breathed a flame in Merlon’s direction. She screamed. Only when she heard Merlon’s swearing and his gasping breath did she open her eyes again. He was not dead. He was fighting with the dragon. He struck out at the monster again and again, avoiding being hit by the tail and the flames. But when an evasive manoeuvre did not work, and the dragon’s tail caught him with full power so that he was flung through the air against the wall, Cherry screamed his name.

  Merlon picked himself up and took his sword in both hands. Cherry could see that the force of the blow and the impact had taken a lot out of him because he was swaying a little.

  Unable to turn her eyes away from the awful battle, she looked on helplessly as Merlon became weaker and weaker, and had to take on more and more blows. He was bleeding from countless wounds and his left shoulder was bruised. His hair, smeared with blood, was sticking to his face and it was more and more difficult for him to avoid the dragon’s flames. Now and then he tried to deal a blow to the dragon, but it was basically a matter of avoiding both the flames and being hit by the tail.

  Then the tail got him again and Merlon crashed against the rock. He slowly collapsed and lay there, lifeless. Cherry screamed. She no longer thought about the dragon or about her own life as she ran from behind the rock and rushed to Merlon. Sobbing, she fell down next to him. His breathing was shallow and blood was running from his mouth.

  “Merlon? Please Merlon, open your eyes. Please don’t go. Please!”

  He opened his eyes, blinking and he groaned. He looked into her eyes and he tried to speak, but only more blood came from his mouth. His upper body convulsed and his legs trembled, then his eyes suddenly became empty.


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