UnTouch Me

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UnTouch Me Page 1

by Dawn Martens

  Copyright © 2015 Dawn Martens

  All rights reserved. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed, publicly performed, or used in any form without prior written permission of the publisher, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorized distribution, circulation, or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s rights, and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

  Published 2015

  Cover Art by Sara Eirew

  Formatting by - IndieVention Designs

  Edited by Crystal Sosa, Kendra Gaither, and Jennifer Finch

  Proofing by – Jessica Johnson

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  UnTouch Me – Angels Warriors MC is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and events portrayed in this book either are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. Please do not take offence to the content, as it is FICTION.

  Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders. The author acknowledges the trademarked status in this work of fiction. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  This was a hard book to write, so I want to thank everyone that made me feel better about what was going down in this!

  The truth always comes out, no matter how deep you try to bury it. Secrets never make their way to the grave.

  Lilly Mayer has always lived a simple life. She’s loyal – maybe too loyal since faithfulness has cost her the love of her life. Keeping Eden’s whereabouts a secret from everyone, including Vinny, has ripped away Lilly’s future.

  Vincent “Zippo” Torino knows he’s a goddamn bastard. And he’s willing to use Lilly’s loyalty to Eden as his own escape from a hell he created. He doesn’t give a damn that he’s leaving the woman he loves, pregnant with his child, behind – not when he has to protect his own destructive secret. And not when he’s sure she’s going to beat him to the punch and leave first.

  As the dangers to the club escalate, nobody’s hearts – or lives – are safe.

  The Past

  By the time I get home, it’s almost noon. Mom’s gonna kill me. I promised her I’d be back by eight last night. I open the front door, and instantly, I know something is wrong. The house is too quiet. My mom always has the TV blaring the news first thing in the morning while she enjoys her coffee. The TV is off, blinds are drawn shut. “Mom?” I yell. I know I should have at least called or something, but I lost track of time. I was too wrapped up in being with Vinny.

  My dad ended up moving up to Calgary, opened a law firm. My parents never got married; actually, I was a result of their one night stand. What can I say- my mom’s sort of a slut, but I don’t judge her. Hell, when my dad does end up visiting, which now that he moved away is maybe once a year if that, him and Mom always end up in bed together. It’s weird. I don’t know what to make of it really.

  Mom walks slowly out of the kitchen, eyes red from crying. “What’s wrong?” I ask worriedly. Why is she crying? Is it because she was afraid something happened to me? I didn’t mean to upset her. I know I should have called, but I just wasn’t thinking. I smile on the inside, thinking about the taste of Vinny’s lips lingering on my own. That boy, he knows how to kiss—among other things.

  “It’s Eden, honey,” she says quietly, surprising me. I was so sure I was about to get my ass chewed for staying out all night. “Come, let’s have a seat.” She takes my hand tenderly and pulls me into the living room to the couch. I tuck my feet underneath me after toeing off my shoes and wait for what she has to say. But she stares at me blankly, working over something in her head.

  “What’s wrong with Eden?” I ask, snapping her out of her trance. Eden’s father is a piece of shit, and if there is bad news about Eden, I fear it’s something really, really bad. I’m scared something’s happened to my friend. I’m afraid her dad has done something to her.

  “She left, honey. She took the bus out late last night,” she tells me gently, rubbing her fingers soothingly over my knuckles. I’m not sure if the gesture is to give her comfort or me.

  I frown. “What? Why would she just leave? Did her mom go with her?” Why would one of my best friends just up and leave without so much as a goodbye. Eden and I tell each other everything- well, almost everything. I think about the fact that I’ve kept seeing Vinny a secret from her.

  Mom chews on her bottom lip, as if wondering what to tell me. “Yes, she ran with her mother.” The way she says it, I know she’s keeping something from me. “We can’t tell anyone, not even the boys. No one can know. You have to promise me,” she says urgently. Her worried eyes are begging me to keep this secret.

  “I don’t understand, Mom,” I tell her, confused. What’s changed? Last time I talked to Eden, she was excited, said she was ready to go all the way with her boyfriend Jasper. My mind shifts to Jasper. How’s he going to react when he realizes she’s gone? He’s always been so possessive when it comes to Eden.

  “If William finds out where they are, he’ll kill them. Eden promised to keep in touch, but she begged me to make sure not one person knew anything about where she is or why, okay?” she says.

  “Is she okay?” I ask, wanting to know how my friend is.

  Mom shakes her head slightly. “I don’t know, baby. I don’t know,” she whispers. Mom wraps her arms around my shoulders and kisses me on the temple. “You smell like smoke. Go get in the shower, and I’ll fix us some breakfast.”

  My mind is heavy with worry as I trudge to the bathroom for a shower. How in the hell am I going to keep my mouth shut when it comes to my friends? I picture Willy, Eden’s no good father in my head; he will kill them if he ever hears of this. Hell, he’d kill me if he thought I knew where they are. I have to keep this a secret—no one can know, not even Hilary, for now.

  Stripping down to my undies, I turn the faucet and wait for the water to warm. I watch as the water circles the drain, feeling like the water is my life as it washes away. Everything I have come to know has changed; life as I’ve known it is going to be much different without Eden. I can already feel the weight of her secret bearing down on my shoulders.

  “Harder, Vinny,” Lilly moans into the bed as I thrust into her. Skinny smooth legs are wrapped around my waist, and the balls of her feet are digging into the top of my bare ass.

  “Fuck. Lilly, I love it when you’re wrapped so tight around me.” I slide out of her and slam back into her tight cunt as hard as I can, filling her to the hilt. She’s massaging her perky melon shaped tits and biting that bottom lip as she looks deep into my eyes. Her dark curly hair is spread out over the pillow; my fingers are threaded through and lost in the tangles. I roll us over, shifting her on top. “Ride me,” I command, and she does.

  Her hips are thrusting in sync with mine as we come together.

  “God, that was great. Like always,” Lilly says, smiling while biting her bottom lip. She rolls over, placing her head on my chest. “How’s Jasper doing?” she asks while tracing a pattern on my stomach.

  “He’s wrecked. He’s tried looking for her in any spot he can think of. It’s been six months. Where the hell could she be?” I say honestly. Six months ago, we were out getting supper when Jasper started freaking out about not hearing from Eden.

  Eden’s father claims that they—Eden and her mothe
r—took off; that when he got home from work they were gone. I’ve never seen Jasper become so out of control as he was the day he found out his girl was gone. He’s always been crazy about that girl, ever since we were kids.

  “I miss her,” Lilly says quietly, looking like she wants to say more. I want to ask what’s eating at her, but I figure she’ll talk when she is ready.

  “So do I, Lilly-pad, so do I,” I say. Eden was my friend too. I miss the shit out of her. She was always up to something. She kept things interesting and entertaining. I’ll never forget the time she ran through town naked as a jaybird.

  “How’s Bryce doing?” she asks, shifting from my chest and giving me the look that tells me she’s done talking about Eden.

  After my brother Bryce decided he was moving to Red Deer, Mom cut him off—no more money. She had already drained his trust fund Dad left us when he died. Thankfully, she didn’t touch mine; I have no idea why she didn’t, but mine was untouched. Still is.

  “Far as I know, he’s struggling to keep his shop open,” I tell her. He ended up opening a BMX shop, and although he has the usual regulars, real bikers that only buy the good shit, it’s still not bringing in much.

  “Why don’t you help him?” she says quietly. She doesn’t know about my trust fund, but she does know that the club brings in a shit load of cash. I run my fingers through her wild curls, my fingers getting caught in the tangles.

  “Lilly-pad, I’ve tried. He won’t take a penny from me.” Ever since Bryce learned I joined the MC, he snubbed his nose at me, pretending I don’t exist. I don’t know what the fuck his problem is. I have my own shit to deal with. Sensing my distress, Lilly straddles my lap. Her naked chest is pressing against my chest, and she kisses all of the negative energy away, nipping and sucking on my soft tongue.

  Listening to Vinny go on about how upset everyone is about missing Eden, it has me aching. What I wouldn’t give to just blurt it all out, all the secrets I’m keeping inside. It hurts me to keep everything buried so deep within. But I know it isn’t my story to tell, my secret to expose. I made a promise. I won’t go back on my word, no matter the cost or how much it hurts. Eden’s dad is barely seen around town, usually keeping himself busy at the clubhouse, or so I hear. I try to avoid that man at all cost.

  Last night, while talking to Eden on the phone, I let her know that she could just stay with me and Mom. She’s an adult now, legal age, so she doesn’t have to live with him. I told her it would be okay for her to come home now, but she said it wasn’t just her father she was running from.

  “Come home, Eden. Everything’s fine here. You can just live with me,” I pleaded with her.

  “It’s not just that simple, Lilly. Jasper was with Monica,” she said quietly.

  “What? No way. Jasper wouldn’t do that to you,” I told her.

  “Lilly, we both know that isn’t exactly true. Remember the time Mason had that party when his parents left that weekend? And we both saw Jasper and that blonde together?” She reminded me.

  “Shit, yeah, I remember. But you guys weren’t technically even together at that point,” I said, trying to make her see reason.

  “It doesn’t matter. He made me think that maybe one day we’d be together, then turned around and screwed her that night? I forgave him- you know I did. Then that summer just before my trip to Florida, remember how I saw him and Roni together too? And my whole thing about ‘operation avoid Jasper’ when I came back? Then having been told he was witnessed taking off with her in his truck?

  “Yes, but Eden…”

  She cut me off. “I came back, Lilly. Three months ago, I came back.” Her voice was almost a ghostly whisper.

  “Eden, I know. I…” I whispered back, unsure what to say back to her. I’d just been missing her and needing her back here; it wasn’t the same without her. Then I wouldn’t have to be on guard, always afraid I’d slip up and give away her secret.

  “I saw him with Monica, having sex. He didn’t wait for me. All his promises, everything, and it was only three months that I was gone at that point. He couldn’t even hold out for three months,” she said, ending in a devastated murmur. God, my heart broke for her. “I’m not coming back, probably not ever.” Shit. I already knew she had come back; mom told me. But what Eden didn’t know was that Jasper had actually become a member of the club. He wasn’t just there partying, so I guess at that point, telling her that might be a bad thing, especially since I was trying to get her to see reason.

  “But, Eden, Jasper needs to know about those kids. You have to at least write him and let him know.” I tried once more to get her to see she was making the wrong choice.

  “No, Jasper doesn’t need to know about them. He doesn’t have that right. Plus, until I can be certain that my dad doesn’t want me, I can’t go back. The minute I’d step back in that town, if he found out, it would put them in danger,” she told me.

  “Eden!” I shouted into the phone. “They’re due soon. You need protection. If you’re out there all alone, and he finds you, you won’t have that.”

  “I’m sorry, Lilly, but no. I have a better chance out here, on my own. I love you.” She hung up on me.


  “Everything okay, Lilly-pad?” Vinny asks me, sounding concerned.

  “Yeah,” I say, clearing my throat. “Everything’s fine.” Even that sounds fake to my own ears. “You hungry?” I ask, trying to get his mind off what’s running through my head.

  “Yeah, I could eat.” He rolls from the bed, planting his feet on the floor. Vinny eats like nothing I’ve ever seen before, and yet he somehow manages to stay slim; I don’t know where he puts it all, to be honest. If I ate even half of what he does, I’d swell up like a prize heifer.

  “Lilly, come on already!” I yell up the stairs to her. I check the time again, and there’s no hope we’re gonna be on time.

  “Just two more minutes! I promise,” she yells back to me.

  I’m supposed to be going on a damn run tonight. All I wanted to do was fuck Lilly until she couldn’t move, have a quick nap, and then leave. But no, not her. She finds out I’ll be gone about a week and decides it’s date night.

  “You’re the one that wanted tonight, so come on, or we’re staying home, in bed,” I yell at her, hoping to get her moving, or at least, not moving except for under me.

  “I’m coming. I’m coming,” she says, running down the hall out of her room.

  “While I like hearing those words, they would be much more enjoyable if you said them while you were under me,” I tell her with a smirk.

  She playfully shoves me. “Don’t start. It’s only four, early for supper, but then we can come home until you have to leave,” she says, giving me a grin.

  I look her over; fuck, Lilly-pad is smoking hot. Her hair is pulled back away from her face in a low hanging ponytail, showing off her neck that I’d like to be kissing on. She has a tender spot just above her collarbone that really gets her going. Her jeans are snug, hugging her ass just right. I go over, kiss that sensitive spot, and squeeze her tight buns.

  “Vinny,” she groans my name hoarsely, knowing my intention is to get her out of these clothes as quickly as possible.

  “Come on, Lilly. Give me five minutes,” I plead.

  “You promised me dinner.” She leans into me, wrapping her arms around my neck, and I know I’ve won for now.

  “So we can order in later for you, and I can grab something on my way out of town.” I wink, and she shakes her head, already tugging on my zipper.

  Tugging on her hair roughly, I tell her, “Upstairs now.” My girl knows to obey. She wiggles that sexy ass at me as she takes the steps two at a time. She’s just as eager as I am. I know she loves my dick. When she reaches the top step, I jerk her back by her hair and bite down on the shell of her sensitive ear. “Going to fuck you hard and fast, Lilly-pad.”

  “Hell yeah, you are,” she pants.

  My intentions are to have her quick so I can still have t
ime to hang out with her for a bit before I have to split, but now that she is on the bed, fully nude and playing with her pretty little pussy for me, I have other plans. Fuck, she is so sexy. Her fingers are working in and out of her slick heat; has me hard as fuckin steel. I kick my pants and toe off my boxer briefs as they’re hung on my ankles before sliding into bed next to her. I leave my beanie on, though; never take the damn thing off.

  She looks over at me with a sly grin, knowing I love to watch her. I coat my dick with her juices, and begin to stroke and pump my length. Her eyes are lingering, watching me as she licks her lips.

  “Suck it,” I tell her.

  Lilly wraps her lips around the head of my dick like a vacuum, sucking and licking my shaft while I squeeze on her pebbled peaks. When I can’t take any more and I’m about to come, I shove her away and push her down on her stomach.

  “In me now, Vinny,” she demands.

  Knees bent, face down, and ass up—my favorite position to have her. I slam into her from behind and ride her ass to sleep.

  Pounding at my door wakes me up. I notice Vinny isn’t in bed with me, but that’s normal. He usually spends nights at the club, especially after being on a run. I got lost in him as usual, having the most amazing sex. Heat floods me as I think about how he made me feel just a few hours ago.

  I get out of bed, grabbing my flannel robe from behind the door. I walk down to the living room as the pounding is getting louder. Shit, I hope nothing is wrong. Throwing the door open before I even see who it is, I’m met with a sobbing mess.

  “Hilary? What’s wrong?” I ask her, concerned and pulling her into the house.

  “I’m leaving. Mason thinks I was cheating on him. I went to talk to him, found him with a girl at the club,” she says on a sob. This isn’t Hilary; nothing ever really gets her down.


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