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Illeanna Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  When they arrived and she didn’t answer the door, they were concerned that she was hurt or that the gunman was after her. Immediately they went into police mode and entered the home. When he opened the door to the bathroom, he hadn’t expected to find their little chef naked and submerged in bubbles. As she jumped up, they got a nice view of her large, round breasts covered in suds with only the pretty pink nipples showing. Instantly his dick was hard, and he was no longer in police mode but harder than a steel beam.

  Their woman, and she was going to be their woman, was a knockout. Her soft, light-green eyes sparkled with innocence. Her long, shiny black hair was pulled up in a messy style atop her head. She looked adorable. Her cheeks were flushed, and he hoped it was more so from seeing him and Gustave than from the heat of the bath water. She was their innocent angel. She lost her virginity to Louis a year ago and acted as if it never happened. They all wanted her for their own. They were all attracted to Illeanna and wanted to explore that attraction to the fullest. She was scared but definitely interested.

  Now that her sister Angelique was involved in a ménage, maybe Illeanna would give their relationship a chance. It was something he and his brothers hoped for, but Illeanna and all the Aubert sisters were stubborn.

  Well so were Boudoux.

  He noticed that she appeared to have fallen asleep and was sinking lower into the tub. He told Gustave to grab a towel as he squatted down and touched a finger to Illeanna’s cheek to slowly awaken her.

  She stirred, and he felt the heat of her skin run through his own and hit every inch of his body. He couldn’t help but allow his eyes to wander over the water, now clear of bubbles. Her breasts were perfect and plump, with little pink nipples he desperately wanted to reach out and play with. Lower, his eyes roamed over the taut muscles of her abs to the V between her thighs. No hair in sight, their little chef liked to keep her pussy soft and bare. He swallowed hard, hoping that she hadn’t been with any other man than Louis. The sound of Gustave clearing his throat brought Johnny back to the present. Her long, tanned thighs looked silky soft, and he could only imagine what they would feel like wrapped around his waist as he fucked her. He exhaled, as he felt his cock stir and nearly tap the side of the tub. Fuck, she made him horny and hard. No woman brought on feelings like this.

  “Sugar, you gonna drown if ya stay in here much longer. Let’s get you out and into something warm,” Johnny whispered. She opened her eyes, blinked, and then seemed to come back to reality. She crossed her arms over her breasts as she noticed that the bubbles had disappeared and he had a clear view of her body. What she didn’t realize was that she crossed them too quickly, and half her left breast was peeking out the side of her arm. He hid a smile.

  “I can handle this.”

  “But you’re not handling this. You have us here,” Johnny stated firmly. The little brat rolled her eyes and gave an exasperated exhale. He held his serious expression although he really wanted to chuckle, but he knew that would just piss Illeanna off.

  * * * *

  Illeanna was tired, and just as she began to relax in the tub, she had fallen asleep only to be saved from drowning by big, bad Johnny Boudoux. The man was a sight standing there in his sheriff’s uniform with the sleeves straining to near tearing against his large biceps. Like a python, those arms could swallow a woman up and make her feel lost in his embrace. But the same could be said about getting lost in arms like his along with all self-control and independence. Johnny Boudoux was demanding, egotistical, and mouthy. She stared at that mouth a moment, and like a fool, nearly drooled just thinking about his lips against her own. She must be exhausted because she knew better than to fall for their Boudoux charms.

  Illeanna readjusted her arms in front of her chest in an attempt to hide her breasts from Johnny. Snapping out of her daydreaming, she spotted Gustave holding a big, fluffy white towel out for her to step into. Yeah right! Like she was going to just brazenly stand up and reveal all her nakedness to two men who knew pussy inside and out and how to get it with no strings attached.

  “Really, Gustave? Leave the towel, guys, and get out. I can do this.”

  “You are so damn stubborn, woman. Like we ain’t never seen you half naked in that tiny bikini ya wear when you sunning out on the back bayou?” Johnny asked, and she widened her eyes in surprise. They had never seen her in a bikini. She was self-conscious enough as it was.

  “You’ve never seen me in a bikini.”

  “Binoculars, sugar,” Gustave stated with such attitude and as if he had every right to be using them on her.

  “Binoculars? That’s spying. What are you, Boudoux, Peeping Toms? That’s illegal,” she added as she pulled her knees to her chest and flinched when she felt her ankle ache. Both men scowled at her with their eyes looking dark and angry. Her stomach twisted into knots and she felt compelled to oblige to their orders. Did they seriously think that those looks would intimidate her into allowing them to see her naked? Geesh!

  “We’re the law around here, sugar, and you know that sometimes the poachers are out during the day casing out the bayou for their catch. We can’t help it if they come looking by your place,” Johnny stated.

  Illeanna harrumphed.

  “Turn around and don’t you dare peek,” she stated, and she could have chuckled at the triumphant facial expressions the brothers shared. They were being relentless. First Julien, Louis, and Franco and now Gustave and Johnny. Was she going to survive this or what?

  Slowly with one hand gripping the side of the tub and the other covering her breasts, she began to stand up. She pulled the towel from Gustave, but when she went to climb out of the tub her ankle ached something terrible, and she let out a gasp. Immediately she was pulled into Gustave’s arms as he wrapped the towel around her.

  “Damn it, we said let us help you,” Johnny reprimanded as she held on to Gustave and tried to pull the towel tighter around her as she stood on one foot.

  “I’m getting you wet, Gustave, let me go,” she told him as she noticed his uniform shirt was darker against his chest. How was he going to go back to work looking like that?

  He pulled her against him and hugged her to him. She froze as she felt him inhale against her neck and shoulder, the tiny tingling sensations filling her with an awareness she didn’t want to identify.

  “Gustave?” she whispered and felt his lips against her neck before he pulled back slightly.

  “I was so worried about you, sugar. We all were when we heard what happened.”

  She felt the tears well up in her eyes as the intensity of his emotions was clear as day before her eyes. Gustave was the quiet one, the one that kept to himself and barely mumbled a hello to anyone. She felt compelled to say something as she parted her lips and licked them, feeling how dry they were before she spoke. But Johnny had different intentions as he touched a finger under her chin to make her turn toward him.

  “Let’s take care of that ankle and get you dressed before the others get here,” Johnny whispered as he gently rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip. She again felt those tingling sensations warning her that she was so damn attracted to these men she could make a fool of herself. She should have held her own and stared at him firmly as if his touch had not affected her so deeply. She should have straightened her spine and blown off Gustave’s words of concern. But she didn’t. She couldn’t do that to them because she cared about them too much. Truth be told, she was definitely affected by their touch. She was a different person altogether in their arms, and that realization scared her. Shyly she lowered her eyes to avoid looking into either man’s face as she hid from her emotions.

  Gustave lifted her up into a cradle position and carried her to her bedroom.

  * * * *

  She was insistent that she could get dressed on her own without their assistance, and they were insistent that she needed help gathering the things she needed to get dressed. They filtered through her drawers, which made her a nervous wreck
especially when Johnny was near inches away from where she stored her vibrator and that special cream she bought at a naughty party that supposedly guaranteed to make a woman orgasm. She felt her cheeks warm as Johnny gave her an inquisitive look as he moved closer to the drawer she was spying.

  “Not that one but in the bottom drawer. Just grab the black pair of shorts and the purple T-shirt,” she told him as he released his hold on the forbidden drawer and she silently sighed in relief.

  “You’ll need these, honey, unless you opt for nothing,” Gustave stated, interrupting the locked gazes between her and Johnny. She turned to look at what Gustave had set down on the bed next to her and immediately blushed. Of course he picked out one of her sexiest sets of bra and thong panties. And why did his actions make her pussy react?

  “Okay, that’s enough. I can handle this even if I have to hop on one foot. You both get out now,” she stated, and both men looked at one another then at her. They stared a moment, and immediately her heart began to pound inside of her chest and for crying out loud she wanted to throw all inhibition to the wind, yank off the towel, and get on with it. They were two very tall, large men standing in her quaint, little bedroom eyeing her like a meal, and she was beginning to imagine being their meal.

  Would Gustave’s taut lips, the ones he held in such a firm line the entire time, feel hard or tender against her breast? Johnny with his big, brown eyes and authoritative expression made her toes curl and her mind imagine things she shouldn’t be imagining. Suddenly feeling sexy and feminine but also gullible to their interested expressions, she froze and let her apprehension lead her.

  “Go on and get. You’re embarrassing me,” she barely got out before Johnny eyed the set of undergarments Gustave had chosen for her to wear. He looked at them and then back at her, letting his eyes roam over her body. Despite the fact that the large, thick towel covered most of her, she felt exposed by his intense look. Oh yeah, the man definitely knew how to look at a woman and make her feel desirable.

  “You’re a beautiful woman, Illeanna, there’s no need to feel embarrassed. We’ll be right outside that door,” Johnny stated, pointing at her as if he could open the door back up at any sign that she was in need of their assistance. Great. How was she supposed to get dressed now? What did he think, that she was going to escape out the sliders and stumble down the flight of stairs to the woods surrounding her home? Flustered, she squinted her eyes at him and tilted her chin toward the door, indicating once again silently for him to get out. With a look of reluctance both he and Gustave left the room.

  Illeanna sighed then fell back onto the bed. She raised a hand to cover her eyes and hit the cut on her forehead and temple. She cringed but silently, thank goodness, or her bodyguards would surely storm through the door. She felt another wave of moisture hit her pussy, and her belly tightened with the thought of such sexy, strapping, hot men guarding her body. Damn, she needed to get them out of her house, or she was going to make a fool of herself.

  Chapter 3

  Angelina arrived at the house just in time to assist with Illeanna’s argument that she didn’t need the men to hover over her. Angelina was bringing over another floral arrangement from one of the neighbors. Mrs. Lively had also made some cookies for Illeanna as well.

  “See. I’m fine and now my sister is here so there’s no need to worry,” Illeanna stated.

  Angelina smiled. “I’ll take good care of her, plus Angelique, Ellena, and Mikayla are stopping by. They should be here any minute,” Angelina informed them. She could tell by her sister Illeanna’s expression that she needed some space.

  “Fine. But you call me, Angelina, immediately if she needs anything and when you leave. I don’t want her here alone,” Johnny stated firmly.

  “I promise,” Angelina responded, making an imaginary X across her heart. He gave her a firm look and she swallowed hard. He and his brothers were intimidating to say the least.

  Johnny kissed Illeanna on the cheek and then Angelina before he left.

  “My God, woman, he is in such a huff. He must really care about you,” Angelina stated as Illeanna exhaled then leaned back into the couch cushion she was sitting on. Angelina walked closer.

  “So you should see how good the construction is coming along for Secret Pleasures. It looks great and Armand and Remi said they’re making great progress.”

  Illeanna sat up and smiled. That seemed to put some happiness back into her sister’s demeanor.

  “Really? I’d love to go see it. It would be great to take a visit into town and see the others. Are they really coming over tonight because I’m kind of feeling tired?”

  “No, they’re not coming over unless you want me to call them. I figured it looked like you needed a break from your bodyguard.”

  “Bodyguards! They are all relentless. Maybe tomorrow you can come pick me up and we can go into town together?” Illeanna asked.

  “Sure. That will be fun. We can stop into Aubert’s for lunch or something.”

  “Yeah, I need some normalcy back into my life. I just want to forget about what happened at the restaurant.”

  “That’s understandable, but maybe you can take this time to entertain your attraction to the Boudoux brothers.”

  “What? Are you insane? I don’t have time for that. I’m out of a job, my ankle hurts so I can’t look for another job right now, and sitting around doing nothing is not my thing.”

  “Illeanna, you need a break. You’ve been working so hard and putting up with so much nonsense at the restaurant. Maybe you should take this time to think about changing things up a bit.”

  That seemed to quiet Illeanna down. Angelina hoped that she would consider entertaining her attraction to Louis, Julien, Johnny, Gustave, and Franco. They really seemed to care about Illeanna.

  “We’ll see. I’m too tired to think about it. That’s why tomorrow might be a great time to get out of here and head to Aubert’s for lunch then check out the construction. I’d love to see everyone and thank some of our neighbors for their cards and well wishes they sent.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll pick you up at twelve.”

  Illeanna smiled and Angelina felt good about visiting her today.

  * * * *

  “She’s pissed. That’s for sure,” Johnny told Louis as they all stood outside of the sheriff’s department in town.

  “Of course she’s pissed, she’s an active woman, her ankle hurts, and I’m sure she has other bruises she’s not telling us about,” Louis stated.

  “What do you mean?” Johnny asked.

  “Franco, Julien, and I saw the surveillance video from the back of the restaurant. The gunman landed on top of her, and they went tumbling down concrete steps with her on the bottom. He wasn’t a small guy either,” Louis informed them.

  “Fuck!” Johnny stated.

  “Damn, she could have been seriously injured,” Gustave added.

  “She could have been killed,” Louis corrected then ran a hand through his hair.

  “I don’t even want to think about that anymore. Right now we’re working with the Feds to figure out who these guys were working for and why they went after Jean Phillips and also shot the chef,” Franco added.

  “I think the chef was just caught in the middle. The gunman shot Phillips just as the chef emerged yelling about his arrival. The gunman reacted and shot him.” Julien stated.

  “Why were you two following this Jean Phillips guy?” Johnny asked Louis and Julien.

  “We were hired by Mrs. Phillips to investigate her husband’s infidelity. As we conducted out investigation, we found out that he was involved with multiple women and some other illegal activity. We didn’t have proof of what, but apparently the Feds think it may have to do with why Phillips was killed,” Louis told them.

  “So what’s the next step? How can we use this situation to convince Illeanna that we mean business and that we want a relationship with her?” Johnny asked, and his bro
thers all looked at him as if they hadn’t a clue.

  “We’re all a bunch of law enforcement officers, detectives, bounty hunters, and private investigators, and we can’t figure out how to win the heart of one sexy, green-eyed woman?” Johnny asked with annoyance. They chuckled at that and agreed that they couldn’t. They had tried everything.

  “Well I know she’s interested, but she’s scared. I can tell when a woman is attracted to me,” Franco stated.

  “You damn near made her pass out she’s so scared of you, Franco,” Julien told his brother.

  “Scared of me? What the hell did I do to make her scared?” Franco challenged.

  “The way you entered the crime scene and approached the ambulance making people move out of your way as you made your demands.”

  “Oh, give me a break. If that’s the case, then she’s no good for any of us because we all have intense personalities and demand respect. When I’m in detective mode, I’m conducting an investigation, and I want answers. I don’t get answers if I’m all cuddly and whispering shit to people. Fuck that!” Franco stated in annoyance, and his brothers chuckled.

  “We’re all like that,” Gustave added, and they looked at him, acknowledging his statement.

  “I say we keep doing what we’re doing. We check up on her throughout the day and one of us should stay there with her at night,” Louis stated.

  “Yeah like she’s gonna accept that,” Johnny replied.

  “Her sister Angelina said Illeanna woke up numerous times scared and having nightmares last night,” Gustave told them. They all turned to him, surprised that he hadn’t shared the information sooner, but Gustave was the quiet one.

  “She told you that?” Johnny asked him.

  “I stopped by this morning, and Angelina had slept over. She said Illeanna had a bad night. I checked on her and she was sitting on the couch with ice on her ankle. She looked real tired, too.”


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