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Illeanna Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I killed her. Your sister’s dead and you’re next,” he whispered, then ripped her shirt from her body, prepared to sexually assault her.

  Illeanna shoved the hands and body away from her as she woke up in darkness unsure of where she was. She scrambled off the bed, landing on the floor before realizing she had no idea where she was.

  “Illeanna! Illeanna, wake up!” someone yelled to her. She realized that she was naked and her body ached, causing all her injuries to come alive.


  She pulled the shirt from the floor, covered her chest, and scurried backward until she hit the wall. She was slowly waking from her nightmare and could feel the large hand grab her leg, trying to stop her. She kicked at him.

  “Get away from me!”

  A low light brought the room into clearer view. Reality flowed into her brain as she realized her attacker wasn’t there. She wasn’t alone in her room. All five Boudoux surrounded her, kneeling on the floor, reaching for her as they consoled her back to the present.

  She covered her face and cried, the sobs harsh to her own ears.

  “Easy, sugar, easy now. You’re safe. He can’t get you,” Louis whispered then reached for her.

  She shook her head and clenched her body tighter against the wall despite the pain in her ankle and her chest.

  She uncovered her eyes to look at them. To see such strong, superior men look so upset and uneasy embarrassed her. She was mortified.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. I…”

  “Shh, baby, don’t,” Gustave said as he kneeled down and opened his arms to her. They still wanted her? They didn’t think she was insane? So many crazy thoughts went through her mind. She felt weak, exposed, and susceptible to failure and defeat. It was the most overwhelming and lonely feeling she had ever experienced in her life. Was this how all victims of crimes felt?

  Gustave inched closer, and he pulled her into his arms. The moment she felt the skin-to-skin contact she latched on to him. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, just a pair of camouflage shorts. He kissed her neck softly and carried her back to the bed.

  Someone fixed the covers she must have yanked off the bed as Gustave gently laid her back down. She clutched the T-shirt to her chest and brought her legs up so that the men couldn’t see her privates. It was lame since she had sex with Julien in front of all of them and allowed each of them to touch her. But she still felt self-conscious and shied anyway.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered as Gustave pulled her against him and Julien placed the blanket over them.

  He shook his head. “I’m going to hold you and keep you safe. I won’t let anyone hurt you, sugar, ever again,” he whispered. She snuggled against him, letting her lips touch his skin and savor the feel of muscle beneath her lips. Gustave was strong, built large up top and narrower at the waist. He looked like a weightlifter, but he was sweet, polite, and gentle instead of rough, macho, and kind of scary like he appeared.

  She was still shaking. She felt it and tried so hard to stop. She tightened up, and that only seemed to make matters worse.

  She felt the hand cover her shoulder and someone else joined them behind her.

  “You okay now?” Franco asked, and she looked up toward him, seeing the concern in his eyes.

  “I’m okay. I’m sorry.”

  “Quit apologizing, Illeanna. You were attacked in your home where you should have been safe. We should have been there to protect you!” Franco exclaimed, making her jump at his intense tone.

  “Franco!” Gustave reprimanded and both brothers held one another’s gaze.

  Illeanna knew Franco had a temper on him. He was almost as intense as Johnny.

  Illeanna turned onto her back, grabbing the covers to cover her breasts best she could with both men lying on them.

  “You’re right. It’s my fault. If I had let you stay…”

  “No, it’s not your fault. No one knew this was coming. No one expected this to happen or even thought it was a possibility. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Gustave held her chin between his fingertips. She saw the anger and the intensity in his eyes. She also felt his erection hard against her thigh. They were silent as they held gazes.

  His hand moved under her hair, and he scooted closer as he leaned in and kissed her softly on her mouth. Her lips parted, and he pressed his tongue inside, taking his time kissing her more deeply. She felt her nipples pebble and her vagina actually swell with desire.

  He released her lips and rolled halfway over her, being sure not to place too much weight on her but wedged his thigh between her legs. The sheet pulled down lower, revealing her breasts.

  * * * *

  Gustave felt his body hum with such an awareness and need he was eager to explore. Illeanna lifted her leg against his thigh, and he wrapped his arms around her then rolled to his back. She kissed him fully on the lips, ravaging his mouth, letting him know that she felt exactly the way he did.

  She pulled from his lips, and her long black hair came forward on one side and covered her breast. He kept his hands on her ribs then slowly caressed up as she fully straddled him, placing her hands on his chest.

  “You’re perfect, Illeanna,” he told her then gently rubbed each thumb along her nipples, causing them to harden even more. He felt the wetness against his belly as her pussy, bare and soft, sat snug below his belly button.

  Illeanna closed her eyes and absorbed the feelings he was eliciting from his touch.

  He cupped her breasts, avoiding the urge to apply too much pressure to the very injured one. She had large breasts. More than he could fit in his hands. He trailed a finger across her flat belly to her mound.

  “I want you, Illeanna. I want to make love to you,” he told her, and she smiled at him then lifted up as she caressed her hands up his pectoral muscles to his shoulders. He saw the intensity in her red, swollen eyes and the heated look that passed between them.

  He pressed a finger to her pussy, but the position was awkward.

  “Come on up here. I want to taste you,” he whispered, amazed at how shaky his voice sounded. He’d had sex plenty of times and ate at a woman’s pussy to get her wet, but the anticipation never felt like this. He craved a taste of Illeanna. He wanted to eat her alive.

  She looked around a moment, appearing embarrassed as his brothers looked on.

  “Don’t fret over them. They can taste you later, it’s my turn to love my woman,” he announced, and he pulled her up closer, taking matters into his own hands.

  He gripped her ass cheeks and dove right in to take a taste. A lick, a nibble, and oh yeah, she was a tasty treat he was going to savor.

  The more he squeezed her ass cheeks, pressing her pussy harder against his mouth, the juicier she became. His little chef was getting turned on. When Illeanna tilted her hips up and grabbed onto the headboard, he pressed a finger to her cunt, causing her to jump and moan.

  “That’s right, sugar. You hot for me right?” he asked. She nodded her head, riding his fingers and then his mouth.

  He ate at her some more and was grateful that she was so light and petite compared to him. It gave him an advantage as he reached down, unzipped his shorts, and shimmied out of them. He hadn’t been wearing any underwear, and his cock was hard as a steel rod.

  He nibbled on her clit, and Illeanna moaned then slowly pulled away. That’s when he lifted her up by her waist and lowered her onto his shaft. Greedily she swallowed his cock right up, taking him nearly fully inside of her.

  Up and down she lifted her hips with his assistance. With every thrust she took she closed her eyes and gasped at the fullness.

  “You’re so big, Gustave, I feel you so deeply,” she told him, and he opened his thighs wider, placed his feet flat on the bed, and thrust up hard.

  Illeanna screamed as she held on to him and nearly fell to his chest.

  * * * *

  It was too much to just stand there and watch. Fra
nco had to join in to participate.

  He climbed in behind Illeanna after removing his shorts and shirt. As he pressed his hands over her ass, Illeanna moaned again.

  “Whatever you just did, do it again, bra, she’s getting real wet,” Gustave stated as he thrust up and down.

  Franco rubbed his hands up and over Illeanna’s shoulders, pressing her down as Franco pushed up. “Oh God!” she screamed.

  Franco ran a finger down her spine as he leaned over her, letting his cock hit her lower back and ass.

  “You feel my cock, Illeanna? You feel how hard I am for you, woman? Your ass is looking real good from back here.”

  Illeanna moaned at Franco’s words.

  “How’d you like a big, hard dick in your ass while Gustave fucks that pretty little pussy?”

  “Oh God I can’t. I never,” she blurted out.

  “You never been fucked in the ass baby?” Franco asked as he fisted his cock and gently rubbed it along the crack of her ass. The pre-cum just kept dripping onto her skin. He couldn’t wait to be inside of her, to possess her and shoot his semen into her body, marking her as his.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed as her body shook. She orgasmed hard while Gustave kept thrusting.

  “Oh damn, Illeanna!” Gustave yelled then thrust hard and fast four times before exploding inside of Illeanna.

  They panted for breath as Illeanna lifted up slowly, releasing Gustave’s cock with assistance from Franco.

  Franco wrapped an arm around her waist and hoisted her to all fours as Gustave moved out of the way.

  “So hot and sexy with your breasts all full and aroused,” he teased as he caressed her breasts from behind then trailed a hand over her curves, past her breasts and belly to her pussy lips. He found her clit and pinched lightly between two fingers.

  “Oh, Franco,” she panted as she pressed her ass back against his cock.

  He pressed a finger into her pussy as he nibbled on her shoulder, making her shake with desire.

  “So fucking wet for me. I want in, Illeanna. I want to fuck this wet pussy while I play with this ass.”

  “Oh yes. This is crazy.”

  She moaned again and he used his thighs to spread her wider as he pulled his finger from her pussy and replaced it with his cock. He pressed slowly into her pussy from behind. He wasn’t halfway into her when she thrust back, pulling him through her tight vaginal muscles, squeezing his cock like a vise grip.

  “Fuck, Illeanna, you’re so damn tight and hot. Fuck!” he blurted out as he tried to pull out to thrust back in, but each stroke was torture.

  He grabbed her ass, rubbing along the cheeks as he ground his teeth and forced himself to bear the intense grip her pussy had on his cock. In and out he slowly began to pick up pace as Illeanna joined in thrusting back before he had time to adjust.

  “You’re killing me, baby,” he yelled, and she moaned again as he felt her channel moisten, allowing him to move a little faster.

  He needed her to slow down or he was going to shoot his load. He wasn’t ready yet, and she needed to know that he was boss when it came to the lovemaking.

  “Your ass is calling to me, sugar,” Franco stated, and she slowed down as he pressed a finger to her pussy, swiping some of her cream up and over the puckered hole. The tight rings ate his finger right up, and he could only imagine what it would feel like when his cock was in her ass.

  “Oh hell!” he yelled then thrust hard and fast into her pussy with his finger in her ass and his arm pressed against her hip.

  They both exploded together, and he immediately felt Illeanna go weak. Her legs gave out and she fell to the bed. His cock slipped from her pussy, eliciting a moan from both of them.

  He rubbed her back, leaned forward, and kissed her from the top of her spine down to her ass then took a little nibble of her ass cheek.

  “Franco!” she yelled, slapping her hand back and missing him.

  He chuckled. “That’s one sexy little ass you got there, woman.”

  “There’s nothing little about my ass,” she replied over her shoulder as she snuggled on the sheets.

  “Oh yeah there is,” Johnny stated as he gave Franco a toss of his head, indicating for him to move out of the way.

  Illeanna looked over her shoulder and straight at Johnny’s thick, long cock.

  “Yeah, honey, you get yourself ready for this. I’m a demanding lover and you’ve been warned.”

  “Oh God!” Illeanna stated then laid her cheek against the sheets.

  * * * *

  Johnny was so fucking aroused he wanted in her pussy right now. The sight of her sexy body, big tits, and plump, round ass was enough to make him come in his jeans. Fuck that. She was their woman and he wanted to start getting to know her body. She scared the crap out of him tonight, and he wanted to be as close to her as possible. He craved the connection on the deepest level.

  He placed his hands on her ankles, being sure to avoid the swollen one. Illeanna stirred, and he felt her legs shake a little. She was so turned on, he could see her ass slowly move up and down. He spread her legs and she gasped. He chuckled.

  “Such toned, long, sexy legs you got, woman. How do you keep in such good shape when you in the kitchen all the time?” he teased as he glided his big, rough hands up and down her thighs, massaging them. She shook again and lifted her hips.

  “I just do,” she stated, and he chuckled.

  His fingers brushed softly over her ass cheeks then between the crack, causing her to gasp and lift up and down. He pressed his fingers against the dip between her thighs and her mound. She tried to close her legs and tighten as she shook, but he was between them now. She lifted up and pressed back down as she spread a little wider for him. Oh yeah, his touch was turning her on.

  “You do just fine, woman. You got the nice toned legs and the pretty plump ass, lifts nice and stands out in your jeans so fine,” he teased, caressing the globes.

  “You been watching me, Sheriff?” she asked, and he smiled.

  He pressed a finger against her pussy lips from behind, and she moaned as she tried to move against his fingers to make them go deeper. He chuckled.

  “I’ve fantasized about you for way too long, sugar. I’m gonna get to know this body real good.”

  He leaned down and pressed his face between her legs. “This here is my ass and my pussy.” He spread her wider and licked her cunt.

  Illeanna screamed a small release and lifted up.

  “Did I tell you to move?” he reprimanded then wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back against him. He licked her neck then kissed along it. She turned so that their lips could meet, and he kissed her then licked her lips. It was an erotic kiss and one he hoped she knew meant that he was going to fuck her.

  “Oh please, Johnny. I need.”

  “I know what you need, baby, and I got it right here.”

  He pressed his cock to her slit and rubbed it back and forth. She tried to press back and get him inside of her quickly, but he didn’t let her.

  “So wet for me, baby, ain’t ya?”

  “Yes! Oh yes please, Johnny,” she stated just as he pressed his cock between her wet folds and shoved forward.

  He held her tight around the waist, the position causing each stroke to take her breath away. In and out his hunger for her grew stronger until he was nearly exhausted from pumping into her.

  He lowered her to all fours and shoved inside one more time before he poured himself into her while calling out her name.

  He kissed her shoulder, her back, and her neck as she held her position but remained silent.

  “You okay, baby? I didn’t hurt you did I?” he asked, and she kept her head down.

  He looked at Louis, who now stood to the side of them, and the others waited.

  She turned around and gave him a stare.

  “I think I need to come again?” she whispered, and he chuckled. They had themselves one hell of
a woman.

  Franco pulled slowly form her, and Louis pulled her to him.

  Louis laid her down onto her back and lay naked between her thighs.

  They held one another’s gaze.

  “I’m going to take care of that for you, baby. It’s been too long.”

  Johnny saw Illeanna blush, and he was relieved and spent as he reached down to grab his shorts, letting Louis and Illeanna to themselves.

  * * * *

  Illeanna was exhausted yet fully aroused and ready for another round of sex. The way that Louis reminded her about their time together over a year ago made her feel nervous and yet aroused to revisit that powerful time. She was amazed that she felt the same inner desires and hunger for all five of the Boudoux men. They all remained in the room, which only seemed to heighten her arousal.

  Louis lay between her legs, his cock pressed against her belly and his muscles nearly too much to handle. He kissed her lips and they both closed their eyes and moaned softly. He pressed his tongue and twirled it around her mouth as if trying to savor every inch of it, and she couldn’t help but imagine that tongue licking and sucking her pussy.

  She moaned and raised her legs higher against his hips, her hot, wet pussy a deep contrast to his cooler skin.

  He released her lips and held her gaze as he caressed her arms then raised them above her head. She tightened up a moment having a flashback of the attacker grabbing her wrists and tying them as he held her.

  “Shhh, sugar, it’s just me and I will never hurt you,” he told her as he remained holding her arms above her head, causing her breasts to push up closer to his face. He held her gaze as he stuck out his tongue to lick the tip of her nipple and twirl his tongue around her areola. He was gentle with the bruised breast then moved toward her other breast to give it the same amount of attention. She found herself tilting it toward his mouth, causing him to chuckle. “So responsive, I love it, baby.”


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