Crowns & Courtships Compilation Volume 1

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Crowns & Courtships Compilation Volume 1 Page 49

by Carol Moncado

  Rachel jumped up, hands in the air. “I knew it! I’m going to be an honorary royal auntie!”

  Anabelle laughed as everyone else caught on quickly. Had she ever been hugged so much in her life?

  “There’s other news, too,” Kensington told them as they calmed down. Anabelle stood by his side as he told them the adoption was nearly finalized, and they’d all be heading home on the royal plane in a couple days. They’d all planned to head back to Eyjania on Thursday anyway. Amma and Afi were having a big family get together on Saturday for their sixtieth anniversary. Anabelle was glad they’d get to be there for it. She hadn’t planned to go before they found Gracie and hadn’t thought about it since.

  Less than forty-eight hours later, they were on the plane. Amma and Afi took seats next to each other and started dozing immediately. Anabelle sat next to Clari once they reached cruising altitude.

  “Are they all right?” she asked softly.

  “Amma being gone was hard on Afi. They were pretty sure she was with Gracie and therefore safe and being taken care of, but it was hard on him. He aged a lot. I would imagine it was hard on her, too. She knew she was all right, but she also knew it would be hard on Afi.”

  Anabelle stared at her hands. “Maybe we shouldn’t go on Saturday, then. I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable by being there when it’s our fault she was taken.”

  “It wasn’t your fault.” Clari’s words were harsh. “You didn’t arrange any of it. You are not responsible for your grandfather’s actions in anyway. Afi made it very clear to all of us that you were not to blame. Thor agreed.”

  “Thor?” She knew she’d heard the name mentioned, but Anabelle had a lot to learn about her new family. Amma had told her about many of them, but Anabelle hadn’t always been in a frame of mind to remember later.

  “My... our uncle. He works in security for the palace. He was quite adamant that none of this had anything to do with you. He gave his ‘security team glare’ that we all know not to mess with. The only one who ever rolled her eyes at that glare was his wife.”

  Right. Security guy. Thor. Bald. Not like the movies. “And he has a kid named Thor, too. What’s his wife’s name?”

  “Her name was Tish, but she passed away about a year ago, not long after Joel and I got engaged.”

  “I do remember Amma telling me one of her daughters-in-law had passed, but didn’t realize it was his wife.” She covered her face with her hands and groaned. “I’m never going to keep this all straight.”

  Clari laughed. “Don’t worry. We don’t expect you, too. Joel still messes up sometimes, and we’ve been married almost a year.”

  Anabelle let loose with another groan. “Just promise me there will be name tags.”

  “Let’s see who we have here. Prince Kensington of San Majoria and Anabelle Gregorson of Eyjania?” The judge peered over the top of his spectacles. “Why exactly are the two of you trying to adopt this little girl?”

  Kensington stepped forward. “Your Honor, Anabelle and I were married in March. For a variety of reasons, I would be happy to expound on if you wish, my father, King Edward of San Majoria, has not conferred titles on Anabelle at this time. Until then, under San Majorian law, she retains her previous title and residence, and she is only entitled to honorary use of the female versions of mine.”

  “Does your father intend to confer these titles?”

  Kensington pulled an envelope out of his inside jacket pocket. “I have a signed, notarized affidavit from my father stating that he will be doing just that in the near future. The dates have not yet been finalized.” He handed the envelope to the judge who opened it and read it to himself.

  “Very well. But why should I allow a San Majorian prince and his wife to adopt an Eyjanian citizen?”

  “Gracie is my sister, Your Honor.” Anabelle stood as she spoke. “My parents adopted her not long after her birth. I know nothing about her biological parents.” Not the actual truth, but the official one. All any of them had were suppositions. “Our parents died on the last switchback coming home from Lake Akushla. Their will left full custody to me. My lawyer assured me I didn’t actually need to do anything further. When I married Kensington, we began discussing adoption as it better fits our relationship with Gracie, and to ensure that she is legally, irrevocably, part of our family.”

  “Why here? Why not in San Majoria?”

  “My father-in-law, King Edward, told us because we’d never filled out any paperwork making the move official, the adoption would have to take place here.”

  Kensington pulled out another envelope. “This is a letter from King Benjamin acknowledging your authority in the matter but requesting that we be allowed to adopt Gracie without any delay.” His father had surprised him with that one.

  The judge took his time reading it.

  “Where is Miss Gregorson?”

  “Gracie is outside, Your Honor. We were told she should wait there. She’s with her grandparents.”

  “Will you keep this adoption a secret from her? Will she always believe she’s a member of the San Majorian royal family only to discover she isn’t should the crown somehow land on her head?”

  Kensington straightened his back, offended at the accusation, but understanding the reasoning for it. “No, sir. She will always know that she has been twice adopted. When she’s old enough, a simple Internet search would show her the truth anyway, so it would be pointless to keep it from her, even if we were so inclined.” She would never believe she was a member of the San Majorian royal family, just as she would never know she was likely a biological member of the Eyjanian royal family - a cousin of the king.

  “Bring the girl in,” the judge called to the guard standing near the door. “While we wait, tell me why I have so many extra security personnel in my courtroom.”

  Kensington knew Anabelle would let him explain. “Gracie was kidnapped in May. The extra security goes with all of us everywhere since not all of the parties involved have been apprehended at this time.” No reason to let on that they actively expected another attempt in the next few days, likely at Lake Akushla. After the attack on Queen Christiana of Ravenzario a few months earlier and the abduction of Princess Yvette of Mevendia and Ravenzario, along with one of her friends, a few days earlier, no one was taking any chances.

  The door opened and Gracie walked in holding the hand of the bailiff.

  “Are you Grace Gregorson?” the judge asked.

  Gracie’s eyes were wide, but she nodded.

  “Do you know the difference between the truth and a lie?”

  She nodded again.

  The judge’s eyes narrowed. “Can you talk?”

  “Uh huh.”

  Several people in the courtroom had to smother giggles. Kensington managed to maintain his straight face.

  “All right.” The judge glared at all of them. “Can you tell me your name?”


  “Grace Gregorson?” the judge prompted.

  “Uh huh.”

  “Who do you live with?”

  “Annie an’ Kenny, ‘cept when the bad guys had me.”

  “Do you want to live with Anabelle and Prince Kensington?”

  Kensington was surprised by the use of his title, but appreciated it anyway.

  “Uh huh. My love Kenny an’ Annie.”

  The judge shuffled through the paperwork on his desk. “Very well. Is there any objection to this adoption?”

  Kensington felt Anabelle tense up next to him as he held his breath, but no objections were forthcoming. Neither Anabelle’s grandfather nor Isaiah would be so public in their attempts to gain control of the little girl.

  “Very well. Grace Gregorson is now the legal daughter of Prince Kensington of San Majoria and Anabelle Gregorson. Should they desire to change her name, it will be done in accordance with the laws in San Majoria as they govern name changes for children who are adopted by a step-parent.”

  Kensington knew that part of the ru
ling would never hold up but it wouldn’t matter.

  The judge banged the gavel. “It is so ordered.”

  The room erupted in cheers, mostly from Anabelle’s extended family.

  “Are you my mama and daddy now?” Gracie asked above the din.

  Kensington snatched her up, throwing her in the air, just a bit. Gracie giggled. “You bet we are. I’m your daddy, and Anabelle is your mama.” His heart swelled as he realized she was his child, just as surely as if she’d been his from birth.

  They would need to be careful to make sure Gracie never felt he or Anabelle loved their biological children more, though at the moment, he didn’t believe that to be possible.

  With Gracie situated on one side, Kensington put his arm around Anabelle as they walked out of the courtroom surrounded by family and friends.

  They would head to Lake Akushla for a luncheon celebration then remain with a few of the family members until they all arrived for the anniversary celebration.

  As happy as he was, a sense of foreboding settled over Kensington.

  This wasn’t over.

  The trip to Lake Akushla nearly flew by. Kensington’s security team made sure to go the other way and didn’t pass the switchback where Anabelle and Gracie’s parents had died.

  They reached the cabin about lunchtime, though cabin appeared to be a bit of a misnomer. The place was huge.

  Inside, Amma sent her to one of two rooms that actually opened into the main living/dining/kitchen area.

  “This is usually Clari and Joel’s room,” Amma explained. “But they won’t be staying the night anyway, so she insisted that you and Gracie use it.” Once inside, she closed the door behind them. “Besides, this was always your mother’s room, and it has a secret passage. It doesn’t really go anywhere special, but if you need to leave in a hurry, this is the way to do it.” She showed them how it worked and had them try it out so they would be able to use it in an emergency.

  Lunch had been prepared by another cousin who had come up early. They all sat around the large table, laughing and joking in a way Anabelle hoped to join someday.

  Despite the warm welcome from Kensington’s family, this was something she’d never really known, something she’d always missed, even though she couldn’t really define it, even to herself.

  Her large, half-Icelandic, family had been out there with undefined holes in the shape of Anabelle, her parents, and eventually Gracie. Anabelle had always wanted a large family, and this certainly delivered.

  The adults spent an hour at the table, eating, talking, eating some more. Gracie and the few other kids went to play in the living area.

  Back in their room after lunch, Kensington tucked Gracie into the cot.

  “Do I hafta nap, Annie?” Gracie whined.

  “No.” Anabelle gave her the same answer she always did. “But you do have to rest for a little bit.” Gracie would be asleep in less than ten minutes.

  The little girl seemed to be thinking something over.

  “What is it?” Kensington asked.

  Gracie shrugged.

  “Are you wondering about this morning?”

  She nodded.

  Had they not explained what was happening well enough?

  “Remember the man in the black robe with the funny hair?”

  Gracie gave another nod.

  “He’s a judge. He was the one who would decide if you should be our daughter forever. He said you should.”

  She thought about that. “You my daddy?” She’d asked the same question earlier but asked again.


  Gracie looked at Anabelle. “You my mama now?”

  “For always.”

  Her brows pulled together. “My call you Mama an’ Daddy?”

  “If you want.” Anabelle wasn’t about to make her, but loved the idea, and knew Kensington did, too.

  “‘Kay.” She snuggled deeper under the covers, and her eyes started to drift closed.

  Commotion in the other room caught their attention.

  “Wait here.” Kensington started for the door.

  Anabelle followed him anyway until he glared back at her.

  “Stay with Gracie.”

  That stopped her in her tracks, as he must have known it would.

  Kensington peeked out the door. “It’s Isaiah.”

  “Why is he here?”

  “I’ll find out.” He gave her that look again. “Wait here.”

  She kept the door from closing behind him and stayed as close as she could while still remaining out of sight but still hear what was going on.


  “Isaiah!” Kensington pasted on a smile and faked enthusiasm. “To what do we owe this pleasure?”

  The rest of Amma and Afi’s family looked uncertain.

  Security had come in with Isaiah - both his own and San Majorian. Kensington found himself wishing Thor was there. He wouldn’t be afraid to stop Isaiah from doing something moronic.

  Kensington had to believe that Isaiah wouldn’t do something stupid in front of witnesses.

  “I heard you were in the area, and your adoption was finalized. I wanted to add my congratulations.”

  Their suspicions were correct. Isaiah was Gracie’s biological father or at least believed he was. From a political/international relations standpoint that was far preferable to Benjamin being her father. If Gracie could even legally be on the line of succession to the Eyjanian crown, she was so far down it that it wouldn’t matter. Benjamin’s eldest child was a far, far different matter than Isaiah’s.

  “We appreciate your visit.” He took a seat and motioned for Isaiah to do the same. “My wife and I are thrilled that Gracie is legally our child.”

  “And her biological parents didn’t protest?”

  “She was originally adopted by Anabelle’s parents before their deaths. Her birth mother is deceased, and her biological father never protested their adoption so he doesn’t count anymore. Since both of their parents were killed in that car accident, there isn’t anyone left to protest, is there?” Kensington raised an eyebrow at Isaiah. He would never admit they knew the truth, but what would Isaiah read into the statements?

  “You wouldn’t want her to get to know her biological father if he did come forward?” Isaiah sounded shocked.

  Kensington barely lifted one shoulder. “If it turned out he was someone worth knowing, I suppose we’d consider it. Can’t say I’m disappointed that I’m the only real father she’ll ever know.” Did he dare mention they had suspected Benjamin was the father but that he’d denied it?


  Best continue keeping that tidbit close to the vest. Kensington thought it unlikely Benjamin had mentioned it.

  “And I’m certain you’ll be a wonderful father. Possibly as good a father as I would have been had I ever been given the opportunity to raise children.” Isaiah leaned back against the sofa and crossed one leg over the other, looking completely at ease.

  Settling in, Kensington tried to project the same confidence. “It’s not too late, I suppose, though you’d have to find a woman to settle down with. That might put a crimp in your bachelor lifestyle. Rumor has it you love your freedom.”

  “I do,” Isaiah conceded, “but for the right woman, or at least the right child, I would give it up. Like you did.”

  Kensington didn’t take the bait. “I do love my life, now that Gracie is back home with us. I don’t know how I maintained my composure in public. I don’t know what I’d do if left alone with the man responsible this time, or should they or anyone else ever try again.”

  Isaiah didn’t rise to his bait either. “How long will you be in Eyjania?”

  “At least Sunday.” He nodded toward the rest of the family. “We’re attending an anniversary party and family reunion this weekend.”

  “You’re part of the Sørensen clan? I believe a couple of them work for the palace. I hope they have clearance for this weekend.”

  The veiled threat wasn’t los
t on Kensington. He chose not to respond. “Now that you’ve given us your congratulations and discussed parenthood with me, is there anything else on your agenda?”

  “Agenda? Who says I have an agenda?”

  Kensington chuckled. “Doesn’t everyone?” Isaiah more than most.

  “I suppose, but I don’t have an official one.”

  “Then would you care to join us in a card game?” He didn’t know for sure that was their plan, though it had been mentioned during lunch.

  Isaiah stood and buttoned his suit jacket. “Thank you for the invitation, but I must be returning to the palace. I do hope nothing detains you, or sends you packing for home earlier than planned like it did last time.”

  “I’m sure everything will go according to plan this time.” Kensington didn’t bother standing. “Have a safe trip back to Akushla. I’m told there’s a switchback that’s absolutely murder if you’re not careful.” He grinned to take any innuendo out of his words.

  “My driver wouldn’t dare take anything but the utmost care.”

  “I’m sure he wouldn’t.”

  Isaiah gave an offhanded wave in the general direction of the rest of the group as he walked to the door. He waited for it to be opened by someone else before exiting.

  A virtual exhale sounded around the room as the door closed.

  “Thank you for handling him.” Clari stood from her seat at the table. “You can get away with far more than any of us can. I work for the Queen Mother, but his influence is felt all over the palace. I doubt even Thor would be safe if Prince Isaiah wanted him gone.”

  Kensington finally stood. “Be sure to let me know if there’s any undeserved consequences with his fingerprints on it. I do know his nephew, and so does my father. His nephew has far more influence than he does.”

  “I will.”

  The rest of the family left the table as Kensington started for the bedroom to make sure Anabelle knew it was safe to come out. She opened the door before he reached it.

  “I heard.” She rested a hand on her chest. “Thank you for not letting him get to you.”


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