Chosen Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 3

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Chosen Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 3 Page 4

by Janelle Peel

  The Protector barked, “Syn, shift now! I don’t have time for your petty bickering today. Our perimeter is weak and I have too much shit to deal with.”

  Syn settled onto the grass and swished her thick tail.

  Jonas shifted. The Protector didn’t even bat an eye at his nude state. Lifting his thick hand, he said, “I am Jonas, Beta to the Pack. You must be, Mason?”

  “That I am.” Mason clasped his hand and shook once, roughly. His eyes hardened, “And this little pussycat, is Syn.”

  Syn yawned, clearly unbothered by Mason’s snub.

  Jonas chuckled and her amber eyes glowed. Her growl reverberated through his chest as she stood and stalked away.

  “Don’t mind her, she doesn’t play well with others.” Mason said, watching her go.

  “That’s the reason felines never worked out within the Pack. It’s hard for them to work in a group dynamic.” Jonas replied.

  Mason shrugged, “So, what brings you over? Not just a tussle with a pretty kitty, I hope?”

  Jonas liked the Protector immediately, his quick wit was refreshing. “Well, I spoke to Jackson about some security issues, only some of the Wolves are having difficulties working them out with,” he paused, tipping his head toward where Syn had lain, “the felines. It seems they are afraid of the kitties.”

  Mason laughed, “No worries, they’ll grow on you, eventually. That, or you guys will duke it out and settle the matter yourselves. Now, tell me about these issues.”


  I pulled the binoculars from my eyes. Damn, I’d liked to have seen a Bear and Panther fight. It would have been epic.

  Cooper made no movement at all as he watched the Shifters from his post to my left. We were over 2 miles away and downwind from the Compound, but it didn’t seem to matter to him. The dense sagebrush provided enough coverage that it would take a heat sensor to spot us.

  I was just pulling the tome from my bag when he spoke, “I’ve never seen Shifters inside a Clutch’s perimeter. The Council needs to be informed.”

  I shivered. In all honestly, I wanted to keep my distance from the Council. “Do you think it’s necessary? We don’t even know what they’re doing down there.”

  He gave me a skeptical look. “They’re training. Most felines don’t even work well together, let alone with a Pack of Shifters. How is that not necessary? Add in the fact that they are inside the perimeter of one of the largest Vampire Compounds I have ever seen…” his voice trailed off.

  That was the most I’d ever heard him speak. Then again, it pertained to work. With a sigh, I nodded, “Do you want to catch the raven, or should I?”

  His lack of response answered my question.

  Throwing him a glare, I dusted off my rear and made my way back to the RV with my eyes searching the sky.

  Our campsite was undisturbed and I hadn’t seen any sign of the aviary variety, so I decided a little spell work was in order.

  Once I’d settled onto a log, I pulled out my supplies and got to work mixing the ingredients to enhance the bird. At least then I would be ready whenever I found the dammed thing.


  His thoughts spun at the scene before him. What reason could the Shifters have to join the Vampires? Their centuries old grudge against one another should have made it impossible, yet, here they were. The Protector speaking was too far away for even his magic enhanced hearing, but he was obviously in league with the Shifters… why?

  Frustrated by his lack of knowledge, he left his post in search of a raven. Goddess knew that his partner was probably inept at such things. Plus, he was the Hunter, after all.

  The soles of his black shitkickers carried him to a rocky ravine. Looking down the cliff, he could make out various holes on its craggy face. The perfect nesting spot for his quarry.

  He settled in to wait beneath the hot California sun.

  An hour passed with little more than a passing hawk to mark the time. He was hot, hungry, and tired of waiting. Please All Mother, let one fly by soon, he prayed.

  A soft breeze picked up, instantly relieving his sweat dampened skin. He inhaled, damn, he needed a shower, asap. The run earlier had done him no favors.

  Just then, a shadow flickered across the sky. Squinting his eyes, he looked for the telltale wedge shape of its tail. Yes! His fingers deftly plucked a wad of netting from the inner pocket of his pack. Quietly, he shifted on the balls of his feet and waited for the bird to land.

  Not a minute later, the raven landed on a barren branch, mere feet below his hiding spot. His thick arms flexed as he threw the mesh directly over the bird, tethering it to the branch with the nets heavy weights. The bird squawked in outrage and struggled, further entangling itself in the nylon cordage.

  Smiling to himself, he lowered his torso of the ledge and grabbed the branch. The bird screeched again as he broke the bough with his hands and hefted his prize over the side. Faster than he could track, the birds’ head shot out of the net and impaled the top of his hand with its sharp beak.

  Grumbling to himself, Cooper straightened. Picking up the bundle by the weights, he began the trek back to camp. Daisy had better be grateful.


  I had just finished the enhancement potion when Cooper dumped a dusty, squawking bundle at my feet. Without a word, he turned on his heel and went inside the RV.

  Sweet, I thought, and uncapped the clear bottle.

  Using the tip of my boot, I toed the disgruntled bird over and located its head. The raven cried out with a loud chirp as I dumped the vials’ contents across its beak. Whispering under my breath, I prayed that the elixir would work. Wisps of smoke drifted upward in a tight cloud that I quickly inhaled. Exhaling, I whispered the key word that the Council had chosen, “Dhampir.”

  An answering ping pinched beneath my sternum as the spell leeched magic from my well in a flash of red light. The raven’s eyes glazed over, glowing pink as it settled beneath the net.

  With shaking fingers, I untangled its trapped appendages and tossed the net aside. It stood, stretching its long, glossy black wings, and gazed up at me with its creepy eyes.

  Excitement lit through my veins. I’d done it! Having never successfully done an enhancement before, I thanked the Goddess that it’d worked. Who knew what the Council would do to me if I had failed.

  An image formed in my mind and Moris’s wet screams rang in my ears.

  Turning to the side, I quickly lost my strawberry yogurt. Fuck, of course I had to think of that now.

  Shuddering, I wiped my mouth and leaned closer to the bird.

  “Dhampir,” I whispered once more. “Daisy Montgomery reporting. It seems a Pack of Shifters has settled within the Clutch’s compound. Cooper and I will continue monitoring the situation. End report. Dhampir,” I signed off. Looking into the hazy eyes of the raven, I said, “To the Council, stop for nothing and no one. Go.”

  The large bird took off with three flaps of its nearly 5-foot wingspan. It circled once overhead before catching a thermal and shooting off to the north.

  Satisfied, I wound up the net and stepped inside the RV to thank Cooper.

  “Is it done?” He rumbled from the bathroom.

  I closed the door and threw his net onto the counter. “Yes. Thank you for catching the raven. I’m not sure I could have done it on my own.”

  He grunted in response.

  Curious as to what he was doing, I kicked my boots off at the door and made my way to the back of the RV.

  His bright blue eyes met mine in the small mirror above the sink. The running water ran red as he rinsed his large hands.

  My eyes widened, “What happened?”

  “It’s nothing,” he grouched. His brows lowered as he focused once more on his task.

  “Why not heal it?” I asked, baffled that he’d bother washing a wound.

  He shrugged, “It’ll heal.”

  I shook my head, “No. If you’re not going to do it, let me. The last thing we need is the Shifters cat
ching the scent of your blood. Just because we haven’t seen any patrols this far out doesn’t mean there won’t be.” I reached out with an open palm and waited.

  Grinding his teeth, he lifted his hand from the water and turned off the tap.

  What was his problem, anyway? Here I was trying to be nice and help. It’s not like I was asking for a pity fuck or something.

  After a moment, he sighed and placed his hand into my palm.

  The wound was almost perfectly round, but shit, it was deep. I sucked in a breath, “The bird?”

  He nodded, not meeting my eyes.

  Okay, then. Calling to my center, I held my other palm over the top of his hand. Red light lit for a moment before warmth emitted from my hands.

  He released a barely audible sigh of relief.

  Finished, I let go and stepped back.

  Quietly, he said, “Thank you.”

  I nodded, “No problem,” and went back to the booth.

  His boots clomped on the tiled floor a moment later. Once he’d settled across from me, he just stared.

  I rummaged through my bag for the tome I was working on when he spoke, “What’s the mark on your chest?”

  Shock iced my veins and I froze for a moment. When did he see that? “Why?” I asked.

  He rolled a thick shoulder.

  Well, at least he was speaking to me, I thought. I suppose I could give a little, too. “It was my punishment from the Council.”

  His brows drew low, “Why not heal it?”

  I shook my head and refused to meet his gaze, “I can’t.”

  Rubbing his chin, he continued, “Punishment for what?”

  Shame colored my face red and I bit out, “I failed in my last mission. There was a dire-fire not far from here in Pacific Beach. I was sent to investigate, but failed to find the cause. However, I did sense a massive amount of magic and traced the source back to this Clutch,” I tipped my head to the window. “Do you remember the girl that was shunned last year?”

  His eyes squinted in remembrance, “The child prodigy with no magic?”

  I jerked my head, “That’s the one. I found her inside the Compound behind an unbreakable ward. Now, I’m not the strongest Mage, but I couldn’t even make a dent in it. Regardless, Sora, was there. She had fangs and had obviously been turned… or so I thought.” Rolling a shoulder, I continued, “I reported my findings to the Council. They were upset in my failure, but my discovery quickly became their prime directive. What I had failed to notice when I met her, was that it was daylight.”

  Cooper inhaled sharply.

  “Yes. The Council was furious. They freaked out. They were shouting, something about,” lifting my fingers, I air quoted, “the ‘Chosen’. I should have kept my mouth shut, but I couldn’t,” I shivered. “I asked what the Chosen was. A female Councilmember blasted me with her fire. It was so intense, her magic lifted me from the floor and slammed me into the thick doors. Thankfully, they gave way. Once I’d been thrown into the hall, the doors slammed shut.” I plucked at the top of my grey tank, revealing the unhealed marks marring my creamy skin, “Viola, punishment. I can’t heal them.”

  His blue eyes softened as he took in my charred skin, “Does it hurt?”

  I snarked, “Of course it fucking hurts. They’re burns, for fucks sake.” Dropping my tank with a snap in agitation, I cringed as the material resettled over my damaged skin.

  “Do you want me to try?” He asked, looking at the table.

  My brows furrowed as I snarked, “Why? You didn’t even want to talk to me before now. Why the change of heart?”

  He growled, “Do you want me to or not?”

  They did hurt. Maybe he could heal them, maybe he couldn’t. It was worth a shot. I sighed, “Fine.”

  Hesitating, he closed his eyes, “You can’t watch.”

  I laughed. “Why not?”

  His tone brooked no argument, “That’s the deal. Are you in or out?”

  “Okay, fine. Whatever,” I closed my lids.

  A moment later, something was tossed over my face. Shocked, I immediately jerked away and removed the material.

  Lifting one perfect eyebrow, he muttered, “It’s just a towel.”

  “Well,” I grumbled, “you could have warned me.”

  After my lids lowered again, he replaced the towel over my face. Why, I wondered, was something wrong with his magic? My thoughts drifted to the idiots from the tunnel… their magic was wrong, weird. Damaged somehow.

  His fingers brushed my skin and I shivered as he pulled my top down lower. In my mind’s eye, I could see the angry scarlet marks. His other hand touched the burns and I sucked in a pained breath.

  “Sorry,” he whispered.

  Light flashed through the towel, coloring my closed lids red. A healing warmth came next and I moaned in relief. He was doing it! He was actually healing what I couldn’t.

  He removed his hand, “It’s done.”

  Pulling the towel from my face, I marveled at the smooth skin beneath my fingers. Not a trace remained of the burns. Shifting in my seat, I went to say thank you, but he was gone.

  Chapter 4


  “Like this?” I asked, conjuring a hurricane over the ocean. Lightning flashed and thunder cracked in tandem with the churning waves.

  Marta grinned, “Close, but it needs more power. I want to see a Cat 5 on the horizon.”

  My brows furrowed in concentration. Reaching to my center, I pushed my will to my silvered fingertips and added more magic to the storm. The wind howled in response; kicking up 50-foot waves that quickly soaked my nude form on the beach.

  “More,” she whispered.

  Easy for her to say, her form didn’t get wet like mine did. Biting my lip, I threw everything I had at the tempest.

  The ocean crashed upward in a 100-foot geyser that was quickly swallowed by the storm. The wind screamed in my ears and I dug my feet into the soft sand to keep from toppling over. I heard nothing but its ravenous screech as I funneled more and more fire into the hungry beast it had become.

  Sara’s voice carried to my abused ears, “Pull it back, Sora!”

  I sighed in relief and pulled. Instantly, the sea water fell from the sky in large splats, back from whence it came. The winds died down to a cool tropical breeze and I smiled. My well overfilled once more as the hurricane dispersed, like it never was.

  “Well done!” Marta hooted with joy.

  With a smile, I collapsed back onto my rear, no longer caring where the sand went in my lady parts. I was tired.

  “No, no,” Sara said, joining me and pulling my battered body upright. “We keep going. If you collapse now, we’ll never finish.”

  I knew she was right, but it seemed like weeks since I’d seen Blaze. My heart ached with a hollowness that I’d never felt, not even when I was cast out. I wanted my family, my Clutch. I needed to feel Nat’s soft fur beneath my fingertips and laugh at Bex’s antics. I bared my teeth; I missed Viv and her idiot Mate. I wanted to go home.


  “Shh,” Sara soothed. “I know it’s hard, but what we’re doing is as much for their good as yours. Try to hold that thought.”

  At my nod, she continued, “Now, you try snow.”

  I shook my head, “No. I almost killed myself the last time.”

  Marta giggled, “No, you didn’t. If you had practiced instead of being afraid, it wouldn’t have happened.” Her face hardened, “The Goddess chose you. YOU, Sora. Suck it up buttercup, this is your life now. The quickest way through any problem is to go through it.”

  Sara nodded, “She might be ineloquent, but she’s right. The world needs you, not just the Clutch, but every living being on the planet. Without you, the darkness will spread…”

  I dropped back to my knees, “Then tell me!” I screamed. “Tell me why I’m so important! What am I supposed to do?!”

  A deep tone chimed, announcing the All Mother’s presence. Her voice boomed from everywhere and nowhere at once
, “Enough! When you are ready, you will know. Until then, you must master your magic!”

  Her words cracked like a whip through my psyche. Fine, I would wait. Until then, I would become stronger. I would train. Then, I would defend what was mine.


  With renewed hope, I decided to see if Viv would join me at the Training Grounds.

  My bare feet carried me to her room and I knocked. A moment later, a sleepy, pink haired pixie opened the door. Her eyes widened, “Hey, Nat. What’s up?”

  I grinned, “Nice hair, chick.”

  Lifting a hand, she finger-combed her crazy hair, “Better?”

  “Nope,” I smirked, “not really. Anyway, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind teaching me to use the staff?”

  Her face broke out in a broad grin, “Sure, I’d love to kick your ass today.” She sobered, “Sora still out?”

  Somberly, I answered, “Yeah, Blaze won’t leave her side.”

  “I’m sure she’s alright.” She shook her head, “I don’t know why, but I think we’d know if she wasn’t. Right?”

  I nodded.

  “Good,” she waved her hands, “now shoo. I’ll meet you there in a few, ‘kay?”


  After she closed her door, I decided to take the shortcut outside.

  The night air felt cool on my skin and I sighed. This was so much nicer than taking the underground tunnel.

  I could spot a few Shifter patrols in the distance and I inhaled; ooh, something musky… Curious, I wondered what it could be. I didn’t know how anyone could keep so many scents straight, it was mindboggling.

  Shrugging, I picked up my pace into a slow jog until the Training Grounds came into view.

  A mountain of a man was just entering and held the door for me with a smile.


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