Chosen Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 3

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Chosen Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 3 Page 11

by Janelle Peel

“Leave us,” Sora’s soft voice carried to my ears.

  Silence reigned as I stared at the table’s glossy surface.

  With a grumble, Blaze left her side. Prowling toward me, he leaned down to my exposed ear, “Try anything, and I will make you regret your very existence.”

  Cooper growled, “That is not necessary, Blaze.”

  Blaze straightened, “Yes, it is. I find if I make my expectations clear, there is very little chance of future misconceptions.”


  Blaze threw me another look as he slowly closed the door; begging me to reconsider.

  I jerked my head once in the negative. I needed to handle this on my own, and he was ridiculously intimidating. Judging by the slight tremble of Daisy’s shoulders, it might be a little late for that.

  The click of the latch sounded and she jumped. Her wide green eyes snagged on mine as she sucked in a choked breath.

  Imploringly, I lifted a brow and waited.

  She nodded, “Sora.”


  Leaning further back in her chair, she tipped her nose up and muttered, “You’re looking well.”

  “Thank you,” I replied in a monotone, unimpressed by her off the shoulder compliment. Bracing my palms on the table, I asked, “What has Cooper told you?”

  She shook her head, thrown by my bluntness, “Nothing.”

  “Good. Why don’t you begin.”

  “Begin?” She questioned.

  “Yes, begin with where the Council is, what they are doing, and why you came here.”

  Her nostrils flared, “Why should I trust you?”

  Calling to my center, silver flames broke out on the tops of my exposed hands.

  She bit out, “What? Is your light show supposed to impress me?”

  I grinned, “No, but it does show you whose side I’m on. It shows you whose side Cooper is on. Tell me, which side are you on, Daisy?”

  Her teeth ground together in the silence. Stubbornly, she whispered, “I don’t know.”

  Sympathy coursed through me at her words. Forcefully, I pushed the emotion away. As far as I knew, she was the enemy. I couldn’t afford for my feelings to color my decisions. She was the reason my family was under threat in the first place. I hardened my tone, “Not good enough. Show me your magic.”

  She hesitated. Slowly, her fist lifted. Curling and uncurling her fingers, she sighed and ignited her flames.

  Shock coursed through me at their sickly pink color. I blurted, “What the fuck is that?”

  Her shock met mine, “Since when do you swear?”

  I rolled a shoulder in dismissal, “What is wrong with your magic?”

  Extinguishing her fire, she snarked, “I guess Cooper hasn’t told you everything, has he?”

  My fangs extended with a snick and I growled, “Watch your tone, Mage. He is mine.”

  Baffled, she asked, “What do you mean, yours?”

  Satisfaction lit through me and my fangs retracted, “He is one of my Clutch.”

  Her stoic facade shattered. Hurt, hatred, pain, and finally rage flashed across her face. “You always got everything, didn’t you, Sora?” She shook her head in disdain, “Even the one thing that I’ve always wanted.”

  I barked a quick laugh, “Really? That’s pretty rich coming from you. Weren’t you supposed to be my best friend?” I scoffed and lifted a finger, “A friend that got her magic before me.” Another finger rose, “A friend that disowned me on her parents say so.” I curled my fingers into a fist and sat forward, “Tell me Daisy, where were you when I was shunned for not having magic? And yet, I got everything?” Sitting back in my chair, I flipped my silver hair over one shoulder in a haughty manner, “Please, save your pity party for someone that cares.”

  Her green eyes darkened, “Are you fucking kidding me? You had everything when we were kids. Fucking EVERYTHING! At least your goddammed parents loved you.” Hurt colored her words, “They didn’t use you to better themselves. My fucking family wants me to do what they say, even now, but-” her mouth closed with a snap.

  I steepled my hands, “Now?”

  Her face shuttered and she shrugged.

  “Fine,” I bit out. “Then tell me about your magic.”

  She sat back with a sigh. “I can’t.”

  I decided to play hard ball. “Okay, do you want Cooper to tell me? I’ll call him back right now. Coop-”

  “No,” her shoulders slumped in defeat, “please.”

  Pushing my chair out, I stood and padded to her. Lifting one hand, I nodded to hers.

  Tentatively, she touched my fingers.

  My magic ignited, calling to her pastel colored flames. They flickered briefly before turning silver. Her expression showed awe as she met my gaze.

  “I don’t understand,” she whispered.

  “I am Her Chosen,” I said, watching our magic mingle. My brow furrowed, “Unfortunately, I don’t entirely know what that means. Cooper has filled in some blanks, but I need to know more.”

  Her fingers slowly retreated from mine, lighting her magic in pink once more. Her palm slapped across her chest at the loss. In a small voice, she said, “I don’t know what is right anymore, Sora.”

  Her lost words crumbled my resolve. “Take the night. See Cooper. He is only mine in the sense that he is a member of our Clutch, not,” I waved a hand, “romantically.” My lips lifted into a smile, “I don’t think my Mate would share.”

  She chuckled, “I bet not.”

  I sobered, “This is a reprieve, Daisy. We are not done here. You do not have access to my house, just Cooper’s room. If you need to talk, there will be a guard outside your door.” I squared my shoulders, “Please don’t make me kill you.”

  Her bottle green eyes pinched in understanding.

  Wordlessly, I nodded. I had killed, and I was not proud of it.

  Turning on my heel, I opened the door; spilling Cooper and Blaze inside. I snickered, “Aren’t you both a little too old for eavesdropping?”

  Blaze recovered first and flashed to his feet with a grumbled, “No.”

  Cooper’s cheeks pinked as he stood, “Maybe.”

  I shook my head at their antics, “Then you heard. Blaze, ask Jackson for a security detail. Cooper, you know what to do.”

  He took one knee before my smaller frame, “Thank you.”

  I waved a hand, unsure of how to react, “Just go, weirdo.”

  Chuckling, he rose and took Daisy’s hand. She smiled softly and followed him out.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Blaze rumbled, hooking me with his thick arm.

  I sighed, “I don’t know, Love. I just don’t know.”


  “Are you hungry?” He asked, leading her to the west wing through the maze of halls.

  She shook her head, “No, but I sure could use a drink.”

  “Well, I don’t think Sora would mind if we stopped off for a drink. Let me text Jackson.” He pulled out his phone and keyed in a text. A moment later, a chime sounded from the small speaker. “We’re good, let’s go.”

  She smiled, “Okay. It’s been a crazy two days.”

  His thick shoulders tensed at the reminder. While he was happy to have her near, he still wondered what had happened with her Council visit. His mind rolled, perhaps he could ask after her thirst was quenched.

  Turning left at the next hall, they soon came to the entryway marking the rec room where a large black feline Shifter was waiting for them. Sidestepping its thick tail, the sounds of pool balls cracking met his ears as they went through the arched opening. He stopped, having never met the two beautiful Vampires before him.

  Lagoon colored eyes snagged his from above the red felt. Standing, her shorter frame put her well below his taller height.

  Tossing her ruby hair, she grinned, “Hello, handsome. Would you and your friend fancy a game of pool?”

  The other gorgeous female poked her head up from behind the bar. Her pale blue eyes widened before her pillow soft
lips tipped into a smirk, “What are you two drinking?”

  Daisy recovered before he could, “Two whiskeys, please. And yes, a game of pool sounds amazing.” Prying his death grip from her hand, she swayed her hips to the bar and settled on a leather stool.

  He stood, awestruck, watching the gorgeous redhead gather the balls for a new game.

  “Hi,” she said. “I’m Allie.” She tipped her head toward the bar, “That’s Sasha.” The nostrils of her pert nose flared, “To what do we owe the pleasure of meeting you two fine Mages?”

  Clearing his dry throat, he finally managed a response, “I am Cooper, newest member of the Clutch. This,” he nodded to Daisy, “is my companion, Daisy.”

  Allie smiled, “Well met.” Her small chin jerked to the red felt, “Okay if we play doubles?”

  “Sure,” Daisy answered, throwing back her drink. She inspected the glass’s empty contents, “Damn, that’s good.”

  With his parched mouth watering, Cooper’s feet carried him to the bar. He lifted the amber class to his lips and inhaled; pure heaven met his senses. Downing its contents in one go, he murmured, “Thank you, Sasha.”

  “Alright,” Allie announced with an excited clap. “Who’s breaking?”


  After Allie’s fourth sexual innuendo, I had begun to relax, well as much as I could with a giant Panther lurking in the hall.

  Being with Sasha and Allie was so natural… it felt like I, belonged. Belonged, I snorted internally. Like I could ever belong. My thoughts tripped back to the Council. How could they be so wrong when being here felt so… right?

  Further, how could they be evil?

  Happiness bubbled through my chest as I watched Sasha smack Cooper’s ass with her cue. “Wrong ball, silly,” she quipped with a wink. “We’re stripes, you guys are solids.”

  Cooper’s normally stoic face softened and he laughed. His deep chuckles loosened the chunk of ice encasing my heart.

  Goddess, what was I going to do? How could I betray him?

  “Well, Ladies,” he rumbled. “This has been fun, but I’d better get this one back to our room. She’s had a long day.”

  I grinned, “And a very enjoyable night.” Grabbing my bag from the floor, I mused internally at how much fun I’d had.

  Allie pouted while Sasha put up their pool sticks. Crossing her arms under her large breasts, she pushed out her lower lip, “Fine, but you two had better come back. We’re here most nights.”

  Sasha lifted two mocha fingers in a boy scout salute, “Truth.”

  They both giggled at their inside joke.

  We made our goodbyes and headed back to Cooper’s room with the big Cat dogging our steps.

  My buzzed thoughts continued to roll around like marbles along the way.

  He hesitated at an oak door, “So, this is the room I have been given. Is it… okay if we share?” Cooper’s face lit with a vulnerable expression.

  I nodded. “Of course.” It was probably safer for me to be near him anyway.

  He turned the handle and gestured for me to enter.

  The room’s interior was decorated much like the rest of the mansion. White silver veined wall paper ran up to the ceiling, trimmed out with thick, round baseboards. The carpet was the standard black and seemed to cover every floor that I’d seen so far. A large king-sized bed dominated the room with a thick, grey duvet. One leather wingback was just off to the side near what I assumed to be the bathroom.

  “The bathroom is there,” he pointed in the direction I was looking and shut the door. “It isn’t much, but it’s definitely bigger than our previous accommodations.”

  “You can say that again, the RV would probably fit in here twice,” I grinned.

  He sobered, “What happened, Daisy?”

  I gritted my teeth shook my head, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “If you stay, we kind of have to.” He lifted his large hands in a placating manner, “I don’t want to rush you, but I have made my choice. Being here,” he rolled a shoulder, “it feels right. The Council is pure evil. I hope you remember that.”

  Nodding, I padded into the bathroom without giving him a reply.

  Closing the door on his disappointed expression, I slid down its white painted surface.

  What was I going to do? In my heart, I knew the Council was evil… but, could I really leave my parents in their tender care? What did that say about them? It seemed that they were in total agreement with the Council’s agenda. My thoughts continued to spin as I dropped my bag and turned on the shower. Maybe after I’d relaxed under the multitude of jets, I would be able to make a decision.

  An hour later, I opened the door. Cooper’s soft snores carried to my ears as I padded across the room. Clad in a pair of pink boyshorts with a matching bra, I crawled beneath the covers.

  The snoring cut off, “Daisy?”

  “Yes, it’s just me,” I whispered.

  Rolling onto his side, he pulled me against his bare chest. Sleep took me a short while later.

  Chapter 11


  Just how was he supposed to keep an eye on Nat, he wondered. She’d already given him the stank eye on 2 separate occasions and accused him of following her.

  The last time, she’d even unknowingly used her Alpha stare. The bright green of her eyes glowed with frustration as she shouted, “Stay away from me!”

  Now, his Bear wouldn’t let him get within a hundred feet of her. Every time he tried, the beast raked its sharp claws through his mind and fought for control. He knew his twin soul was right, but how could he hope to appease him and both Alphas?

  Grumbling under his breath at the situation, he didn’t at first notice Syn effortlessly swinging from the multitude of ropes hung at varying intervals across the Training Grounds high ceiling.

  A feline growl finally drew his attention as she released one rope, flipped through the air, landed atop the rock climbing wall, and scaled its face with catlike efficiency. Dropping to the floor, her green-eyed glare woke his Bear.

  He rumbled a friendly challenge. Perhaps this was one itch he could scratch.

  Her amber eyes flashed in annoyance as she prowled toward him with a predatory grace. A black tank slicked to her body as her pale skin glistened with sweat. The tight grey shorts she wore left little to the imagination, showcasing every line of her hips and toned thighs.

  An inhuman hiss sounded from her throat, “You fucking done staring at my body, Cub?”

  He grinned, “Cub, huh?” Throwing his arms wide, his expression mocked her, “I bet this Cub can kick your little kitty’s ass.”

  Her pink upper lip lifted into a snarl.

  He snickered. If it could, he bet her short hair would stand on end.

  Without fanfare, she stalked to the mat. Tipping her chin to the weapons, she quipped, “I bet my pussycat can eat your whelp any day. Traditional, or tooth and claw?”

  Between on blink and the next, he shifted. Towering over her small frame, he ripped away the shreds of his clothing with one swipe of his large paw. Lowering to all fours, he roared.

  The sound echoed off the massive room for a moment as her lips lifted into a sneer. In one smooth motion, she pulled her tank over her head; baring the pert peaks of her breasts. Dumbfounded, he could only watch as her shorts followed. Tossing the bundle onto a nearby exercise machine, he marveled at the play of her perfection.

  His Bear grumbled for him to get his head back in the game.

  Shaking his shaggy body to clear his thoughts, he missed her shift. She hissed once and began to circle him.

  He pivoted, trying to keep her lithe figure within his sight, but it was proving difficult. His mass made him the stronger opponent, but the Panthers’ agility placed her in an entirely different class.

  Faster than he could track, she pounced. He growled as her sharp claws scaled him like a mountain. Standing tall, he dropped in an attempt to dislodge her from his back.

  She dug one paw into his si
de and bit his thick fur to keep her grip.

  Latching on to her foreleg with his long nails, he hooked her pelt and tossed her across the mat like a child’s toy.

  Tufts of black fur littered her mouth and she coughed in outrage.

  He snorted a laugh and straightened. It looked like she was trying to choke up a hairball.

  Unimpressed with his humor, she launched her attack with renewed vigor.

  His chest shook in glee as her mouth closed upon his thick fur once more. She couldn’t penetrate his ruff; he had this challenge in the bag. Splaying his paws, he dropped to the mat in a roll; trying to pin her with his bulk.

  That was where he made a mistake.

  Her agility proved useful again as she easily maneuvered her body around his thick shoulders and latched onto his throat.

  He froze, shocked that she had his life in her jaws.

  The pressure increased as she growled for him to submit.

  Without any other option, his ego deflated and his body went limp.

  She released her hold and shifted. Her amber eyes glowed with amusement as she stared down into his furry face. She patted him on the snout, “Better luck next time, big boy.”

  Not to be outdone, he shifted before she could move. Her eyes widened as she sprawled across his bare torso. He rocked his hips, pressing his hardened member against her pelvis with the motion.

  A grin settled over her face as her hand slid down his slick chest. Slowly, her small fingers wrapped around his manhood as he sucked in a delighted breath.

  With a devious smile, she tightened her hold to the point of pain. “If you ever try that again, this,” her fingernails dug in, “will be mine. Do you understand?”

  He could barely breath, let alone speak, so he nodded.

  She released him and stood over his body as he curled into a ball. Flashing him her ass, she grabbed her clothes and left.

  Slowly, the pain eased and he sucked in greedy gulps of air. Holy shit, did that just happen?


  I found Rowe in the library curled up in a chair with an old book. Bex snored softly on the floor near her feet.

  “Hey,” I whispered, “did you find anything?”


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