Trained With Pain

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Trained With Pain Page 2

by Mark Andrews

  At each stroke their bodies swayed forward and then shuddered into strictures as every muscle tightened up, trying to relieve the agony of the blow but neither of their parents was excited by the perfection of their bodies. They were either utterly ravaged by the humiliating attack on their son and daughter; or were angry at the attitudes that had brought it about.

  But Paul Donovan was very definitely turned on by what he was doing to them. He kept it well hidden but he was enjoying himself thoroughly. He wondered if his treatment would reform them. On the one hand, he hoped it would, for they were clearly potentially fine citizens; but on the other and from a more personal point of view, he hoped not and that he would have the opportunity of punishing them again and, perhaps, even taking them into custody for an in-house period of extended treatment …

  When he finally administered the tenth stroke to Craig, both of them were sobbing uncontrollably although they had managed to stay relatively still and not to drop their hands down to try and soothe their ravaged buttocks.

  The inspector slowly undid the two parts of his cane and put them away in his case but now extracted two pouch-like objects. They were white and quite small. One had a knob poking out from the inner surface of it, rather like the black handle on an old rubber stamp; the other a spring-metal clip.

  “You are not permitted to wear any clothing other than these for the next twenty-four hours,” he said slowly, holding the small objects up for them to see. They stared at him in more horror. Their respective schools had not seen students punished but neither had they seen students under punishment from other schools. They had not understood this was a part of their punishment.

  “But first, we must ensure you are both really naked under them. He handed them each a tube. “Smear the contents over your pubic hairs,” he ordered.

  They took the proffered tubes, opened them and squeezed the contents onto their groins, over and around the ultra-light, blond hair down there, the blushes returning as they felt their parents’ eyes on them, watching as they smeared the depilatory all over the hairy part of their bodies.

  The chemical acted immediately, dissolving the hairs while they watched and then worked down into the hair roots right inside the follicles. They would now be naked down there for the rest of their lives — a reminder of their first punishment by the state.

  He then handed Wendy the pouch with the knob on it. “Slip it inside, girl. You will find it will grip the inner regions quite well.” He watched as she did this, noting how well the tiny pouch just covered her pudenda — but nothing else.

  Then he handed the other one to Craig. “Work the two sides of the clip over the root of your penis, boy, and behind the scrotum. That’s it.

  “Now there is nothing to stop you removing these items and you will need to do so to perform your natural functions, but you are not, under any circumstances to put on anything else and neither are you to avoid your normal routine. What are you doing tonight, Craig?” Of course he knew for he always did his research very well before visiting a home.

  Craig blushed. He was due to go down to the gymnastics club after dinner this evening but he wouldn’t want to go like this… He didn’t lie, however. He had no idea if the man knew of his membership but he thought he probably did and his raging bottom told him that lying was not a good idea.

  “Gymnastics club, Sir.”

  “Right, well you are to attend it as usual … Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “And you, Wendy?”

  “I’ve got hockey practice, Sir.”

  “And so you too will attend as you are.” He turned to their parents. “Do they normally find their own way there?”

  “They do,” said their father.

  “And so they will tonight. They will wear the pouches and nothing else until this time tomorrow night …”

  “Very well,” said Bill Sedgman, then showed the inspector out of the house.

  On his return to his wife’s sitting room, he said just one word: “Why?”

  The twins stared back at him. “We don’t know, dad. Something just went wrong in us …” They always spoke in the first person plural when together, so closely attuned were they.

  “And has this lashed it out of you?”

  They grinned, even above the still burning pain. “It has …”

  “I hope so.”

  The pouches were not uncomfortable, even for Wendy, whose restraining device was the knob that went right inside her vagina, but they were extremely embarrassing. In both cases, although different in shape for the male and female models, they covered the genitals, just, and part of the pubic mound — but that was all. They fitted neatly over her vagina, hiding the actual opening and the outer lips but revealing the edges of the pubic mound itself.

  Now they saw the reason for the depilatory. Even in Wendy’s case, the pubic hairs would have poked out all around the three sides of the pouch.

  On Craig, his quite impressive penis and testicles were neatly tucked into the shaped hollow of the pouch but as much of his pubes were revealed as on his sister.

  Both felt enormous shame as their bodies were so revealed — and not only from the front. Because the pouch was held in place by the knob or clips, there were no waist or crutch straps and so behind them, their buttocks were totally naked, fully revealed to everyone …

  That night, the pair of them left the house on their bicycles, stark naked except for the genital pouch. In Wendy’s case, her lovely breasts were exposed and she felt even more vulnerable than her brother but even for him, with his well-striped buttocks twisting on the saddle of his bike, the shame as well as the pain as people turned to stare at the near-naked nearly eighteen-year-old, each of them knowing exactly what had happened to him, was really awful.

  Of course at the gym and on the well-lit hockey field, it was worse for their friends crowded around them, each poking fun at their nakedness and the stripes across their naked rears.

  But then they got stuck into their practice and soon the jibes and friendly barbs were forgotten as they strove to excel at their first love — sport.

  It was worse, far worse at school the next day. The teachers all nodded wisely and with disapproval in their eyes as they stared at the two almost naked teenagers. When they were around, the other kids, stayed silent; but when they were alone with them, their friends mocked them ceaselessly, poking their fingers at their naked flesh; not sexually of course, but in disapproval for they were proud of their schools and Craig and Wendy had besmirched the reputations of TSS and St Augustine’s. And this was despite their former high standing among their fellows.

  All day it went on. They had been collected by their respective school buses and had been jeered and taunted as they made their way down the passage to their usual seats in the rear; it lasted throughout the day and on the way home that afternoon. Never was Craig more pleased to enter the front door of his father’s house and close it behind him.

  For Wendy it was even worse for at least all of the so-called private parts of Craig’s body were covered. In her case, her breasts were considered in this light and yet they were openly exposed in all their firm, upstanding glory, the creamy smooth skin; the wobble of the organs as she walked or ran; the near constant state of arousal in her nipples, brought about not by sexual excitement but by her humiliation.

  Inspector Donovan visited both schools during the day and, calling the two of them over to him out in the school grounds, made sure the other students saw him examining both offenders’ buttocks so that there could be no doubt as to what had happened to them …

  It was quite the worst thing that had ever happened to either of them and it might be thought it would have the desired effect. It did, usually. The shame and ignominy of the public advertisement of their punishment normally was so great, coupled with the awful pain of th
e ten strokes of the cane — a pain that usually took a few days to go away completely, that most students quickly mended their ways and never again erred.

  This was why jails had long been closed down, their buildings demolished, and citizens for the most part living exemplary lives. Of course there were always the few whom you would never cure but for them, a return to the old days of slavery had been decreed and these anti-social creatures were universally employed in the most menial of tasks that could be set for them, permanently naked — totally so and bald as badgers from head to toe.

  There were very few of these unfortunate individuals around though, at least in public view, and neither Craig nor Wendy had ever seen one.

  Inspector Donovan showed up at their home that night. He didn’t always do this, allowing the parents to supervise the removal of the pouches to be sent back to the Inspectorate and allowing the child to again dress to cover his or her nakedness.

  But with these two, he felt an urge to do the job himself and it wasn’t just his prurient interest in their beautiful bodies either. He had a sixth sense about people. All the inspectors developed these after a while and he wanted to see how they had coped with the twenty-four hour trial of near nakedness out in the public arena.

  “Well?” he said to the two of them, “have you learned?”

  “Oh yes, Sir,” they chorused, eyeing him carefully. He still had his bag with him and in it, they knew, was that terrible cane. If they said the wrong thing now, they might well be scheduled for another dose, right now.

  “I wonder,” he replied, his black eyes staring into theirs, as though probing their very souls.

  They looked worried, as well they might for he had already detected a gleam in their eyes that he didn’t like. There was something about these two he wasn’t at all sure about and while he thought they were sincere about their intentions right then, immediately after having suffered a great deal of pain followed by the terrible shame of exposure of their bodies and particularly their so well-striped backsides.

  He dismissed them to go and dress again but then turned to their parents. “I hate to say this to you, but I think further punishment is going to be required. I don’t know yet what it is with the two of them but they are far from cured of whatever malaise has touched their souls.”

  Bill Sedgman looked worried; his wife wrung her hands in horror. “You mean you didn’t believe what they said?” Bill asked the inspector.

  “Oh I believed it. I think they were quite sincere about it — right now. But remember their bottoms are still hurting, horribly probably, and they have just been exposed as shamefully as they could imagine for twenty-four hours. They sincerely thought they would improve themselves; but let’s wait and hear from their teachers. I will be keeping in touch with their schools and I hope I am going to hear good reports, but I suspect I am not …”

  After he had gone and the twins had returned to their parents, Bill asked them for the second time what on earth had motivated this so aberrant behaviour on their part — and why the two of them.

  “As we said before, dad, we don’t know. It’s as if there is some devil inside us telling us to slack off, be the funny guy, you know?”

  “No, I don’t know but I want to. These days, the sensors can usually find out what’s wrong in a person’s head but in your case, both of you, it just shows up as brilliant minds, capable of just about anything. There is nothing on your profiles that might explain any of this …”

  The pair of them, properly clothed now of course and feeling much the better because of it, looked guilty but they couldn’t explain away their actions any more than the inspector had been able to.

  He meanwhile had gone back to his office in the inspectorate, that huge concrete, windowless pile in Southport’s Nerang Street and was poring over the print-outs of those profiles, trying to establish what might be wrong for, although he had been sexually interested in them from the moment he first saw them, he was now genuinely sympathetic with their plight. He sensed a real wish to do the right thing even through that evil gleam in their eyes.

  He had a stab of insight. Was the Devil trying to take them over? He angrily reproved himself. There was no such thing. What a load of rubbish! But what could it be? If it wasn’t the devil, it was nothing the usually infallible machines could pinpoint.

  He resolved to keep a very close eye on those two and despite his best intentions, his cock gave a distinct jerk as he thought of their naked bodies, particularly now that they were permanently depilated for he disliked hair on the human body and had long treated his own with one of the tubes in his desk drawer.

  Oh yes, he would indeed be watching Craig and Wendy Sedgman.

  Chapter 2

  They picked up their game. Overnight, they became model students and again applied themselves as diligently as they had in the past. Their grades improved and with them, their demeanour. But it didn’t last.

  As the memory of the pain and shame of that awful day when Inspector Paul Donovan had arrived at their door, made them strip and had then caned them and the one after when they had had to present themselves at school, almost stark naked and behave as if everything was perfectly normal over the taunts and jeers of their fellows, had faded, so did their resolve to do better.

  They didn’t understand it themselves. Apart from this one thing, they were exemplary children, although now, past their eighteenth birthdays, they were not, in the strict sense of the word, children at all. Not that that mattered to Paul Donovan. His jurisdiction over them extended right up to their thirtieth birthdays and in that sense, they remained minors until that time.

  They both knew they were beginning to goof off again and although they discussed it between themselves, could neither understand it or correct it. They appealed to their parents for help but short of family conferences, lectures on good citizenship and the like, they weren’t able to help either.

  Inspector Donovan was also watching. He could see the signs but he would wait until the end of the last but one term in the final year of their high school careers.

  Bill Sedgman couldn’t wait though. He called on the inspector at his Southport office. “They are relapsing, Mr Donovan,” he said after greeting and being seated opposite the inspector.

  “I know. I have been watching.”

  “What will you do then?”

  “I’m afraid you will not like it, Mr Sedgman. It will be a repeat of what I did to them at your home — but this time, in front of their peers at school. You will be required to attend with your son and your wife with your daughter when she is punished…”

  The tycoon stared thoughtfully at the inspector for a few seconds. “Have you ever seen this before, Mr. Donovan? I mean, they really were quite perfect children. I just can’t understand what has got into them …”

  “To answer your question first, no, I haven’t. I have studied their profiles from start to finish and it is not usually students with their background — and I don’t mean your wealth here either, who succumb to this sort of behaviour. I have also studied you and Mrs Sedgman. I am well aware of your devotion to them and that you haven’t simply thrown money and gifts at them.

  “As to the second part of your question, I can’t either. Whatever it is, I will need to deal severely with them and I will have no hesitation in caning them before their peers if they haven’t improved by this time next week — and you can tell them that, too.”

  Bill left the inspectorate no better off than he had entered it but he told the twins, in no uncertain terms, what awaited them at the end of the next week if they didn’t show definite signs of improvement.

  They didn’t. They tried. Or at least they told themselves they did but they still goofed up and Donovan duly informed the heads of both schools that he wished to attend morning assembly for the purposes of disciplining Craig and Wendy. He also advised Bi
ll Sedgman of his decision. Bill and Margaret were not angry now. They were saddened at the twins’ weird behaviour and both knew they were going to be very, very ashamed as they sat with the staff and watched the two youngsters punished so ignominiously.

  The twins were scared stiff. They were as much at a loss to understand their behaviour as their parents, teachers and the inspector — and that they seemed quite unable to correct it. They knew, in broad terms, what was going to happen to them and knew it was going to be a hundred-fold worse than the punishments they had received at home, bad and all as they had been.

  But there was another feeling too. Neither recognised it then for it was newly emerging, but it was a sort of crinkly feeling ‘down there’. A delicious irritation that sent tiny electric thrills through their loins and made then anticipate the coming shame and pain with delight. It was far too small a feeling to impinge with any degree of consciousness on their minds, but it was there and in the months to come, it would grow at a rapid rate.

  Paul Donovan knew what it was. If they had been able to articulate to him that weird feeling, he would have honed in on it straight away, but it would be weeks before it was strong enough for them to recognise and so, this time, the fear, the near terror, was paramount in their minds as the week passed and the fateful day arrived.

  Bill accompanied his son to TSS that morning, while Margaret went along to St Augustine’s after lunch. Craig’s assembly would be first thing in the morning. Wendy had to sit through the morning, waiting out the fateful hour of her public punishment.

  At The Southport School, in the Great Hall, Bill Sedgman sat up on the stage with the staff; Craig was with his classmates at the front left side of the body of the hall. Dr Blount, the headmaster, went through the usual morning announcements and then came the moment:


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