Trained With Pain

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Trained With Pain Page 10

by Mark Andrews

  The effect of walking with this horrible device locked to her body was that the longer tacks grazed her pubic mound while the fat dildo and its blunted tacks constantly excited her clit. There were no electronics in this model, but every movement of her body, and especially walking, sent her into the throes of sexual excitement …

  And what did they think of all this? The permanent nakedness whilst in the house? Of the extraordinary physical exercise in the gym and out on the concrete, acting as ponies with their fellows on their naked shoulders; of the constant mental travail both with their university studies and at home; the lessons in spy-craft; the tortures; and the sex with Karl, Alice and each other?

  They thrived on it! They really did.

  All four had brilliant minds that were easily able to cope with the lectures at uni as well as the side lessons in covert intelligence gathering. Their bodies were already superlative. What Karl was doing to and with them only improved on what was already nearly perfection. The tortures he imposed on them were very carefully contrived to slowly raise their pain thresholds to an incredible degree while satisfying their craving for pain and shame.

  And the sex? Well, both he and Alice were experts, were either extraordinarily handsome or beautiful (as the case may be) and delighted in sex with the four youngsters, both in teaching them new tricks and in the enjoyment of their bodies.

  All four of them developed in leaps and bounds and on the monthly weekends they were permitted to go home to their respective parents, they were astounded at the changes they saw in their offspring. A new maturity and confidence but yet coupled with a very pleasing innate humility. None had been braggarts before but now, while they were clearly confident in themselves, they were definitely modest about their achievements. It was a very pleasing combination and both Bill and Margaret Sedgman felt very proud of the twins.

  He still hadn’t told Margaret of his conversation with Paul Donovan, except to say they were being trained as diplomats and she was very happy with that except that she complained that the training took them away from her for so long…

  The restraints under their clothes while at uni were continued at roughly weekly intervals, each of the four thus having to cope with this semi-public torture about once a month but the ritual tortures in the house took place on both Saturdays and Sundays so that each ‘suffered’ once a fortnight—usually. Karl didn’t want them anticipating a coming torture though and so he varied the timetable, sometimes leaving one of them a month between sessions while inflicting it on another on three successive weekends or perhaps changing the routine entirely and taking the four of them up for an overnight hike in the mountains.

  For this he had access to the military area around Canungra that was off-limits to the public at large. The army camp at Canungra was the Australian Army’s land warfare training camp and it had everything necessary for Karl’s needs. Not that they were many. The right sort of country was all he required, actually.

  The trainees were transported to the camp in the back of a closed in panel van — stark naked. Karl and Alice wore jungle greens. There were four packs — very heavy packs that contained their food requirements and the tent for Karl and Alice. There were also some other items in one of the packs.

  Karl, introduced to the CO at the camp pointed out the area he would be using. The Colonel indicated his men would be far away and they wouldn’t be bothered. Karl then drove the van to the end of the track and parked it.

  The van had no windows in the back and the four trainees stared around them in wonder as they emerged from its back. They were in the midst of a jungle of low and some medium and higher trees and the terrain was very rough, crossed with some deep ravines and high cliffs.

  “All right, each of you take a pack and off we go …”

  The four stark naked and shoeless young spy trainees, each now loaded down with a heavy pack trudged off up the path, following Alice who, with Karl had only her stick to burden her. They went deep into the jungle, climbing steep hillsides and then carefully picking their way down into even steeper ravines. Karl brought up the rear but he was armed with one of the implements in the pack. It was a nicely whippy cane and he used it constantly on the buttocks of all four of them to urge them on to a faster pace.

  They were fit. They had carried each other and Karl and Alice for hours at a time round and round the house but this was jungle. It was hot, the ground was rough and Karl gave them no food and little water all day. And all day they laboured on up-hill and down dale while he and Alice ‘encouraged’ them with their canes and the little leather whips that had also been hidden in the pack. Up ravines and down water courses; over steep escarpments and down the other side.

  They didn’t even stop for a break at lunch. Karl was testing them to the limit. This was worse than any torture he could have devised and they knew it.

  In the evening he issued them with K-rations (which he and Alice also shared) and then told them to sleep anywhere they could find a comfortable spot while he and Alice moved into the tent.

  The four of them were so exhausted they were asleep within minutes and it seemed like only a few more before he was shaking them awake to consume another meal of the nourishing but not all that pleasant rations, and were ready to walk again.

  They had started early on Saturday morning and by five on Sunday afternoon were back at the van, now quite dispirited and near to exhaustion. All four of them slept like babies all the way back to Brisbane …

  But just to underline that torture and toil could be applied and continued indefinitely, as soon as the van was in the garage and the gates closed and locked, he had them out and made Wendy carry Craig, and Jenny, Peter for five laps around the house at full bore; followed by a similar number with reversed positions while he and Alice trotted after them, canes again ready to lash at their backs and buttocks when they faltered.

  And then, after a late supper he made them do an hour of revision of their last week’s work at the uni before being ritually cleaned and then allowed to sink, exhausted once more onto their cot beds.

  But more usually, one or more ritual tortures were decreed for the weekend.

  One such involved using the other girl to torment the victim’s body while she was whipped.

  Wendy was chosen as the victim and Jenny was her partner.

  Karl bound Jenny’s hands in front of her then attached them to an overhead rope dangling from a pulley fixed to the ceiling. He then drew her hands up high above her head until she was on tip-toes. “And now, Wendy, you are to move up to Jenny and put your hands around her waist …”

  He then manacled them there with handcuffs and stepped back to admire his handiwork. The two boys stood to one side, as usual mystified by his actions and wondering how Wendy was to be tortured.

  He didn’t keep them waiting long to find out.

  He took up a long thin sapling that had been freshly peeled and had been sitting in a bucket of brine and approached the two girls, the one with her hands held up high above her head; the other with her arms around the first girl’s waist. In this position their breasts and bellies were touching — as were their naked sexual organs.

  Karl raised the sapling and then brought it down—hard, across Wendy’s naked rear. She screamed softly and her body rammed into Jenny’s, exciting the dangling girl’s breasts and sex — and of course her own as well.

  He paused a few moments to allow the pain of that nasty biting blow to sink in and then repeated it, harder this time so that Wendy really slammed into the other girl. But now her libido had kicked in and she really squirmed against Jenny’s body, now, for the first time, delighting in the soft feel of her breasts, the smooth hardness of her belly muscles — but mostly the softness of her pubic mound, which she now worked with her own body.

  She wasn’t a lesbian and neither would she become one but the sensations she was fe
eling now were quite wonderful, exaggerated by the stinging pain of the birch sapling against her bottom. She was learning to accept a female’s body in a sexual encounter and to enjoy it. And she was learning it very well.

  Now she actually thrust out her bottom for Karl’s next stroke and squealed deliciously as it slammed into her and her body was involuntarily thrust against Jenny’s. For her part, Jenny was just as enamoured with what was happening, in her case the pain of her suspension on her tip-toes taking the place of the birch sapling to Wendy’s buttocks but the feel of the athletic other girl’s flesh on hers just as provocative.

  The two boys stood and stared at the scene, astonished at the obvious delight on the two girls’ faces—until, after a dozen strokes, Karl threw down the sapling and released the pair of them — then ordered Craig to stand under the rope to be similarly bound and drawn up onto his tip-toes while Peter had to move up to him and submit to having his wrists manacled behind Craig’s back.

  He looked into the other boy’s eyes and winked. Both their cocks were now hard although neither really enjoyed the homosexual exercises Karl had made them perform. Oh they had liked the moment of orgasm but both far preferred the softer, more shapely bodies of their female counterparts to each other’s muscles.

  But then, when Karl began to wale into Peter’s rump and his body slammed against Craig’s, both understood why the girls had seemed to like it so much. Craig’s arms and shoulders were hurting and now, so were Peter’s buttocks. That hurt, together with the contact of their bodies had snapped the distaste they felt at this public display of homosexual action and each now openly rubbed his flesh against the other’s body.

  Karl smiled. He lashed at Peter’s buttocks ten times and was pleased to see the pair of them ejaculate, almost together, at the last stroke.

  Chapter 7

  In like manner the rest of the year — and the three that followed it, continued.

  Academically, the four trainees attained and kept a position at the top of their respective disciplines; physically, their bodies became paragons of strength and endurance; their minds were keen and sharp as a tack; while their pain thresholds increased to an extraordinary degree.

  The twins topped the law faculty examinations in their first year and stayed in that position right through their course and so did Jenny and Peter in their fields of commerce and electronics respectively. This was in part due to their fine minds, but it was also because Karl made sure they studied hard, went over their course notes constantly and put a maximum effort into their assignments.

  Physically, they didn’t grow all that much over the four years. Indeed, if you had measured their muscles, you would have found little change in them. But they were strong! Boy were they strong! And you would have certainly seen a difference in the appearance of their muscles. They had been fine examples of lithe adolescence when they had come to Karl; now, they were so much better. There was no fat on their bodies at all; not even an ounce between them. Every single one of their muscles was honed and toned to a clean-cut definition that had to be seen to be believed. Perhaps only an Olympic gymnast or a ballet dance might have approached the perfection that was their physical development.

  This had been achieved principally by the constant practice of gymnastics for no better form of exercise exists if you want sheer strength, coordination and muscular control. And Karl made sure the girls practiced the same exercises as the boys. Not for him the so-called female gymnastic disciplines with the balance beam and the like. No, Jenny and Wendy had to learn with the boys (all stark naked, of course) how to swing their bodies on the horizontal and parallel bars, fly over the vaulting box and perform on the horse. And they became as good as Peter and Craig, too…

  But not only were they strong; they also possessed an endurance that was second to none—even crack SAS troops were no more fit than these four. Gymnastics creates strength and agility but it does not necessarily generate stamina. This came from what was at first the terrible effort of carrying the other trainees and their two trainers round and round the house on their shoulders. There was not a single day passed over the whole four years (except when they were home on holidays) when they didn’t spend at least an hour a day careering around the concrete surrounds of the house with a partner on their backs and this was no easy walk — this was flat out!

  Mentally they were alert, not only to their lessons, both university and the ones directed by Karl at the house but to everything that was going on around them. Karl had taught them that their minds had to be razor-keen at all times! To be aware of the slightest nuances of change from normality… To stay one jump ahead of the opposition would help them to ensure their survival. Relax, even for a second, and the enemy might penetrate their defences.

  Their pain thresholds had been carefully developed by Karl, aided by his assistant, Alice. This was the area that needed the most vigilant attention and Karl was constantly in touch with the Agency’s consultants in this field. He didn’t want others dealing face to face with his charges but he did want to be sure he was proceeding with each of them so as to carefully develop their masochism within safe limits and to steer it and mould it so they could control it and use it to their own advantage.

  And he was eminently successful in this regard. Each of them was now well aware of his or her own delight in pain but they had learned to control it and to use it when necessary to gain an advantage over the enemy. They were also now able to hide their pleasure in that pain and pretend to an agony that was there but in which they gloried.

  And how were they coping overall with this bizarre regime?

  Extraordinarily well. Bill and Margaret Sedgman couldn’t get over how alive and sparkling the twins were and Peter and Jenny’s respective parents were just as delighted with their children. Far from being cowed by the intensity of their studies and the weird training regime in the house, all four of them delighted in their days and all looked forward to the coming days after they had graduated and were going to be posted to foreign embassies under cover of legal or trade attaches but were in fact going to ferret out enemy secrets …

  The training regime continued as it had from that first day, now so long ago but of course the tortures they were subjected to increased with their capacity to deal with an ever increasing degree of pain, shame or even simply discomfort.

  All four still took part in each torture session, either as a partner or as a spectator for Karl had taught them how to imagine themselves in each horrible situation and even to actually ‘feel’ the pain as he applied it to the selected victim.

  Not all were an intensively painful as others, although all were horrible in one way or another.

  One such was the dunking barrel.

  This, like each of the other tortures, stood in a small room by itself down in the extensive cellars under the house. It was in truth a large wooden barrel that had previously been used to store and age wine but was now filled with plain water. Behind it was a pair of wooden rails on which the victim knelt.

  These were constructed of four by four inch timbers: two supports, each two feet high surmounted by a two foot long crosspiece on which the victim actually knelt. There was another such rail alongside the first and eighteen inches away from it. The victim therefore had to spread his or her knees wide open to kneel on both rails.

  But there was another refinement. The barrel stood between the two uprights at one end of the rail. Poking up from the two uprights at this end were two sturdy pipes that had been let into holes drilled down into the uprights to support them firmly. Across the top of these pipes was a triangular bar of metal set so the sharp edge of the triangle was facing upwards. This bar was held onto the pipes by two adjustable collars that allowed the bar to be raised or lowered.

  Wendy was the first to be subjected to this torture and Karl gestured for her climb up onto the two rails after which Alice bound her ankles dow
n to them. “Now, you are to get your head under the bar and hook your arms back over it,” he said.

  She managed to manoeuvre herself under the bar by grabbing hold of the rim of the barrel and then hook first her left arm and then her right over the sharp edge of the bar. Alice now snapped one end of a pair of cuffs over her left wrist and led the other one under her belly towards Karl who squatted down on her right side and took the other cuff (which was on the end of a chain of suitable length) so that he could fasten it around her right wrist.

  She was now kneeling with her legs obscenely wide open (exposing both her anus and vagina to anyone who passed behind her) and her upper body held horizontal by her upper arms painfully hooked and locked in place over the sharp edge of the triangular bar.

  Alice now armed herself with a switch in one hand, and a large knobbly dildo in the other while Karl moved round to her head. The others stood around, all alert and watching with great anticipation for the action to begin.

  Karl grabbed her head and now forced it down into the cold water, holding it there for long seconds while Alice swiped her bottom three times with her switch—and then forced the large dildo into her anus, working it in and out while Wendy’s body squirmed from side to side and she tried, unsuccessfully, to pull her head up and out of the water.

  Karl kept it there for only thirty seconds but it felt like five minutes to Wendy. When he let it go and she jerked her head up, her face was red (despite the cold of the water) and she gasped and spluttered as if she had been about to drown.


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