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Bunny Love ( Songs of Love Book 1)

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by Yuri Futanari

  “Bunny Love”

  copyright © 2013,

  Delicious Vodka DeBlair,

  pen name

  Yuri Futanari,

  Pentagon Recording Specialties Unlimited

  Yellville, Arkansas, USA

  ISBN-13: 978-1496060303

  ISBN-10: 149606030X

  “Bunny Love”


  Yuri Futanari


  Naga Serpent

  Prologue: What has gone on before...

  Along about the year 2015, a couple who had moved to Los Angeles to run a new branch factory of the Shunokoi Aerospace Corporation experienced the joy of their first child.

  This little bundle of joy was the first American citizen of their family and as such, their parents decided to give their child a very American name but with some bit of idol worship in it.

  “Jack Kanto” was born cross eyed, and his eyes seemed to jiggle to the right and left a little bit, but otherwise seemed a relatively normal child. Named after the famous martial artist Jackie Chan, his parents had very high hopes for him.

  However, over the years, it became apparent that Jack did not grow as fast or develop at the rate of other children. Jack was very small, and apparently not too bright.

  They finally realized something was wrong when by his sixth birthday, his two year old baby cousin was taller, more alert and more active.

  Their hopes had been dashed to pieces.

  Even though Jack had the most adorable features, the biggest eyes, and plush chubby lips like his mother, he seemed to be far too small for his age, even for this Asian family heritage.

  They took him to a pediatric specialist who ran a series of tests, including genetic tests, and they found that Jack had a thyroid issue which was treated and soon the little boy began to grow and develop mentally. Still, he was never at the levels of other children tested his age.

  On top of this, Jack didn't like many boy things. It became evident that Jack liked music, poetry, horses and became fascinated with Japanese music known commonly as J-pop, and one day announced he wanted to be an idol. He refused to let them cut his hair and threw a tantrum, as well as he would not wear boy's clothing either.

  They were slightly worried, but imagined it was 'just a phase' and that he had been unduly influenced by his little sister somehow, but would eventually grow out of it.

  This became frustrating because he was not in kindergarten and it was making him stand out. Also, as his teeth came in, he, like his father, had a severe overbite they had somehow failed to notice.

  So now, they had a long haired, cross eyed, buck toothed child who wore dresses and played with dolls.

  The girls in class liked him at first, but eventually the boys said a lot of bad things and the persecution not only hurt Jack and made him cry, it alienated the girls and they left off of laying with him, some of them even taking sides with the boys. Eventually, Jack would do nothing at school but cry from the time he arrived to the time he got on the bus. On a good day he would sit in the corner in his little dress and sit there glumly doing nothing. On top of this, his grades were very poor.

  The teacher finally sent a note home with him informing his parents that they needed to have the child checked for psychological disorders. They had him examined but they got back the diagnosis of gender dysphoria.

  After a phone call with the school, they decided to take Jack out of public school and send him to a private school.

  This ended that problem, until a new one developed in second grade.

  One day, Jack began experiencing pain in his chest and he complained to his mother but she thought maybe it was anxiety and took him to the pediatrician suggesting this.

  The pediatrician took tests but could not see anything wrong with the child's heart, so they suggested tranquilizers.

  This seemed only to put Jack into a stupor and his grades fell even more, yet at the same time, the complaints of chest pains increased, and his weight increased rapidly.

  When his mother asked him where exactly it hurt, however, to her surprise, he pointed to his nipples.

  Upon examination, she realized, her 'son' was growing breasts!

  She called her mother in Japan and asked what she should do.

  Her mother calmly replied, at this time they needed to come back to Japan with the child right away, and she would handle everything.

  Episode One

  “There's A New Fat Girl In School To Bully”

  The year was now 2028, the Shunokoi Aerospace Corporation had prospered immensely, and Jacqueline Shunokoi's parents felt confident enough to try to return to America.

  Upon returning to Los Angeles, they placed her in the prestigious girls only Mary Lee-Ellingsworth academy so that males would not have such easy access to her, and on top of that, they hired a maid who was also able to drive her to and from school as well as could defend her from predators and kidnappers.

  Also, upon returning however, they found themselves often working many more hours, and often leaving before she awoke and getting home after her 9pm bed time.

  Jacqueline only got to see them on some weekends, if she pleaded with them to stay home and do something with her, but usually there were out of town and even overseas meetings they had to go to, and this became less and less frequent.

  She was alone and miserable now.

  The housemaid was specially selected for her toughness, wisdom, motherly attributes, and the fact she had once been a secret service agent and professional personal protection agent at a world class agency.

  It took a hefty salary to draw this woman from a life of danger to becoming a housemaid!

  Jacqueline had no idea about any of this of course, she was a simple minded child who had to struggle with everything, and did not like to pry or ask questions like most curious children her age.

  She watched j-pop videos and surfed the internet for information on her favorites, as well as she looked at images of dressage riders, and secretly wished she could either be a famous singer or a famous equestrian.

  She was not very bright and the doctors warned her parents not to be discouraged even if she never did become as brilliant at they were, because with her developmental problems early on, she had not had the right conditions for her brain to develop properly.

  She studied hard every night and did all of her homework but the best she could achieve as only a C grade average. She tried a lot, and she cried a lot.

  She was one lonely girl, lost and confused in a world which was moving much faster than she was.

  At school in fact she was taunted for being a fat greasy stupid pig.

  She did her best to please everybody although it just never seemed to be in the cards for her.

  The teachers who knew a little about her past had mixed responses but with their family being very wealthy, they treated her more like a pet than a pupil.

  She was sent to and from classes almost every day to do errands for various teachers because she was both willing to do them and reliable in doing them.

  Despite her seeming clumsiness, with Superior oblique myokymia and cranail neuropathy which required special prismatic lenses, she had a certain unusual spatial sense about her and she moved gracefully, like a cat, and was even seen on occasion walking down the halls with her eyes closed until somehow it seemed she sensed that people were there and she would open them quickly.

  She was allowed to take her homework all home because she was so reliable and studious she was trusted not to cheat.

  This made many of the girls jealous and they hated her for being allowed to basically spend all day walking up and
down the hallways.

  Ep 1, Chapter 2

  One day in between fifth and sixth periods, a bunch of mean and jealous seventh grade girls cornered her when she went to the water fountain.

  First they pretended to just be walking along talking but when they got close they all turned and surrounded her.

  She stopped and spun to see what was happening and one girl pushed her against the ceramic fountain which hurt her back and she cried out in pain.

  There were security guards nearby, but they seemed more amused by young girls in skirts fighting than in the idea of doing their jobs, so they just stood there arms folded and chuckled.

  They called her names and punched her in the mouth, although one girl got a nasty cut on her fingers from Jacqueline's prominent front teeth, it still hurt terribly and she cried aloud in fear and distress.

  Suddenly, a very tall ruby red haired girl from the senior class who was seldom in uniform came up in thigh high black leather Gothic boots shouting “Hey! What the fucking hell do you think you're doing!?” and began grabbing these girls by the backs of their heads and slamming them together and slamming them against the wall, knocking them all down like bowling pins.

  “Stupid bitches, how do YOU like being kicked around?” she roared.

  “Hey now there Margaret,” one guard came up to restrain the big athletically built girl, “You know not to be picking on these younger girls.”

  Knocking the guard's hand away she shouted back, “Fuck you, you worthless prick!” she pointed at the heap of crying cowering girls who had totally forgotten about their prey, who had quickly and nimbly slipped away, despite her apparently overweight condition, “They all sit there and beat up on a poor defenseless BLIND girl and you stand here and LAUGH?”

  “I'm going to have to have you leave now,” the older guard said, leaning forward with one hand out as if to calm the senior but at the same time his other hand reaching for the pepper spray on his belt.

  “Fuck you!” she screamed out and kicked his hand away, knocking him to the ground, while pulling out a boot knife, “You perverted old piece of shit, you should be in prison getting ass fucked instead of allowed around children anyhow!”

  “Now that was way too far Margaret Cooper,” he went for his gun, “I am going to have to detain you now.”

  “KILL ME MOTHERFUCKER,” she challenged at the top of her lungs, bringing students and faculty running, “Go on motherfucker, SHOOT! Kill me for standing up for the weak and the helpless while you look and laugh! You LIKE that kind of shit! YOU TOO dickwad!” she jabbed at the younger guard who had tried to slip up from the side and get behind her, “You only got this job so you could FUCK the girls here in this academy and I know because I have proof both in testimony and in photographs!”

  The principal had gotten through the crowd by this time and came to the scene slowly, his handsomely groomed light brown hair a bit out of place as he had pushed through the teeming swarm of gawking students, “Margaret,” he said, hands in a placating gesture, “I'll handle it from here please.”

  She turned her eye to him momentarily but only for a moment before looking back at the armed men, “Who’s side are YOU on, Mr. Ellis?”

  “Joe, Javier,” he said, “Please put the guns down now, and leave the school property.”

  “B-but Mr. Ellis-” the old man protested, “She-”

  “I have the sheriff on his way to take statements, and if you have a complaint, take it up with him.”

  The two men got nervous looks on their faces, holstered their guns and walked toward the crowd to the opposite end of the hallway, who were not all that willing to let them through.

  Two freshmen girls glared at the young guard Javier and one said, “I guess this is the end of the road for you, huh?”

  “I-I don't know what you're talking about!” he began to protest, but then a very tall and somewhat heavyset black girl behind them held up a 35 mm camera with a zoom lens and aimed it at him.

  “Need any more reminders?” the one girl asked.

  “Please let me through!” he cried and began forcing his way between the girls who screamed and squealed in displeasure and called him various insults as he practically swam through them.

  “You know I'm not usually perceived to be on your side Margaret,” the principal said, extending his hand in a gesture of praise and friendship, “But I always have been or I would have had you expelled from this school long ago. Today you did good.”

  Slipping her knife back into her thigh high boots, she took his hand pensively and shook it lightly, “Thank you.” she said while blushing slightly.

  Some girls who saw her blushing took it the wrong way and ooed at her in an insinuating manner.

  Margaret simply walked away, and the crowd easily allowed her to pass.

  Ep 1, Chapter 3

  Jacqueline came home with bruises on her face, in pain, and with a letter of apology from the school letting her parents know she was given the rest of the week off if she desired.

  Her parents actually sent Anna Kumchekeviena their maid to deal with the matter at school by way that she had durable power of attorney for the family in such matters.

  Jacqueline did go to school, however, because staying at home alone was the worst thing she could have imagined doing.

  She hated being alone. For her it was torture. Even being in a school where 90% of the student body hated or mocked her was better than the silence of being alone.

  Of course, she was not allowed to go the first day because her parents had the family doctor do a full examination of her head, teeth, eyes, neck and spine in case there may have been something really bad just waiting to come up later.

  So then she only spent a half day at home and she filled it with doing homework, playing music videos on her 96” concave screen deep reach projection television and daydreaming about being a dressage rider.

  Two days after the incident however, even though her face was purple, she went about her normal duties like as if nothing ever happened.

  Entering Mrs. Emerson's English class with an armload of papers, she walked patiently up to the front with both arms loaded.

  While she walked down the narrow aisles, she felt a hand slip into her jacket pocket.

  There was nothing she could do at that moment, so she simply pretended not to notice and made it to the desk where she politely deposited the papers and bowed as she always did, her long heavy braid swinging back and forth as she stood back up.

  She did, however, count the number of desks from that point to the front of the room.

  “Thank you Miss Shunokoi,” Mrs. Emerson politely smiled and nodded.

  She turned and as she looked, she could not readily make out any of the persons in the class as she was too nearsighted to see more than a few inches from her face without immense magnification.

  Not wishing to make it obvious, and not wishing to do anything which might cause her more pain, she walked back through and used her uncanny ability to sense things by echolocation to get a vague image of the people in the area as she went.

  The person who had put her hands in Jacqueline's pocket was very large and either had dark red hair or a very large dark red hat on.

  Unable to stop and stare or try to remember anything more, she simply walked on.

  She did, however, detect some peculiar odors about the person which were very unlike the girls around her. She smelled nothing at all like a girl. Engine fumes, gasoline, road grime, and stale liquor were not fragrances she had any experience with, but they were distinctively different from fresh clean skin or cloying perfumes.

  She heard people whispering despite the teacher speaking, and they were each and every one talking about her or about somebody named 'Marge'.

  Ep 1, Chapter 4

  Not wanting to stick her hands into anything disgusting, Jacqueline decided to wait until somebody said somebody said something or it exploded or she got home to deal with the unknown lump in her pocket.
br />   If it had been a bomb it would have surely killed her because she was too afraid to deal with it in public.

  When she did get home, however, she went directly to her room, took off the old Japanese style uniform jacket and carefully peered inside.

  What she saw amazed her and terrified her at first.

  It was a baggie, filled with rolled up money bound with a rubber band, around a small tubular metallic object shaped somewhat like a tube of chap stick .


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