Salvation (Book Two of the Prophecy Series)

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Salvation (Book Two of the Prophecy Series) Page 18

by Lea Kirk

  “Yes.” Sakura knelt to place her hands in the snow. Nothing. She cast a look over her shoulder at Alex. “I can’t hear him anymore. If I could touch the ground maybe I could pick up his signature again.”

  “It will take a long time to dig through all this snow,” Ita muttered.

  She was right, especially since only Storo and Ita had come along for this walk through the frozen tundra.

  Alex had a distant look in her eyes. The seconds ticked by but she didn’t move. Was she talking to her husband again?

  “Maybe we should start digging,” Ita suggested.

  “Wait.” Alex held up her gloved hand. The dissenters looked at her expectantly. “Gryf says there’s a shelter nearby.” She made a slow turn. “He recognizes the trees, specifically the dead one rising out of the middle of that grove.”

  Sakura gaped. Gryf could see through Alex’s eyes too?

  Alex stopped turning. “Are you sure? Yes. Yes.”

  The one-sided conversation was a little odd, but who was she to object if it could help Nick?

  “This way.” Alex tromped off toward the trees.


  “Are you sure about this, Gryf?” Alex ducked under a branch. “It all looks the same to me.”

  “Bear to the left a little more.” Her husband’s direction floated through her mind.

  Hopefully the shelter he remembered hidden in the leaf-bare trees was still standing. And hopefully Nicky was in that shelter. And alive. It was such a gamble. If she had only made an effort to reach out to her brother, he wouldn’t have gone away, stayed away. How stupid she had been for allowing the wounds to fester unattended over the years.

  “Animi.” Gryf’s gentle mental voice drew her attention back to the present. “He is his own man and must find his own path. His choices are in no way your responsibility.” A sense of reassurance and love filled her.

  “But, what if he had been waiting for me to come after him, bring him back home?”

  “Does that seem like a course of action Nick would ever pursue?”

  No. It didn’t. Not since becoming an adult. If she had chased after him, he would have dug in his heels harder. She slogged on through the uneven drifts between the trees.

  “There,” Gryf said. “See it just between the two trunks ahead?”

  The cube shelter was barely visible in the shadows.

  “Is that it?” Sakura asked.

  The poor woman’s face was drained of color. She must really love Nicky, and was terrified to find out what they would discover beyond the door. At least if it was bad news, Gryf would be there to help her hold it together and get everyone back to Center. It would be a challenge for both of them though. Their soul mate bond linked their emotions. Gryf’s love for Nicky was as deep as any brother’s, far closer than a brother-in-law. Much the same way she loved his parents as deeply and unconditionally as she’d loved her own.

  “That’s it.” She stepped aside so Sakura could go first.

  Sakura disappeared into the cube and Alex stepped through the doorway. “Oh, shit.” The words exhaled from her into the luke-warm air of the single room dwelling.

  Dante writhed on the dirt floor, hands clutching his head, his mouth open in a silent scream. And Nicky…god, Nicky wasn’t moving at all. Her brother. The last living member of her family.

  “Storo!” Sakura’s voice cut through Alex’s horrified paralysis. The huge Anferthian squeezed through the doorway followed by Ita. “I need you two to hold Healer Dacian down.”

  Storo and Ita immobilized Dante’s arms and legs as Sakura collapsed to her knees at Nicky’s side. Her fingers pressed against his neck. “His pulse is weak, but he is alive.”

  Relief washed through Alex. There was still hope. Sakura leaned forward and kissed Nicky’s forehead, then looked up catching her gaze. “I need your help, Alex.”

  “Anything. Just tell me what to do.”

  “We must try to heal them, if we can,” Sakura’s even, white teeth worried at her bottom lip. “It should work. We are both Terrian. Dante is nearest to the end, we’ll work on him first.” She moved to their mentor’s side. The healer struggled against the strong hands pinning him. “Sit across from me. Have you ever touched the source of your healing power?”

  It could be touched? Alex frowned. “I don’t think so.” Puzzlement came through her link with Gryf. “I have never heard of such a thing.” Good. Now she didn’t feel so bad.

  “Then I have something to show you, but we must do this quickly. May I have your permission to scan your body?”

  “Um, okay.” Something weird was about to happen, but she shared Gryf’s curiosity.

  Sakura reached over Dante to grasp her hands. “Follow me in.”

  Alex sunk into herself and awareness of all her body’s functions filled her. The chambers of her heart opening and closing, blood rushing through her veins, arteries, capillaries, the silence from where her appendix had been the first fifteen years of her life.

  “Stay with me, Alex,” Sakura murmured, leading her passed all the surface info and deeper. Deeper than she’d ever been. “It is right here. Do you sense it?”

  A gradual awe rose. Warmth from what she could only compare to a light bathed her soul. It was beautiful.

  “Yes, it is,” Gryf brushed her mind. “I never suspected such existed.”

  “Neither did I.”

  “I wish we could stay longer, but Dante and Nick need us, now,” Sakura reminded her in a gentle tone.

  Right. There was a job—two jobs—to do. Two lives to try and save. Alex surfaced, her gaze once more locked with Sakura’s.

  “You will have to empty all of your source into Dante, then into Nick, if we are going to save them.”

  “W-what?” Empty it? So it was gone?

  “And once it is gone, how will you get it back?” Gryf asked.

  Sakura’s fingers squeezed her hands with a gentle pressure. “It will be scary, but it is the only way.”

  Scary wasn’t a big enough word to describe the anxiety coursing through her now. “This is how you and Nicky healed the others?”


  And they’d gotten their Gifts back. Alex swallowed hard, then nodded. “Show me what to do.”

  After their hands had been placed in a manner Sakura seemed satisfied with, the younger woman lowered her chin, her gaze somehow more serious than before. “Now, reach inside and draw out you Gift. It should flow into your hands, then it will wait for your command. On my signal, we will say ‘purify’ together, and will be out of our hands.”

  “Okay.” Facing the Anferthian coalition, or being shot at by assassins seemed a lot less terrifying than draining every last drop of her Gift into someone else.

  “But, you will survive this,” Gryf told her.

  Yes, she would. Both Nicky and Sakura had, more than once. If they could do it, so could she. Reaching deep she pulled at her power and it flowed through her and into her hands.

  “Now,” Sakura said.


  The whirlpool sensation of her Gift being tugged out of her through her hands was deeply disturbing. Then it was gone! Emptiness. Bereft. A great black abyss opened in her soul. Tears stung her eyes. Seven years of experiencing the joy of healing, and now it was gone.

  “I am still with you, compa.” Beloved.

  “Fyhen,” Storo’s deep voice interrupted her thoughts and she focused on his face. “All will be well. This is my word, and you have it. Watch the wonder you have begun.”

  Alex glanced down. Golden light seemed to push through Dante’s clothing, growing to encapsulate his entire body as it arched up. Whatever was happening, it looked like it was working, healing her friend and mentor.

  “Will he live?” Gryf asked.

  “I think so.”

  Her Gift surged up her arms, the force of its return swaying her body. But, it was back. Her Gift was back. It hadn�
��t taken more than twenty to thirty seconds, yet it had seemed like an eternity. A terrifying eternity.

  “Alex?” Dante murmured.

  She smoothed her hand over his hair. “I’m here, Dante.”

  “Please relax for a moment, Magister,” Sakura told him. “Nick is still in danger.”

  Right. One more time. Alex moved to Nicky’s side and arranged her hands over his chest.

  “Ready?” asked Sakura.

  One could never be ‘ready’ for this, but the alternative was not acceptable.


  Heat scorched through Nick like a lightning bolt spreading out from his chest and arcing through his legs, arms, and even his head. Jesus, had the illness found a way to get around his Source? Or, worse, extinguished it? Pain ran rampant through him now, killing him. He was dying. Saku, she’d never know. Nor would Alex. He would never have the chance to make things right with his sister again.

  Nick arched his back and a guttural scream poured out from the depths of his soul.

  “Hold on. It’s almost over, Nick.”

  Yes, and he’d welcome the end. He couldn’t take much more of this agony. Another scream welled up, pushing toward his throat…and died before escaping. The searing flames that had licked his insides vanished, replaced with utter calm. It was like being cradled in a hammock of fragrant, pale pink blossoms with his toes dangling in the warm surf. Then the blossoms and surf withdrew and all that remained was the harsh sound of his panting.

  “Cripes, that’s disconcerting,” a familiar voice murmured.


  “I know. It scares me every time.”

  Nick forced his eyelids opened. “Saku.”

  It was. She was here, leaning over him, her perfect lips curved upward in a bow, reflecting the happiness in his heart. “I am here, Nick. You are okay, and Dante is, too.”

  They were going to live. He gave his head a careful nod, in case the pain came back. It didn’t. “Now I understand what Storo was talking about when we healed him.”

  “Like being burned alive from the inside.” Storo appeared behind Saku, bent at the waist so his head was lower than the ceiling of the Matiran-sized shelter.

  “Exactly.” Nick reached up to cup Saku’s satiny cheek and she leaned into his palm. “God, I was afraid I’d never see you again. No, don’t cry.” He swiped his thumb pad under her eye to catch the tear as it fell from her lashes.

  “Stop telling me what to do. I was scared too.”

  He didn’t bother to control his grin. “Okay, I’ll stop.” He slid his hand under her hair, drew her down, and gave her a lingering kiss. “Thank you.”

  “I could not have done it without your sister.”

  Alex? So he really had heard her voice. He glanced to his right. Alex sat next to Dante, her arms crossed over her raised knees and tears streaking down her face. Regret flooded through him. Regret for leaving two years ago. Regret for being too stubborn to visit or to even viscomm with her on a regular basis. He sat up and scooted over to her and pulled her into his embrace. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so, sorry, Alex. I was such a dumb-ass for leaving. I didn’t mean to hurt you, or anyone.” He met Dante’s gaze over her head and his mentor gave him a small, forgiving smile and nodded.

  “I was so afraid I had lost you here.” Alex sobbed, her tears soaking his shoulder. All he could do was stroke her hair until she finally subsided and pulled back. “I’m sorry I wasn’t more empathic, Nicky. I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “I don’t know when or how you got here, sis, but I’m glad you came.”

  “Me too,” she sniffed. “So is Gryf, but he’s not too happy with you for making me cry.”

  “Aw. Is he crying too?”

  She nodded. “You know how closely bonded we are.”

  Yes, he did. They could close their link for periods of time, but when they were connected, everything that happened to one of them was experienced by both. He gazed intently into her eyes. “Yo, Gryf. If you can hear me, sorry about that, man.”

  Alex made a watery laugh noise. “He’ll be fine. So, I guess this makes us even on saving each other’s lives now.”

  She must mean the time he’d saved her life in the meadow of Camp One. “I guess so. How did you guys find us?”

  “Well,” she glanced at Sakura. “About that….”

  Five minutes later, Nick sat up gaping from Saku to Alex and back again. “No, shit. Really? I called you?”

  Dante, who was also now upright, shook his head. “It is conceivable that your Gift is strong enough to transmit itself in this manner, Nick.” The Matiran healer rubbed his chin in a thoughtful manner. “I wonder if you could have sustained the call had you been conscious?”

  “An intriguing question, Master Healer,” Storo said. “Perhaps we can address it later. This dwelling becomes increasingly uncomfortable for those of us who were barely able to squeeze through the door.”

  Ita nodded vigorously.

  Right. Time to go.


  “Uncle Nick!”

  Nick braced himself as Flora all but flew across the common room at him, her face lit with an expression of utter joy and relief. His niece had never been one to hide her feelings. Like now. If he were lucky, she wouldn’t knock him flat on his ass. Which she could probably actually do, now that she was taller than him. Would the kid ever stop growing? And what the hell had happened to all her hair?

  Flora seemed to hesitate a split second before impact, the realization of her own potential apparently compelling her to rein it in. Then her arms were around him. “I was so worried.”

  A chuckle rolled through him as he wrapped his arms around her. “I was too, Red. But, Saku and your mom found us in plenty of time. Can’t tell you how good it is to be home.”

  The former wasn’t exactly the truth, but Flora didn’t need to know how close he’d come to dying. The latter, however…yeah, this place was home, and he was damn happy for it.

  They separated. “Poppy got here about five minutes before you,” Flora told him.

  Nick followed the direction of her gaze to Alex and Gryf sharing an embrace, a faint aura glowing around them. Warmth spread in his chest and he glanced down at Saku next to him, the Hello Kitty bag in her hand. She’d been so happy when B’iha intercepted them on their way home to return the damn thing. After one of Kelly’s stooges had launched it into the trees, he’d figured it was gone forever. No such luck.

  “Where’s Uncle Dante?” Flora asked.

  Nick jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “He stopped at the guest cube to shower and change. He’ll be here soon.”

  A movement in his peripheral vision caught his attention. Gryf extended his hand and Nick stepped over to clasp it as his brother-in-law pulled him into a firm embrace. “Good to have you back and safe, Nick.”

  “Good to be back.” He slipped his arm around Saku, pulled her against him and gave the top of her head a kiss. Yeah, it was really good to be back.


  Sakura sat on the couch, curled against Nick’s side. The weight of his arm across her shoulders and the warmth of his hand stroking her arm was heavenly. He was here and he was safe. They’d only been home an hour, but already she wouldn’t mind if everyone else just picked up and left.

  Unfortunately, they all seemed inclined to stay—Dante, Alex, Gryf, K’rona, and Storo. She loved them all, but enough already. There were things she had to update Nick about…and there were things she wanted to do with Nick too.

  “I can’t believe Kelly is in league with Haesi Velo.” Alex shuddered.

  “A nightmare team, that’s for sure,” Nick agreed, his words vibrating his chest under Sakura’s cheek. “The hater and the whack job.”

  “A dangerous whack job,” Gryf said. The concern in his eyes had remained unabated since they had walked through the door an hour ago. If he was that worried, then things must be worse than she thought. “Kelly is nothing mo
re than a coward with an agenda. It was foolish for her to align herself with that traitor. I have no doubt Haesi views her as disposable.”

  Saku leaned her head back to look at Nick. “Who is Haesi Velo?”

  “A dangerous woman,” K’rona muttered from her spot on the floor.

  “She nearly killed my sister by injecting her with ithemba,” Nick said.

  The fine prickles of a chill ran down Sakura’s arms. “Ithemba is illegal.” What possessed people to make a life of hurting others? “Could she have been the one to create the illness?”

  “Indeed.” Dante drew her attention away from Nick. “It is a serum. Haesi alluded to it as ‘her serum’ in our presence. Nick and I discussed this further during our time in the shelter, and concluded she is quite capable of creating such.”

  “From personal experience, I know how much she loves injecting toxic substances into living test subjects,” Alex said.

  Sakura’s eyes widened. “I am sorry, Alex. I did not mean to—”

  Alex waved her free hand. “Don’t worry. It doesn’t bother me as much as it used to.” She glanced at Gryf. “I have my support system and coping mechanisms.”

  The look of adoration and respect that passed between Alex and her husband was impossible to miss. Past violations were never easy to deal with, but having someone who would stand with you against your ghosts was a blessing. As Nick had done for her.

  “But what is her motive, I wonder?” K’rona said.

  “She must have an underlying goal, just as she did for betraying the Guardian Fleet. All my senses tell me this, but I cannot fathom what that goal might be.” Gryf’s expression was troubled as his gaze shifted between Nick and Dante. “You said you did not see anyone in the facility as you escaped?”

  Nick gave his head a shake. “Not a soul.”

  “Then the question is, where did they go?”

  Sakura pushed herself upright and Nick lowered his arm to his side. “You don’t think they let you escape, do you?”

  Nick shrugged “They may have. Or they could be on the run. Kelly looked pretty freaked out after I eliminated her stooge so easily. She was viscomming with Haesi at the time, and Haesi cut the transmission before I could put a trace on it. I’m sure she figured her partner in crime had just ditched her.”


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