Hockey Christmas (A Holiday Sports Romance Love Story)

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Hockey Christmas (A Holiday Sports Romance Love Story) Page 34

by Naomi Niles

  “You don’t want to,” I replied huskily. “After being with an ice hockey player, you’ll never want to be with anyone else again.” In a crazy way, I was already certain that this was the girl that no one else would ever compare to. It is just a real shame that realistically it can’t last too long, because if everything were different, I could really see this as the girl I ended up falling in love with.

  “I already feel that way,” she moaned as a reply. “After you, I don’t think anything will ever be the same again.”

  Chapter 18

  Danielle – Wednesday

  My breaths became short and ragged as Miles sent a crazy bunch of emotions floating right through me. He was making me feel like I was special, amazing, and for someone like me who had spent their entire life being put down, that was addictive.

  I really liked him, far too much, but in that moment, it didn’t even matter. I was pulsating too powerfully for him to care.

  As I lost myself in his lips and his tongue, a massive ball of passion exploded inside of me, and with that, a bolt of bravery overtook and I pulled him closer towards me. It no longer mattered that everyone was downstairs having a massive party; there was an intense passion inside of me that needed feeding, and that was the end of it.

  Desire began free flowing through me as I felt his muscular body pressing up against mine, and I needed more, so I yanked his top over his head, needing to feel his abs in better detail. If there was one thing that Miles had, it was an amazing body, and I loved it the more I got to know it.

  “How did you get that?” I panted quietly, running my finger along the scar on his cheek.

  “Hockey,” he replied, grinning at me. “I told you, we’re tough nuts.”

  For some reason, the thought of him getting hurt on the ice made me feel really sad…not that I could say that aloud. Not without sounding like a crazy stalker anyway.

  “That’s true,” I replied happily. “Sexy too. Well, just you.” I was getting dangerously close to expressing my real feelings, so I changed the subject rapidly. “It’s so hot in here.”

  Miles stepped away from me and opened the window, allowing the noise of the party to float up to where we were. I felt anxious at the thought of continuing down the path we were going when everyone would so clearly be able to hear us, but at the same time, it made me feel a burst of naughty excitement inside.

  If I did this, it would be the craziest thing that I’d ever done, and I really wanted to have that experience with Miles.

  “Come here,” I whispered huskily, flexing my finger at him. “I need you.”

  “To do what?” he asked, acting as if he were totally innocent, as if coming up here wasn’t his idea!

  “Oh, I think you know.” I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my lips up against his in a headier, more passionate fashion. I wanted to express everything that I was feeling within, everything that I couldn’t say aloud, and I truly hoped that was coming out.

  After a few moments of merely kissing, his hands began to work their way over my body, tracing my every curve, sending bolts of intense desire racing right through me. There was something really expert about the way that he was working me, and that made me breathless with desire.

  He pulled back from kissing me, just long enough to tug my top up over my head. He unhooked my bra quickly, running his fingertips over my nipples, sending me rasping and animalistic with desire.

  His hands reached my skirt, and I felt him about to hitch it upright, but I stopped him quickly with a seductive smile. The booze was swilling around inside of me, making me feel naughtier than ever, and I wanted to explore that.

  “Not yet,” I whispered, walking him backwards until his back was pressed up against the wall.

  He was giving me a look like he didn’t quite know what I was doing, which shifted quickly the moment I dropped to my knees with a thud.

  “Oh my God,” he groaned excitedly, tossing his head back in ecstasy. “Danielle, you are going to be the death of me.”

  I kept my eyes fixed on his face as I unbuckled his shorts rapidly, excited to get a taste of him. I wasn’t normally so sexually confident, so eager to do something like this, but with Miles I wanted to try everything, to be different.


  As I pulled his rock hard erection free from his underwear, I could feel him already trembling excitedly, which only increased as I moved in closer and I wrapped my lips around him. I slid him in slowly, moving his length down to the back of my throat, relishing the way that he cried out nosily in joy – proving that he didn’t care who could hear him with me.

  I traced my lips up and down him, flicking my tongue as I went, and from the way his thighs tensed up and he yelled out in pleasure, I was already bringing him dangerously close to the edge of desire. I loved turning him on so much that I almost wanted to keep on pleasuring him with my mouth, completely bypassing my own sexual needs.

  “Oh fuck, Danielle,” he cried out as his hands rested on my shoulders, fixing me in place. “Stop it, I need to feel you, to experience you, and you’re about to drive me wild.”

  He leant down next to me, tucking his hands under my armpits, before pulling me up into a standing position, before resting his forehead against mine.

  “I’m not going to be able to let you go in a couple of weeks,” he panted. “You’re so damn addictive.”

  Emotions swirled around inside of me as I realized just how deeply I felt about him too. I adored his voice, his touch, the way that he made me feel, and that was intoxicating to me. How the hell was I ever going to give him up?

  Then he shook my negative emotions from me by picking me up,and wrapping my legs tightly around him. The atmosphere went from something romantic, to something incredibly steamy, which only got better as he placed me back down on the window ledge. It wasn’t close enough to the window for anyone to be able to see us, but it was near enough to feel exciting and taboo. I loved exploring this new, sexual side of me with Miles; it built our bond even more, made our connection even deeper.

  It made me feel so much more for him.

  As we kissed once more, his fingers trailed downwards, where he began teasing the outline of my underwear.I gripped onto his strong shoulders, gasping into his mouth, as my body craved him, needed him. My wet, hot desire was desperate for him to explore it and I wasn’t sure how long I could take him holding back on me for.

  “Oh fuck, Miles,” I gasped loudly. “Shit, I need you so damn badly.”

  Not needing to be asked twice, Miles slid my panties to one side, and pushed a finger deep inside of me, followed by another…then another…

  “Oh my God,” I panted, attempting to be at least a little bit quiet. “Miles, you’re amazing.”

  As if an animalistic desire overcame him, he yanked my panties off my body. Then, with a small smirk on his lips, he thrust into me hard and fast, almost knocking me backwards with the force of himself.

  “Miles,” I yelled out in passion, no longer caring who would be listening to me, as I felt every delicious inch of him. He was no longer being careful with me; we were being reckless, fucking hard and fast, and that was sending me to the knife edge of desire over and over again. This was made so much more intense by the fact that the angle Miles had me at ensured that every single thrust brushed past my clit, driving me insane.

  As the hot pool spread through me, and the orgasm shattered through my body, I felt completely consumed by Miles. He was everything to me in that moment, and I never wanted that to end. As the endless waves of pleasure violently rocked my body, I tried to tell him as much, but I was too breathless, too hot and dizzy to even think about speaking.

  As soon as the final shudder was done, Miles didn’t give me even a moment to think. He simply pulled me down until I was standing, giving me a split second to see the intense hunger in his eyes, then he spun me around until I was facing the window, and he bent me slightly forward. I felt him slide into me from this brand new angle, and that b
rand new feel of him was ever more amazing.

  He slammed against me, riding me so hard that I had to grip onto the window sill to stop myself from slipping, but every thrust made me feel incredible. As Miles yelled loudly in pleasure, succumbing to his own orgasm, I felt a sense of breathlessness overcome me.

  “You’re amazing,” Miles murmured into my ear, running kisses down my neck.

  “So are you,” I replied happily. As I span back around, I harbored the fear that Miles might want to go back down to the party, to socialize with everyone else once more, which would be a decision that I would have to understand since it was his house, but luckily he was already lying on the bed, and patting it to indicate that I should come and join him.

  “What a way to ring in the New Year,” I laughed, feeling lighter than air.

  “Yeah,” Miles agreed with me. “Although it is going to get me in trouble tomorrow;I’m not supposed to have sex the night before a big game.”

  “You aren’t?” I gasped, before latching on to the important part of that. “And you have a game tomorrow? On New Year’s Day?”

  “Yeah, it’s a fairly big deal.Not career changing, but enough that I have to do well.”

  I sat up slightly, propping myself up onto my elbow. “I would love to see you in action,” I told him honestly. I’d seen him on the ice, but not playing the game that I knew he loved. I wanted to see that passion, that drive within him, and I also wanted to know what it was about him that had him so famous.

  I stroked the scar on his cheek lightly, wondering what it would be like to see him play. I’d never shown any particular interest in sports before, but I found myself oddly intrigued. I just hoped that it wouldn’t be too violent, and that I would end up seeing him get hurt.

  “You just saw me in action, you silly girl,” Mile nuzzled into my cheek.

  I laughed at his joke, but my mind was elsewhere. I decided that I would somehow go and watch him play tomorrow, and that I would try and rope my sister in too. Depending on what happened with Marek tonight, she might be really keen anyway.

  The next time that I glanced over to Miles, he was fast asleep and lightly snoring. Instead of freaking out like I did last time, I simply lay there happily, drinking in his peaceful appearance. He looked so sweet and vulnerable when he was sleeping, like all the guards and walls that he’d built up came crumbling down, and I felt honored to see the side of him that I didn’t think many people got to witness.

  Oh God, my mind groaned, really feeling the pain. Leaving this amazing guy is going to be so hard. I really don’t know how I’m going to do it.

  I knew that coming to the party was going to be a bad idea. I knew that it would make me fall deeper, and that was exactly what had happened. Now I had a choice: did I fully throw myself into this and enjoy the fling knowing that there would be some heartache and the other end, or did I pull out now and do my best to forget him?

  Urgh, it isn’t really a choice. I know what I have to do.

  Chapter 19

  Miles – Thursday – New Year’s Day

  The bus journey towards our big, New Year’s Day game was much more quiet and subdued than normal because despite our best intentions, we were all hungover to hell. The party had gotten just a little too wild, and somewhere along the line we all managed to lose our way, and now we were suffering the consequences of that. I maybe wasn’t as bad as everyone else because I didn’t drink as much, but I didn’t get a lot of sleep either so I was still pretty shattered. Although me and Danielle had gotten a little rest in between, we’d spent most of the night exploring one another’s bodies in a way that was turning me on even thinking about it.

  She was amazing, absolutely incredible, and with every minute that went past, it was growing increasingly difficult for me to accept that I was going to have to say goodbye in the end. I hated that it was going to have to end that way, but at the same time, I’d been aware of it before anything happened between us, so I couldn’t be pissed off about it now.

  “Damn you, Miles,” Gaz growled at me from the other end of the bus. I glanced up to look at him before quickly giving up, realizing that my head was in too much pain. I had a tired headache, and one that came from knocking back a couple of shots of whiskey with the guys early on in the night. “Why did you have much booze at your place?”

  “Sean was in charge of that,” I admitted, shaking my head. “But you can’t blame me, you’re the one that drank it all.”

  “Urgh,” he groaned. “I don’t want to hear it. I just want to wallow in self-pity.”

  Everyone else joined in to complain, and I knew that I should step it up and put an end to the moaning before it got way out of control, but I didn’t have the heart. I just really couldn’t be bothered. Coach Jordan was around too, but he was saying much either. I couldn’t help but wonder if he’d had a bit of a full on night too. He wasn’t usually the type, but then again, he normally spent our journeys to games riling us up and giving us shit. Today we were getting nothing.

  This game was going to bomb; I could just tell. We were going to fail hard, and that could affect our overall score, and there wasn’t a damn thing that any of us could do about it.

  Not wanting to think about it anymore than I needed to for fear of getting myself too worked up in knots, I allowed my gaze to focus on the view out the window, and my mind to wander. I allowed myself to remember everything about Danielle that I liked so much, which lifted my spirits somewhat. Even when everything else was shit in the world, she could still make me feel good. The girl that randomly came into my lifehad impacted me in a way that I never would have thought possible.

  She was just so beautiful, and sweet, nothing like anyone I’d ever known before and I just couldn’t stop thinking about her. Even when I first met Hailey and I was obsessed by her, she didn’t make me feel quite as intense as this. The butterflies floating around my body at just the mere thought of her was enough to show me just how much I liked her. It was powerful and drove me crazy, but in the absolute best way possible.

  “Dude,” Benji slumped into the seat next to me, looking pale and sickly. “How the fuck are we going to play today?” He was breathless and panting, in the worst state that I’d ever seen him in before. “I can’t even walk.”

  “I don’t know,” I told him honestly. “I guess the only thing that we can hope for is the fact that the other team might be as fucked up as us.” It was a big wish, considering most sports players didn’t drink the night before a big game, but at the same time, it was New Year’s Eve; that had to be an exception, surely? We couldn’t be the only one who had gotten a bit too excited and carried away.

  “Man, if the other team is as fucked up as us, then it’s going to be a fucking boring match for everyone watching,” he smiled weakly, but he had a point. Our fans were a massive supplement of our wages, and we couldn’t afford to lose them with one shitty game. I knew that the hardcore fans would always stick around, but unfortunately we did need the glory supporters too.

  “Urgh, I can’t think about it,” I told him honestly. “It’s making my head hurt.”

  By the time we arrived at the stadium, and we all staggered into the dressing room, there was a real subdued atmosphere around us. Coach Jordan eventually stepped up and gave us a semi-motivational speech, but it was clear that his heart wasn’t in it and that his head was somewhere else entirely.

  “Fuck it,” I muttered to myself, standing up. “Okay guys, I know we all feel like utter shit, but we’re professionals and there are a lot of expectations on our shoulders, so while we might not feel about it, we have to just get the fuck out there and, well, maybe not nail it, I don’t want to ramp the pressure up too much,” a tittering of laugher burst up around the changing room, which I hoped was a good sign. “But let’s just get through it,all right?”

  “Yeah,” everyone murmured, less than enthusiastically, but a little bit better than before, which would have to do for now.

  We moved out quick
ly onto the ice, and as the audience cheered for us much louder than what I was expecting, I allowed my eyes to flicker out over the crowd, just to see what sort of people had come out to see us on New Year’s Day. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for particularly, possibly just to see if they looked like they would be pissed if things went a little shit, but my eyes suddenly found the last person that I was expecting: the girl I’d said goodbye to only moments before.

  Danielle…she’s here! What the hell?

  My heart hammered loudly in my chest, and a big smile spread across my cheeks as I realized that she had turned up to surprise me. All the fatigue and thebrain fog spilled from my brain, and a happy alertness overtook. Just the sight of her had adrenaline pulsing through my brain, and I felt like I could tackle anything.

  I just couldn’t believe that she was there! As I kissed her and left her at my home, hunting through the bodies sleeping on the floor for her sister, she never said anything of the sort. I’d told her that I might have to see her in a few days because I wasn’t too sure of our upcoming schedule, but now she was here, and that was amazing.

  It made me like her so much more.

  Not that I wanted to compare Danielle to Hailey, but when I remembered the big scene that my ex-girlfriend would make every time she came to a game, it was unbelievable. She wanted everyone to know that she was coming, as if she felt like the center of attention should be on her rather than the players. I was blind to it at the time, mistaking it for support, but I could so clearly see that it was never that, and that I was naïve to believe it was. She probably wanted to be photographed by the paparazzi, to be featured in the newspapers.

  Well, she got all of that in the end, and it really didn’t work out for her, so I suppose in a way she got exactly what she deserved. She was lost and alone, with no one, and I had been spending time with the perfect girl.


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