Run the Risk

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Run the Risk Page 6

by Lori Foster

They were half off the bed, half on it, as lax as the sheets.

  Carefully, Logan settled his hands on her narrow back. “Okay?”

  “Mmm.” She kissed his sweaty chest, nuzzled her nose against him and said with clear regret, “It’s such a shame that you have to go.”


  HE WENT STILL beneath her, then rigid. “Is that a joke?”

  On a long, melancholy sigh, Pepper levered herself up over him. “No.” She patted his rock-hard shoulder, disengaged their bodies, and left the bed. “I wish you could stay.” She really, really did. “But I’m sorry. You can’t.”

  “You’re kicking me out?” He sat up in disbelief. “Now?”

  “Yes.” If only the lights would come back on first so she could get a good look at him. But darkness prevailed. She moved away and opened the curtains again. “It’s getting late.”

  “It’s only half an hour later than it was before we got in bed!”

  True. Unfortunately, prolonged foreplay wasn’t in the works for them. Trying to ignore his irritation, she started out of the room. “I need a shower.”

  He was off the bed in a heartbeat, stepping into her path, blocking her retreat.


  Given her current frame of mind—sort of soft and distracted and…susceptible—it was a good thing he’d pulled up his jeans. They were still open, and now that she’d parted the drapes again, she could see his abdomen…and lower. But at least she didn’t see all of him, everything that she’d touched, stroked.

  The thick flesh that had filled her up.

  Her heart beat in a slow, steady rhythm. Resisting the urge to touch him, Pepper put her hands behind her and backed up.

  Incredulous, he glared. “No fucking way are you afraid of me.”

  After everything they’d just done? “No.” She was afraid of herself, of her reactions to him. She couldn’t do this—but she had. And it had been so wonderful…

  He tried a different tack. Taking her shoulders, caressing her, he cajoled, “Let me stay the night.”

  “I can’t.” She took another quick step back—out of his reach.

  His hands dropped. “I don’t fucking believe this.”

  His coarse language grated on her. They’d had sex—weird, restrained sex, but still, that didn’t give him the right to treat her without respect.

  “I don’t believe you’re cursing me.”

  “Not you.” Working off what was clearly a very short fuse, he pinched the bridge of his nose. “It’s this situation. I thought we were getting closer. I thought…”

  That it meant something? He sounded like a scorned woman, and she felt like a jerk.

  It seemed a wise thing to get out of the bedroom. Pepper went as far as the small sofa and paused. Don’t do it, Pepper. Don’t do it— “We could share dinner again. Tomorrow I mean.” She squeezed her eyes shut. “If you’re not busy.”

  The sudden silence nearly choked her. Had the storm finally quieted, too? She wasn’t in the habit of propositioning men. Even before her life had changed so drastically, she hadn’t thrown out dinner invitations.

  She hadn’t needed to.

  Wondering what Logan thought, if he’d accept her offer, she turned to him. He’d crossed his arms, but his nonchalant stance couldn’t hide his antagonism.

  “Well?” She wished he’d say something.

  “I’m trying to figure out if you’re really inviting me for dinner, or for sex.”

  Both. Feeling a little foolish, she shook her head. “Never mind. It was a bad idea.”

  “Oh, no, you don’t.” In three long strides he reached her. “Whatever we just did, I liked it.”

  Her knees went weak. “Me, too.”

  “Yeah?” He caressed her again. “It was unusual—”

  He meant odd. Weird. Bizarre.

  “—but I don’t think I’ve ever been that turned on.”

  “Really?” Sure, she’d loved it, but then even a crumb was delicious to a starving woman. And that had been no more than a crumb.

  Guys were always easy, but still, she couldn’t believe he’d be that accepting of her restrictions.

  “Absolutely.” With two fingers, Logan touched her chin. “If you’re asking me over for more of the same, I’m in.”

  Could she make the apartment dark enough? Would she have an opportunity to buy blackout blinds? Did she dare have an encore of that unique and somewhat torturous intimacy?

  “But,” he said, interrupting her thoughts, “if it’s only dinner you want, I’m in for that, too.”

  No way. If he accepted a “dinner only” invite, it’d be because he figured he’d eventually get back in her bed. “Okay.”

  Proving her right, he slid both hands around her neck. “You know I’m rooting for the first option, right?”

  “Yes.” She was sort of rooting for it, too. “I understand that. I just don’t know…”

  He kissed her. “We’ll play it by ear, see where things take us.”

  “Okay.” And if she could find a way around Rowdy’s temper over it all, then for sure, the bed would win. But she had no illusions about keeping this from her brother. He knew everything she did, and who she did it with.

  Well, not the sexual details, of course. But he always watched her so closely, no way would he miss the fact that Logan had been in her apartment, during a power outage, without a lot to do to keep them busy.

  Rowdy wouldn’t be happy. She sometimes thought if he could have his way, he’d keep her locked up, out of sight.

  Out of the way.

  Thinking about that bothered her, so she again said to Logan, “You need to go.”

  Something dark and dangerous—probably ego—glittered in his eyes. “You have my number handy?”

  “On top of the fridge.”

  Despite his menacing expression, his touch remained gentle, persuasive. “Keep it by your bedside, all right? Better, program it into your cell phone. Just in case you need me.”

  Need him? Did he mean for sexual satisfaction or physical protection? Either way… “I’ll be fine.”

  Answering her question, he said, “If this blackout lasts, you don’t know what kind of trouble might come knocking at your door.”

  True enough, but she wasn’t worried. “It’s just a storm.” God knew she had survived worse things than weather. “And actually…I’m good with numbers.”

  “Meaning you’ve memorized it already?”

  She shrugged.

  “Good.” Still he hesitated. “I’m leaving under duress.”

  Never had she known anyone like him. Sure, most men would take sex in just about any circumstances that they could get it. But what they had just done had to top the list of peculiar sexual encounters.

  Still, she knew he’d reached satisfaction. His harsh groans had been wonderful to hear, and the way his body had tensed, the heat pouring off him during his release—she’d loved every second of it.

  He’d gotten what he wanted. But now, instead of being glad to escape further involvement, he wanted to hang around.

  That sort of made her smile. “Thank you.”

  Taking her by surprise, he wrapped one arm around her waist, the other under her backside, and he lifted her off her feet. Given her height, that was no easy feat, but he didn’t look strained.

  Actually, he looked turned on. Again.

  With her pelvis flattened to his hard abdomen, her legs aligned with his, she braced her hands on his bare shoulders. Hot.

  “Logan!” She gasped. “What are you doing?”

  Her well-covered breasts were even with his chin, but he stared into her eyes. “I need another taste to tide me over until tomorrow.”

  “Oh.” She found no fault with that plan. “Okay.”

  Treating her to the full effect of his potent appeal, he kissed her—and this kiss was different from the others. Not entirely sexual, but not exactly sweet and innocent, either.

  It was maybe a kiss of…understanding. And interest. />
  As he lowered her back to her feet, he said, “Think about me tonight, Sue. And think about what we’ll do tomorrow.” He gave her one more kiss before leaving.

  Pepper watched him go. Think about him? She doubted she’d be able to think of anything else.


  HAT PULLED LOW, collar up, Rowdy Yates hung back in the shadows, shielded from the downpour by the slight overhang of the building across from the apartment complex. He chewed the end of a toothpick until there was nothing left of it.

  What the hell was she thinking, fooling around with the new neighbor? She knew better, damn it.

  Because he’d taught her better.

  Having random, well-hidden cameras in the building hadn’t proved useful until now. Usually, she took no chances. He’d felt safe with the occasional contact, knowing Pepper could reach him in case of an emergency.

  But ever since Logan Stark had moved in, he’d been more vigilant—mostly because Pepper had been different. It seemed that, despite all his precautions, she’d come to the end of her rope. He’d have to deal with that, with her—but first he’d deal with Logan Stark.

  Down the street, somewhere in the darkness, a car alarm blared. Glass broke. Sirens split the night.

  A streetlamp flickered back on, disturbing the concealing cocoon of the blackout, sending a river of light to shimmer across the washed-out roadway.

  The woman on his arm shivered from the rain and pressed her heavy breasts into his side. “It’s cold.”

  “Not really.” He’d already forgotten her name but didn’t care. He wouldn’t see her again after tonight. Wrapping an arm around her, Rowdy asked, “Better?”

  “Are we going in or not?”

  “Yeah.” He could smell her perfume, felt the heat of her small body. He threw the toothpick away. “Remember, I’ve got an hour or less. That’s all.”

  Running a hand down his chest and smiling, she said, “Sugar, that’s all the time I need.”


  STILL CURLED IN HER BED, relaxed from a good night’s sleep, Pepper watched the sun begin filtering through the curtains. She had that type of lethargy that only came from sex.

  She stretched, smiling, wondering what the coming day—and the night—might bring. More time with Logan? More sex? She hoped so.

  Her cell phone rang.

  She frowned toward it, but she knew it would be Rowdy, and she knew he’d be angry. Much as she wanted to keep reality at bay, she had to answer.

  Rolling to the side of the bed, she snatched up the phone and pressed the button to accept the call. “You’re up early.”

  “But you’re not?”

  Smiling again, she fell to her back. “I slept in.” To daydream. To remember.

  “We have to talk, Pepper.”

  Uh-oh. Hearing Rowdy’s exasperation, she shook off her dreamy preoccupation. “What’s the matter?”

  “You already know, so don’t play dumb.” And then, sharper, “What do you know about him?”

  “He’s…harmless.” A neighbor, an oversexed guy willing to abide by her stipulations for a little fun in the sack. In other words…perfect.

  “He’s working construction.”

  Shrugging to herself, she said, “He told me.”

  “But you didn’t know it, not until I checked.”

  She looked at the clock. It was after ten. “Is that where he’s at now?”


  “And you figure it’s legitimate?”

  “Since he just shot a nail through his hand, I’d say so.”

  She bolted upright in the bed. “Is he okay?”

  Rowdy fell silent.

  “Is he?”

  “You care about him,” Rowdy accused.

  “I barely know him.” Not a lie; but she knew him better than she knew most people.

  Because she’d gotten intimate with him. A strange sort of intimacy, but still…

  “He got sloppy with the nail gun, but I’m sure it’s not a big deal.”

  Only another guy would think that. “Did he go to the hospital?”

  “No. A few of the other guys patched him up.”

  Her anxiety lifted. It must not have been too awful. “So you’re convinced he’s on the level?”

  “Hell, no. You shouldn’t see him again.”

  But she would. “Why not?”

  “You know why.” Disgust mixed with anger in his tone. “Think about it, Pepper. What does he really want from you?”

  Sex. “I don’t know.” And dinner. And…conversation? She shook her head. “Maybe he just wants to know a friendly face here.”

  With silky menace, Rowdy asked, “And have you been friendly?”

  Oops. Bad wording on her part. “Not exactly.” She propped her back against the headboard. Anxious to get off the topic, she said, “So you only called to caution me?”

  “To warn you. You’re playing a dangerous game.”

  She didn’t ask her brother if he’d been celibate; she knew the answer already. Double standards always annoyed her. “Duly noted. Now I need to go. I have to see how much damage the storm did to your building.”


  Pepper could almost picture him grinding his teeth, and she smiled. “Yes, Rowdy?”

  A beat of silence, and then: “Until I get a chance to do a more thorough check on him, keep him out of your apartment.”

  Her lips compressed. Rowdy had gotten awfully good at giving her orders—and expecting them to be obeyed. “Fine.” She wondered if Logan had been sent home from work but didn’t dare ask Rowdy. He was surly enough already. It never paid for her to tweak his temper. “Let me know if you find out anything more.”

  “Might take a few days, but I’ll be in touch.”

  The connection died, and so did her good mood. She tossed aside the phone and bounded out of bed. She had a lot to get done, so she might as well get to it.

  Going to her closet, she chose another drab, ugly outfit and carried it into her small bathroom. Looking at herself in the mirror, she touched her dull hair and even duller complexion.

  She hated to face the truth, but Rowdy had a valid point. Though he hadn’t come right out and said it, they both had to wonder what Logan saw in her.

  Easy sex? Accomplished.

  So now what? More sex? For most of the men she’d known, it was all about the conquest. Once they got what they wanted, they moved on to more challenging territory.

  For now, Logan was an enigma.

  She’d shower, dress and get through her errands which, despite what Rowdy said, included buying heavier drapes and blackout blinds for her bedroom—just in case. It was bad enough that Logan had seen her treadmill.

  She didn’t need him seeing anything else.

  Being a woman of her word, she’d insist that dinner be at his place tonight. And after dinner, maybe she’d be able to talk him into round two.

  Letting out a long sigh, she cooled the temp on her shower and stepped in.

  She knew better than to hope for too much; nothing in her life had really changed. She still lived a lie, and she needed to remain in isolation.

  But she couldn’t seem to stop herself from reaching for this one pleasure.

  Her very restrictive existence suddenly looked brighter. For the first time in a long time she had reason to anticipate the day.

  Given half a chance, she’d thank Logan for that—in the limited ways left to her.


  WITH HIS CELL PHONE on speaker, Logan paced his small living room and stewed. His hand ached, but he deserved it. Luckily, it was his left he’d injured, not his gun hand. He could shoot adequately with his left, but he had improved aim with his right.

  Even luckier—depending on your point of view—it wasn’t an uncommon accident to have happen on the job site. While he’d cursed a blue streak, the other workers had laughed at him, proof positive that they’d seen it happen before.

  Dash had remembered not to single him out with concern and ha
d, in fact, chewed his ass for being careless, as he would do with any worker.

  But now he’d have a few days off work, and that’d fuck with his cover and his control. He needed to stay busy, to keep his thoughts occupied.

  What the hell was Pepper Yates hiding under those hand-me-down clothes?

  What didn’t she want him to see? To touch?

  Men were simple creatures, women not so much. They always wanted physical attention during sex. Hell, they needed it to get off.

  Not Pepper.

  He could still feel her sliding down his shaft, at first so slowly that she’d made him nuts, then taking him deep. And he could still feel the way her body had tightened around him during her climax.

  A climax she’d reached with little help from him.

  All while dressed. Without a single seductive stroke of his fingers.

  Or his tongue.

  He hadn’t seduced her, hadn’t incited her.

  He hadn’t done anything except supply a dick and then react to her lead. It burned his ass big-time that he felt used.

  It burned him even more that he wanted her to want more.

  Reese finally picked up on the fourth ring and said with irritation, “Anything wrong?”

  His mood gave Logan pause. “Not really, no.”

  Reese cursed. “Then this better be good.”

  “Am I interrupting something?”

  “Actually, yeah, you are.”

  Logan grinned. “New woman?”

  “New puppy. It’s destroying my place.”

  That was so far from what Logan had expected to hear, it threw him. “You got a dog?”

  “It sort of got me. Long story.”

  So he’d taken in a stray? Logan grinned. “You’re such a big softie.”

  Reese snorted. “You want me to come there and kick your ass? Is that it? You’re all lonely and, instead of admitting it, you’re finding a reason to piss me off so I’ll hunt you up?”

  Logan laughed outright.

  Reese said, “Dog, no. No! Damn it.” Then with a growl to Logan, “What’s up?”

  It took some effort to fight off another laugh, but Logan took pity on Reese and got to the point. “I need you to do some specific searching through our collection of photos.”


  “No.” He knew Reese wouldn’t be happy, but what the hell? Logan had his reasons. “Pepper.”


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