A Billionaire for Ms Snow

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A Billionaire for Ms Snow Page 3

by Laura Ann

  Snow put out her hand. “Give it back, please,” she stated softly, but firmly.

  The boy scrunched up his face and wiped his running nose on his dirty coat. It was obvious he was having a rough go of it. He looked to be about twelve years old, but his clothes looked like they belonged to an eight-year-old. On top of being too small, they were dirty and had holes in them.

  I doubt that coat keeps him as warm as it should. Quentin thought as he looked at the miscreant.

  “Please,” Snow said again, still holding out her hand.

  Just as Quentin was about to give the boy a good shake, tears began to roll down his face. With another sniff, he pulled a phone out of his pocket and handed it back to Snow.

  Quentin saw red. Dirty little—

  “Thank you,” Snow said politely, before putting the phone back in her coat pocket. “Now... what’s your name?”

  “Jett,” the boy whimpered. “Are you going to send me to jail?”

  Snow smiled softly and shook her head. “No, Jett. I don’t think we need to do that.”

  Jett eyed Quentin warily. “But what about him?”

  Snow’s eyes widened and her brows raised. “What about him?”

  Jett scowled. “He wants to. I can tell.”

  Snow smiled. “Oh, now you don’t know that. Mr. Gruffman here is a wonderful man. He’s not going to do anything to hurt you.”

  Quentin felt the muscles of his face involuntarily relax and his heart gave that funny rhythm again.

  Jett continued to glare at Quentin.

  “Why did you take my phone, Jett?” Snow pulled the boy’s attention back to her.

  The kid shuffled his feet and Quentin tightened his grip on the coat he held. Finally, Jett’s shoulders fell. “I just wanted a hot meal, is all.”

  Snow cocked her head. “A hot meal? How would my phone help you get that? Were you planning to sell it?”

  The boy shook his head but didn’t speak again.

  Snow shifted her head around so she could look Jett in the eye. “I’d be happy to help you get something to eat, Jett. There’s a place not far from here that sells hamburgers and fries. Would you like one?”

  Quentin stiffened. Who is this woman? Why in the world is she willing to help a snot-nosed kid who tried to steal from her?

  Jett burst into tears and covered his face with his hands. “Even though I tried to steal from you?”

  Snow smiled and stood up, then held out her hand. “Yes, even though you tried to steal from me. If I was hungry, I can imagine I would do all sorts of things to get food. Come on,” she wiggled her fingers. “Walk with me.”

  Quentin didn’t let go of Jett’s jacket until Jett had taken Snow’s hand. Leaning down, he whispered in Snow’s ear. “Are you sure about this? What if he tries to take something else?”

  Snow’s eyes held a reprimand as she gazed up into Quentin’s black orbs. “He’s only a young boy, Mr. Gruffman,”

  Uh, oh.

  “Besides,” she straightened her shoulders. “I got a free meal tonight, it’s only right that I provide one for someone else.” She turned to the valet attendant who had continued to watch their encounter with wide eyes. “Will you please send my car back for a little while? I’ll be back to collect it soon.”

  The attendant nodded and ran to grab Snow a new ticket.

  “Come on, Jett,” Snow smiled down at the boy who was wiping his nose again. “Let’s go get you something to eat.”

  The little boy’s face beamed adoringly as he began walking with Snow down the sidewalk.

  Despite the brush-off Snow had just given him, Quentin wasn’t about to let her get away. “Not without me, you don’t,” he stated and placed himself on Snow’s open side as they walked.

  Snow tilted her head and smiled sweetly, “You don’t have to come with us if you don’t want to.”

  “Oh, I want to,” Quentin growled.

  Snow scowled but fixed her face before she looked back down at the young man holding her arm. “Jett, where are your parents? Why aren’t you at home at this time of night?”

  Jet kept his eyes downcast. “Mom is out tonight, but there wasn’t nothing to eat.”

  “And your father?”

  Jett’s back straightened. “I’m the man of the house.”

  “I see,” Snow murmured.

  What kind of mother leaves her kid without any food?

  “Here we are,” Snow said in a high pitched voice.

  Jett gave a shudder as they walked through the door and into the warm heated dining area.

  “Order anything you like,” Snow smiled at the boy.

  Jett’s eyes got wide as he looked over the menu. While he debated, Snow stepped up and began putting together an order.

  Quentin closed in behind her. “Did you not get enough to eat tonight?” He teased close to her ear. Quentin watched in fascination as goosebumps ran down the side of her neck and shoulder. He smirked but made sure Snow couldn’t see it.

  “I had a wonderful, filling dinner, thank you.” She replied snippily. “I simply thought I would send him home with some extra to keep him fed for the next few days.”

  Quentin’s heart did that strange flip again. This woman is going to give me a heart attack.

  After Jett had ordered a rather large dinner, Snow began to reach into her purse, but Quentin quickly put his hand over hers. Good grief her skin is soft. He fought the temptation to see if her cheek was just as soft and squeezed her hand softly. “I’ve got this,” he rumbled quietly.

  Snow began to shake her head, a ‘no’ on her lips.

  Unable to help it, Quentin put his hand on her cheek. Her fair skin immediately turned bright pink and Quentin hoped it was a good heat. “Please. Let me help.”

  Snow’s eyes were wide and her breathing had sped up. “Okay,” she said softly.

  Quentin let one of his smiles loose and could have sworn he heard Snow sigh.

  HOW DO YOU ARGUE WITH a man who says please? Snow’s cheeks still felt on fire, but she couldn’t find it in herself to be embarrassed. Quentin’s dark eyes and quiet insistence had completely flipped her world.

  She had been ready to walk away from him when he had intimidated young Jett, but as she watched him tower over the young woman taking their order, she realized he would intimidate anyone, whether he was trying to or not.

  Quentin turned around with a plastic number in his hand. “We can take a seat and they will bring the food to us.”

  Snow nodded and looked to Jett, who grinned and ran to one of the tables. There was only one other person eating at this time of night, so he had his pick.

  Quentin came up behind Snow and put his hand on her lower back as they followed the exuberant young man. “I got him a chocolate shake, too. Is that all right?”

  Oh my goodness, be still my heart. Snow beamed up at Quentin. “I’m sure he’ll be thrilled.”

  Quentin nodded, and they walked to the table. He pulled out a chair for Snow and then sat close to her with his arm on the back of her chair. Snow had to fight the desire to lean into the nook of his shoulder.

  “So, young man,” Quentin began, “tell us why you felt the need to steal from Ms. White tonight.”

  Jett’s eyes were on the table and he was drawing circles with one of his fingers. “I told you,” he grumbled quietly. “I just wanted a warm dinner.”

  “I don’t really see how a phone would do that.” Quentin’s face was stern and Snow worried she might have to intervene. “We men of the house are supposed to be protecting women, not taking from them.”

  Jett’s head shot up. “We have to protect them? But what if they’re horrible?” His lips slammed shut as if he had said too much and Snow’s heart sank.

  What kind of horrors has this kid been through?

  Quentin nodded sagely. “I understand not all women are good. Not all men are good either, but you and me. We are. And it doesn’t matter what others do, we still protect. Are you in school?”

; Jett scowled and nodded.

  “Good. A good education will help you when you’re older. Do you get lunch there? Breakfast?”


  “But no dinner?”

  Snow’s eyes darted back and forth like a tennis match as she watched these two ‘men’ talk back and forth. The longer they talked, the straighter Jett sat and his face became serious, much like Quentin’s.

  “Sometimes we have dinner, sometimes not.”

  “Do you have a job?” Quentin pushed.

  “No one wants to hire a kid like me.”

  Quentin slapped his hand on the table. “Of course, they would. You can’t take no for an answer. In fact, I would hire you. After your homework is done for the day, you come to my house and I’ll pay you good money to help my Gardner.”

  “I have to do my homework?” Jett’s face was pinched in dislike.

  “Yes, sir. Only the best can work for me.” Quentin’s stare was intense, but Snow could see a hint of amusement twinkling in his eyes.

  He’s enjoying this! She thought in surprise.

  The food arrived and Jett dove in with both hands.

  Quentin cleared his throat. “You never told me if we have a deal?” He put out his large hand.

  Jett eyed his hand warily for a moment, then slowly put his own out. “Deal,” he said around a large bite of fries.

  “All right, then.” Quentin stood. “I’ll plan on seeing you soon.”

  “Yes, sir,” Jett nodded then went back to consuming his late dinner.

  Quentin put his hand out for Snow and she stood. “We can’t leave him alone,” she whispered harshly as Quentin led her from the restaurant.

  After holding the door and ushering her outside, Quentin grabbed her hand and held it in his as he walked back the way they had come. Snow’s irritation over leaving the young boy won out of the tingles working their way up her arm from his touch.

  “That boy needs to feel like we trust him and that he is seen as an adult.”

  “But he isn’t an adult,” Snow couldn’t help the pouty sound in her voice. It was killing her to leave a child alone.

  “He has to be,” Quentin said softly. “If he doesn’t stand up for himself, no one else will. That’s why I offered to hire him, not his mother. The money needs to go directly to him or he’ll never see it. Plus, it will give him confidence and responsibility. Two things that will turn him from a boy into a man.”

  Snow’s jaw dropped as she listened to his speech. “I never thought of it that way,” she finally admitted.

  Quentin turned to her and winked. “That’s because you were never a boy.” His eyes wandered down her body and back up, warming her from the inside out. “For which I am very grateful.”

  Snow gave a light laugh. “Do you say such outrageous things to all your dates?”

  “No.” The playfulness in Quentin’s tone was gone.

  What did I say?

  “I don’t date much. Usually, only women who are involved in my business world.”

  Snow nudged his arm with her shoulder. “I feel honored then,” she said with a soft smile, trying to break the sudden tension.

  Quentin’s face softened, and he looked down at her as they reached the valet station. “So do I.”

  Good heavens, this is why women swoon. Clearing her throat softly, she watched the valet pull up with her car. “This one’s mine,” she said brightly. Looking up at Quentin she worked to keep breathing normally. “Thank you for a wonderful evening, especially the detour at the end.”

  Quentin walked her around and helped her get settled in the driver’s seat. Before he closed the door, he took her hand and kissed the back of it. “May I see you again?”

  “I would like that,” Snow said breathlessly.

  Quentin smiled and Snow was grateful to be sitting down. It changes his whole face. He’s handsome when he’s stoic, but he downright beautiful when he smiles.

  “I’ll call you,” Quentin stepped back and closed her door, then took a couple of steps away to allow her to pull off.

  Snow gave a small wave and then pulled off the curb and into traffic. She parked in her spot at her apartment building and suddenly realized she didn’t even remember driving through town. “Pull yourself together! He’s just a man! A man who appears to be Prince Charming in the flesh, but still... Just. A. Man.” With a shake of her head and a huff, she got out of her car and let herself inside.

  Her little scolding lecture seemed to have little effect as she felt like she was floating the whole time she prepped for bed. Lying down, she pulled the covers up to her chin and closed her eyes, falling asleep with a grin on her face.


  Quentin growled at himself as he tried once more to dial Snow’s number. His hands were clammy and his fingers trembled ever so slightly, making him push the wrong button twice with his large fingers. Stupid small phones and their small numbers.

  Finally, the line was filled with the sound of ringing and he held his breath.

  “Hello?” Snow’s sweet voice relaxed his muscles but sped up his heart.

  This woman is already under my skin and we’ve only been out once. “Hi,” Quentin practically barked into the speaker. He closed his eyes and hung his head. You’re going to scare her, you imbecile. “Sorry,” he said in a softer tone. “Hello.”

  Light giggling came through the line making Quentin smile. “Hello, yourself.”

  “Am I calling too late?” Quentin had waited until after he got home from work to contact Snow. He knew he wouldn’t be able to focus on work if he talked to her at the office, not to mention she had students all day.

  “Oh, no. This is fine. I just sent the neighbor kids home and was settling down to grade some papers in front of Netflix.”

  “Sounds fun.” Quentin scrunched up his face and hoped Snow didn’t hear the sarcasm.

  Snow laughed. “It’s more fun than you think. Second graders are a hoot. Reading their book reports is always an adventure. I’ve learned some pretty spectacular things over the years.”

  “Really? Like what?” Quentin settled back into the leather couch he was seated on. The roaring fire in front of him created a cozy glow as he basked in the sound of the woman he was developing feelings for.

  “For instance, did you know the story Humpty Dumpty is actually about an alien?”

  Quentin laughed. “What?”

  “I mean it. Last year one of my students wrote that no one on Earth had a head that big, so Humpty Dumpty must have really been an alien which is why no one could put him back together We didn’t have the right doctors.”

  Quentin pursed his lips and nodded. “I see. Wow. That kid really put some thought into that.”

  “Oh, he put plenty of thought into all his papers. He usually got an ‘A’ for creativity. Usually followed by an ‘A’ for mischief.”

  “Sounds about right.” There was no erasing the grin from Quentin’s face and for the first time in a long time, he found he didn’t want to. “Tell me another one.”

  “Let’s see... you know how most little girls go through a phase where they want to be princesses?”

  Quentin shrugged. “I guess.”

  Snow laughed. “Well, they do but this little girl, she had it all planned out. For weeks in her daily journal, she would add to this elaborate plan of how she was one day going to be a princess. The clothes she was going to wear, the land she was going to rule. She even had a curse planned out and the boy whose kiss would break it.”

  “Wow. Was the boy in her class?”

  “They all were. Her Prince Charming changed several times over the course of the year. Of course, I don’t think any of those boys knew of their vital role in her life, but still.”

  “Impressive. You have to admire her goal setting.”

  “Very true. Which is why I don’t mind grading these papers. There’s always something fun.”

  “Well, then I will let you get back to it. But first, I wondered if you wo
uld like to come have dinner.” Quentin heard shuffling and what sounded like a quiet squeal on the other end of the line before Snow answered him.

  “I would love to have dinner with you again.” Her voice was polite.

  Quentin let go of the breath he didn’t know he was holding and relief shot through his system.

  “Is it my turn to pay?” Snow inquired.

  Quentin rolled his eyes, grateful that Snow couldn’t see his expression. It will never be your turn to pay. “Not yet. I actually thought we might eat here at my house if that’s alright with you?”

  “That sounds lovely, thank you for the invitation Mr. Gruffman.”

  “So formal. Did we not decide you would call me Quent?”

  “If you say so,” Snow’s voice was slightly breathy and Quentin wished he could see her face, knowing it was would be glowing pink.

  “I do,” his voice had gone husky, and he fought the desire to clear his throat. Even through the blasted phone, I can feel our connection. “Can I come pick you up?”

  Snow hesitated, then answered, “Are you sure? It feels weird to have you leave your house only to pick me up and take me back to it.”

  Quentin chuckled. “I guess it does when you put it like that, but I would really like to do so.”

  “Then I shall await your chariot.”

  “I’ll be there with bells on,” Quentin teased back.

  SNOW CHECKED HER REFLECTION for what seemed the thousandth time. “It’s not like your looks have changed in the last thirty seconds,” she chided herself.

  She tried sitting down on the couch again but immediately stood back up. Her whole body felt lit up with excess energy and she couldn’t seem to sit still.

  Quentin will be here any minute. Calm down, girlie. Forcing herself to stand still, she took a deep breath through her nose and let it out through her mouth. Putting her hands together in front of her heart, she moved her arms into some yoga stretches that she used when she was stressed. And I am definitely stressed.

  Although Snow had been touched and impressed with Quentin’s reaction to the little incident that had happened last week, she hadn’t expected him to call her again. “Why would a man who could have anyone, go out with a simple school teacher?” She shook her head. She knew her fair skin and dark hair often caught attention, but she had never felt there was anything extraordinary about her to keep that attention.


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