Love Interrupted

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Love Interrupted Page 11

by Jade Winters

  Could it be that she was less impervious to caring if someone hated her than she had thought? Could it be that Harper’s opinion of her mattered just a tad more to her than she wanted to admit? No, she was Dylan Blue, a she-shark not to be fucked with; not by anybody. Her hands began to steady, peeling the brunt of the small panic from her that she was becoming a weakling who cared.

  Dylan sank back in her chair, and looking down she saw the folder of Massey vs. Massey. It demanded her attention for some unknown reason, but she refused to entertain the urge.

  Dylan’s hands had ceased their mild shaking, but that heart-nausea remained. Like a child who felt bad for upsetting its mother, she could not dismiss the recurring echo of Harper’s voice.

  ‘One day, Dylan, you are going to need help, and no-one will give a flying fuck. Especially me.’

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  ‘What the fuck were you thinking, Tiffany? Getting Abi arrested? Have you gone mad? You could get in big trouble for that.’

  ‘Let them do their worst. Anyway, I didn’t see you doin’ anythin’, and now I know why.’ Tiffany flung a suitcase on the bed and began throwing her belongings haphazardly into it. ‘I didn’t sign up for this crap, Robyn. No fuckin’ way am I having a baby in my life. I’ve just turned twenty-one. I’ve got my whole life ahead of me.’

  ‘Look, it doesn’t have to change anything between us.’

  Tiffany stared at her open-mouthed. ‘A baby won’t change anythin’? You’re livin’ proof of what happens when a baby comes on the scene. Thanks, but no thanks. I think I’ll pass on this one.’

  Instantly Robyn regretted saying anything to Tiffany so soon. I should have let her meet Jake first before dropping this bombshell on her. What the hell will I do if she leaves me? All of this will have been for nothing. ‘It will just be a weekend here and there.’ She could hear the desperation in her own voice. ‘It’s no biggie. He really is a good baby. He’s a good sleeper and…’

  Tiffany shook her head slowly. ‘All it took was one weekend, and you’re gushing about it like it can walk on water.’

  ‘His name’s Jake, not it.’

  Tiffany rolled her eyes. ‘Whatever. Jake, “it”, call him what you want. I want nothin’ to do with this shit.’

  ‘So you’re saying I’ve got to choose between you and my son?’

  Tiffany threw her hands in the air. ‘He’s not your fuckin’ son. Your ex-bird had some random man’s semen shoved up her hole. You’ve got as much to do with his DNA as I have with the pope.’

  ‘Parenting isn’t about DNA. It’s sharing a special bond …’

  ‘Oh, just shut the fuck up, Robyn. You’re doing my fuckin’ head in. Tiffany tilted her head to the side. ‘And what about Italy and your promotion? What happens with that while you run around playin’ mummy?’

  Robyn bowed her head. In all honesty the promotion couldn’t have been further from her mind. All she could think about these past few days had been Jake. Nothing else seemed as important anymore. Robyn had a shot at being a mother to a beautiful baby boy. It was a mystery to her how it happened, but it felt as if Jake had put a magical spell on her. Robyn hadn’t paid much attention to Jake when he’d been born. She had been too busy fucking Tiffany to give him a second thought. After that, Abi had been given her marching orders and Tiffany moved straight in. Thinking about it now, Robyn regretted being so hasty. She had loved every second of every minute that she had spent with Jake that weekend. So much so that Robyn had even kept back one of his babygros so she could cradle and sniff his scent whenever she was alone. Robyn rose to her feet and slid her arms around Tiffany’s waist, pulling her tight against her. ‘Come on, Tiff. We can work something out, can’t we?’ she said nibbling her ear.

  ‘There is no “we” if you carry on with this madness.’ Tiffany stopped packing and wriggled out of Robyn’s embrace. Turning to face her, she said, ‘Believe me, you’ll soon be sick of lookin’ after it. I know. I’ve got five younger brothers and sisters, remember. I have a much better idea of the shit that comes with kids.’

  Robyn being an only child couldn’t even begin to imagine the mayhem Tiffany’s life must have been growing up in such a household, but Jake was one baby, not five, and Robyn’s financial situation was completely different. She honestly couldn’t see what the problem was. It wasn’t as if she was asking Tiffany to babysit him. She was more than happy to look after him herself. All she wanted was for both Tiffany and Jake to be in her life. She didn’t think that was too much to ask considering she already financed Tiffany’s lifestyle.

  ‘Tiff,’ she started carefully. ‘This situation is completely different. He’s one baby.’ A very gorgeous one at that. ‘No offence intended, but I have the money for him to have a good life. He’s not going to be dragged up on a council estate, like—’

  Tiffany narrowed her eyebrows and placed her hands on her hips. ‘—Like what? What’re you saying about my mum?’

  Robyn quickly took a step towards her, closing the gap. If she was to get Tiffany on side, she was going to have to be a bit more careful with her choice of words. That was one of her many problems. When she was in a bind she always ended up digging herself even deeper into trouble. ‘About your mum? Nothing. She’s a great mum. I just mean we won’t be cramped up in a small flat. We can travel and do lots of things, like shopping.’ She smiled. Surely Tiffany couldn’t refuse now. Shopping was like an addiction to her. Robyn actually thought Tiffany would sell her soul if she was offered a free reign in a shopping centre for the rest of her life.

  Tiffany snorted. ‘With a baby in tow?’

  ‘Well yeah, sometimes,’ Robyn said hesitantly.

  Tiffany burst out laughing as she closed the case and zipped it up. ‘Good luck with that one. I wish I could stick around just to see you tryin’ to cope with a baby.’

  ‘You’re being so unreasonable.’

  Tiffany’s laughter died down. ‘Says you. When you come to your senses, you know where I am. I wouldn’t leave it too long, though. I might actually meet someone who will put me first.’

  Tiffany grabbed her case by the handle, tugged it onto the floor and headed towards the bedroom door.

  ‘Come on, Tiff, aren’t you being a bit dramatic here? Where’re you going to go? You have nothing without me, remember.’ Robyn hoped her voice relayed the threat she intended.

  Tiffany stopped at the door and spun around grinning. ‘That was before.’

  ‘Before what?’

  Tiffany reached into her bag and took out her lipstick. She glanced at Robyn as she ran it across her lips in a slow, exaggerated movement. ‘Before you transferred all of your assets into my name. I’m actually quite well off if you think about it.’

  ‘You wouldn’t dare.’

  ‘Wouldn’t I? You just watch. You either tell your solicitor you want nothin’ to do with that baby or kiss goodbye to all your money. Choice is yours. See how loved up you feel when you’re broke,’ Tiffany said.

  Before Tiffany could open the door, Robyn stormed at her, grabbing her by the scruff of her neck and dragging her backwards. ‘Where the fuck do you think you’re going?’ Robyn screamed through clenched teeth. ‘Get in there and clean that shit off your lips, you stupid slut,’ she shouted, tossing her effortlessly into the en-suite bathroom. Tiffany’s body propelled forward, into the glass of the shower, smashing the screen into pieces with the velocity of her fall. For a split second, Robyn stood frozen at what she had done, but as soon as Tiffany got up unharmed, Robyn’s unbridled anger returned with even greater ferocity.

  Robyn stepped forward onto the shattered glass and gripped the back of Tiffany’s head, pushing her face hard into the wall. ‘How many fucking times do I have to tell you?’ she yelled, her mouth pressed against her ear. ‘Don’t. Fuck. With. Me.’

  Tiffany squirmed and whimpered. ‘Please, Robyn, you’re hurtin’ me.’

  Robyn felt nothing in the heat of her rage. Tiffany cowered when Robyn spun her aroun
d. She grabbed a handful of Tiffany’s hair and squeezed her hand tight into a fist. Tears poured down Tiffany’s face, causing her flawless make-up to run all over her cheeks.

  ‘Why do you have to keep pushing me? You made me do this to you. You.’ Robyn screamed at the top of her voice. ‘I kept warning you, but you wouldn’t fucking listen would you?’

  ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry; I didn’t mean it. I wouldn’t leave you. Please let go of my hair,’ she said, sobbing profusely. Robyn released her hair and stood back only to slap Tiffany across the face so hard that her eyes rolled back in her head for a brief moment before she fell to her knees.

  ‘Please stop,’ Tiffany begged, trying to push herself to her feet, before slumping back down on the floor. ‘Please, Robyn. I promise I’ll be good. I’ll do anythin’ you want.’

  Robyn looked down at Tiffany, who sat rocking back and forth, her fist stuffed firmly in her mouth. The once sexy fiend wasn’t so mouthy and cocky now. She looked pathetic and weak. Robyn frowned as she glanced down at her hands. What the fuck have I done? The anger deflated like air out of a balloon as the realisation hit her. It was too late to apologise. She would come across as being weak. If another episode like this was to be avoided, Tiffany needed to know her place. Robyn tried to keep the coldness in her voice as she spoke. ‘Clean up this mess then unpack your stuff. If you know what’s good for you, you won’t get me angry again.’

  Robyn walked out, slamming the door behind her. She exhaled a long breath as she dropped onto the bed. Why did I let things get out of control like that? What if she goes to the police? Fear flooded her. Her hands trembled at the thought. No, she wouldn’t be that stupid. Not if Robyn did something extravagant for her. She knew exactly how to wrapTiffany around her little finger. Robyn smiled to herself. I’ll buy her a car. That should do it. And now I’ve put her in her place, she won’t have any choice about Jake being in my life.

  Robyn reached under the mattress, brought out Jake’s babygro and held it to her chest. She tried to convince herself everything would go to plan once the divorce was over. So why does everything feel like it’s falling apart?

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Lloyd & Baxter was an insignificant security company compared to the other two situated in Barking, but it had been growing steadily over the past few years, especially with the current political climate calling for tighter security measures. Abi noticed that she was introduced to new colleagues almost weekly now, which she liked as there was less attention on her. Her boss had more people to manipulate and dislike now and less time to pick apart all Abi’s efforts and make her feel stupid.

  The month before, two new women were appointed—one as a receptionist and the other as an accountant. Contrary to what Abi imagined in her stereotypical judgement, Jennifer, the accountant, was far more amicable and down-to-earth than the receptionist, but they were both relatively easy to get along with.

  Jennifer’s phone rang in a long straight tone—an internal call—and Abi answered.

  ‘Jennifer’s office. She’s out at the moment,’ Abi said. It was Sarah, calling from reception.

  ‘Oh, Abi, actually this is for you. There’s a woman down here to see you. She says it involves your son.’

  Abi’s heart sank. If it pertained to her son, she always expected the worst. But why would Tia come to my workplace? Surely she would just phone me.

  ‘Alright, Sarah. I’ll be right down,’ she replied while a streak of immense worry curled around her insides at the thought of what awaited her. Oh sweet Jesus, what if something’s happened to Tia? She took the stairs two at a time to the ground floor offices where reception was situated on the other side of the compartment walls.

  When she rounded the corner, her worry turned to utter shock.

  ‘Robyn?’ she gasped when she saw Robyn seated on the waiting area sofa as if she owned it. Abi passed a serious glance at Sarah, but the receptionist kept her conduct professional and carried on answering the switchboard. Abi’s throat closed up with the vile feelings Robyn instilled in her, and she wondered what kind of foul agenda she had concocted this time with which to ruin her life.

  ‘Abi, I need to talk to you, off the record,’ Robyn said abruptly, pushing herself to her feet.

  ‘This is hardly the time and place,’ Abi protested. ‘I’m at work.’ The anger from the day of her arrest still resided within her. To have had her fingerprints and DNA taken like she was a criminal was something she would never forget, and she knew the woman in front of her had played a major role in it. Any last remnants of love she had felt for Robyn had well and truly disappeared.

  Robyn stuffed her hands into her jacket. ‘I’m quite aware of that. But this is important.’

  ‘You told Sarah you were here about Jake.’

  ‘I am.’ Robyn shifted from foot to foot. ‘There’s no easy way to say this … look, I want to be a part of Jake’s life.’

  Abi cocked her head. Was she joking? Abi peered closer and could see by the determined look on Robyn’s face that she wasn’t. It was a look Abi knew well. ‘Excuse me? You want what?’

  ‘I said I want—’

  Abi shook her head in disbelief. ‘—It was a rhetorical question, Robyn. Do you really think I’m going to let you have anything to do with my child after what you did? I just can’t believe you have the frigging gall to come here.’

  ‘What, I—’

  ‘—Oh don’t play all innocent with me. Are you saying you didn’t put some blonde bimbo up to coming into my shop and accusing me of stealing her credit card?’

  Robyn gave her an incredulous stare. ‘On Jake’s life. I swear I didn’t know anything about it. When my solicitor told me, I thought she was kidding. Come on, Abi, I might be a lot of things, but doing juvenile shit like that isn’t me. You know that.’

  Raising a finger, Abi directed it at Robyn. ‘No, that’s where you’re wrong. When it comes to you, I don’t know anything. I thought you were a decent person once upon a time, but look how badly I got that wrong.’

  ‘Can we discuss this outside?’ Robyn said, glancing apprehensively towards the reception desk.

  ‘We can go to the end of the world, but nothing is going to change my mind.’ Abi headed towards the exit with Robyn trailing behind her. Once outside, Abi turned to face her. ‘You were trying to get what you wanted.’ Abi fought back, having no idea where she found the strength to stand up to Robyn. ‘Me off your back, so you’re free to run around with that slut.’

  ‘I’m swallowing my pride by being here. I made a mistake, Abi ...’ Robyn’s voice dropped to a whisper.

  ‘A mistake? About what this time? Your whole fucking life is a mistake. You think you can use and abuse people like they’re broken toys. But they’re not. I’m not. I loved you.’ Abi could feel herself tearing up, but she refused to give in to her emotions. She wouldn’t give Robyn the satisfaction. ‘You were my life, and you just threw it away for what?’ Abi ranted without even thinking. It was as if all her concerns and complaints came pouring out, things she previously only had the courage to address in her deepest thoughts at night before she fell asleep.

  Robyn bunched her short strands of hair in her hands. ‘I know, I know. I was just scared and confused, that’s all.’

  ‘No, you’re a coward who refused to take responsibility for the child you demanded I have. You’ve come here saying you want a part of his life but you haven’t even arranged child maintenance. We’re both living in poverty while you swan about in your flash car,’ Abi retorted, her heart slamming and her hands shaking profusely. Her cheeks flushed with rage, and she didn’t care who heard their fight. ‘You’re nothing but a fucking coward, and I’ll make sure Jake knows it when he’s old enough.’

  Robyn set her hands on her hips, looking at the sky in disbelief. ‘Why are you behaving like this? Look I promise I will send the forms back to the CMS when I get home. I just thought you’d be happy for me to start seeing him. Isn’t this what you wanted?’
br />   ‘What I wanted? What I fucking wanted was the love you promised me,’ Abi shrieked, feeling her fear give way to an alien sensation she never knew before—confidence. She watched Robyn wince at her swift response, completely dumbstruck by her clout.

  Robyn leant closer to her, now aware that passersby were watching, saying under her breath, ‘What I’ve put you through so far is child’s play. If you don’t give me what I want, I promise I will drag you through every court in the country. I will make your life a living hell until I get visitation rights.’

  Abi shuffled backwards. ‘I wondered when you’d show your true colours. You can’t help yourself can you?’ With a vocal pitch, Abi added, ‘I don’t care what you say. You can threaten me all you want. You had your chance, and you blew it. Now it’s your turn to live with the consequences.’ With that, she stormed through the aluminium doors, into the building, leaving Robyn standing on the pavement stunned.

  ‘What just happened?’ Abi asked herself, but there was no answer. As vividly as she could, she replayed the whole incident in her mind, but instead of dwelling on her scores and her well-placed retorts, she kept hearing only Robyn’s threats. What had she done by letting Robyn have access to Jake?

  Why hadn’t she realised that Robyn would never change? She was rotten through and through. Will she really take me to court? Abi knew Robyn had money, and a powerful father, which meant anything was possible. A myriad of emotions streamed through her in the devastating wake of Robyn’s unbelievable demands.

  Her whole body began to shake, and she looked at Sarah as she passed her, who stared back at her wide-eyed. Abi’s feelings fought inside her to determine her next move, but the solid winner was about to bring her to her knees. Defeat came in before courage and fear, sending Abi staggering into the peaceful vacancy of the toilets, making it just in time. Her well-practiced straight face, the one she used so as not to cry in front of Tia or Harper, served her well, but when she slammed the cubicle door behind her, she could hold it no longer. Her rapidly waning body, emaciated by the stress of her downward spiralling life, shook violently as she vomited into the toilet bowl. Abi was just grateful that nobody could hear her. Her knees burnt under her weight on the cold tiles, and her fingers clenched the rim of the toilet bowl while her body convulsed until she had nothing left in her.


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