The Complex Leader

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The Complex Leader Page 6

by Heather Hayes

  Damon looks disappointed. "Will I see you at our banquet the day of the vote?"

  I look at my mom, who nods at me. "Yes. I'll be there. Have a nice day."

  "You, too. I'm sorry about your friend, Edith."

  "Yeah, thanks."

  As we walk away, my mother waves at Brock then leans close to my ear. "You told him about Avra?"

  "He could tell something was wrong. I didn't tell him any details. Just that I'm worried about my sick friend."

  She turns around and takes one last look at Damon. "He's watching us walk away. I think he's interested in you."

  I scowl. "That's what Greggory thinks too."

  "What are you going to do about it?"

  I am silent until we get loaded into the car. "I am an escapee from the complex, Mom. He can't get too close to me. I'm trying to discourage him."

  "I bought you a new dress! It's purple. Do you want to see it?"

  "No, not now."

  Mother is silent for a minute before speaking. "My dream for you is that someday-you'll have friends who know your secret, and-don't care."

  "Keep dreaming, Mom. You'll never guess who I talked to at Brock's booth..."

  Chapter 11

  Greggory and Scott impress me with how gently they carry Avra up the stairs. Garth is carrying her IV pole and catheter bag right behind them. My mom thinks that more light and stimulus might help wake her up, so we are taking her to my mom's piano room for a little concert on this Sunday afternoon. Greggory looks super sharp in a dress shirt and tie. He went to church with my parents today. My mother was positively giddy about it; I guess it's been a while since he's done that.

  Scott slides onto the couch in the piano room and Greggory sets Avra right next to him. Her head wants to flop around, so Scott lays it gently on his shoulder. I sit on the other side of Avra with some lotion so I can massage her hands like I do every day now. My mom sits at the big piano while everyone else fills in the other chairs. There isn't a chair for Garth, so he sits in front of me and leans against my legs.

  Mother starts to play. The song she plays is beautiful and sad at the same time; it tugs at my heartstrings. Garth reaches back and squeezes my hand when he hears me sniff. The next song is faster paced with lots of tinkling sounds, thank goodness.

  "This song always reminds me of a river or a waterfall," my dad says with a contented sigh.

  I nod at him, but I just have to take his word for it. I've never seen a river or a waterfall. I look at Avra and hope that she will get to see one with me someday. I pop the lotion bottle open and apply some lotion onto my friend's brown, lifeless hands. As I rub it into her palms I say, "Avra, as soon as you get better, we're going to go on a trip to see mountains and waterfalls together. If they're anything like this song, it will be peaceful and beautiful." I swear I feel Avra's hand twitch in mine. "Scott, did you see that?"

  "See what?"

  "She twitched! Avra's hand twitched just now!"

  Scott takes Avra's hand from me. "I didn't see it; are you sure?"

  I take her hand back. "Yes, I'm sure."

  Greggory leans forward excitedly in his chair. "I saw it. She definitely twitched. She might come out of this!" He slips off his chair and kneels next to Avra. Garth scoots over to make room for him. Greggory starts massaging her hand with me.

  Scott frowns and covers her other hand possessively with his own. My dad gets up and looks at Avra's IV pole. "This is good news. If we see more movement from her, I'll give her another shot of adrenaline. It might give her enough energy to come out of this."

  Mother stops playing to hear what we're saying. I shake my head at her. "No, don't quit playing. She twitched. This is working." Mother smiles and resumes playing.

  Greggory leans closer to me and whispers, "What happened to Avra's hair?"

  "It's part of her internal deformities. She's always had this problem, but she's never lost this much hair at once. I think the trauma of going back to the complex and being interrogated did this."

  Rage fills Greggory's eyes. "I swear, I'm going to punch the next person who takes someone I care about to the complex."

  I whisper quietly enough that Scott can't hear me. "You care about Avra?"

  His cheeks redden. "Of course I care about Avra."

  Father walks to the door. "I think we need something refreshing to drink. I'm going to make you all my famous strawberry-peach smoothies. Greggory, will you lend me a hand?"

  "Uh, sure." My brother follows my dad to the kitchen reluctantly.

  Scott leans over to me. "I don't like the way he looks at Avra. Why can't he find a girl of his own kind?"

  I frown at my friend's boyfriend. "What do you mean by that?"

  "You know, he can have any girl in this world. I can't."

  "We are all 'of the same kind' Scott. You never know, even if the law doesn't change, you could end up with the girl next door to your parents' house, and Greggory could end up with..."

  "Don't you dare say it, Elira."

  "Okay, okay. Sorry. I'll tell Greggory to back off."

  Ring, ring, ring. My mom stops playing the piano and goes into my dad's office to answer the phone. We fall silent so we can hear what she's saying from the next room over. "Hello? Oh, hi, Adelia. No. I never watch the news on Sunday. I want it to be a day of peaceful music and family... Oh, really? Is it still on right now? I'll turn it on. Thank you. Goodbye."

  Mother rushes back into the piano room and turns on a tiny little television that I hadn't noticed before on the bookshelf. A big picture of Brock looking official is highlighted next to a smaller picture of me as an escapee from the complex and a slightly blurry black and white picture of-Greggory in a parking lot show up on the screen.

  My mother puts a hand over her mouth. "My friend called to let me know that all of my children are on the news."

  The news anchor's voice is raised. "As a community, we have to wonder how this kind of information about a candidate for the Senate has been kept quiet until now. If you're just tuning in, it has been revealed today that one of the candidates for the Senate, Brock Hamble, is not the only member of his family worthy of recognition. One of the six escapees from the Herrington Complex of Undesirables is none other than Elira Hamble, Brock Hamble's sister. Though two of the escapees were apprehended, Elira Hamble is still at large. One has to wonder if Brock Hamble knows where she is and is hiding information about her on purpose in order to win the election."

  Garth looks at my shocked face and holds my hand. "Are you okay?" We hear a loud sound coming from the kitchen. It must be the smoothie maker.

  My eyes narrow at the television. "Why did this have to come out two days before the election?"

  The news reporter continues, "If you thought things couldn't get worse for Hamble, Elira is not Brock Hamble's only sibling. His brother, Greggory Hamble, whom you can see here in this security camera photo in the parking lot of a night club, appears to be buying illegal drugs. This photo was taken only 10 days ago. So this poses the question to all citizens of The United Cities, do we trust the governing of our country to a man who is connected to drug addicts and wanted persons? What do you think-"

  Mother shuts off the television and stands before us silently for a moment. Her voice cracks, "We were so close. I don't know what this will do for his chances now. I'm so sorry, everyone."

  Father and Greggory come in with trays of pink drinks. They seem confused by our frowns. "Who wants a smoothie?"

  Chapter 12

  My mouth is full of cold fruity smoothie, but I can't taste anything. I set my empty glass on the side table in the piano room and lay my head on Avra's shoulder. I want to cry, but I know I should be strong. We tried so hard. Brock was so close. I feel responsible for his downfall. I feel my head twitch. No, it's not my head that twitched, it's Avr
a's shoulder! "Dad! Avra's shoulder just twitched."

  Father looks sad, but he forces a smile. "That's great, honey. Keep track of how many times she twitches for me, okay?"


  My mother wipes a tear off her cheek. "Who did this?"

  Greggory raises his glass. "Well, I would bet money that it's Brock's opponent, Bloxhouse. He knew he was about to lose the election. He had to dig up dirt in order to win."

  My mother sighs. "I kind of wonder about Peace Officer Blackwell. He knows about Elira and he has access to drug investigations."

  I shake my head. "I bet it was Mr. Athill, the complex chief. He hates all of us."

  Ding dong. Mother stands up and looks around frantically. "Someone is here. Get Avra to the bunker. If you don't have your disguise on, get in the bunker too." Garth jumps to his feet to help Scott carry Avra down the stairs. Rocky grabs the IV pole. They hurry, but still move slowly down the stairs. I don't feel comfortable leaving someone waiting at the door this long.

  Ding dong. Mother's eyes are in a frenzy as she looks at me. "Your eye is covered, just go in the piano room with Greggory as Edith. I'm going to let them in now."

  I feel fear seize me. I haven't played Edith at home before. I-I just need to play my part; I'm their niece, I have every right to be here. "Okay. Let them in."

  Greggory puts his arm around me and leads me to the couch in the piano room. He turns the little television back on. They are still talking about Brock Hamble's disgraceful family. "Are you okay, Elira?" he whispers.

  I hold my hands together so he won't see them shaking and whisper back, "I feel like all of my hopes and dreams for people like me have been flushed down the toilet. They are making the two of us sound like hardened criminals. They don't even know us, but now the whole country will hate Brock and our entire family."

  Greggory strokes his chin. "I know. I just hope I don't lose my job over this. I want to air the video of the complex whether Brock wins or not. People need to know what's going on in there. I'm sorry they are running your name through the mud. As for me, I'm kind of used to being the disgrace of the family."

  I twist my ring around my finger nervously. "Do you think the peace officers are here to question us?"

  Greggory shrugs. "If it's peace officers, they're probably here to see if I prefer a fine or solitary confinement."

  Anger boils through my veins. "That black-and-white photo is blurry. They don't know if you were buying drugs or a candy bar."


  We can hear a man raising his voice in the hall. "Please let me see her. I know she is staying with you."

  Greggory frowns at me. "That sounds like your admirer, Damon."

  Damon himself walks into the piano room with Mom and Dad beside him. Mother clears her throat. "Edith, Damon came here to see you. Are you comfortable with that?"

  I shrug. "Yeah, sure."

  Damon looks at my parents and then at me. "Edith, I need to talk to you-privately."

  Mom and Dad's faces are tense as mother motions for Greggory to join them. "We need to talk in the kitchen, Greggory. Edith, just holler if you need us."

  I stand up and smile more confidently than I feel. "Okay."

  Damon has a weird expression on his face once we're alone. "I assume you've been watching the news." He points to the little television on the bookshelf.

  "Yes. I'm ready to turn it off." I turn off the television and join him on the couch.

  "So, did you know Greggory was a drug addict?"

  I frown at him. "He's not a drug addict. I happen to know that he wasn't buying drugs for himself in that picture. He was buying them-for a friend."

  "What friend? You?"

  Rage burns inside of me. "No!"

  Damon softens his tone. "You know who he bought them for?"

  "Yes, but I'm not telling you who it is. That person is not an addict either, and no one in this family will buy illegal drugs again. I promise."

  Damon looks at me apologetically. "I'm sorry. I didn't come here to lecture you. I know the people in your family are good people. I'm just frustrated that Brock has dropped 12% in the popular vote today."

  I feel a sob trying to escape my throat. I swallow it down. "Do you think all hope is lost?"

  Damon slaps his hands on his knees. "No, 48% is still close to half. I have my work cut out for me in the next two days, but I won't give up. You shouldn't either, Elira."

  I freeze mid nose wipe. Did he just say my real name? "You mean Edith."

  He looks at me closely, focusing on my makeup-covered eye. He lifts his hand, touches the side of my face, and with a scraping motion uncovers some of my purple birthmark. I see flesh-colored makeup on his fingers as his hand retracts. Oh, no. Damon looks at his fingers and then at me again. "I mean Elira."

  Fear, sadness, embarrassment, and maybe relief all battle to show themselves on my face. I should say something, but what? Should I deny it? I think it's too late for that. "If you turn me in, Brock will lose for sure, Damon."

  "I won't turn you in."

  "Do you want money to stay quiet?"

  Damon looks hurt. "No. I just want you to know that I know who you are, and-I don't care."

  I think relief just won the battle. I let out a long sigh. "Really? I thought everyone in this world wants people like me locked in the complex."

  Damon takes my hand. "You are so smart, beautiful, and determined to make a difference; I wish there were more people like you in my world. I'd be stupid to turn you in."

  I feel myself blush. "Thank you." His hand doesn't let go of mine. "I think you should know that I have a boyfriend, Garrett..."

  "You mean, Garth?"

  I scoot back on the couch a few inches. "How did you figure all of this out?"

  Damon lets go of my hand and taps his fingers on his knee. "Well, you look like your parents to me, and the way you and Greggory tease each other, and your determination to bring down the complex made me wonder. When I saw your reaction to the complex chief and Brock's reaction to you facing that jerk, I knew my suspicions had merit. I looked up all the information I could about you. You are definitely more than a distant cousin around here-Elira."

  I look down at my hands. "I don't know what to say. You are the first person besides my family and friends to know my secret."

  His knees press into mine. "We're friends, aren't we? You can trust me. I want to help you be free; I want that more than you can imagine." How did he get so close to me?

  I scoot back even more. "Like I said earlier, I have a boyfriend."

  Damon's deep blue eyes look down at his hands. "I know, but can we at least be close friends? You are the most interesting person I know; I want to know everything about you."

  I roll my eyes. "Really?"


  I smile, surprised by how enthralled he is. "I would like to be your friend. Thank you for keeping my secrets."

  "Speaking of your secrets, is the friend you were worried about the other day here?"

  "Yes. I'll tell you about that later. I have a lot to process today."

  "I'm sure you do. I'm going to talk to your parents about some campaign things, and then I better get to work. If I come up with a plan to win the dropping votes back, will you help me?"


  "Thank you." Damon and I stand up. "Can I have a hug, as a friend, Elira?"

  I hesitate for a second. I don't want to get his hopes up, but he did say he's okay with being friends. "Yes. Thank you for accepting me as I am. That means more than you know."

  His arms feel surprisingly good around me. He lets go and says, "You are perfect just the way you are."

  Chapter 13

  Huh. That was the weirdest conversation I have ever had. I don't know what to think. Dam
on knows I'm from the complex and he still likes me, maybe too much. I walk down the stairs with so much on my mind.

  Someone wraps me in their arms when I get to the bottom. "Hey, beautiful, are you okay? Who's upstairs?" Garth says as he kisses my cheek.

  How much should I tell him? "Damon, from Brock's Herrington campaign."

  "Is everything okay?"

  I squirm in place. "Well, not really. Brock has dropped 12% in the popular vote, but the most shocking news is, he-figured something out."

  "Who figured something out? Brock?"

  Greggory runs down the stairs with reckless abandon just then and almost knocks us to the ground. "Ha ha! Damon knows you're my sister! What do you think about that?"

  Garth frowns. "He knows you are a complex escapee?"

  I nod and take his hands, hoping that he'll recognize the significance of this moment. "Yeah, and he says he doesn't care. He thinks I'm a good person just the way I am. He promises he won't turn me in. He wants me to keep helping him with Brock's campaign."

  Greggory snickers. "It's because he likes you. I could see this coming a mile away."

  "What?" Garth asks as he glares at Greggory.

  "Hey, don't kill the messenger," Greggory insists as he raises his hands in surrender.

  Garth looks at me with pain in his eyes. "Is this true, Elira?"

  "Well, I don't know for sure, but I told him that I have a boyfriend, and he said that he just wants to be my friend."

  Garth's frown doesn't leave his face. "Hmm."

  "He wants me to be free, and I think we should have as many friends in the political world as possible right now."

  Garth looks at me and touches the spot where Damon scraped the makeup off my birthmark. "Just as long as he's the kind of friend who can keep his hands to himself."

  "Elira! Garth! Come quick! Avra just squeezed Scott's hand. I'm going to tell Dr. Hamble," Rocky yells as he rushes past us up the stairs.

  I take my jealous boyfriend's hand and run with him to the bunker. When I look at Avra on her bunk, I don't see any great change, except that her chest is noticeably rising and falling with each breath now.


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