The Complex Leader

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The Complex Leader Page 8

by Heather Hayes

  "Is Garth fine with you two being friends?"

  I bite my lip. "Not incredibly. Wish me luck. This is going to be a long, awkward night."

  The old Avra is coming back, I think. She smiles at me. "Good luck."

  Ernestine, disguised as a man, takes Rocky with her in the black sedan. Greggory decides to ride with the rest of us in my car. He makes sure I feel like an Elira sandwich when he shoves his way into the back with Garth and me. "Get off me, Greggory!"

  "Oh, sorry."

  When we get to the Herrington Event Center, Douglas Shriner meets us at the door. "Barry, let these fine people in. This is Brock Hamble's parents and brother, and Doctor Hamble's assistant, Josie, and I believe, her boyfriend, Mick."

  "I'll still have to check their bags, sir."

  "If anyone isn't here to cause trouble, it's the candidate's family," Shriner mumbles as the peace officers check our bags.

  My dad smiles. "It's okay. Safety first. I'm impressed that you remembered our names; what a fine memory you have."

  Mr. Shriner smiles proudly. "Thank you, I try. Is your niece Edith coming tonight?"

  "Uh, I don't think so, she said she was feeling under the weather tonight and wasn't sure she should be out and about."

  "That's too bad. I know my vice president, Damon, was looking forward to seeing her tonight, if you know what I mean." Douglas elbows my dad in a friendly way.

  Dad laughs as he eyes Garth. "Oh well, another time."

  Garth frowns as he escorts me into the event center. "Which one is he?"

  My mouth goes dry. "Garth, I told him you're my boyfriend. He said he just wants to be my friend."

  "I know. I trust you, but I don't trust him."

  "Be nice to him. He's a good person, and we need his help if we're going to change the law."

  "Introduce me to him."

  I sigh. "Okay." I take Garth to the stage where Damon's back is to us as he sets up a microphone. I clear my throat loudly to get his attention. "Hello, Damon. I don't know if you remember me, but I am Josie, Edith's friend."

  Damon narrows his eyes at me and then smiles. "Of course I remember you. Is this Garrett?"

  I smile. "Close, this is Garrett's friend, and my boyfriend, Mick."

  Damon offers his hand to Garth. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

  Garth pauses for a split second and then takes Damon's hand. "I'm pleased to meet you too, finally." Their handshake should be breaking apart now, but it isn't.

  I clear my throat. "We were able to visit over half of Herrington yesterday, Damon. Which city did you knock doors at?"

  Damon lets go of Garth's hand but keeps his eyes locked on him. "I covered most of Watercrest yesterday. I finished at almost 10 last night. I'm tired. I hope I last all night."

  Garth looks around the room. "This party is going all night?"

  "Well, at least midnight or one, I'd say."

  "I hope there's enough food to keep us awake."

  "There is. It cost twice as much as we had budgeted because Brock said he didn't want to use Complex Catering anymore. He covered the extra cost himself."

  I smile, grateful that my brother is taking a stand against unfairness to people like me. "It looks and smells delicious. Is now the best time to eat?"

  "Yes. It's 7:00 now, and the votes will start rolling in around 9:30; we should know the final count by 11:30 or midnight. So, eat up. I'll join you if I get a minute."

  I say as sincerely as I can, "Thanks for inviting us and for your quick thinking yesterday."

  Damon shrugs. "I just hope it was enough."

  Garth and I fill our plates with chicken, potatoes, and salad and sit down next to Rocky and Ernestine. "Do you think the peace officers at the door recognized us?" I ask in a whisper.

  Ernestine swallows before answering me. "No. They are too busy checking purses and briefcases to focus on faces." We change the subject when a group of business men and women fill in the rest of the seats at our table.

  A large woman with a gray bun smiles at all of us. "There are a lot of people here. Every seat is full; it's going to be standing room only for the people still getting checked at the door."

  A man with a thick black mustache says, "That is a good sign for Hamble, I think."

  A woman with a huge blonde mane of hair and red lips says, "Time will tell."

  Ernestine finishes her food and leaves to talk to 'the mother of the candidate.' Damon takes her seat. "So, is everyone ready to see Brock win?"

  "Is the man himself going to make an appearance here tonight?" the man with a thick black mustache asks.

  Damon wipes his mouth with his napkin and nods. "Yes. He is spending the first half of the night in Adanlay and the second half here."

  I look at Damon curiously. "Isn't it a five-hour drive from Adanlay?"

  "Yes, but he is taking the high-speed monorail. It's less than an hour commute that way."

  The large woman with a gray bun says, "I didn't think it was open for business until next week."

  "It's not open to the public yet, but government officials started using it a few days ago."

  The woman with the gray bun frowns. "Hmm, what other niceties do government officials get that we don't?"

  Damon swallows quickly. "Oh, not many, I'm sure. The biggest perk is that they can leave the country and get to decide who else can do the same."

  A thin man with a bushy black beard says, "I've heard a rumor that former Presidents of the United Cities haven't gone into the Complexes for the Elderly when they've turned 80, and that Alexander Prystine won't go to the complex on his birthday either."

  Damon shakes his head. "Rumors are rarely true, Mr. Neilson."

  Mr. Neilson leans forward conspiratorially. "My cousin's housekeeper cleans for many upscale homes in Adanlay. She told my cousin that she's seen with her own eyes our former President, Thomas Kindercade, in a wheelchair in his son's basement when she was cleaning there."

  The man with the black mustache says, "If that's true, then that may mean presidential families are keeping their flawed children out of the Complex of Undesireables too."

  "Oh, I've heard from this same cousin that her housekeeper saw an eighteen-year-old boy with an unusually small, stocky body in the same basement."

  The woman with the gray bun pushes herself back from the table. "If the President feels himself above the Complex Law, what else does he feel himself above?"

  Damon shrugs. "The boy may have been in an accident. It is possible."

  Mr. Nielson folds his arms across his chest. "I don't think so."

  I butt in. "That's why we're all here tonight, isn't it? Brock Hamble can see the injustice of the Complex Law and the existing government officials; he wants to change things so the laws are fair to everyone."

  Damon looks at me sideways. "I don't know that he has written anything official about this."

  I shrug even though Damon and Garth are glaring at me. "Voting is over. Whether he wins or loses, there's no reason to deny the facts. He wants the law to be fair to all."

  Mr. Shriner taps the microphone to get our attention. "Hello, everyone. We're glad you all came to celebrate the election of the best future-senator this country has ever seen!" Thunderous applause erupts throughout the room. "Brock Hamble himself will join us in about an hour. The city voting totals should start coming in shortly after that. We will keep a tally of the votes for both Hamble and Bloxhouse on the screen to my left as they come in. In the mean time, how would you like to hear from our candidate's father?" The answering applause is deafening.

  My dad takes the microphone from Mr. Shriner and waves at the crowd. I notice that he still has a bandage on each hand. "It's an honor to be here tonight with all of you to celebrate my son, Brock Hamble, the soon-to-be senato
r for the United Cities!" I worry that our hands are going to wear out with all of this clapping.

  I lean over to Damon. "Did Dr. Hamble know he was going to give a speech?"

  Damon nods at me. "He was asked to relieve everyone's minds about Elira and Greggory."

  My eyes bulge. "Are you sure he's up to a task like that?"

  Damon nods to my father. "Ready or not."

  My father smiles at the crowd in his kind, soft-spoken way. "I know you have all seen the news the past two days. My son Greggory was shown on a camera appearing to buy illegal drugs. I want you all to know that he has fought with addictions of various kinds in the past, but he is clean and doing well. We are a real family and we are far from perfect. I hope we aren't the only people in this room who can say that." People around me laugh out loud. Father goes on. "He wasn't buying for himself in that photograph, and whether that was a good idea or not, I stand by him and assure you that he has my trust and confidence." The applause isn't as loud as before, but people are still liking what they are hearing in general.

  "As for our daughter, Elira..." The room falls unnaturally quiet. "We-were heartbroken when she was taken away from us over 14 years ago. She was taken because she had a purple birthmark over one eye. That flaw she had-was only skin deep." The woman with the gray bun at my table wipes her eye. I hear sniffling behind me. "The news has let it be known that she has escaped The Complex of Undesirables and is living as a fugitive." Father glances at me only briefly. "I am a law-abiding, helpful citizen of my community and this country. However, what I say next, I say simply as a father. Wherever she is-I hope she is all right. I don't have anything more to say about that." I take a quick look around me. People are moved by his words. I'm so-relieved that people aren't cursing my name. Father switches gears. "Brock knows what it's like to grow up in a family with flaws. Some in this country believe that all flaws have been removed from our society, but that is not true. All of us have a flaw of one kind or another-either physical, mental, or emotional. Brock has learned from the flaws in our family and has become a man whom I am proud to claim as my son. He is my first-born son, he is a leader, and an all-around good person. Our country will see justice and moral reasoning brought back to the government when he is elected. Thank you all for supporting my son, and God bless you." People all around me jump to their feet and clap louder than ever.

  Garth leans over and whispers in my ear, "I told you he was a leader."

  I struggle to contain my emotions. I have to be Josie even though my pride is spilling over. He is a leader; the kind people will follow.

  Mr. Shriner approaches the microphone. "Thank you, Doctor Ross Hamble, for your inspiring words. And now, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the man of the hour, Brock Hamble!" My hands are definitely getting sore from all of this clapping. Brock looks good. The stress he's feeling is showing a little bit, but his smile is bright, and he looks like he is ready to conquer the world.

  "Hello, Herrington, the city of my youth! I hope you've met my parents and brother here tonight. They have supported me and taught me how to be the man I am today. The high-speed monorail between Adanlay and Herrington is in fine working order. Your tax dollars have gone to good use. Make sure to try it out when it opens to the public next week. It made it possible for my family and me to be in both the presidential city and my hometown this evening. I'd like to introduce you to my wife, Chantilly, and my daughter, Joy."

  Chantilly smiles and waves at everyone. Joy hides behind her pregnant mother's leg. Brock leads his wife to the microphone. She takes the front and center of the stage like it's nothing at all. "Hello, Herrington! What a warm and wonderful welcome we've had here. My husband is excited to celebrate his election in his hometown! Thank you all for voting for him and promoting his campaign. We couldn't have come this far without you." Chantilly sees Mr. Shriner inching toward her on the stage, so she backs away and waves as she goes.

  Mr. Shriner waits for the applause to die down before addressing the audience. "If I can have everyone's attention, the smallest city in the country, Drotmire has tallied their votes and they will appear on the screen any minute now. Ah, here they are." My eyes are drawn to the screen. Oh no. "52% of the vote goes to Bloxhouse and 48% goes to Hamble.

  Damon watches my face sink. "Don't worry, there are only 5,000 votes in Drotmire. The balance will flip and flop with each city reporting."

  Before I can reply, the statistics change. Mr. Shriner smiles and points to the screen, "And another city, it looks like Watercrest, has reported their votes. Things are looking pretty even so far." Bloxhouse has 51% and Hamble has 49% now.

  I lean toward Damon and say, "So, tell me, did we have volunteers knocking doors in every city yesterday?"

  "I sent people to every city but Adanlay."

  I understand that. "Good. Brock's own city is a for-sure thing. They like him as mayor."


  The tally board blasts its bright red and blue colors into my brain. Hamble 40%, Bloxhouse, 60%. I try not to despair, but I really thought it would be closer this late into the night. There are only two cities left to report and they are both big ones, Herrington and Adanlay. They are both 'home cities' to Brock, but will it be enough to overcome a 10% deficit?

  "Everyone, if I can have your attention please, Herrington city hall has just called us with the result of their votes. They should appear on the screen any moment now."

  I feel like my head is pulsing louder than my heart. Just put it up; I need to know. I look down at my hands right as the results appear. The cheering brings my head back up, Bloxhouse, 56%, Hamble 44%. Oh. That's good. It's the right direction, but that's not enough to win. I lay my head down on the table gently, so I don't disrupt my wig. My eyes close. We worked so hard and I was so sure that Brock would win a week ago. I don't think he can jump 7% with only Adanlay left. His hometown only brought him up 4%.

  Garth whispers to me, "Let's get out of here for a minute."

  "Okay." I try to look as dignified as Josie should under the circumstances as we walk past the peace officers and drink in the cold night air. We walk far enough away that they can't overhear us, yet we can hear Mr. Shriner trying to console the audience over the microphone.

  Garth hugs me in the cold night air. "Are you okay?"

  I sob, "No. I don't think we can do it without him."

  Garth wipes a tear off my cheek. "Greggory is still going to do his part."

  "I know, but I don't think it will be enough by itself."

  Damon walks out the door toward us at a brisk pace. "The call from Adanlay just came in. Get in here."

  I wave him away. "I can hear the microphone just fine out here."

  Damon reaches his arm out toward me. "We started this thing strong; let's finish it strong."

  I shrug. "Okay, fine."

  Garth keeps himself between Damon and me as we walk back in.

  Mr. Shriner tells us what we already know. "This is it, ladies and gentlemen. Please direct your eyes to the screen."

  The whole room goes silent. Damon sits down at our table and sets his head on his arms. He already knows. He must be so disappointed. I sit down next to him to console him when the room erupts into applause. What? I look at the screen and see the number 51% next to-Hamble! 49% Bloxhouse. No way. How did Adanlay pull him up 7%?

  I laugh in triumph even though I'm so confused. "I thought you said you didn't send anyone to Adanlay."

  Damon raises his head off the table. "I didn't. Brock and Chantilly went door to door themselves."

  I jump out of my seat and hug Garth. "We did it! It's a miracle, but somehow we did it!"

  My mom and dad rush over and wrap their arms around me. Greggory is laughing like a maniac when he joins us. I'm even more impressed when Brock breaks away from the throngs of people around him and completes our family hug. The
ir tears trigger mine. Brock voices what we're all thinking. "I can't believe it! We won!"

  Chapter 17

  Avra smiles at me from her side of our bed. "I wish I could have been there."

  "I know. I wish you could have, too. How are you feeling?"

  Avra smirks. "Like the walking dead."

  I laugh and then grow somber. "So tell me about being back there."

  She sighs and lays back on the pillows. "It was horrible. The complex chief, Mentor Briggs, Mentor Roberta, and Doctor James came to my cell to yell at me every day. I just sat there and didn't say anything. The food was way worse than the pink trays I remember. It tasted so weird and I quit caring about everything. I was so sad to be away from everyone I love and back to the place that I knew would kill me that I just let myself shut down."

  "I'm surprised they thought they could get answers from you while medicated on their new concoction of behavior modification stuff."

  "They realized after a while that the medicine was keeping them from their goal. They took me off all medicine for a few days and then stuck me in a room with Jefrey. I think they were hoping that if the two of us were together that we would talk about where the rest of you were."

  I could see how that would work. Fear seizes me. "Did you two talk then? Did you give anything away?"

  "Jefrey knew what they were doing. He told me not to say anything about this place. He said they planned to kill us both no matter what, so it wasn't worth hurting the rest of you too."

  Is this the same Jefrey who was angry and resentful when he left? "I'm so surprised to hear that. I mean, he sold us out not that long ago."

  Avra stretches out on the bed. "I think he has changed, Elira. He apologized for turning me in for money. He said that he was mad that Garth was getting everything he wanted and he wasn't. Jefrey thought that if he had enough money then he could have everything he wanted, too. But that plan backfired on him. He lost everything, and he knew that you would never forgive him. That made him the saddest. He said that he never wanted to hurt you."


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