A Life of Submission

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A Life of Submission Page 10

by Argus, JJ

  I stayed where I was, breathless and frightened, hoping none of the anger these men apparently felt for Chad would attach itself to me. I also feared being sexually attacked, of course, but this had lost much of its terror for me since my initial capture. I feared pain and death far more.

  "You spent my money on this bitch?" he demanded, pointing at me.

  Chad coughed and groaned, and one of the men kicked him again, then both yanked him to his feet and held him.

  "Who did you give my money to?" Phil demanded.

  "Man I... I can call my dad and..."

  One of the men punched him in the stomach and he gurgled and half collapsed.

  "I want my money now, Chad," Phil said.

  "I-I... c-can get it," Chad gasped.


  "I... but I need time," he moaned desperately. "Take the girl and have fun with her. You know I'll come and get her."

  "I got all the whores I need, boy. I don't need another one."

  I flinched at such casual dismissal of my worth, such contempt in my character.

  He leered at Kristine then, reaching up to run his hands over her body. "Maybe I'll take your girlfriend, though. She might be a little fun for a while."

  Kristine squeaked and shook her head frantically.

  "Yeah, sure!" Chad exclaimed eagerly. "You know I'll get the money to you then!"

  "Chad!" Kristine screamed in shock.

  "She's great in bed, man. Really! You won't..."

  Another punch in the stomach dropped him to his knees and he coughed and gasped for breath as the two men yanked him up again.

  "You're pathetic, man. You're gonna tell me who you gave my money to," Phil said. "And I'm gonna get it back."

  "B-but they won't refund it!" Chad exclaimed, clearly frightened. "I mean, she's uh... she's damaged goods now."

  "What the fuck does that men? She looks like fine stuff to me." Phil grinned at me again.

  "She uh, was a virgin."

  "You're kidding? So? You just got in the fuckin' door. When did you have time to do anything about it?"

  "Downstairs in the garage."

  Phil cursed and rolled his eyes. "That's your problem, boy, you got no patience. You can never wait a little bit to enjoy yourself. You gotta have everything right away. Now you're gonna tell me where my money is, or you and this slut girlfriend of yours are gonna take swan dives off the balcony."

  I inhaled sharply, only slightly comforted by the fact he had not mentioned me.

  Two more black men appeared in the doorway, and the room began to seem much smaller than it was. Their eyes were drawn immediately to Kristine, and then to me, and I saw grins and leers appear on their faces. The anxiety and embarrassment within me rose still higher, and I dropped my eyes.

  "Take this asshole out and find out where he spent my money," Phil ordered them. "And don't bring him back without it."

  Two of the men took Chad out, and Phil shoved Kristine towards one of the other men.

  "Tie that bitch up," he said, settling into a large, plushly upholstered chair.

  One of the men grabbed her, and amused himself by groping and fondling her as she yelped and squirmed and protested feebly. Phil turned his eyes to me and I quailed in fear.

  "So you're a slave, huh?"

  "Yes, master," I replied.

  He blinked in surprise, then grinned widely as the other two men laughed.

  "Come here, slave."

  I rose to my feet, walked forward, then dropped to my knees before his chair, trembling slightly.

  "You got a nice, fuckin' body, slave."

  "Thank you, master," I replied.

  I was embarrassed, yet encouraged that he found something in me to his liking. He seemed quite a dangerous man, perhaps more dangerous than any I had ever encountered, and I was eager to convince him of my value.

  "What's your name?"

  "I am a slave, master," I said almost automatically.

  He snorted in amusement.

  "What's your name?" he repeated, more loudly, as if to a simpleton.

  "I was told I had no name any longer, master," I said uncertainly.

  "Weird," one of the other men said.

  "You got no name?"

  "I will only have a name when I am given one by my master, master."

  He looked oddly at me, stroking his chin consideringly.

  "Ain't that cool," he said. "So what can you do, slave girl?"

  "Anything you tell me to, master," I replied, trying to keep the tension and anxiety from my voice.

  A slow grin spread across his face, and he made an impatient gesture at the other two men, who made obscene suggestions.

  "Play with that bitch over there and leave us be," he ordered, them, not taking his eyes off me.

  I heard a squeal from Kristine, and laughter from the two men, followed by sounds of a struggle, but I continued to look up as calmly as I could at the large man in the chair before me.

  "Come here," he said, motioning me forward.

  I smiled and slid forward, rising on my knees. He took my arms, effortlessly dragging me up and sitting me across his lap. I continued to smile as his hands explored my body, and then, remembering how Mistress had trained me, made signs of pleasure, sighing and smiling more broadly, arching my back and spreading my legs somewhat.

  "Damn," he said, sounding intrigued. I leaned my head forward, licking at his fingers, then taking one long finger into my mouth, giving him a seductive look as I slid my lips slowly down its length and licked at it.

  "You're really somethin' else,' he said admiringly.

  He began to slide his finger in and out of my mouth, adding a second, and I kept my lips pursed, licking at them and moaning softly. He pulled his fingers free, sliding them down between my legs and stroking them along the line of my sex, and I felt a little shudder, spreading my legs wider.

  "So you're a virgin, huh?"

  "Except for once, master," I said weakly.

  "Then you're a virgin, cause Chad don't count."

  He grinned and stood up, lifting me in his arms as though I weighed nothing. I could see Kristine now, still struggling weakly against the other two black men.

  "Don't! Don't touch me! No! Ungh!" she gasped, as she was pinned back into a large chair. One of the men forced her legs up and back, yanking them up so that she was laying more on her back than her bottom, jamming her knees back over the arms of the chair. Grinning, the other man helped hold her there, and Kristine's body thrashed and jerked more desperately. Then the first man leaned in against her, positioning his cock at the centre of her sex and thrust into her.

  She let out a curse and then a wail of anger and despair, thrashing even more violently, but as the man jammed himself deeper and then began to pump, her struggles weakened and her head dropped back.

  Phil carried me to the large bed and climbed into it, setting me down on my back. My arms were still bound behind me but he seemed to either not notice or not care. He stripped off his shirt, then as I spread my legs, posed his heavy body atop me. His elbows took much of his weight, but I still felt overwhelmed by the size of him as he lay upon me, his flesh soft against my breasts and belly.

  He began to kiss me, and I, of course, kissed back eagerly, despite my fear, embarrassment and anxiety. His hands moved over my body, squeezing and fondling my breasts and groin. Then he jerked down his loose pants and drew out a thick black erection, panting somewhat now as he positioned it against my pussy. I felt my lips being spread apart for the second time that day and braced myself for further pain, but he did not force himself in, instead jabbing lightly even while continuing to kiss and fondle me.

  Across from us, Kristine was grunting now as the man raping her thrust with growing savagery. Her shoulders were jammed against the seat back where it met the seat, forcing her chin forward on her chest, and her legs were splayed widely, the man using her gripping both behind the knees and jamming them down over the arms of the chair to spread her sex wide
. His black bottom was a blur as he slammed down furiously, the sound of flesh meeting flesh growing quite loud in the room.

  My own pussy began to ache now, for Phil's erection was thicker than Chad's had been. Yet he was thrusting in more slowly, grinding his hips as he did so. Several times he removed his cock and rubbed the moist head back and forth along my slit, causing my pierced clitoris to twitch and quiver in response. He mouthed my nipples, rings and all, sucking and chewing slowly but forcefully, and I felt them begin to throb and harden.

  My pussy seemed to loosen under his careful attack, and soon, though it strained and ached, the soft, elastic walls were being pushed aside by the long thickness of him, my taut lips squeezed tightly around his intruding member. I groaned and panted for breath as he chewed on the nape of my neck. Then he buried himself within me with a sudden thrust that caused me to cry out.

  "Yeah. Tight," he whispered, squeezing my breasts as he chewed on my throat.

  His hips moved in a grinding motion and his organ twisted about within the confines of my abdomen.

  Across from us the first man finished raping Kristine and slapped the palm of the second, who took his place. Kristine made a feeble effort to resist, but soon he was thrusting into her as forcefully as the other had. "Not so hard," she begged, her voice breaking.

  In response he thrust harder still, and the two men laughed.

  "You like that baby?" Phil whispered.

  "Yes, master," I replied, putting as much enthusiasm into my voice as I could manage.

  "Hot little bitch, ain't you."

  "Fuck me, master," I replied.

  His teeth gleamed and he began to do so, his hips continuing to grind and roll from side to side as he began to stroke. It ached, at first, but my insides very quickly came to accept this movement, and the pain faded. I was thus able to examine the sensation of being fucked for the first time, for had not been capable during my initial deflowering. I decided it felt rather nice, much like being sodomized but... better, more natural.

  The long length of Phil's erection stroked back and forth between my taut pubic lips, and I began to feel that for the first time I was truly being used as a slave by a master. Yet there was far less sorrow in that than I would have expected. Instead, I felt oddly complete. And as the sensations in my breasts and lower belly began to turn to pleasure my anxieties faded and I began to actually enjoy my ravishment.

  Phil eased back from off of me, still stroking, but doing it from a kneeling position. He gathered up my legs, lifting them onto his shoulders, then leaned into them, pressing them back over my own head as he thrust into me. He did not use me as forcefully as Kristine was being used, at least at first, but the long length of his cock thrust deeply down into my belly with each stroke, and the speed and force of those strokes was growing alongside my own excitement.

  Yes, excitement. For Chad’s eager, if graceless use had already prepared my body, given me the hint of what I was made for, a taste of the sensation a slave could receive from a full and powerful use. Now both my body and mind were relishing the sensation of a real man inside and above me. Still, I was glad the other two were distracted somewhat by Kristine, for embarrassment still gripped me at such carnal behaviour in front of strangers.

  Although that too was strangely altering shape. One of the other men had his back to us as he made use of Kristine, but the other stood alongside the chair, and each time I felt his eyes turn towards us I felt a simultaneous rise in shame and excitement. The excitement was an odd, wicked kind, a lewd exhibitionism I had not quite known I possessed.

  Yes, I was a beautiful, sexy slave girl. I was hot. I was exciting to look upon and to touch. Men desired me. I was seductive and erotic and...

  Or so I had come to realize over the past days. Perhaps I was merely a thing, a toy to use, but I was a greatly desired toy which could make men's eyes widen and their cocks harden and their hearts beat faster. So each time I felt the man turn to watch me being used as I was I felt a tightening in my chest, a breathlessness as he watched the thick, gleaming black cock thrusting down into my body. I felt wicked and lewd and sluttish, and daring for being all of that.

  "You like that, baby? You like that?" Phil panted.

  "Yes, master! Fuck me, master! I love your cock!" I groaned.

  This was not entirely a falsehood. I was growing more and more excited by the steady plunge of his thick cock deep into my body, by the steady downward thrust of my knees, forced back by his powerful chest, by the way my body was being bounced up and down on the mattress, and the heavy weight of his hips as they slammed against my upraised buttocks.

  "That's some kinda slut," the man across from us said admiringly.

  I felt a little shudder of excitement at the words.

  Abruptly, Phil eased back onto his heels, and then yanked me up so that I straddled his body, impaled upon his thick cock. I shuddered and groaned, laying my head against his shoulder as he chewed on my neck and kneaded my buttocks. Abruptly, he grasped at the shackles binding my wrists, and then pulled my head back.

  "How do I unlock this shit?" he demanded.

  "I don't know, master," I said.

  He fumbled at the shackles, then looked across to Kristine.

  "How do I unlock these handcuffs?" he demanded.

  She did not answer until the man using her halted and slapped her face lightly.

  "Where's the keys to the handcuffs, bitch?" he asked.

  "I don't know," she groaned miserably.

  He slapped her again and she whimpered. "Chad had them."

  "Shit," Phil grumbled. "Go check his coat," he told the other man.

  He resumed kneading my buttocks now, and leaned his head in and down to mouth and chew against my nipples. His powerful arms began to raise me up and down on his cock, and I worked my knees in tighter against him then began to help, riding up as best I could, sighing in genuine relish each time I sank back upon his mighty cock and took it deep into my body.

  A moment or so later the other man returned, bent over behind me and unlocked the shackles binding my wrists. I immediately brought my hands forward and slid them over Phil's shoulders, now able to ride him more easily, grinding my breasts into his face.

  "Yeah. Ride that, cock slave girl," the other man said admiringly.

  He had an erection again, and Phil turned my head, firmly, but not unkindly directing my lips forward. I leaned slightly towards my left, still using arms and legs to ride up and down on Phil's cock, and took the other man between my lips, moaning around his tool as he pushed deeper. I licked at the head and bobbed my lips at first, but soon he was pumping and I need only hold my head still while riding atop Phil.

  My entire body was thrumming with sexual excitement now, and I could feel a glow between my legs, a glow which began to inflame my mind and body to the point where nothing else mattered. I reached out to the other man suddenly, feeling a masochistic desire to be truly impaled, grasped at his buttocks and pulled him nearer even as I leaned further to my left. The head of his cock popped through into my throat and slid down inside me as my lips moved all the way to the base of his organ.

  "Oh fuck!" he groaned.

  I felt a shudder of elation and pride, and then as Phil chewed on my nipple and I rode his cock, my orgasm arrived. My body stiffened, then quivered violently as the ecstasy rode through my nervous system, and I felt truly wanton, truly a sexual animal, a wild, hedonistic creature fully in her element.

  I almost blacked out, so great was the disorientation and pleasure that I forgot completely about the cock filling my mouth, the cock pumping excitedly up and down inside my throat, blocking my breath. Then the man pulled back of his own accord, gripping my hair and rubbing his wet cock across my face, over my lips and cheeks as I gasped for breath.

  I recovered somewhat, but still felt wild and wanton, and, remembering my sight of Amy riding the man on the ship as others looked on, turned, gasping and moaning, and begged him to sodomize me even as I sat impale
d upon Phil.

  He cursed, and Phil laughed, and a moment later I was held between them, knees spread wide, leaning in against Phil as he lay further back, and feeling the other man's stiffness pushing into my anus. The pressure mounted, and I felt my wrinkled anal opening slowly being forced in and back, my mind burning with masochistic arousal now as the head of his cock began to force its way up into my body.

  I groaned aloud, groaned into Phil’s mouth, then groaned louder still as he pulled his lips free and fastened them around my nipple, chewing and biting. I could feel the cock jabbing at me from behind, could feel the ache as it forced my anus open inch by inch, driving higher into my belly alongside Phil’s mighty shaft. The flesh between the two thick cocks seemed so slight and so flimsy that I imagined it tearing so that the two great male organs could join together inside me.

  "Oh God!" I gasped explosively.

  My abdomen felt so full, so cramped and aching with the two thick male organs within, and then as they began to move I felt as though my insides were being stirred and twisted, as though my inner organs would be turned to a hot, steaming stew around their hard, thick erections.

  I felt a new ache now, a cramping deep within my belly as the cock within my anus climbed uncomfortably high. Yet that cramping, that ache, only fed the dark hunger inside me, and as I felt his pelvis press in against my soft buttocks and force my hips in against Phil I let out a long shudder of bliss at how deeply penetrated I was.

  For a moment they held still, their cocks buried within my belly, their hands moving over my body. Then they began to grind against me, and Phil’s hands eased down to my hips to push me upwards and drop me down. Moments later the cock in my rectum began to pump as well, using short strokes at first, loosening up my sphincter.

  Their hard, heavy male bodies ground me between them, their hands and teeth mauling me as they threw their hips in against me, and I rolled bonelessly between them, glorying in my own use, in my own subjugation, in being a wild, sluttish sexual toy for their play. The cock behind me pumped faster, harder, and Phil began to growl, to rock my body up and down against him. They were tearing me apart, and I gloried in it.


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